untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1900-05-25


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APRIL AND OTHER FORM BOOKS. A|»rM books of Form Charts in paper cover met oa sale. They contain all the Form rjharts of all tracks from April 1 to April 30 taofasive. Price, .00. AMERICAN SPORTING MANUAL. The American Sporting Manual of 1900 contains all racing records at large, revised and complete up to the end of 1899 ; four handicap- ping systems with directions for their practical application, a table showing how to compute bookmaking percentages, track records of all the recognized tracks of the country, the western and eastern scales of weights, tables showing the comparative speed of tracks, a complete list of pugilistic contests of 1899 of any conse- quence, trotting and pacing records at all distances and a list of the new 2 :15 trotters of 1899. Also a complete record of performances at all styles of billiards, together with scores of all the important matches and tournaments of 1899 ■ , Saturday" Monday We will be able to give you some long shots. Sold only at our office or telegraphed at 11 a.m .... .00 WEEKLY OR .00 DAILY HR1ERICHN HORSEMENS AGENCY SUITE 516, 167 DEARBORN ST. I 15-1. .Again Our.. 15-1 Chance was an easy winner. Dont be humbugged buying chean TEN CENTS TIPS OLDEST And om,y Race Track BBSS*??" Can *ive you the best things that are pulled off on race t racks. Saturday 20 to 1. Easv winner No guessing with us. We always deliver the goods. Specials wired at 8:30 a.m. .00 DAILY. .00 THREE DAYS. 500-502-504, 263 DEARBORN STREET, Tel. Harrison 1580. CHICAGO. , . I I ANNIE OLDFIELD 8 TO 1 OUR GOOD THING TUESDAY. IT WON. ... AT ST. LOLLS TODAY Another 10 to 1 shot. Better than Oldfield. We only have a couple each day BUT THEY WIN. MONDAY AT HAAVTHORNE 40 TO lOO TO I And only known at this office. Subscribe in tim . Ready or wired 10 a.m. .00 DAILY .00 WEEKLY. Chicago Turf Advisory Co., Room 707. 225 Dearborn St.. Chicago, 111. 1 1 c * . - Gentlemen Remember Today FRIDAY, MY LONG SHOT PROMISED as were Owensboro, Tyrba, Janowood, Harry Her-endeen, Ailanto. Dont fail to get specials on or before going to track. All specials on sale at 170 E. Madison street, news stand south-east corner Clark and Madison streets, and southwest corner Halsted and Madison streets. BUNCO-BRONCHO INFORMATION CO., 91 Lincoln Ave. Col. J. C. J... .... v,v,i. „. vy. Wooters. miincis. Manager. manager. - I ■« e 1 v c * J... .... v,v,i. „. vy. miincis. Manager. manager. 15 TO 1 HARDLY 15 TO 1 Was the good thing our clients received yesterday. We have those KIND EVERY DAY. TODAY at LAKESIDE in second race will GUARANTEE the winner or the following days selections FREE. Saturday the winner of the INDIANA HANDICAP-10 to 1 or better. .00 per day, .00 weekly. Wired 10 a.m. daily. GARDEN CITY INFORMATION BUREAU, Room 506 Inter Ocean Bldg, Chicago. I ] J « SAYMl O/ATIIi DO YOU KNOW? SRJII SUfllinERFIELD is president of the DEARBORN TAILORING CO., 102 EAST MADISON STREET. Suits From $ 1 5.00 Up Trousers 55.00 Up , | . « • WE ALWAYS DELIVER THE GOODS. STAR THEATRE, Clark and Kinzie Sts. BOXING Every Eriday Night — Under auspices of the ... . FORT DEARBORN ATHLETIC CLUB Sam Summerfield, 5SSSE£ C. T. ESSIG, Secretary. BILL FRIDAY, MAY 25 Dick Green, Chicago, vs. Oil Olson, Chicago. 130. Paddy Maloney, San Francisco, vs. Larry Glea-son, Chicago, 126. Pete Powers, Chicago, vs. John Wille. Chicago, 151. GRAND DOUBLE WIND-UP. Steve Flanagan, Philadelphia, vs. Clarence Forbes, Chicago, 115. Young Mahoney, Ger-mautown,Pa.,vs. Jack 0Brien,Philadelphia,15Q. Tickets on Sale Thursday morning at Chapin and Gores ami Hogaus. I I . ■ * ] « « « 1

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1900s/drf1900052501/drf1900052501_2_7
Local Identifier: drf1900052501_2_7
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800