Big List Of Futurity Eligibles.: 211 Two-year-olds Remain In, but Many Will Be Declared Out July 15., Daily Racing Form, 1907-04-25

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BIG LIST OF FUTURITY ELIGIBLES. 211 Two-year-olds Remain In, but Many Will Bo Declared Out July 15. For ill- iiiiuiiv which is to he inn at Sheens bead Bay Augnsi 31, 211 two year olds rentals eligible, hut of coarse a greal many of these will he declared out on or before Jalj IS, tin- date i ii„. tin 1 1 declarations. The Fatarlt] dosed January 3. 1905, with 927 nominal ions, of which :;io were rold through deaths, slipping and barren , . 27., were decbired al 10 each; M at i each; two at SOU each, ami one at o. The follow lag la a IM of the eligihlea: the loll. .win- to pay 6350 to start, or sum forfeit; ... if decbired oul by July 1.".. 1907: BELMONT, AUGUST. Antaeus, eh. c, by Henry ,.i - rarre Innol l.vle: Hal. eh. r, by llastin--1 tmiia ib? in--: Fail Play, eh. e, bj Hastings Fairy i.. til Fond Heart, b. f, by Hastings Fond Hopes: Mad Harry, h. . bj Hastings Lady Madge; Mase. b. i. l»j Hastings Ladj Margaret; Bayi d. -h. e, bj Hastings Lady Rayon; Halt Sovereign, eh. f, by Hastings Souveraine; Pri- cllllan, eh. g, by Has ting! St. Prisrillaj Smirker, b. -. by Si. Blaise Souriaut,e; Valley Streass, ch. i. h.v Octagon— Lady oi the allej . BELMONT AUGUST tt. H. Aaderaoo. Si i, i !,.. ,, I. h Sir l ion Teas ovei . BELMONT, PERRY. Ionia, b. f. by Etbelbert— onis The rhora, ch. g, hv Ethelberl American Beauty; Donna Mobile, b. I. by Etbelbert— Mavada ; Franciscan, eh. -. hv AUowaj Frantic; Apache, ch. g, i,. Ethelberl Yaqul. BENNET. I. A. J. B. Haggin Bay colt, by Greenan lTuadaga. BENNET, l . Karl Juagblutb. Bay filly, bj P.en Strome Voltarlo. BROWNLKIGH PARK STABLE i.l. B. Haggla. Mill- Sol. b. c, by Teddlngtoa AbUoae. Bl KM. E. Crav colt, hv I aradav Crimea BURLEW, FRED L. ». Appleby t. -Blue Ban. Ii .■ !,v Blues Banana. BURLEW, FRED J. B. Haggin.— Chapaltepec, I, ,- i,v Gerotsteln -Gracloaitj : Koyal Vane. h. c, hv Koval 1 lush III Flarane. CAR! TH1 ItS JAMBS August Belmont. -Camp-light, ch. c. by Hastings Cainplire. OBLLA, I A i.l.i - B. Clay. Mondella. eh. f. by Carlton Grange Cambric i ILL I. A J. B. Haggin. Glenlster, h. -. by Glenbeha- Kruda; Vista, h. f, by Star Ruby--Linda cii.i.A. I., a. in. D. Baadotph. — La Soiier. h. f. hv Ben StriMue ManoU Mason. CHAMBERLAIN, WILSON. Oharlle Dakar ty. b. or hi ,• i ii I Btherless Lisnle Truex. CHELSEA STABLE F. tt. Hitchcock. Saturn. I, e hv Mnh-v hek Halo. CHELSEA STABLE J. E. Maddeul. Laughing Eyes, ch. f, bj Planudes -Muxiue Elliott. cowdin. .1. v.. K. c. Cowdin.— Metaphor, ch. f. hv Yankee Meta.* CROSBY, I I. B Haggin Wendy, h. f. by Glenbeim Idverslty II.; Inconsistent br. i, by Gleuheliii Vint idle Kl.i.isiiN || Karl Juugblnth. Lady Souffle. ch. t. hv Nastiirtiuin Souffle; Staunch and True. b. r, by Hamburg Semper Iidele. EMERY, HAMtKL I.. O. Appleby.— Araaea, b. c. by Blaes Hun. h EAKUIJl.L. FRANK J. J. B. Haggin.— .Tim Gaffney, b. i by Golden Garter li--s Maxim; Bay colt, hv siai Rahj .iv ids He Seniles, b. or br. .-. hv Aikh- sin- Chime; James B. Brady, b. c, by Mimic Bus] I i iv ii:iz JR., JOSEPH, sahalhr. b. f. by Salrado Miss lh-e 111. GIDEON, H— Ida D., b. f. by His Highness - .ii a ie C. GRIFFITH. J. EDWIN J. I!. Haggla.— Edith Glen, -h. i. hv Gienheim Edith E. HAGGIN. .1 P.. Castlltan. b. e, hv Star Kuhv— l..i Carhuca; Pitcher, b. c. by Arkle Red Orange; Honnell. cb. C, by Hieudonne Nell; Welhei k. ch. f. by Kinley Mark Berrii-ilale: Umpire, h. c. h.v Kinley Mack Florence Breckenridge; Countermand, h. i- by Order .laniie: Iiehh-r. b. c. h lireenan — Drusllla. HAYMAN, M. L. J. B. Haggin Glvonnl Rag i;io. rli. c, by Dteudonne Thorn Blossom. HERBHOLD. OTTO i.l. B. Haggla- Blue Pilot. 1 . c, hv Caiiopus — Cerulea. IllTCllcocK. F. tt. August Betmoat— Wood ii. i ti. b. «-. i«v i ii I agon Woodnj mph. HITCHCOCK, F. R. Smoker, ch. c, by Yankee Smoke. HITCHCOCK. THOMAS. JR. Long Ball. b. c. by Plaudit, Gutta Perch*. II N.MNCS. . B. Ii. B. Haggin— Julia Powell. eh. f. by Watercress— Cottage Girt; Fawinstor, h. e, by Watercress Fascination III JOHNSON, BEN. Meikle George, br e. by Rw kin 11. Mis Nelson; Old Joe, hlk . I.j Hand ••me l.lnetzin. JONES, I K Ami.- Ratliff, blk. f. by l.auriuin Lite Lee. JOYNRR, A. .1. i.l. B. Haggin Golden Pearl, ch. •. hv Col. h n Carter Pearl : Tartar M ihl b. f. by Star Ituhv Barbara Maid: Sparker, cb. •-. hv star Rubj Fusee; Rlalto, ch. c, hv Watercress I, -alio: Seqnence, b. t. by Royal Flush III. Parthla 5; Hessian, b. c, h Watercress c lonial 3. KEKNE, JAMES R. Besom, br. c, by Ben. Brush Noonday; Meggs Hill, b. f. hv Ben Brush R«a away Girl; Twigs, br. i.. by Ben Brush Kosei n land. Sepoy, ch. e, h.v si. Leonards Nautcfa cirl: Transvaal, b. c, by Commando Royal Rose; i ii?i-n. b. g, by Voter Elsie; Earls Court, b. ■. by King-too Dominoes; Anonynta, b. ■■ by Disguise uptime; Masquerade, b. f, hv Disguise Splendour; Masque, b. c, by Disguise Rhodesia; Colin, h. c. by Commando Pastorella; Petei Quince, ch. •■. by Commando Fair Vishm: Restigoucbe, blk. g, by Commando Dancing Water. KEENB, JAMES P. IW. Harry Brow n i Red Bonnet, -h. f. by St. Simonlan Reckon; Infanta, hlk. f, by Disguise Senorlta. I.AZABIS. SAM Mannie May, h. f. hv Mac] Manette; Heap Talk, b. c, by Uacj Iow Wow. LILLARD. E. T. Little Minnie, h. f, by Stephen l.illard -Isabel. MACKAY, CLARENCE II P.annatvne. h. r, by Banastar Loch Dee. MADDEN. J. B. 1 1.. A. Livingston . h. c. hv Galore lai.otional. MADDEN, I. E. Miss Angle, eh. t. by Pis laden Mat ansa; — . b. c, hv Ogden Colden Drop: Meellck, ch. c, by Planudes HltnyU: Keep Moving. I., f. by Yankee l.a Polka: King James, I. c, by I Hi ml it Insightly: — hr. c, by Plaudit Imp. Queen Lead, b. f. by Plaudit Myrtle Harkness; Coppers, h. e, by Ogden Ida Plekwlck; stokes, b. c, hv Ogden Nahma: , ch. f , by Plaudit Cleopbus; Mis BUcksl , ch. f. by Frankfort Mary Black: He Burgo, ch. e. by PUnudes l.adv Sterling. MATHER, CHARLES E Pocopson. ch. e. by Pagan Loyalty; eh: f. hv Pagan Flurrv; Pagan Maid. b.« f , by Pagan Belle Stuart. MCARREN. P. II. il. P.. Haggin -GoM Heart. ch. c, h.v Colden Cartel Heartless; Cold Quarts, eh c. h.v Cohltiiieh Glenolla; onta.t. b. •-. by Bathamptoii Toucii. MCI.INHK K. JOHN J. B. Haggin May Bren nan. ch. f. hv Bendoian Thlstleblnl; Oriental Queen, b. f. by Greenan Empress Dowager; The linker, h. c. by Shaplell or Order Mollie B. IS. ; Speed Marvel, h. I. hv Watereoloi Speedy. MCULLOUGH, J. S. James It. Keene P.en Sand. la. c, hv P.en Brush Sandfly. MCULLOUGH, -I. S. G. M. La Braache Mi- Schlrndlng. h. f. by Voter Honej Sweet. MDOWELL, THOMAS C. Baj tillv. hv Allan a Hale Qaeeallke II. NEWCASTLE STABLE L. A. Mvingstoa Big Chief, ch. c, by Pontlac Madelalue. NEWCASTLE STABLE R i. Cowdhfr— The Squire, ch, c, by Prince of Melbourne Homespun. NEWCASTLE STABLE C. 11. Mackay Carroll-ton, h. c. by I lorizel II. Balhintrae; Frivolity, b. I. by Nasturtium Admiration: Irish Eyes, b. f. by Isinglass Irish Ivy II. ; Hester Pry line. b. I. by Orme Mistress Penn. NORTON, EDWARD I. Corncob, b. -. by N. turtlum Cornelia. ORMONDALE STABLE W. »!■ Macdoaougb Agnes Dorothea, cb. t. by Ormonde Artemis. OXNARD, .1. G. i.l. B. Haggin GoMen Buckle. ih. I. by Cohh-n Garter Bavassa; Cananea, t . f. by Golden Cartel Desirable. PAGET. SYDNEY Field Marshal, h. c, by Hamburg Field Argent. POWERS, W. I.. W. Harry Brown.— Retrospect, b. t. hv St. Simonlan Lollle Easttn. POWERS. W. I.. -Treasure, b. I. by Goldcrest— Ms marl; 1ashion. br. f by Llssak -Atfeet. RIPY, Ban I Too Blue, b. c, by Blues -Sweet Too. SANFORD, JOHN. — Onatassa. ch. e, by Isidor— Rock water; Sir John Johnson, b. c, by Isidor La 1om a IL; Fori Johnson, b. c, by Cbuctanuada— White Frost; Grasslands, b. I. by Chuctanunda— Arrow grass; Frances Ray, eh. t. by Clifford One I Love; Chief Brant, eh. c, by Clifford Ballyroe. SCHWARTZ, M. L. Cf. C. MDowell. Pomander, ••h e. hv Hamburg Peg Woflington. SCI I.l. V. W. 0. .1. B. Haggin i. -Bob Cray. h. c, by Maxlo Bavaria. SEAGRAM, .1. i:. -T. B. Haggle. Batfabrlck, h. c, by Bathampton Ironic SHIELDS, M. E. C. Cowdin. Suzeiain. h. c, hv Prince of Melhoiirne Suzon. SHIELDS, WM. J. tt. Haggin. false Garter, eh I, hv Colden outer falsalara; l.adv Powell, h. I hv Toddlngton .%li.-na. SIWANOY STABLE L. 0. Appleby. — Pessimist. b. c hv Blues Lioness. SMYTH, I. V. Mlrdli, hlk. g, by lldrim Indian l.ass. STEVENSON, THOS. G. Duke of Roanoke, b. c, by Hamburg Shansbeen. SIT. I. IVAN. P. 11. BlUy B. Van, h. g. by Isll Sadie S. SULLIVAN, T. D. J. B. Haggin.- Tony Wam-ner ch. c, hv Kinlej Mack Kitty B. II. WARBEN, JOSEPH II. J. B. Haggin. Platach Light, b. f. hv Imlio -Edlaonia. WHITNEY, 11. P. Chi-inut colt, h Nasluitium BaRyboo; chestnut lilly. by Hamburg Daisy v.: stamina, b. f. by Nasturtium Endurance by Bight: Bar None. eh. C. by Nasturtium Equality ; hay colt, bj Sandringham Forge Burgher, b. c, by Ham burg Hnrlev Bui lev . hiv tillv. by Hamburg Kil deer; lav filly, by Hamburg Melba; Angelas, br. c, bj Sandringham Vespers; Yorkviile Beau. eh. e, hv Hamburg Yorkviile Belle. WILSON. JR., R. T. ill. P. llcaillc.v I. Chestnut colt, h.v Ornament OlDe Belle: Sanguine, ch. c. by Ornament Alarming. WILSON, R. T. JB Saltrum. br. f. by Sindring-ham Dissembler; cbestaul colt, t v Nasturtium llalioana. Ilie following to pay 1370 to start; or KIM forfeit; oi gf9 || declared oal by Jalj 15, 1997: ALLEN, FRANK, critlon Colors, ch. c, by Griffon All Colors. ARTE, A. I. Catesby Woodford, rack Shot, eh c, by Star Shoot — Ollte Dixon. BAUER, JULIUS.- Perkeo, eh by Previous Rebut; Raqael, br. f. bj Previous Hatasoo; Fernando, eh. X, by Previous Indian fairy; Little, h. g, hy Previous Iroquois Belle: Former, hlk. g. by Previous Veraeioiis; Hlgbsplre, b. g. by Mesmerist ii -. Longford. BEACON STABLE iV. B. Forgy. Ahuona. Ch. f by All-ert Desdemona. CAMDEN. I. N.. .lit. Man Talhott, ch. f. hy Maaagan sister Juliet: Dunvegan, b. c. by St. Sil Ian If Thistlelinch. i IRROLL. JAMES F. Mrs. T. .1. Caraoa. He Kalh b. r. hv Criflon Last Bin. CARROLL, iambs F. R. J. Hancock. Genesee, b. I. by fati., ric ~ lash. CBLi.A. L. A. Mrs. T. L Carson Subject, eh. c, h Ben Strome -Subjection; Aim. ch. f. hy Ben Strome Ban Amy: Divorcee, h. f, by Ben Strome — Broken Vows. CLAY. WOODFORD. — Chestnut iilly. by Nastur tiuni Grievance. CURTIS, MBS. L. Will I.yne. Jr.. —Margaret Biiekwav. ch. 1. hv St. Dory — Miss Emily. HARDEN, W. W Lizbeth. ch. f, by Algol— Kate Pelleliel. DRAKE, JOHN A. -Waldorf Belle, h. f, hy Wveth Swiet Billic. Dl RYBA. H. B. It. II Mil. Potter.— Brown colt hv Kalgbt of the Thistle Castana. P. J. E. V. Clay .—Waldorf, h. c. by Star Shoot Alpena: Montauk. ch. e. by Star ■teat lanie Clav. DWYBR, P. J. tt. J. Hancock.— Cedar, h. f, by Father kat— Eostre. DWYEtt. P. J. iM. W. Williams. Carlton, ,-h. e, bv Albert Hoodoa i . EMERY, SAMI EI. Mrs. f - J. Carso,, Blue Heron, b. c by Criflon Blue Bells; frank Bennett. h. e. bv Griffon l.adv Moccasin. EMBRY. SAMUEL ill. f. Oxaard. Lord Pili-granev. b. c, by Flllgrane The Ladv Bel... , fl.l.i:V. MBS. M. V. Lady finlev. b. f. hy Henry N i.iniii load Kannev . POltliY. W. E. — Cora Dusant. ch. f, hy Herbert— Iconoclast. GRIFFIN, IL T. I E. F. Clav.— Dixon Belle, b. f. by Sir Dion Kentucky Belle II GRIFFIN, II. T. W. A. Radford.— Herbie. b. c. hv Herbert Berta. JOHNSON, D. C. Mrs. t. .1. Carson i. Peg if Toole, b. I. by Ben Strome - Henrietta. KEARNEY, 11. S. — i h.-innt tillv. by Rensaelaec Wantage. KIBMILLD STABLE J. N. Camden, Jr..— Battieford. b. e, by st. Simonlan II. Weetmeath. KIRKFIBLD stable iMrs. f. J. Orson.— Margot, b. f. by CrilTon — Irvau.i: Sherring. h. e, hv Griffon Ierlinen: LAKELAND, WILLI AM. — Question Mark. ill. c, by Goldcrest Rose Ban. MLAICHI.IN. JAMES Mrs. T. J. Carson.— Nanno. h. l. by Ben Strome- Blue Jacket. MII.LIOWN STABLE.— Ardri, h. e, by Gtganteem Miss Donne. OXNARD. .T. C. ill. T. Oxnard.— Octopus, eh. s. bv Solitaire II. Wealth. RAINEY, pail J. it. j. Haacoek.— Eaalte, h. g, hv Ron Mermaid. RICHARDS. i . L. Will Lyne. Jr..— Poinciana. b. c hv SI . Dory ESgot ism. si f i.l.v. W. u. A. it. Peabody. — Manama, b. c. bv Masetto — Izevl. sfnl.L. JAMF.s S.— Miss Marjorie, b. f. by Galore — Mariti: Miss Iveragh, b. f by Oberon Iveragh. 1 IH iM AS L R. Mis. T. J. Cars P.en fleet. b. or hr. c by Ben Strome Stivcliiuia. WHITNEY. I! P. iiaicsbv Woodford. Bonnie Star. eh. I. l.v Star Shoo Bonnie Blue 11.

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