untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1907-05-05


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DAILY SPECIALS THIS WEEK I YESTERDAY: "™ SUSSEX ... 9 2 Won FRIDAY IT WAS: SANSAM0N . 41 Won THURSDAY IT WAS: CAMPAIGER . 8 5 Won WEDNESDAY IT WAS: MARATHON . 13 5 Won TUESDAY IT WAS: SAVABLE . . 51 Won ____ The Jamaica j ame looks too soft for me to leave. Turfites, to tell you the truth, I never had such connections in the East before. It is just like old Kentucky i when you are in right. Positively no attention paid to Louisville races this ensuing week. On Saturday, 3 May 11th, I will breeze down to the old stamping grounds then, and not until then, I look out for your Uncle John J. Ward. THIS WEEK JAMAICA EXCLUSIVELY. TERMS! .00 FOR SIX WIRES. ROOM 70, 119 LA SALLE STREET, JOHN J. WARD. i WOODS DAILY FORM LETTER! FIGURE8 COMBINED WITH INFORMATION. 2 RACES AT JAMAICA AND 2 AT OAKLAND .00 DAILY ... Pbona Central 5825 .. . .00 WEEKLY ROOM 33 2 : : : 53 DEARBORN STREET : : : CHICAGO YESTERDAY OUR LETTER GAVE: FRIZETTE 5-2 WON TURNAWAY 4-1 WON I DR. GARDNER 9-10 WON ROYAL HOGUE 3-2 2nd SATURDAY. APRIL 27. TUESDAY. APRIL 30. THURSDAY. MAY 2. Jack McKeon o -1 LOST Ace High 4-1 LOST Killochan 9-5 WON Sepoy 2.-l WON Marathon Scratched Sewell 9-5 WON Byrorerdale 4-1 WON Ethe! Day 1-2 WON Pal 4-1 2nd Royal Rogue 2-1 WON Cloudlisht 21-5 2nd Hugh afcOawaa 12-5 WON MONDAY. APRIL 29. WEDNESDAY. MAY 1. FRIDAY. MAY 3. i ■aster Babert 6-5 WON Jacquin 1-1 WON Fastiaa 6-1 3rd Toy Bov 40-1 LOST Transvaal 7-1 3rd .T-iggler Scratched Be Thankful 2-1 WON Raleigh 13-1 2nd E. Neugent 13-5 3rd Corrigan . 3-5 WON Logistilla 3-1 WON Nabo::assar 7-5 2nd WE NEVER MISREPRESENT. OVOTf all yww* »» »WaW»— — —— s muss ALL 0 I o 1 1 m I Thomas Calhoun, f The NOXAI.T. BY8TBM copyrighted !•» the best Z ~ . f;„ic|,ort I -ancnti tart ayatem en deriaed M w are ■ LOSER, it $ * l, ISJUSIICO SCCOriQ. win pay yoa to get the Noxali System. It has « I wor Oar Daily L a,1J Baa*atn r"1 tPr" One-Horna un ,u,r 8 Wira "lre- iOLVBD the problem of "How to beat the races." Z The noxu.i, svsrnt is not a scheme a X On Friday we gave Battleaxe, won. S st.md-ird pnMicntiou In book form. oMA GUAR- X n....». n ■..-■■! immm.. 3 ANTKKD SYSTEM sold. Lite any article of HEAL 5 merit, advertises it-, if. • Qaj MODAY wo have a sure winner that g wi" ■" ° ver lik En BALU TRACK, POOLROOM OR HANDBOOK 1| g . .... X ON WEDNESDAY another TARTAR MAID. • with equal results. Select* plays from the entries. ,0 yc e" ect better odd- than -i to 1. 8 Tins system has received nothing nut. favorable cum- I ■ m nionts fr.-m those who have purchased it. Hundreds !■ SUBSCRIBE NOW © of unsolicited testlmoniala expressing great satis- j X i A positive WINNER. Tlio system does not play a /] [9 L 1 V 4| bjandW and «V 7 J SH » H S every race. An average of iurlit p.avs a week. Z whL E R h i i»*- - w * ft S f if Oa B A No tips.Jfiamiicippi" or ••doping" reiiuired. Not Z rlaaV M ■ »" ta*i ff 4a fl I £l "*J3 S, complicaWd. but ea v to opera, UK, RESULTS 3 mft I « ffA KVf IJPwMnB S obtained from SMALL CAPITAL. INLIKL any ! 1 1 V ■III l9lflliaVl9lF IIbbH 9 other system: new tuoorv; new thoughts: new ideas. Slr|| ■ a W Btll l""J»"jl ■ ] L 1 1 *l BB8 ll .l:KA!i:Sl winning Will do more for v.iu I St|/ aW BS9HKirBMMMeMR J t!ic.m!bid:l7%,-,M-;i,;-1a:1- Ui-:wiui: *116 I Tr "OUR iNrORMATION QMK DtREGTTROI The TRACK" S WRITE f OR FREE BOOKLET. M Q T I f C | - 2 " * I U l» . Tells all about it and What lr will BO. cnly system sold with b giiaraiitoc. Purchase money at. the end a mmmmmmesm of M days trial :f a Was is gbowa. This alone Jr SUBSCRIBERS to ottr Iriday SPECIAJj. predudes the NOXALL SYSTEM froai being a fj •• BUCK HT BRIGADK." can get our East J aeheme. Investigate at once by wrJtiag for par- Jl eru otie-ltorse wire for oue weok. eommonc- . ticuia:-. _ lag Monday, upon additional payrnei.i of S HOXftll SYSTEM. GRAVESEND, N. Y. | ,Z IZT I Attention Everybody! i mayer and cq. 3 J 9 504, 17! Washington St., Chicago. 9 WE ARE READY at LOUISVILLE to start you V • winner with A GOODiHiNti on next aWaWaWaWaWaWaWW—aWaWl TUESDAY. MAY 7th. "i pj OtTTJ CF ATTRVTIOJI Oiir manager and hi- clock-rs. - . ., _ nl lcniluii; „ ,,, ,,,,, ,,,.., ... ;;i,. c-r0Und All out ..flown snbscnbers to our Lxtra the past ;; weeks, inform us thai this horse baa been .Special that liae sent in tlieir ieposit will specially prepared for i his particular race and should receive their subscription to our Daily One- vin in a common canter. Horse Wire. WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY j rT"w|RFq - We have Two Moi". Hie mloi ina;.r ii on which las S *« ™* • ■» U. W «*J» V w.-il ■« the ahovc, i- l!io Best thai can poesiblj be ■ ■ — — «,«—— — . ,.i ,. i at any ra, e coaraa. S T A R I I G WITH MONDAYS WIRt. BEAR THIS IN MIND! 120OTOrSf jTdaysi NO DOPING NO HANDICAPPING! - MONEY IN g g WAI.WJ Genuine Intormation Only! . WOOD eo REMEMBER— Our Track Wires arc on file tat / , . ir i i your inspection at any time. Established lOOt, Termat for 1 «l«y, 0 for G daya. I 312. 59 DEARBORIM STREET. CHICAGO — H »■■ II ■■ IMI—I1IM Willi III IIIIWIilllMl Snlie 315, 167 Ucartoorn St., t iiirsc, 111. . TU«. D D !M#/ P« Ca»MTaUL6138 NATIONAL RACING REVIEW me B. tjjnioLo. alto...5,,i — « TjBsssm ssl* lost"0 ,tL ~ oae Borac "/ire, KIGH BEAR. 6-1. 3d. s:. ■ week, SUBSCRIBE FOR DAiLY RACING FORM. | 00 PEH MONTH. 2i CENTS PER COPY. NOTICE! — NOTICE! Owiat to :lr track at Oakland lieiiis: iii had condition the host part of the season I suspended my One Horse Wire ran there. My !a-t wire troiii Oakland ;is Kercheval. wlii.li I advertised and wind niy numerous patrons on January 26th. hut, and wlihh won ai the ood o.lds of s— 1. LOUISVILLE LOUISVILLE I will start the aeaaon I laadBag this track and will eaathnat aa the western circuit all sninmer. My loan lius been at Louisvilie Race Track the pasi three weeks and we haTC I line on several Lood tliin that will aria. My Orat One Horse Wire will be aeal by tne Thursday next. May 9th. This is a good thins, and Bty man ktferaia me that a Killing will be made aa this one by a aeteet few. SPECIAL ONE-HORSE WIRE FROM MY MAN AT THE TRACK. ONE A DAY NO MORE. ,00 for Six Racing Days, Including Full Handicap Sheet. ONE HORSE TO EACH RACE. NO SINGLE WIRES SENT. 1 handle one track only and wire one horse only each day -not two a • •. and if ..Me wins claim i; aa my aaedaL All Specials Wired in Code. Upon receipt of your aabcei iption for wires I will scud Code by return of mail. .e! in line with me and 1 will land you the jj.mhI-.. The E. J. M. System a Big Success! My System Players Are Coining Money! c 70/i f lr "n •N"v- -,; to May 8 ,ho sYsTEM shows a net ■«••* °f CC Odfk AH This System is no -riv-n away free. It i-, for nle Bad anyone who baa a legitimate money-maker is lag it away free. 1 have had 25 years experience as jockey, owner and trainer and honest adver-t:oi.! bi n i Bncei ss In this bnaii e»a. This i- no fake, bnt a leuitiiiate money -maker. There is nothing on the market today that will hriior i -• i! lt ■ profit on a 00.00 iiive.-iineoi as this System will. No doubling up or progression. I bare urked on .lis System the past five years and bare patrons who bare been playing it for three years aad lie all bis winners. Thia System can be operated at racetracks, in poolrooms or handbooks. M terms are 925.00 for the System, with thK guarantee: If yon can h,w me where yon mac in 30 days pJaykajC ■ handicappinir I will refund yonr S25.00 which yon pay me for it. Daoa receipt of the price of tin Sy.=tem I will send it, with full instructions how i operate, or will demonstrate it to you personally aa a, y select ior-. S500 Capital is needed at theastart to protect yon hi case of i ran of warra, which I very lealam have, aa my nnmeroaa patroaa can testify to. Akm my past records, which I keep at my oajce apea for ■ i ion. THE ONLY WAY TO BEAT THE RACES PLAYING SIX KACES EACH DAY. EX-JOCKEY MARSHALL, "tt ROOM GIO r 6 FIKTIl AVKNlK CII1CAUO, 1L.U TEL. MAIN 1!4« 3. VBgaaaiaaaaaamBraaaagzyaBamiiiiiii mmmmBa»«aMmiimmamB»amBmmm»mMammammaaamjMmmmmi a. WAS IMOTMIiVG RUMNING YESTERDAY THAT I COULD RECOM mend, which accounts for im silence, but this week we will have a THERE few that you can go to without much tear of results. Cook is getting one ready and Hayes has a couple we should cash on. I am also personally interested in a deal which will be pulled oT this week that will be productive of handsome profits. If I could i splain in detail to you what is coining oil at one of the track. - ou would not hesitate putting on your bank roll, but discretion does not permit. No om will lo»c money on my information this week, as I am in stronger than r-ev and will keep the .ball rolling. To prospective subscribers i will simplj say: GIVE ME A Tf?/flL AND JUDGE FOR YOURSELF, TUESDAY, MAY 7th, WILL BE FIRST. So get in. f~? I *¥-T S5-°° for Six Wires. LI iaammmmmmHBmaBWBamamamnBBjman J J[ dJ 84, 119 La Salle St., Chicago. 1 Louisvilie Derbvl UAI U lEIL I J | , CRAVESEIMD, N. Y. i a Pinphl t — C ft II all y liir.,rm.i!ioii WIRBD DIRECT fr the TRACK I J M Vllimi I each day. Im BIGHT on the SPOT. 1 nave maile if ever there was ■ sare thtag narsed and C ! ara w- ™a iirfT Th .T 1lk.T T~* Th «T carefnlly prepared for a Derby, this boree is | K||. X/ ¥ XI lJ W* W . % the rareal of the sore. This Ironclad "cinch * MJ JL VI TV X A 1 A. 1 JUltC C .vill bare to fall down to lose. Lester and 1 C iii. band of expert clockera hare been ou the J I * , t • C aroonda .". LouiarUle ror the paat aix weeks J A I I C XT i 1 C*C c and icarceiy baa -i horse made n move oat »l A. Jh -a 1X1 llCt tvCt t ft :i stitble that Lesters clockera have not a j line mi. i.e tera office is in Louisville, sad % i A ■ A 1 * g not three thousand miles away from the *| At A /*f 1 1 p/1 | | pf scene of what takes place. Get wise. A Mm XAV|WWUWL« J BELOW IS MY LAST FALL RECORD Si A- "Di. daring the eighteen days of the Churchill y .aX OGilillriS* * Downs meeting. rhia atatemeat can be X * ] v.-riti. .1 by Daily Racing Farm and Lonhrrille * My rlieati hare had ONI of the BIGGEST Coarier-Joarnal: 41 SPBINC meetings, aiace 1 faraished InforaaaUoa. Oct. 20— AUDITOR 4-1 Won C * mn nr--r --— -■ A« mam Oct. 19-STIZANNE 8-1 Lost 0 BET WON S,987. V—vr «j.i_ ■ w v « v .«". Get. 18— KAKDING 7-10 Won C | Oct. 17— STILL ALARM 8-5 Won C Thata the aaaonnl ■ *- Mat Imo has won oa my i Oct. 16— ORATORIAN 9-2 Won c Information aiace the opening of BENNING. Oct. 15— INVINCIBLE 60-1 Lost dT l Oct. 13— AUDITOR 7-5 Won IIRSTRIRP AT iHVITF li Oct. 12— LlGHTTr CONDUCTOR.. 7-2 Won OVUOhltlUL -% I UI1DL. Lo°st i I GIVE WINNERS. C at 10— PONTOTOC "........ ....30-1 Oct. 9— WLXiORD 7-1 Won ..... ... .... . . .. Oct. 8— MISS LEEDS 7-2 Won .. nfm „ .V V-S «, !"" ,%"". IAI ,.,- :"""" V ? Oct. 6— POTTER 15-1 Won $ .-*!. ;. UA ,,K Kv,r. V v v.vs V !?r,- ,- VNKII/S. Tbej WINNING. An oi DAT Oct. 5— MORENDO 2-1 Won f are Oct. 4— BENSONHURST 6-1 Lost l*™n U!,h ":,•• " "to.n.at.o,,. and yaaD Won € * IK. 1-2 Oct. 3— CHARLATAN I eft: i=MARvmi0RMAN :::: li w2 | ONE GOOD BET A DAY. S Terms Tor Our Regular Service: S 1..!.,.i:!l:!11 "y ",".,"" *••*■*» m: ;: » i S2.00 a rtay. or SI0.00 per week, or J ■• V V "",," ■";,, " f 8,7",5tl " gcr*tchea- a"""" *» uu ll M" " i,s "liK1- $«500 for the full months meeting. f S Semi ai. mai! and moaty to terlile TERMS, 0 WEEKLY. i; • i 22, i on li i Journal Duld.i C » Louiarille, Ky. % l,M receipt of yonr anhscriptloa I will mail you my cipher code. Remit by money order or registered RI rTl«ll fct rfl S Information wired early each maraiag to any s DILL LLJILU U vU« ":: ■ - ! s:i:i- ": "■■ V»AA!»»rA/rvAAAr Turf Reporters Special Room 312, 59 Dearborn St.. Chicago. sTaB-flHI sl-fllCTFD f*fl Mondays Special: 68-38-28-24-58-32-72. J U li !l lalaCOlLltl/Ua, E»«y L*t: 4-6-707-753-756. PROFffSSIONAL CLOCKERS. "Tc a rLlrVZ* ,Q 19 Won, 15 Seconds, 4 Thirds, 3 Scratched. ,U,H LOUiSVille Hotel : : LOUiSVille, Ky. Saiardays Special was DR. GARDNER. 9-10, Won. For sale at all ncws-Ftaml- and etaac stores in every large -v *"" n *ne -• " or ana ia- M p T THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY: SUCCESS islrSli THURSDAY we Btarl the ball roiliag with aa with one of the most conservative trainers hero EXTPlA SPECIAL at long udda. enables me to secure real select pointers once or I or FRIDAY and SATURDAY we have knowledge twice weekly, and I am willing to wire these "good of two REAL OCOD THINGS that will be cnt things" to a few reliable bettors and to demonstrate 1 e ;,M,i running to their re-cut private work, that I am on the inside. I ask NO FEE WHAT- I Id win EASILY. EVER IN ADVANCE. For particulars address TERMS: .00 tor the above three 3 special fyf LAVIGNE, ADDRESS ALL MAIL TO GRAVKBhiWP : : i WWW YORK, J0heg Wonderful Winning System IvUn 1j/0 1 V IT/Vr U£, A cool. .ouservative method of p laying the races, wherein TIH*« WK.KK l» !. la the last von can tret m .01 SlTOEf P IS APSl It Kl». V«m are fully protected aaaSBet l.«.N«ifiHOT JIAHI1»ICAI,KY«TEM freewithXMERK- • ovci -bettincr ". It IS SIHILT, ■%«¥. Beqawea only IKATKH rtt .00. To rrc.e the value of my r.ll.-r, 1 will r limited capital and no knowledge of Iioisoj or liaDdicap- pay 0 M for any other Handicap System that i ;»s simple ping 1 guarantee that anyone can. with live minutes to operate and will bring as many of the same I.ONl.SIIOl8 study each day, 1*1, W AND WIN! Hat particular*, and short! r piicd horses, in the money a* the one I now oiler, addrcs REPEATER NO. 4, d. W. Cornell, 533 Grant St., Pittsburg, Pa. Suite I. ending with week of May 4th. has bad a good showing, up to ■ — time of sordid. i nw ad. Friday •. with II TIIFLI.. Ural „_„ - _„. 1 time up, win :it".-l. anotht r second at 13-1, aad oae third a — — -~~£2 ti_ M —- B— — tfv at 21 As i, ,v hor-.- ar,. played th» -e.-ond tim. .n ur.lc- i j, j JT | I VPllnl1vP they win, Ian, c.ir.i ell -d lo withhold all nai-u-s except win , VS | 3 AL V to g 9 flj| ■ ■ dajk. Cj ■ wfm ■ ■ ■*■ m " ■ ■ *m ■ ■ tj " n, rs I . Till RSrOH. K-tni.ll.litd 18M, suite 7 I Iten- Bd, Dtirt-t. m ... ,u,: YPSILANTI, MICH-BIG KILLING! TRAINS LEAVE wammSffla.? MICHIGAN CENTRAL BEFOf, Detroit, have rhown. Will go rain or shine. If under 8 to 1, piny AT 1:00 AND 1:40 P. M. straight. - Thip. including good three-year-old fcr tomorrow, for the /i*i»imTrinn»t I »im ot $:i«t GENTLEMEN n ■■ -• — — — - ■■ ■ n ■ ■• Talte opVioiig pri.o to avoid p.jlroom :1a ties. — Send ,. cents to guarantee wires and receive our PORH j_j o Bnr-»r*v H. rtflbUBTi lame arrrlea early arery morning. Thirty dollars back KM Fifth Street. : : ■ : Loul* llle, Ky. .1-0 wagers ; 0.00. live dollar wf-gci-s. liives net profit of _ . , , SO CO to 00.00 a month, closing odds Terms Net winnings „ » „ „ w, .™. /-»_».. Order m i i. „ ■matt by Special Delivery, Money or Telegraph no »f *eTlltted 50 CRn Qn each wjnner „ent wet.kiv. If eervice lator tnan 1 V- m. to leacn me. remit nt uf.tory in every respect, nothing. Term* : i * 1 OV Daily: #j.«« for Six Ouarnnlced. The Crown Co., Upeiika, Aia,

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1900s/drf1907050501/drf1907050501_6_1
Local Identifier: drf1907050501_6_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800