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FIRST RACE 5 12 Furlongs 3yearolds and upward Allowances 54lG IjOO1 1 117 117Index Index Course Hist TImeTekOdds Wt St 4 Ji Str Fin Jockeys Started Order of Finish YANKEE NOTIONS ch c 3 106 By Yankee Fairio Queen H K Kaapp KaamO rai7 KaamOrai7 Pimlio 1 140 fast 5 122 1 3 3 3 V 3 3i i J T Glass s Ten Pu Point mt LeocIfns LeocharS I Korkvlew Lll Uturel 34 1162 hvy 135 114 a 21 1 3J 1 ° J Glass c Tartar LinTcl Leocliares Uoek View KC3 Laurel 34 1121 fast 1 108 1 3 4 3i 1 ° J Glass fi Frederick L Tartar Leochares 5732 laurel 34 113J fast 95 UU 5 3 2 23 Il Karrick S SJJohiison Housemd RQuccu 5540 laurel 34 1123 fast 3 93 3 3 3 2 li Kurrlck 0 Lahore S J Johnsou Rightcasy 5391 ILdeGrace 34 114 hvy 35 90 2 1 153S5 1 I1 2 Karrick Lahore A mo ret 53S5 HdeGracc OJ f 109J slop 1 100 1 1 1 I3 I2 Karrick fi Tartar Ilarne nt Striker 035 HdeGrace 34 115 slop 10 95 5 2 2 2i 3ZJ Karriek 7 K J Johnson Pr Ahmed Worta 3317 Latonla 51 f 1OG fast 4710 114 4 2 2 2 3 = J Glass 0 Helios Frederick L Hawthorn 3217 Latonia 51 f 105 fast 12 110 2 2 2 2 = 2i J Glass 4 Helios McCorkle Holinoh 3014 Latonia 58 101 hvy 245 115 1 3 3 34 S J Gaua 0 Helios Hawthorn McCorkle 2536 Louisville 5S 1002 fast 113 110 2 1 1SPRITE 1 I1 I1 MeCahey C Brookfleld WHeather BHolder SPRITE b f 4 108 By BHolderBy Watorboy Fairie Queen K K Knapp 33 laurel 1 1391 fast 32 110 1 1 1 15JIMi 1 li 3 = J J Glass 0 rroKlOKS Wortli KepuMican 5JIMi leGraoe 5J t 1062 Kood 1 lie 2 1 1 1 ll J Glass Ir Ahmed Stirins Hoard Lahore 5158 IldeUrace 54 f 1052 Kood 05 103 1 2 1 1s 1 J Glass 6 SJJohnson PAhmcd St Hoard 4500 HdoGce 1 1S 154 fast 6 110 4 3 345M5 4 4J 433 J Glass 7 Ml Express Loehiel Slinckletun 45M5 HdeGrace 31 1141 fast 115 117 8 5 3 3s 4l J Glass S Itosscnux Shackton LOMLife 3318 Latonla 1 18 l50g fast 4120 509 111 1 it 2i J Glass 5 HIpli Private Starbottle Hedse 321S Latonla 1 116 144 fast 3 112 2 1 1 2 2J 2 J Glass l F Lance Presumption Cockspur SEBAGO b h 5 116 By Semproniua Portia Swett W Linkeri 47 Jamestn 1 116 1481 hvy 4 113 643 643CtO 2 3 3s C Peak S II Majesty Lahore White Wool CtO Jamestown 7S 129 livy S5 1 7 5 4 2 2GW7 3 1 1 Byrne 7 J Dockerv Continental W Lad GW7 Jamestown 78 1 26i fast 165 107 2 C 6 6U693 4 41 24 Doyle 8 Caujrh Hill Cliff Kdse Sherwood U693 Jamestown 1 1 39g fast S 109 S 5 6 5 4 k 31 Teahan I Grover Hushes Tartar Lahore 6276 Laurel 34 1131 fast 45 110 5 3 35S03 2 22 2 Schtitser 7 Acton Isldora Lochiel 5S03 Laurel 1 118 145 fast 3 106 2 2 2 2 2 3s Schutger fi Carlton G Guy Fisher Flammu 5085 Laurel 1 1391 fast 41 108 4 3 3 3Cl90 3 3 4i Schutser 5 Dr Duenner Pr Ahmed Gates Cl90 ILdeGraee 51 t lOGl sood 7 117 4 4 5 5 5 J C H Shils fi Sprite Pr Ahmed Kpriug Board 3316 Latonla 34 1124 last 3 120 5 B B BoardB 41 45 Fain 7 Meridian G Hushes Presumptn 3257 Latonla 34 lllj fast 3 100 3 2 1 1J 1i Fain 7 Meridian Impression G HujiheB 3119 Latonia 34 115 hvy 235 112 4 1 3 41 518 MeCahey 5 Hish Private Donau G Hu lies liesBy ROUND THE WORLD ch m 5 IDS By Lackford Nellie Ely W E Applegato 7 C9 imrez 34 1121 fust G5 115 3 1 1 1 22 Borel 4 Jim Basey UiirlKUt IGcutleninn 3il fort Erie 34 1121 fast G 120 2 4 4Vfl 4 41 5 J Borel S Lovetie Lit Father Black Chief Vfl jitonia Im70y l4l2 fast 285 107 3 2 1 3 3 3el Borel 1 Adams Express IliKh Private 17 9 atnnia 34 112 fast 115 117 4 3 3zm 3 C 5SJ Borel fi TJIanager GHiiKhes AKsprs zm oiiisvlllo 51 f 1051 fast 65 125 5 5 5ISM 3 31 3i J Callahan fi LFather Buckhorn TMGrocn ISM ouisville 51 f 105 fast 310 113 1 1 1 1s 1 C Peak fi B Nelson Nonpareil Sir Blaise 2310 Louisville 51 f 106 cood 7 117 3 3 2 I1 1 G Peak 8 Grover Hughes Isldora Azyiade 150 Lexinston 31 112 J fast 2920 113 3 3 2 21 3i C Peak C Causb Hill Milton B Cherryola JIM BASEY ch h 5 113 1137orj By Salvation Dor I J 8chrein r 7orj Juarez 34 112J fast 95 110 1 2 2 1 Loftus 4 UtlieWrld Upright IGentman GS1 Juarez 34 112 J fast 95 118 2 4 5s IGentman5s 3i Loftus 0 I Gentleman Kootenay Seneca 0030 Juarez 34113 fast G5 111 1 3 3CS76 3 1 J Loftus TThomas Kootenay LPanchlta CS76 lunrex 34 1124 fast 165111 1 2 2CSK 2s LPanchlta2s 1 Loftus r Gilpy L Panchita G M Miller CSK Juarez 78 127 fast 13 112 4 4 3 4s Miller4s 35i Bezanson 0 IIHarhee KloBrazps JpcDeiboIU GS1C Juares S l2C fast SJ 101 334 4 2i Ink B Steele 4 L Paucliita Uprlfrht Kootenny G7SS Juarez 34 4 1I 112 8 faft 3 32 2 105 5 54 41 4 3 Teahan f Gilpy Kootenay Lady Panchita C7S1 Juarez 34 1122 good 75 lOD 1 1Ci 5s 4J Gross Upright Pawhuskn C744 Juarez Ci f 106 fft t 10 IDS 3 4J Furlong4J 4SJ Grass Hoi llarhcc L Panchltn Furlong K 31 inej food 7 no 5 5s 5WU T Buckhorn Upright J erjdlan AMORET b g 6 113 By Hastings Aurata J M Goodo 7552 Charleston 34 l14fast 2 107 10774U1 Pifll up Buxton 7 Slincklctoii Volthorpe Cop town 74U1 Charleston 34 l14fast S 114 5J town5J 41 15uxton S Tarts lIolTnuin Theresa Gill Gilllu 7 51 niarleston 5i f 110 hvy 35 115 lu 2 Uutwell fi Progressive Cliemulpo K Queen 72 t rliarleston 34 1152 fast 2J 114 114715S Sat QueenSat 43 Ford 7 LordWells GoldCap Coppertowri 715S Charleston 31 llCi mud 85 112 11270SO 3 32 Uutwcll Carltou G Uouiililican Font 70SO Charleston 34 114 Rood 95 108 2 lk Butwell 0 Sherwood CAslimeade Chryola 704 Charleston 34 110 hvy 35 117 117C900 1 1 Butwcll 5 Wander tatherola Uighteasy C900 Charleston 78 1272 fast 3 104 2 31 Ford 4 Sherwood Merry Lad Spohn 6979 Charleston 51 t lOSi fast 135 113 113CASEY 4 4i Mondon 5 Sylvcstris Hose Queen MoukOy MoukOyBy CASEY JONES ch s 4 110 1105M4S By Hoyal Flush UI Crimea A P Humphrey Jr 5M4S Churchill 34 112 fast 13 92 925SoS 5 1i French 0 Meridian Jim Bascy II Private 5SoS Churchill 34 l13i slow 16 100 1005GD7 70 c11 French S Bnckhorn II Private Countless 5GD7 Churchill 5i f 105 fast 31 100 10053SO 22 22 French i G Hughes V Koherts LFather 53SO Dousias Pk 34 115 hvy 65 98 410 4 French T KBryson Iteciproey Sylvestris 5231 Douglas Pk 34 1131 good 2 112 I1 SylvestrisI1 lk Shea 4 Impression SunQueen Sir Blnlse 5152 Douglas Pk 34 1122 good 81 98 98KIVA 3 53i Sklrvln C Helen Barhee Kytenay C Hill HillBy KIVA b f 3 93 By Scmpronius Sevilla L M Morris 7400 Juarez 51 f l05fnst 135103 1351037S1 I2 24 Gross 7 Truly Iewhi Ancestors 7S1 Juarez 31 l12fast 65 10 Ink Ii Gross 7 Ancestors Dynamo Counausht 7313 Juarez 5 f 1105 hvy 21 104 43 5sjGroth i Weyanoke Filxgeiald V Itightrt 7243 Juarez j4 115 good 45 101 101720G lh uk Groth 5 Idle Tale Konster VestedKlglits 720G Juarez 5i f 108 J good 4 96 Sl 13 J McCahe 7 Par Boy ChasGoetz SAlvoscot 7074 Juarez 34 1121 fast 12 09 09700G in 41 Carter 7 Pun Xareta Truly Kl Ialomar 700G Juarez 5i f 107 fast 15 107 1076S92 H i J McCabe 10 Piimpiiiea TCinder MKatchtn 6S92 Juarez 5J f lllg hvy 85 104 2 331 Groth C Slleart Mcrciiriuni K Stalwart 6S50 Juarez 51 f 107 goodl310 104 It StalwartIt I2 I Steele fi KingStalwart Rooster Kenneth 6848 Juarez 34 113 J fast S W 6 8 Nathan S Miniorioso Swish Sea Cliff 5801 Juarez 51 f 107 fast 115 104 2 21 Nathan 5 S Heart Garden of Allah Lurla 674 J Juarez 51 f 1 05jj fast 7 92 3s 3 Nathan 0 II Barhee L Panchita J Bascy 6723 Juarez 51 f 107 fast 3 108 33 2 Moleswh 5 Ves nights Stout Heart Kosirla 6682 Juarez 51 f 1OS slow 135 104 3s 2J Halsey 7 Swif tstire luquicta Sptly Miss MissBy CASH ON DELIVERY blk g 4 101 By Santello El Sonora A H Brandtl 6477 Latonia 34 114 slow 38 109 3h 3 J MeCabe S Hawthorn Cgh Hill Xagh Carfi 0350 Latonia 34 1133 slow 135 103 1 1J 15 Rteele S Merrlck Mlllou B Dnniifsne C293 I atonia 31 113 fast 345 101 65 5J I Steele S Semprolus JDeibold Sun Queen 6205 Latonla 34 113 good 13 104 O1 53J Moleswh 7 Coy Lad Countless Meridian 6122 Latonia 34 l17g hvy 4 102 5 33 B Steele C Coppertn Morristn Qurnuistnr G036 Latonla 34 l14g hvy 41 104 G1 a Moleswh 9 Merry Lad Royal Ten Wander WanderBy JOE STEIN b K 5 104 By The Commoner Alpaca E W Moore 712 Charleston 34 lll fefast 12 107 5h 5 Montour 7 Shaekleton Volthorin Conlowu C176 Latonia 34 1143 slow 11 109 3Z 31 Goose 7 TReach Merrkk Quartcrmast1 6118 latonia 34 114 mud 29 112 4 S15 J McCahe 7 Morristn IGtleinn Semprolus 6326 Latonia Im70y 1491 hvy 11 112 I2 m Goose 12 LoveDay Patliiche Sir Catcsbv 6025 MinSpgs 61 f 121 fast 2 107 21 23 Dreyer fi Working Lad Otilo Master Jim 50S5 MinSpgs 61 f 121 fast 2 99 I2 JimI2 1J Uenulcr Stick Pin Black Mate Frog 5578 DouglasPk 51 f 1053 fast 145 105 61 51 Goose 10 Sureget Merrick Duauesne 5358 Douglas Pk 34 113J fast 5 108 108MISS 2 3 J Lofttis 10 MThorpe ItoyalTca RofJeddah RofJeddahBy MISS THORPE b f 4 105 By Woolsthorpe Her Ladyship A B Lowe 6241 Latonla Im70y 1432 fast 2310 100 11 21 J MeCahe 7 Gay Bird Ozana Swamifinoa 5SS3 Churchill 1 139 fast 61 100 1005S59 1 I Ohert 7 Wlntcrgreen Kulleld Mud Sill 5S59 Churchill 1 1409 slow 6 100 G SillG 5 W W Tlor il Voltliorpe Jneiliohl Keriproclty 5725 Churchill Im20y 1393 fast 63 92 1 1s J McCnhe C High Private KlTeiuli Countless 54G5 Douglas Pk 34 112 fast 11 105 6 3 = J J Henry Morristown FLovv Reciprocity 5358 Douglas Pk 34 113J fast 8310 104 41 I1 W AndresslO RTea JoeStein Rose of Jeddali JeddaliBy THE CINDER blk c 3 98 By Ostler Joe Tallao C W Glark 7038 Juarez 34 l13J fast 135 112 32 2i I jftus i Pan Ziiretn Gasket Stout Heart 7006 Juarez 51 f 107 fast 41 113 21 31 Loftus 10 KJvn Iamplnea M Katcliaiu 6955 Juarez 34 l13J fast 11 113 43 44 Loftus fi PauZareta Truly GordonUussell 6934 JUarez 34 1133 fast 165 103 12 li Teahan U Weyanoke Kenneth Booster 6387 Juarez 51 f 1062 fast 30 110 4 52 Borel 11 Connaught GordonKiissell Truly 6S37 Juarez 51 f lOSg fast 4 112 iu Trulyiu U Borel 8 Rooster Ask Ma Kamchatka S07 Juarez 61 f 1078 fast 31 112 1125S 7 S19 Borel 30 Idle Tale Rooster Wlicdcr 6747 Juarez 5S 101 fast 3 112 a os orusa 14 it G iuusseii Russell Weyanoke veyanoKe Pamplnea iampinea 6735 Juarez 51 f 107J fast 100 108 32 35J Bezansnn 5 Pan Zareta MrsGamp Kenneth CLUBS ch g 4 101 By Roy Flush III Melton Mowbray M C Moore 6281 Latpnia lhi0y l44g fast 31 105 3f Moore3f 2J G Turner 12 Dynamite DaingerfId GOxnanl 5995 MinSpps 78 1282 fast 2J 104 5i GOxnanl5i 5 Ohert 7 SCleges J B Uobinson L Day 5959 MinSpgs 61 f l21g fast 75 101 7 = 7 Morton S Otilo Gold of Ophir Black Mate 5723 Churchill 1 116 146 fast 2J 101 H MateH ih c Turner 11 Patruche Spindle Dynamito 5543 Douglas Pk 34 113 fast 6110 105 52 3i Moleswh 11 ConUeliTcry Bonanza Pr Chap