Juarez Entries and Past Performances for Wednesday, January 28, Daily Racing Form, 1914-01-28

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I .Soarez Entries and Past Performances for Wednesday January 28, WEATHER CLEAR. TRACK FAST. o : o Intl. Horse. Wt. Ree. A.Wt.Han. I Tho figures under the heading "Rec." in the 1301O Veno Von 115 1:00 0 li::..7O0 entries below show tho best time of each horse I i:!l.i:i Ooma 102 1:02. 3 95 y C.95 I at tho distance, since January 1, 1911, no matter 11497 Roberta 108 1 :tl 7 113 f.; 5 Where it finished. In cases where record was i::iM Fire 11! 1:01 Vfc 7 ll. I made on other than a fast or good track, abbre-I 13134 Sir P.allinger 118 1:05s ." lis . t;.,i I viations show track conditions. Castare. ii. g. bv Casline I De-Racing starts at 2:15 p. m. Chicago time, 3:15. clare .". 115 iinl1!!?111 i", ln"dV: Sinerior mud runner. Fourth Race 3-4 Mile. M maidens. Apprcntice allowance. .".-year-olds. Handicap First Race 3 1-2 Furlongs. Track record: 1299G i :09 ! 115. , --.vcar-olds. Allowances. 1322.-. Captain l.urns 100 1:12-. It s 725 Track ,.r. record: 9:92:39 2 123. i::225- S..sins 105 1:12. 11 72o Ind. Horse. Wt. Kec. A.Wt.Han. i:;0M92 i:h Henslev 115 1:13 lli. 720 13150 ED. HOWARD ... 112. .725 1322.-. Scarlet Oaks 118 1:14-. 111.. 71.. l13i::2i Superhuman 112.. 720 13225 Manganese H7 1:12Vr. loo 710 Ri98 Lady Capricious ... 117. .715 132122 Foolo Fortune 105 1:1:: pis 710 13222 Busy Edith M ..110 :41 105.. 705 Fifth Race-5-8 Mile. - Second Race 5-S Mile. "-year-olds and upward. Selling. 3-ycsir-oIds and upward. Selling. Track record: 9519058 9 li;s. t Track record: 05190 5S 9 10S. 132142 Thistle Belle 109 1:00 8 IK; 725 Ed 109 1:01 7 113X725 l::ir,2 Buck Thomas 115 :.-,SU. s 115 720 131;. 1 Lcford 112 1:01 :: 102X720 127i43 Cal Cum 108 :.V.ri. I 110 .715 13144 R.-al Worth 9S 1 :02 f. 3 102. .715 13045 Ida Lavinia 103 1 :oai ::; uX710 129S9 Frank Wooden 114 1:01 0 115X710 13140 Ed Luce 110 1:02-. 3 105 :: 710 13190 Right Little . . 1011:Ol 4 112X705 12SC.33 Binocular 10i;i:iy- 7 115 710 1310S Lee Harrison II 111 1:01 10 115X700 13097s Duskv Dave 102 :59- 3 INITIO 12S50 Swiftsure 10:: 1 :0::-Ji 4 11OX7O0 5373 Lady TVudi 10S 1 :0O " O li:: .705 1292!! Abihu 114 1:00 7 110X095 13152 Palatable 113 :59k 4 11.... 705 13240 Winkler 109 1:03 5 115X095 12301 3 Parcel Post 105 1:03s :: 100x700 12940 Ida Cook M , :: 100. .090 13104 .1. B. Maylow 108 1:02-. :: 102: 700 12N99 Itcnwar Ml 105 1:01 :: 102..09O 121923 Minnie Bright S. losx;95 13151 Queen Toppy 102 1:01 4 110 X 090 13031 Niflv 100 1:00 4 11 CO.". 13097 Lemon Joe Ml... 3 102. .075 13210 Pid ilart 7 11s .i.O AltU-Iro,"ll .." Sixth Race-1 1"8 Milos .. . vi mn 4-year-olds and upward. Selling. ..100 Track record: 93959 1:51 5115. Third Race 5-S Mile. 12921 Sir John 102 1:53 s If;-: 715 1;,"-v,;av",I1 lward. Selling. i::232" Phillistina s lo:; J710 Track record: 95190-5S 9 10S. i;:232 P.alclilT 112 1:54 0 110 710 13211 Zulu 114 1:01 7 115x715 1323:: Lord Klam 107 1:5:: 7 110 705 1::14. Auto Girl 1111:01 5 108X710 13175 Falcada 105 1:52 ! 105 700 13230 Aniobalko 90 1:01 5 ll:t. .710 13199 Toplaiul 100 1:52- 7 105 700 13103 Round lp 10S 1:01 :: 102. .705 13232 Miami 115 1:51 s 110 700 13108 Garden of Allah ..102 1:01 1 110X705 i::i9!l Jim CalTerata Bi7 1:5-1 7 llu jtlir, 13230 Marsand 112 1:01 0 108X705 13220 Sinn Feinn 115 2:02h 0 11idtf5 130.. 1 Tildy Wolffarth ..102 1:01 4 110x705 1322S Florence Birch M " 9 10.: CMO 13200 Auntie Curl 110 1:02s 3 100x700 13122 Gold Dust KM! 1:55 s 105 Y.S5 FIRST RACE 3 1-2 Fuilongs. 2-year-o!ds. Allowances. 93992 39 2 123. Index Course DIst TimeTckOdds Wt St Str Fin Jockeys Started Order of Finish FB-H,WARI h- s 2 112 By Cesarion Line of Life J. Livingston. 3 ..0 Juarez 3-S 31 fast 1-5 112 3 in 1 J Loftus 8 Ii. A. Jones, Sil. Blossom xpnle UU2 Juarez 3-S 31fast 8 112 7 5 32 J Loftus 9 Superhuman. B. Brother llay SUPERHUMAN, ch, g, 2 112 By Superman Deity J. Butler. 13132 Juarez 3-S 34fast 3-2 109 S 11 11 H Woods 9 Ben s Brother Ed Howard II i LADY CAPRICIOUS, b. f, 2 117 By Marta Santa Roberta Lee J. D. Clayton IS -luar;z 3-S 3ifast 7-5 114 1 12 1 W .Mclnrc 8 Tokay. Trulane, Coinmanri tta 13006 Juarez 3-S 34 fast G 110 3 1 11 W MclnrelO S.Blossom, D.Steveiw Ellio M-iv BUSY EDITH, b. f. 2 105 By Yankee Busy Maid F. D. Weir. A HES; "Iuarez 3i f 29sf!lst 12 1 9 61 11R Estep 9 M.thcPaint, BagatelU, Tu,U Ii Juarez a-S 34fast 7-a 110 G 23 23 J McCabe 7 B.A.Jones, Meellcka, Wahalotv 129G4 Juarez 3-S 31fast 5 112 5 51 32 R Estep 14 S. Blossom. MamieV.. Barllarita SECOND RACE 5-8 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. 9.-.190 58 9 108. E?-LTb m- 7 , , ,. , , 113 Ey Kenilworth Cora Goctz Markham and Wisdom. 131ol Juarez 51 f l:0Cfast 10 10G G 11 2 7 It Guv 13 LadvlVnder Laml.-sT mI C , 1 Hi?i-1Iuaroz 5111:06 fast 30 103 14 10 12 13 133lRGuy 14 Miss SI v. G.s FavorJfo T Bel J"arez "I f l:0last 10 115 10 9 10 10 10 It Guy 11 Parnell Girl, lenoia Clfl 1 Vancouver 41 f 54g fast - 117 S 7 4 S SJ K McEwen S An. Wells, Sal. ODay. LilliaiiRay 4310 Vancouver 41 f 5GJ slop 117 2 111 ll G Grand 7 Big Ike. Short Cut Ann e Wells P Vancouver 51 f l:07g fast - 109 2 1 1 1 1J Keogh S Free. Dahlgren. ubicon H. 39So Vancouver a-S 1:01 fast 109 2 1 1 11 11 E McEwen S Droini, Gary Fallen, MoralYght LEFORD, br. g, 3 102 By Bonnie Joe Lady Lee J. Randolph. l.,l;.l Juarez 51 f l:08Sf,fast 15 92 2 5 5 4 41 R Cravfdl3 Lady Pender, LaiabsTai " ik Hn i-Iulllez 51 f l:0Gfast 10 103 3 3 3 51 581 L Gentry 11 George, Duskv Dave. Silver lone 2940 Juarez 51 f 1:07 fast 12 105 2 3 5 5 71L Gentry 13 Tlios.Hare. L lEstrella lio i.idl n 1,0 Juarez 5-S l:02slow 10 100 2 2 3 51 7S1 L Gentry 11 Lit. Birdie, M.CIiavis. Aiiioiiall:! 5 TU!lreZ 5? I T:0Gast 3 103 1 1 7 Sh 111L Gentry 13 Theodorita, MuyBuoiw, O K J:iis Juarez "1 f l:0C fast 10 103 3 2 2 21 61 L Gentry 12 Birka, Transact Alalwuci " l"i ,, 126S2 Juarez 5-S 1:00 fast 10 112 6 2 3 7 7 Moleswh 11 B.llenslev. Superri v Iti morl fS2S Vancouver 41 f 51fast 22 110 1 3 3 21 4! Gentry 7 Custom House. Felina. Geor "e 10SSS Vancouver 41 f 55 fast 10 115 5 4 5 51 63 Gentry 7 In Dutch. George Old Got. h 10SG2 Vancouver 41 f 54fast 18 112 2 3 3 5 51 Gentry 7 C.McDougall. Transact L iFstin 10551 Vancouver 41 f 54fast 10 100 3 3 4 5"t G8 Gentry 7 Virg. S.. Cal.Jacl" C Mc-Dou-ar W?i Vancouver 1-2 4Sfast 21 112 4 2 2 2- Gentry ! CaUaek. Cust.IIouse. BrlRhoui lOooa ancouver 5-S l:01fast 20 10S 1 2 3 4-1 331 Gentry 5 Transact, Old Gotch. DuskyDave REAL WORTH, b. c, 3 102 Ey Kenilworth St. Phillipina C. Dietz 13144 Juarez 3-11:11 fast 30 101 S 2 2 2 6"! C VanDuni:: J.B.Mavlow. Venetian, uie I 1 -uarez .rl 59fast 20 9S 11 G 7 10 12-1W W Tlorl3 O.Lad. G.sFavorite. Brighrstone 12092 Helena 41 f 5ofast 106 7 L Morse S A.Kenncdav. RoundUo ArtRlck 120GS Helena 5-S 1:05 slow - 107 Fell. Donovan 5 BerthaW. HaiVscVmim Mar Mic 11371 GreatFalls 41 f 55fast 7-10 109 3" Woods 5 II. Scarum, Ilvnd a Marta M: c 11245 GreatFalls 5-S l:03Vandfast 7-10 113 ?. Ormes 5 Say. Hvudla. "llarum Scarum 12034 GreatFalls 5-S 1:03 fast 1 103 1 Ormes 5 Har.Scarun, ,. MartaMac; Al Ida lOOoO Anaconda 41 f 5ufast G-5 112 5S A Murray 9 M. Tempo. II. Scarum BerthaV 10oS2 Anaconda 1-2 49fast 1 111 2 J Moore 9 Frances G., Alwilda. Rara Vez" 10O07 Butte 1-2 4Sgood 31 112 4" C II -Millerll Auntie Curl. Big Luniax Ilyndla FRANK WOODEN formerly 115 Biliy Leach, ch. g, 6 By Magistrate Early Notice J. C. Louder. Juarez 3-4 1:12 fast 15 10S 6 9 9 9 9s J Dreyer 9 L. Ilcywood. Kali-Inla. I trrona 12S9S Juarez 3-4 1:11 fast 6 110 4 S 5 2and 21 J Dreyer 14 Fire Nino Muchacho Freewill 12S32 Juarez 5-S 1:C0 hvy 7 10S 2 2 2 3nt 5"2 .1 Howard 7 Brightstone, Amity. Spirella 12521 Juarez 3-4 l:21hvy 2 110 G 5 4 3 3 C Gross 5 Ave. Rioja. Oscuro -Juarez 3-4 l:21hvy 10 112 5 2 2 3 4" C Gross 12 Garter. Sinn Feinn, Swiftsure 12j Jruarez 7-S 1:20 fast 15 100 10 3 3 2 23 7 C Gross 15 Stanley S.. Compton. Quick Trip 12700 Juarez 51 f l:06fast 10 112 11 S 6 61 Sci Gross 14 Zulu, Rockdale, Brightstono 12GS3 Juarez S-4 l:13y5fast C 112 13 12 12 10- Gl Kirschm 13 T.Uhapniau, NoQuarter. OckTrip 1263.. Juarez 51 f l:07fast 2 10S 7 9 9 10U 101 J Rohbins 15 Doc Allen. Coinpton. John Hnrie 12620 Juarez 51 f 1:06 fast G 112 C 7 7 5 331 J Bobbins 7 Rosemarv, Dynamo. GilhertRose 12410 Dallas 3-4 1:16 fast - 114 1 2 2 23 l3 R Small 10 C. Dance. F. Pearl D. Stearns 12394 Dallas 5-S 1:02 fast 119 17 Pull. up.Dreyer 17 Doc Allen, Doll Bov Foll-uie 12376 Dallas 3-4 1:1S3 good - 114 1 3 4 3 31 Dreyer 10 Arrowshaft. J. Walton. Frazzlo 12375 Dallas 61 f 1:271 slow - 103 1 2 2 22 Dreyer 10 MawrLad. Tl.eVisitor. LvYoun- 12333 Dallas 5-S 1:12 hvy 119 5 5 4 44 31 Dreyer 7 S.Ballinger, Col.Austin Snirelli I22S2 Dallas 7-8 1:34 slow - 109 5 4 4 4 3 3" Dreyer 10 A. McGee. F. Pearl, Farnind RIGHT LITTLE, b. g, 4 112 By Right Royal El Poco A. A. Gregg. 13190 Juarez 3-4 l:13fast 203 109 2 1 3 11 12ls W Kelsay 13 Seneca. Beda. Toy Bov 11995 Victoria 3-4 1:10 fast 13 109 G G 5 71 8"lClaver S Dottv. Burl. Fitzgerald 11922 Victoria 5-8 l:01fast 10 101 5 2 2 21 11 Claver 7 Zulu; Buck Thomas. Miss SIv 11902 Victoria 5-S l:02fast 13-10 101 45 Claver 0 Cal Curn. C. Trance, M. Kennedy 11S72 Victoria 5-S l:01fast 7 100 4 7 7 7 73 McDowll 7 Little Jake. Ed C... Queen Tonnv 11795 Victoria 5-S l:02fast SI 106 21 Claver S Palatable. .Miss SIv. Ch Trance 13512 Vancouver 51 f l:0Sgood G 101 S S S 53 3 Claver S Elect rowan. Ferroiia. S.Grhsbv 10977 Vancouver 5-S 1:01 fast 11 112 3 11 21 GJ Gentry 7 Camia. Tellurium, Cesario 10935 Vancouver 51 f l:07fast 15 100 4 1 1 ll 11 R Crawfrd 9 Adena. Lambertha. Queen Ruth 10SCS Vancouver 5-S l:01fast 20 105 3 2 2 2 2 Gargan S Lo Mio. Abihu. Ferrona 10794 Vancouver 5-S 1:02 fast 37-10 105 3 2 2 4nk 5 Bnrganie 7 Wastella. Adena. Vireo 10536 Vancouver 51 f l:0Sfast 10 107 4 1 1 lfc 431 Burgame 9 II. Hawkins. R.Posey. J.Patrsoii LEE HARRISON II.. ch. g, 10 115 By Ben Strome Janet Gray J. J. Fceney. 1310S Juarez 3-1 1:12 last 50 nr. S 0 6 93 9R Carter 12 Colquitt. Rooster. Weyanoke 129S9 Juarez 3-4 1:12 fast 12 10S 3 3 4 3h 7J J Howard 9 L. I ley wood, Kali-Inla. Ferrona 12900 Juarez 3-1 l:13fast 20 115 9 6 G G1 0" J Howard 12 T. Belle. Mar.Chavis. Sen.James 12648 Juarez 3-1 1:13 fast 20 I0S 7 6 5 Gh 73 Gross 11 EmeraM Isle. Zulu, Sigurd 12635 Juarez 51 f l:07fast 15 10S 6 8 4 ol 7s Claver 15 Doc Allen, Compton, John Hurle 12413 Dallas 3-1 1:16 fast 114 4 3 4 51 53J T Smith S Col.Austin, Capt.DniEO. M.Dixon 12374 Dallas 5-S 1:05 slow 113 13 13 14 15" S JohnsonlG Dominica. Quid Nunc. Orim Lad 12101 Helena 5-S l:01fast 111 4J Pauley S LaCazadora. M.Jones. CtrvBoy 12097 Helena 3-4 1:14 fast 103 31 M MthewslO Decency. Medio. Tim Judge" 12079 Helena 5-S l:01fair 112 35 Sielaff 12 Rockdale. B. Bettie. N. Capital 11361 GreatFalls 5-S l:00fast 5 112 31 Sielaff 5 L. Allen. M. Jones. No Quarter 11314 GreatFalls 51 f l:0Sfast 1 115 4J Coburn 0 O.Cun:i rmiii. C. Brown. R.Sweet U1G2 GreatFalls 5-S l:01fast 4 112 . 2 Coburn 0 Briton. Tim Judge. Sainville U136 GreatFalls 51 f l:0Sfast G 112 33J Coburn A. Interest. Angelus. O.Ciinhani 11117 GreatFalls 5-S l:02fast 8 112 25 Coburn " 0 F. G. Hogan. Rue. Milt Jones SWIFTSURE, b. f, 4 110 By Bowling Brook Salamis I. Striker. 12S50 Juarez 5-S l:02siow 4 105 11 11 9 S S F Stevens 11 Lit. Birdie. M.CIiavis. Amohalko 12522 Juarez 3-4 l:22hvy 6 M05 1 1 1 G Cl.T Groth ! No Quarter. CordieF.. FvcW hite 12796 Juarez 3-4 l:21hvy 8 107 4 4 4 2nk 33 J Groth 12 Garter. SinnFcinn. Frank Wooden ft 1272S Juarez 3-4 l:12fast 10 107 9 5 S 91, 10 8 D McCthyM Conindntiou, Stanleys.. J Woods 1 I2GS3 Juarez 3-4 l:13fast S 10S 10 2 2 4 10" D McCthyl3 T.CIiapinan. NoQuarter. OckTrip 12616 Juarez 51 f l:0Gfast 15 OS 2 11 21 43 Neylon 11 Cloak. T.CIiapinan. L, Hey wood I259S Juarez 3-1 l:13fast 12 10S 6 3 5 6 63 D McCthy fi .T.vvel of Asia. Dynamo. A. Reed 0S1S KingEd. AhGlf l:23fast 20 102 G" G W Carll S Skcets. Senator James. Brush 9792 KingEd. AbGlf 1:2S slow 4 103 7SJ.T Mclntyre S Willis. La Aurora. Kinder Lou 9GS9 KingEd. 3-4 1:17 fast 15 9S 1015 F Moore 11 Willis. Cecil. Prince Fonso 9536 Delorlmler 61 f 1:23 fast 6 10S r.lDennisoii 7 Nila. Willis. Baron de Kalb 939G Delorimler 5-S 1:03 fast 2 102 7 Drever 11 McAmlrews, Yanklotiis. A. Maid S33S Delorimier 5-8 1:03ifcfast 4 103 Ink Dreyer 12 Vank.Lndy. Cassowary. P.Davis 9065 KingEd. Ab5-S l:01hy G 105 2 Chappell 12 C. Brush. Coeur dAleue. Cecil 8974 KingEd. 3-4 l:17fast G 94 7 Snyder 11 Cecil. Willis. Jewel of Asia ABIHU, b. g, 7 110 By Cesarion Hobrow Maid W. M. McCIintockl. 12929 Juarez 51, f 1:07 fast 40 10S 7 3 3 4h 51G McMtinl I M. Chavls. GtFriar. SirBallinger 11999 Victoria Ab5-8 59fast 37-5 119 7 3 3 4ot 7"McMrtln S Rlmlfax. Jerky, Wastella 11700 Victoria 5-8 l:03fast Fid 119 331 MeMrtin 10 BiimmerHL. T.Cpman. Ptlson 111GS Vancouver 5-S 1:01 fast 27-5 107 71 McMartln 10 Salud. Ramsy, Ed G. 10S6S Vancouver 5-S l:01fast 2S-5 112 1 11 1 3" McMartln S I. .Mio. Right Little Ferrona 101S3 Vancouver 5-S 1:01 fast 14-5 107 1 1 1 3 77 MeMrtin S It. of Iroquois. Isom. Wastella 10421 Vancouver 5-8 1:01 fast SI 107 2 1 1 l" 2 .MeMrtin 7 Masalo. Rosenta. Wastella 9S55 Vancouver 5-S 1:01 fast 7 1 07 3 2 2 3"t 7" MeMrtin S B.Mrson. WiltdeS.. L.of t.Fst 9716 Vancouver 5-S 1:05 slop Gl 107 1 11 l"" 4S1 McJIartln 10 FarCathay. Cesario. LadyPender WINKLER, b. g. 5 115 By Lithos Lady Winkle R. J. Farris. l Ciii Juarez ..A 1 1:07 fast 100 10S 9 13 12 n HAA Munav 11 Moralight. Stare. Senator .lames ,;.; : ok.City Ab7-S l:30g fast 10 OS 7ai: Siiiitit 7 HI Pato, Electric, .lack Witt .. .M Ok.City Ab3-S 1:0SJ hvy- 16-5 His 2l "T Smith S M.Kcnnedv. Moment: Silver Loaf :;liM Okla.City 3-1 l:24j hvy 17-5 102 5IiSIiij;Utoii 5 Yvonne, Lodestone. Tom Franks ."132 Ok.City Ab3-S l:07i mud S 107 :! T Smith t M. .Tiininie. .Mawr Lad, Sainfox 90460 Dallas o-S l:03i! good 105 S 9 Closer. Caletlmmpian, Calisse. 9S459 C. dAlene 5-S 1:022 fast 50 ill 3 3 3 Gl 823Gross 12 Bromi, Gimli, Error. S32G C. ilAlene 5-S 1:023 fast 30 102 4 4 4 42 432 Gross 9 Pcnang. Masalo, Pr. of Bohemia, k 9S277 C. dAlene 51 f 1:07? fast 50 93 4 0 7 S 8ltt Hopkins S Free. Ymir, Fleeting Fashion. US231 C. dAlene 41 f 542 fast 40 103 2 4 5S S Gross 10 Royal Tea. Vanir. Free. 9003 Anaconda 41 f f.j mud 6 103 3 2 1 ll 2 Hopkins 0 Pcnang, Defy, Bestyette. IDA COOK, b. f, 3 100 By Marta Santa Country Fraud 0. X. Herndon. lV.fi Juarez 3. f 1:07 fast 50 95 C 7 10 0 S3 J Metcalf 1."! Thus. Hare. LaEstrella. RoundUp l:s3 Juarez 51 f 1:1G hvy 15 93 5 5 7 S 7c J MeteaR S Prospero Roy, Hvki Tigella 7549 Charleston 1-2 43.fast C 104 1 4 7 7" Buxton 7 Bulgar. Free Trade. Bulgarian "Ml Charleston 5-16 30 slow 7 IOC 2 72 7 Buxton S Ruby Hyanis. Salon. Ave 7u77 Charleston 5-10 30J good G 105 3 Is 2 Buxton S Miss Gayle, Gordon. Edna Le.ska Toil Charleston 1-4 25 hvy 0 112 3 4b C Buxton 10 PleaseWelles, Gordon. Salvn Key 6957 Charleston 1-4 25 fast 10 112 3 2b 41 Buxton 9 Gordon. Preserver. Scarsdale REN WAR, ch. c, 3 102 By Doctor Boots Sewing Girl W. H. Fizer. M.y Juarez 6-Sl:00 fast 15 108 4 G 5 52 6,23F Benton 12 L.WiM. AuutElsie. ChristmasEvo 12G70 Juarez 5-S 1:00 fast 12 109 4 4 3 3 5"J F Benton 14 Panhachapi. Droll. Dr. Bailey l.CS Juarez r,-S 59fast 50 105 5 5 5 3 4"1F Benton 10 Scar.Oaks. AuntEIsie, B.Hensley 12610 Juarez 5. f 1 :07-?;fast S 105 1 2 3 62 711 F Benton S Durin. Battimore, Malay 1.3SG Vancouver 1-2 ISjgood 11 102 510 Benton U DuskvDave, LaEstrella. Conjurv 1F.02 Vancouver 4. f 57 good GA 101 2 4 2 2 2. Benton S S. Nell. Russ Sand. S. McNamara QUEEN TOPPY, ch. f, 4 110 Bv Prince Frankfort Toppy Girl Kcvill and Gray. 1 U.,1 Juarez 5Afl:06fast 50 105 5 G 11 12 122u C Gloss 13 LadyPcnder, Lanib-Tail. Cloak 1:. 1.4 Juarez 51 f 1:00 fast 100 99 12 11 9 10 10 C Jones 14 Miss Sly. C.s Favorite. T. Belle l.- n Victoria Al.5-8 l:014f,tnud 1G 10S 0" McMartin S Cal Cum, Wiltrude S., Bredwell 1.194 Victoria Ab5-8 1 :Hmud 29 107 S 7 9 9 9 Hill !t Barium. Grizzly Bear. KittisBuin 1-120 Victoria Ab3-S OOiislop 21 104 713 Claver S Dr. Nenfer. Azurea. Aranv -1990 Victoria 3-4 l:10,Sfast 5. 109 8 G 7 7" 79 Hill i Calcium. Palaver. Pretty Soon 1194 Victoria 3-4 l:104andfast 14 103 7TJ Stevens S D.J.B. Berry. B.ofFuois. K.Bum 11S72 Victoria 5-S l:0ifast 44 10G G 3 3 ?,- 3 McMartin 7 Little Jake. Ed G.. Hazel C. LEMON JOE, tr. g, 3 102 By Bonnie Joe Lemon Girl B. A. Jones, l; 7 Juarez :.. f 1 :oC Tast 10 110 S 13 13 11 12 I. Gentry 1". Hyki. Round 1 p. Dusky Dave ANAR, b. f, 3 100 By Solitaire II. Georgia VI. A. B. Spreckles. 1 i s start. THIRD RACE 5-8 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. !51!0 ."Sf, ! 10S. I ZULU, b. g, 7 115 By Mazagan Sekra Jeannetto and Riley. 1321 4 Juarez 3-1 l:14fnst 10 112 14 13 Pulled up.G McMtlnll J. of Asia. Th. Belle. Eve White 13137 Juarez 3-1 l:111fast 12 112 4 5 4 3. 4, G McMtin S Butter Ball. Janus, An. Interest 12912 Juarez 51 f 1:06 last 4 110 8 8 8 0 3H C. McMtin s Herpes. Commendation, KingElk 1 2888 Juarez .V. f 1 :0G fast 10 105 5 3 3 32 33 G McMtin 9 E.Adams, L. Birdie. O.Ciiinghm 12832 Juarez 7-S l:29s!ow 15 10S 3 3 4 3 3-1 58J G McMtinll E.White. S.Fiorencp, P.Industrv 12788 Juaivz 3-4 l:19Ahvy G 110 3 3 3 3 5".G McMtin 5 Salesla. Herpes. Short v Northcut 1275S Juarez 3-4 l:12rast G 113 4 3 2 2 35 J LoTtus 10 Sir Alvescot. .Masalo, Dviiamo 1270G Juarez 5. f l:0GVfast 5 112 G 2 1 1J IS J Loftus 14 Rockdale, UriKhtstone. Frazzle 12C1S Juarez 3-1 1:13 fast 9 108 3 4 4 2"t 2" R Hoffmanll Em. Isle. Sigurd, Or.CunninKliani 125S9 Juarez 1 l:3DVrast 30 10S G 3 3 9 10 11" Ii Hoffmanl4 Melts. X. McDee. L. Marchinont 1219S Victoria 3-4 l:20mud 17 114 7 6 3 31 24 McMrtin 8 ChiltonTrance, JlissSly. Mazurka 11991 Victoria 3-4 1:1G fast 12 113 4 5 4 Z- 3s. A Martin D M. Kennedy. Mercurium. Cinerce 119G1 Victoria 5-S 1:02 fast 4J 112 G 5 5 5 53 A Martin 7 Lady Pender. Wastella. Camla 11922 Victoria 5-S l:01fast 16 112 7 6 4 4s 2. McMrtin 7 KixhtLittlc. R. Thomas. M. Sly AUTO GIRL, b. m, 5 108 By McGee Francisca J. W. Pinkham. 13146 Juarez 3 4 1 :13fast 40 10S 5 1 1 4?. S9i A Claver z .Masaln. General Warren. Gonml 13123 Juarez 1 1 :3Siiast 5u no sli 10 12-.x Murray 12 Rev. PhiKistina. Freewill 11SSG Victoria 1 l:43last 21 107 S 6 7 S S S Mott s Shawnee. P. Kripp. P.ofBohemia 11S49 Victoria 3-1 l:lG.fast 3b 107 3 2 5 7 718 Mott 7 Jonathan. Gold.Agnes. Alchemist 11701 Victoria 5-S 1:02 fast 43 107 7,!!Mott 10 17d G., Jonathan, Binocular 1HS2 Vancouver 51 f l:10hvy 12 104 4 4 4 5f 58 Mott 11 Dr. Neufer, Hope So, Kelsetta 11412 Vancouver 5-S UOlTjlivy 30 102 S 7 7 5- 38i Mott ! The Fad. Masalo. Wastella 1 1017 Vancouver 5. f l:07fefast 25 102 33 Mott 10 Saltimade. Moraliurht. Oswald 15. 1C9GG Vancouver 5. f 1 :07 fast 25 1 05 5 G C C. G9i Mott S Hugh Gray. Oblivion. WiltrudeS. 10931 Vancouver 5. f 1 :0S fast 10 105 3 1 2 li 2J Benton ! Darkey. Saltigrade. L.Kerrisdale AMOHALKO. ch. in, 5 113 By Abe Frank Tex Anna T. F. Garner. i:.:;t Juarez V. fl:iM fast 30 pi:: 4 5 G- .V, C Jones !t M iinaiLad. Lit tleliirdie MissS.v 13175 Juarez f 1 :08 last 12 103 S 9 9 9 3 9,:i L Gentry 11 An. Interest. KosWnarv L.Rirdie 13131 Juarez :. 1 l:12rast 12 0C 3 1 1 23 45 I- Gentry 12 Pontelraet. Tightl.ov. Johnlliuie 130V. Juarez 5?. f 1:08 fast 10 KG 9 3 2 2. 11 F eney l." ln-t. Pale. Stevesta. L. Pender 13031 Juarez 3 t 1 :12last 25 i: c 4 8 9 ll"iK Feeney PJ Wheeler. Kali Inla. Ilasson 1 -3.9 Juarez 5. f 1 :07 fast 7 103 S 0 f. 5 1" R Feeney 1 1 M. Chavis. GtFriar. SirI5:illins:er 128X7 Juarez 5" f 1 :0fast 10 m G 2 2 8 8I3AS Johnson 10 l.ex. G. or Allah. T. WoliTarth l:s:.0 Juarez 5 8 1 :02slow 12 115 5 G 5 4! 33 S Johnson 1 1 LittlePirdie. M. Chavis. VenoVon 12391 Dallas 5 8 1:02 fast 119 12 4 4J Uarnes 17 Doe Allen. Doll Boy. Pollane 12374 Dallas 5-S 1:05 slow in r. 3 4 4"! Barnes 1! Dominica, Quid Nunc. Orim Lad 12284 Dallas 3 4 1:19 slow 112 I 4 4 ! 71Ji Mantes 7 Pan Zatela. Purlong. Sn!irat;ist IM23 DeerLodge r.-S 1 :0lfast 3-5 ill 4" W Fischer l Midsnier. D. .Minstrel. Ledalake llirj DeerLodge 5-S 1:01 fast 3-5 110 4 Donovan J Golf Ball, Roberta, Queen Lead 10622 Anaconda 51 f 1:0S fast S 103 3"iDoiiovan 4 Envy, Pajaroita, Barsac 10527 Anaconda 5-S l:02fast 3 106 1 Donovan S YonngPansy. L.Stalwart. EdR Pitr.G Anaconda 5-S 1 :03andfast 5 109 2J. Donovan S Reirards. Ruth Esther. Trallic ROUND UP, ch. g. 3 102 By Marta Santa Maude Fealy S. W. Richards. 11G3 Juarez 3 1 l:13f.fast 2i 110 3 6 9 3 W Melnrell Transact. Dalstoti. P.allimore 13097 Juarez f 1 :06 fast 8 111 3 4 4 3?. 2- J Mcliiiyre l. llvki. Duskv Dave. Dalst.m 12966 Juarez 5.. f 1 :07fast 8 102 10 6 5 10 10"1C VaiiDuni;: Harwood. Old Golch. Dnrin 12910 Juarez 5ifl:07 fast 4 no 13 10 9 62 33, M MthewsP! T. Hare. LaEstrella. Snmmerhill 12910 Juarez 3-4 1:13 fast 15 110 1 2 2 3? .V W OBrien "J F.oForlune. G.Warren, Stevesta 12SSG Juarez 51 f l:06fast t 103 4 11 3 72 J Howard 10 Tlieodorita. Ed Luce. DuskvDave 12797 Juarez 3-4 1:20 hvy S 101 3 11 Glu 53 A Claver S Milton Roblee, Sosins. Ed Luce 1270S Juarez 3-4 l:12M;fast 10 103 6 1 1 3 GJ A Claver ! Gipsy Love. Paw. Christophine 12672 Juarez ah f 1:07 fast 4i 101 7 3 2 2J 2 Claver 7 Bird Man, Muv Buena. Ceos 12593 Juarez 5Jfl:06rast G 101 3 1 2 3 6 Claver S Bird Man. Sir Harry. Old Gotch t 12092 Helena ih f 53fast 115 21 Pauley S A.Kenneday. ArtRick. Mnr.Mac 12073 Helena 5-S l:02;fair ill 33 Pauley 0 Ed Luce, M. Roblee, Prin. Janice 12065 Helena 5-S 1 :03 slow 116 2"t Pauley r, Ed Luce, Mil. Roblee. Art Rick 11362 GreatFalls 5-S l:01fast 21 109 i-l Woods r. Sirllarry. Pr.Janice, Milt. Roblee 111G3 GreatFalls 5-8 1:00fast 1 112 3 Cobtirn 4 M. Roblee. Sir Harry, P. Janice 103S4 GreatFalls 5-8 1 :01fast 9-5 10S 1 Pauley 4 Fafner. M. Roblee. B. Ilensley 10711 Anaconda 4.J f 54fast 6-5 106 l8 Pauley n Art Rick. Ceos. C. K. Davis 10616 Anaconda 41 f 55fast 5 107 2 StanTord 7 At Cnrl, A. Kenneday, C.K.Davis 10155 Anaconda 4i f 55fast G 109 lt Stanford Bohllensley. Marta Mac. R. Vez GARDEN OF ALLAH, ch. f. 4 110 By Star Shoot Frances Hindoo W. B. Carson. :,HS Juarez 3-4 1:12 fast 30 no 1 4 4 6 sJR Kstep 12 Colquitt. Rooster, Wevanoke lt2s Juarez 7-8 l:25fast 12 104 10 3 4 6 10 115 It HolTinani:; P.liidustry Clthumpian. Labold 1.SS7 Juarez 51 f l:06fast S 103 3 G C 3U 21 R HoffmanlO Hex. Tildv WoliTarth. C. Brown rX4 Juarez 3-4 l:15good S 10 10 7 7 6s 61U F Benton 10 Hazel C, Hyki, Winifred D. 1.77- Juarez 3-4 l:17niud 2 107 2 1 1 13 3 C Gross S Frazzle. Robert. Brack Bonta 127 :.S Juarez 31:12fast 6 107 5 3 4 7! 6 C Gross 14 Comndation. StanlevS.. J.Woods 1JIS3 Juarez 3-1 1:13 Jfjfast 7 107 G 3 11 12 ll12 Gross 13 T.Chapman, NoQiiarter. QckTrii. 12611 Juarel 51 f 1:07 fast 10 106 S 7 S 41 9"3 Gross 13 M.B.Enbks. G. Friar N.Quarter 12330 Laurel 3-4 l:17f.slow 20 9CJ 4 G 7 7 5 J J CallahanlO Premier. Til. Thomas. Monmouth 12200 Laurel 3-4 l:17hvy 10 961 4 5 7 4 38 J Callahan 11 Ixr. Dwyer, Lace, Kavderosero.- 12030 Laurel 51 f l:07fast 10 90 11 10 10 11J 11,5?.J MeTagrtl2 Golliwogg. Sir Alvescot. E. Inez 959G Fort Erie 3-4 l:17igood S 100 4 8 9 10 S F Jolinson 10 IveDay, B.River. B.DayllKht 9079 Connght 51 f l:09fast 8 99 G G 7 72 8! Hopkins S B.Masterson. C.Beachev. B.Prior 7289 Juarez 3-4 1:142 fast 7 1W 8 6 G 7 7s A Wilson 1 Camia. Hasson. Loving Mose 7051 Juarez 3-4 1:13 fast 3-2 97 7 3 4 8 6M A Wilson 8 Rooster. Rarsac. Sprightly Miss 7031 Juarez 51 f 1 :o7g fa-si 2 lift 6 3 3 3M31 I Henry II Palatable. M. Katcham. Dynamc MARSAND, b. m, 6 103 By Marta Santa Proud J. H. Adams. 13-.30 Juarez ."1 f 1 :fl6 fast 20 104 3 2 3 S ,S"-,J Howard . OrimarLad. LitrleP.irdie MissSly 13136 Juarez 3-4 1:12 last 15 107 2 4 5 5h C;3 E Denny 12 Commendation. Chilla, j. of Asi:l 13100 Juarez 51 f l:034,ifast 40 9S 1 4 5 6 6lu J Metealf ! E.Adams. NapaNick. A.Interest 13057 Juarez 51 f l:07fast 20 105 1 1 3 7" 7"1J Metealf II Parnell Girl. Ferrona. Chilla 12941 Juarez 51 f 1:00 fast 15 103 10 10 11 11 ll,c E Haynes 11 Herpes. Llttx- Jane. Chilla 1279S Juarez 51 f 1:13 hvy 10 105 5 5 5 5 5171E Taplin C. Frazzle. Ur. ICmma. ThistleBelle 12754 Juarez 51 f l:05fast 4 107 G 9 9 9 71F Benton 11 Herpes, Gimli, Bob Lvticli 12710 Juarez 51 f 1:03 fast 10 103 7 7 S 8s S A Xeylon 10 M.B.Euhanks. S. Alvescot. O.Lad 12213 Victoria 3-1 l:20mud 27-10 107 2" Claver S C. W.Keunon, Masalo, LilllanRav 12140 Victoria Ab5-S l:0Oimud 6 112 3 2 3 3H 33i Hill Arany, Buck Thomas. Mazurka " 12023 Victoria 3-4 l:15fast 5 104 2 2 2 3h 4U Claver 5 Sid.Peters, Palatable. K.Nelsou 11974 Victoria 3-4 l:15fast 9-5 105 1 1 2 21! 3 Claver C Kid Nelson. Palatable. Ancestors 11925 Victoria 3-4 l:165fast 9 112 4 2 3 and sn Cavangh r. Buri. Sea Cliff. F. Footsteps 11S75 Victoria 3-4 1:15fast 4 112 3 4 4 5 5i Ormes r. J of Asia. Ancestors. Palatable 11701 Victoria 61 f l:23Vandfast 51 10S 45J W Gargan S M. Emily. G. Fallen. PhiUtstiuf. 11304 Vancouver 5-S 1 :01good 7-5 107 1 11 1-1 11 Claver S K. Radford. Commerce, J.Cwford TILDY WOLFFARTK. gr. f. 4 110 By F. V. Barr Cisne J. Quirk. 13037 Juarez 5?. f 1 ifast 15 112 3 4 C Cl S13 II Cavanhll Parnell Girl. Ferrona. Chilla 13031 Juarez 3-4 1:12 fast 12 100 G G 3 21 1081 J Metealf 1- Wheeler. Kali-Inla. Hasson 12977 Juarez 3-4 1:14 fast 6 102 G S 3 3-1 3 F Stevens 13 H. Hawkins, Amitv. B.-E. Susan 12920 Juarez 51 f lfast 15 103 7 9 S 53 0 L. Gentry 10 Ed. Adams, Doc Allen. Visible I2SS7 Juarez 51 f l:06fast 2 104 2 3 3 2 34 L Gentry 10 Ilex, G. of Allah. Charlev Krown 127"1 Juarez 51 f l:05fast 20 107 5 5 5 551 uojH Cavanhll Herpes, Gimli, Bob Lynch 117M Ok.City Ab5-8 l:03hvy 105 GJ Lahell ! Chilton Dance, Minnie F.. Coed 11727 Okla.City 3-4 l:14fast 105 5"i Maddox S Edna. F. Wooden. K. Tanguay 11432 Tulsa AU5-S l:05,fchvy 1-2 103 l1 E Smith 4 IroiiQiieen. R. Dollv. Mintanka 11335 Tulsa Al5-8 l:01mud 4-5 103 11 E Smith 7 Odl Coin. Strike Oiit. W. West 11207 Tulsa A1.3-S 1:00 fast 3-2 103 3s Strang 5 T.ofSpades. Beverstein. A.Paige 11072 Tulsa Ab5-S 59fast 21 10G 3" Strang 0 Carondolet. Doc Allen. M. Dixon 11061 Tulsa Ab3-8 1:01 fast 3-5 10G 3l Strang 7 El Molino. Fernanda. Strike Out 10CSG Anaconda 51 f l:0Sfast 5 103 35J M Mthews 5 M.Richards, Pajaroita. NIftv 10411 Anaconda 5-S l:02good 21 103 Vh M Mthews 7 Rue. J. II. Barr. Clara W. AUNTIE CURL, ch. f. 3 100 By Prospero Charleys Aunt S. A. Beckham. 13J0D Juarez 51 f 1:07 fast 50 100 6 1 2 5s 4 .1 Collins 12 Rirka. Barbara Lane. Diek Dodie K044 Juarez 51 f l:06t"ast 3 102 2 It 2J. 4l R Feeney 11 George, DuskvDave. Silver Tone 129C6 Juarez 51 f l:07fast 12 100 1 5 3 3s 4 G W Carlli:: Harwood. Old Gotch. Duria 12910 Juarez 51 f 1:07 fast f 105 11 9 8 S3 5C3 U Feeney i:i Thos.Hare. LaEstrella. RoundlTp 12910 Juarez 3-4 1:13 fast 7 HO 2 1 3 53 7II1L Gentry ! K.oFortune, G.Warren, Stevesta 12S0S Juarez 51 f 1:15 hvy 4 107 G 2 2 2 2J L. Gentry r, Lit. Bit. Harwood, A. Kennedav 123!.". Dallas 3-4 1:17 fast 115 1 1 2 1 4l Collins 7 Prospero Son, .Tanlel. Blarnev 12236 Dallas 51 f 1:15 slow 112 1 1 1 P V E Smith 4 Pros.Son, Marv Pickford. Binhns 10CI6 Anaconda 41 f 55Vandfast 13-10 10S 1 E Smith 7 Rndllp. A.Kennedav. C.K.Davis 10475 Anaconda 41 f 54fast 2 107 1? E Smith f. Fafner. Art Rick. A. Kennedaj 1040S Anaconda 5-S l:03good 4 106 23 E Smith tl Mil. Roblee. Art Rick. Misplay 10231 Butte 5-S l:02V!;Slow 10 110 2k Pengast 7 Misplay. Milton Roblee. Ceos 10135 Butte 5-S l:01fast 2o 109 S" Pengast S Othello. Ceos. Princess Janice 10007 Butte 1-2 4Sgood 5 112 1H Pengast 11 Big Lumax. Hyndla. Real Worth VENO VON. ch. m, 6 113 By The Irishman Minyon W. A. Wells. 13010 Juarez 51 t 1:G fast 50 io:s 3 2 3 9 :" .1 Daniels 10 ILStreet. Shnr.Knlirht, Or.Smile 2830 Juarez 5-S l:02slow 12 115 3 11 2 4"2 D McCthyll Lit. Rirdie, M.Chavis, Amohalko 12764 Juarez 5-S 5Sfast 20 115 S 4 4 G5 Gel D McCthylO DneAllen. BuckTliomas CalCurn 12690 Juarez 5-S 5Sfast 20 115 4 4 4 3"k Gl5D McCthy 7 S.Alvescot. R. of Jeddah. Herpes 12590 Juarez 5-8 l:00fast 10 112 4 3 5 71 98 D McCthyll Velie Fortv. Par. Girl. Gemmell 12394 Dallas 5-S 1:02 fast 119 G 13 lC,3iWashear 17 Doc Allen," Doll Bov. Follane 12374 Dallas 5-S 1:05 slow 113 4 5 6 II3 McCarty 10 Dominica. Quid Nunc. Orim. Lad 11S67 Hcrest A1.5-S l:00fast 5 113 6J A Fergson 7 loak. La Aurora. Double Fire 11760 Hcrest A15-S1:01 fast 2 114 23 J Deavprt 7 T. dOr. Jen. Wells, yankeelotm-11274 DulTerin Al5-S l:03fast 12 111 p. D McCthy 10 Koroni. Lucetta. Stanley IT. OOMA, blk. f. 3 95 By Cesarion Sncerwell P. T. Chinn. 13133 Juarez 3-ll:13fast 40 inr. 10 11 m 12 12,c?.AMott . 14 Silver Tone. Bertha V.. Felina 13011 Juarez 51 f l:0fast la 95 6 S 9 9 9ISA Mott 11 Geoire. Dusky Dave. Silver Tone , 12910 Juarez 51 f 1:07 fast 20 105 10 11 11 H 11 A Mott 1." Thos.Hare. LaEstrella. RoundUp , 12900 Juarez 3-4 l:13fast 50 SS 5 2 4 9 10" A Mott 12 T. Belle. Mar.Chavis. Sen.James . 11527 H.deGrace 5-S 1 :02Vkcood 7 103 7 8 7 S5 S" J McTagrt ! Salon. Bulgar. Zodiac 11341 H.deGrace 5-S 1:01 fast C 104 3 4 G G3 7 J Callahan ! Trade Mark. Bean Pere. Bulgar . 11189 H.deGrace 5-8 1:01 fast 50 102 7 3 3 5 8" J Callahan 0 Undaunted. Uncle Mun. Muter 7203 Juarez 1-2 49J good 4 110 5 2 2fc 1. Borel S Little Bit. Kiltie. Old Gotch 7095 Juarez 31 f 44 mud 5 113 2 2k 37 Borel 0 Ida Lavinla. Little Bit. Othello 697 Juarez 31 f 40? fast 3-2 110 1 3 4 1 Borel 8 Othello. Panhachapi. Old Gotch GS97 Juarez 3-8 37J hvy 4-5 112 5 ik lb Rorel C StellaWard. Irish Ann, Edith W ROBERTA, ch. m, 7 113 By Ort Wells Sweet Billie L, Delaney. H497 DeerLodge 5i f l:09fast 2 10! Threw rider. Stanford 4 Queen Lead. Lastman. B. Bettie J 11 ISO DeerLodge 5-S 1:05 fast 6 m? Stanfonl ". Secrete. Trallic Watso 11424 DeerLodge 5-S l:04f,fast 7-10 in 31 Stanford 0 Bay Rose. L. Clinton, M. Rhoda 11395 DeerLodge 3-4 l:lSfast S-5 112 :tst Tedwell ." A.Slupskey. A.Teresa. QueenLead ! 11133 DeerLdge 5?. f 1:10 fast 8 109 .".. Tedwell 0 Goinul. Secrete. Medio 11100 DeerLodge 5-S 1:01 fast 3 110 23J S Martin GolfBall, QueenLead. Amohalko 1 10717 Anaconda 5-8 1:02 fast 10 1 10 43 S Martin 7 J.IIurie. F.G.Hognn. Ctry Bov 10617 Anaconda 51 f 1:07-V.fast 2 109 21 Woods S Abe Slupskey, Q. Lead. Eastman 1 10508 Anaconda 1 1 i-MVfcfast 10 111 5" Ormes 7 Evelina, Patriotic. Regards 1015S Anaconda 7-S 1:30 fast 8 .1"T 13? Orines 0 Footloose, Bob Farley. Sleepland 10437 Anaconda 3-4 1:19 slow 8 117 5i Ormes S Clara W.. Medio, Yvonne 10320 Anaconda 7-8 l:32sIow 15 ml loJ-iorines 10 Sleepland. Milt Jones. Lescar 10232 Butte 51 f l:0SVRslow 10 10S 11 C IT Miller12 Evelina. AnneIcGee. NoQnarter i- 10069 Butte lm20v l:43fast S 103 7 c Kollv 10 L.Rsselaer. R.Esther. Arbutus 5 10011 Butte lm20y l:43good 9 105 4" C Kelly S Tho .Monk, Golf Ball. Joe Woods 3 , , . . J ! 1 1 i- 5 3 FIRE, b. g, 7 115 By Cesarion Incendiary G. Melbourne. 13161 Juarez 3-1 1:11 fast G IV, 5 S 7 fi 41 E Taplin S No Quarter. Klhelila. Silver Tone 13136 Juarez 3-11:12 fast 15 112 7 9 S 71 75i J Grotli 12 Commendation, Chilla. J. of As. a 13073 Juarez 7-S l:25fast 6 10S 7 7 7 5 53i 4-3 S-Horrell 7 Burnt Candle. Ave. Retente 13007 Juarez 1 l:3Sfast 30 107 9 4 4 5 63 7" F Benton 11! Anne McGce. Ainitv. Joe Woods 129S9 Juarez 3-4 1:12 fast 10 112 1 G 5 521 58i H "Woods 1 L. Hevwood. Kali-Inla. Ferrona 12S9S Juarez 3-4 1:14 fast 10 115 8 9 3 11 ll W 0Brienl4 F. Wooden. N.Mnchacho. Frwill 12S63 Juarez 3-4 1:15 good 20 116 5 G G 45 53 "W OBrien 9 Ramsv, Ilex. Binocular 12S01 Juarez 3-4 1:21 hvy 25 112 5 7 7 7 7SW OBrien S Mazurka, Labold, Eye White 12214 Victoria Ab5-S l:01mud 5 112 74 McMartin 7 Ramsy. BummerHL, Mandadero 121GS Victoria 3-4 1:20 mud 17 112 2 8 4 3JJ 2" Hill 8 Hazel C. .Mercurium. LocutRiid SIR EALLINGER, D. h, 5 118 By Harvest Hazard H. Collins. 13134 Juarez 3-1 1 :12fast 21 111 7 7 7 G1 CJ A Murray 12 Pontefract. TightBov. Johiilliir 12977 Juarez 3-4 1:11 fast 12 115 9 5 7 6 64J A Murray V.i II. Hawkins, Amitv. T. Wllarth 12929 Juarez 51 f 1:07 fast 10 111 5 4 4 3 33 II Woods 14 M. Chavis. Gt Friar. Amohalko 12S53 Juarez 5-S 1:03 slow 20 IIS S 7 8 S S"JA Murray S Rrightstone. King Elk Par. Girl 12333 Dallas 5-S 1:12 hvy 119 2 2 2 23 1?. Ramsey 7 Col. Austin. F. Wooden, Soirella CASTARE, b. g, 5 115 By Castine I Declare J. J. Ferguson. First start. FOURTH RACE 3-4 Mile. 3-year-olds. Handicap. 12000 1 :0!C 11.". CAPTAIN BURNS, b. c. 3 108 By Rockton Ravenna J. E. Dorsey 13225 Juarez 3-4 1:13 fast 23-5 100 4 2 2 Ill3 A Claver C Sosins, Gipsvl.ove, Scarlet Oaks 13163 Juarez 3-4 l:12y3fast 4-5 100 2 1 1 11 23 W AV Tlor S Milton Roblee, Sosins. Snperl 13147 Juarez 3-4 l:12fast 3 100 4 4 4 31 32 I Ford 4 .Milton Roblee. GipsvLove, Ring 13099 Juarez 51 f 1:03 fast 4 100 4 3 1 1 3J A Claver 7 Gipsy Love, Boh Henslev. Alvis 130G9 Juarez 51 f l:01fast 7-10 102 2 2 2 2h 21 R Carter 4 B. Ilensley, Bird .Man. Anvtlmu 13032 Juarez 3-4 l:123fast 2 98 3 2 2 21 4i J Metealf 0 Bing, Milton Roblee, Snperl 12603 James n 51 f 1:08 good 41 109 1 3 3 33 33 Fbrother 7 Salon. Executor. Supreme 125S0 Jamesn 3-4 l:15fast 21 98 S Fell. W Ward S John P. Nixon, Salon, Harebell 12509 Jamesn 3-4 l:14fast 5 116 7 6 3 31 3s! F Adams 8 Valkvrie. .Mater, Kay oLHht 12331 Laurel 51 f 1:11 slow 6 118 3 2 2 2" lb Butwell 5 Ortyx, Supreme, Undercover 11S42 Trenton Ab5-S 591 fast S-5 115 2 C Grand 7 L.Leighton. Muskmelon, B Crest 11333 Syracuse 51 f l:09i slow 2 120 2 Troxler :! Crossbun. Milkv Wav 1131S Syracuse 51 f 1:0S fast 2-5 112 l1 Troxler 3 Milky Wav. Fatigue " 10557 Empire 5-S 1:011 fast 1-2 10S Is C Grand 4 Kedron, L. Neoskaleeta. Fatigue 100G1 Belmont 51 f st l:07good 3 10S 4 11 2" 4 J Wilson r. Notoriety. Mordecal. Polly II. S0SIUS, br. c, 3 110 By Solitaire LT. Aya J. Livingston. 13225 Juarez 3-11:13 fast 2 110 3 G 5 4s 2s A Xeylon r, Capt.P.urns, GIp.Love. Scar.Oaks 13165 Juarez 3-4 l:12,fast 2 112 4 3 3 3 3 J Loftus S .Mil. Roblee. Capt Burns. Snperl 12943 Juarez 3-11:13 fast 21 SS 3 1 1 23 2 J McDond f Irish Gentleman. Just Red, Am 1291G Juarez 3-4 l:12fast 2 105 8 C 4 22 ll A Neylon i G.Love, Tlieodorita, Crystophine 12S35 Juarez 51 f l:10H;slow S-5 105 6 5 3 11 I3 A Neylon ii Mav L.. Paw. Bird .Man 12797 Juarez 3-4 1:20 hvy 4-5 112 2 2 3 2k 23 J Loftus S Milt.Roblee EdLuce. B.Hensley 1270S Juarez 3-4 l:12fast 21 112 4 2 2 4k 51 J Loftus 9 Gipsv Love. Paw. Christophine 12360 Latonia 3-4 l:15hvy 8 112 2 5 4 43 434 J Henry S John Gund. D. Craig. Claxonette 123.17 Latonia 1 l:4S;hvy 4-5 112 4 5 4 2 2s 2 J Henry 7 Buck Keenon. Mockery. Otrauto 12273 Latonia 3-4 1:17 hvy 22 100 G C G G CT2 J Henry 7 Ralph. Hodge. Bringhurst 1217S Churchill 1 l:43mud 13-10 111 3 3 3 3 11 ll J Henry 9 B.Keenon. Stevesta. Christophine 12151 Churchill 51 f 1:0S mud 7 10S 5 4 4 31 321 J Henry S Bolala, Birdie Williams, Ratina 11977 Cliurchill 3-4 l:13fastll7-20 107 3 4 4 2 21 J Henry 12 B.Brother. Bar.Lane. L.Fortuiia 11732 Douglas 3-1 l:15hvy 17-10 112 4 7 5 51 3 Borel 11 Belloc. Lindar. Dr. Kendall U6S3 Douglas 3-4 l:12fast 37 107 2 2 3 5 5,: Gross 5 Ralph. Black Toney. Bronzewlng BOB HENSLEY, ch. c, 3 110 By Rapid Water Mae Erwin Allen and Hensley. 13099 Juarez Gl f 1:05 fast 5 102 2 5 5 3s 21 1! Marco 7 Gipsy Love, Capt.P.urns, Alvis 13069 Juarez 51fl:01fast 4 97 4 3 3 3,! ll B Marco 4 Capt. Burns. Bird Man, Anvtiine 12932 Juarez 3-4 l:12fast 2 115 5 4 4 2h 3i B Marco S Florin, Superl, May L. 12902 Juarez 51 f 1 :66r;fast 10 113 1 4 3 23 21 B Marco 7 Redpath. May L.. Florin 12797 Juarez 3-4 1:20 hvy 5 103 6 5 5 43 i" li Marco S Milton Roblee. Sosius. Ed Luce 12720 Juarez 51 f 1:05 fast 10 112 5 6 5 1 4S1 B Marco ! Scarlet Oaks, Redpath. Ilinata 12GS2 Juarez 5-S 1:00 fast 3-2 115 S 5 4 33 lb P Marco 11 Superiority, Baltimore, Birka 1263S Juarez 5-S 59andfast G 115 3 4 3 43 3" B Marco 10 ScarletOaks. AuutElsie. Renwar 12463 Latonia 1 l:46?mud 21 93 6 5 4 3 33 23 B Marco 12 Decathlon. Candy Box. Bolala 12420 Latonia 3-4 l:14y5fast 47-10 9S 3 2 2 5h 431 B Marco 11 Dr.Samnel. LadvMoonet. C.Box 12270 Latonia 1 l:4Gandhvy 43-5 101 5 3 4 3 31 31 B Marco S C. Box, Bayhead. D. of Shelbv 12231 Latonia 51 f 1:11 hvy 19-5 112 4 1 1 2l 11 B Marco 12 Holton, Robert Kav, Monstoue 12107 Cliurchill 51 f 1:07 fast 67-10 113 9 3 2 23 2 B Marco 12 Deposit, Isabella Valle, Nash SCARLET OAKS, b. f, 3 114 By Dick Welles Glena Mrs. H. D. Poyneer. 13225 Juarez 3 11:13 fast 5 us 1 1 1 22 4", C Gross i Capt. l.urns. Sosius. Gipsv Love 13075 Juarez :.K f l:05f,fast 3 102 1 1113 2" C Gross 7 F. Roberts. G. Russell. " Rights 1295 1 Juarez r.l f 1 :0fast 2-5 113 5 2 2 2" i E Taplin .r. Ring. .Milton Roblee. Katina 12720 Juarez 54 1 1:05 fast 4-5 109 2 1 1 Ill4 G W Car 11 ! Redpath. Ilinata. Bob Henslev I263S Juarez 5-S 59fUst 9-5 112 4 11 I3 1" G W Car1110 AuutElsie. Bob Henslev. Kenwar 12397 Latonia 5 .8 l:02!fast 5-4 110 4 1 1 ll l4 Montour 12 Clirist.Eve. liastante. M.Krueter MANGANESE, b. g, 3 100 By Lithos Regea S. Ambrose. 13223 Juarez 3-11:13 fast 0 His 2 3 1 5"! L Gentry ! Capt. Burns, Sosius, GIi sv Love 13032 Juarez 3-1 l:12last 3-2 ni 2 1 1 1 Tfi E Taplin ti Ring. Milton Roblee. Snperl 129IS Juarez 51 1" 1 :05rast 4 92 3 4 4 3! 33 C Jones 4 FlorenreRolxrts. Useeit. Hobnob 12919 Juarez 3-4 1:12 fast 9-10 117 3 2 2 2 2 J Grotli C Little Will. Meshacb. Redpath 12S76 Juarez 3 4 l:13fast G 110 3 1 1 21 2"t Ij Gentry 9 Osaple. Blarnev. Edith W. 12763 Juarez 5111:05 fast 31 107 3 1 1 Ill J.Groth 5 Blarney. Emerald Gem. Bird Man 12711 Juarez 51 f 1 :06 fast 5 107 2 1 2 lb 2b J Groth 7 Bing. Edith W.. Emerald Gem 12691 Juarez GA f 1 :057sfast 6 110 3 1 3 5s 4-2 Kirschin 9 P.larnev, Edith W.. Bird Man 12C0O Juarez 5-S 59fast 21 0S 3 1 1 23 24 M Mthews .r. Emerald Gem, Paw. Sir Harry 125S7 Juarez 5-S 59fast 4 105 G 2 2 2 21 M Mthews 7 Paw, P.larnev. Milton Roblee 11911 Victoria 5-S 1 :01fast S-5 121 4 4 G 6 GxlPiekens i P.igLumax. OuskvDave. Riniifax 115SS Vancouver 51 f l:07good G 103 43J Gentry 7 P.ofLismore. Fitzgerald. Seneca 1150.! Vancouver 3-1 1 :141good 3 11G 4 11 l4 1 D Roland fi Dalston. Transact. Felina 11311 Vancouver 4i f 56hvy 5 91 2 2 3 21 3J C Jones fl Lackrose, Roseitaire. B.Tliomas 11022 Vancouver 5-S 59fast 13-5 110 21 Washear 4 Paw. Col. McDougall. Little Kit 1093S Vancouver 51 f 1:07 fast 12 113 5 4 4 431 441 Burgame 0 Orb, Paw. Redpath 10791 Vancouver 41 f 55 fast 11-10 112 1 11 11 l3 Burgame r Big Lumax. Paw. Brighouse FOOL 0 FORTUNE, b. c, 3 108 By Chilton Australina M. Foley. 13212 Juarez 51 f 1 :07 fast 11-5 112 6 4 4 3" 2" J Groth 0 Alvis. Othello. Big Lumax 1307G Juarez 7-S 1:25 fast 21 92 3 7 7 5 11 1 A Xeylon S Acumen, Ceos, Orba Smile 13045 Juarez 51 f 1:06 fast 7-5 105 4 5 5 54 in R Feeney S Claribel. Ed Luce, Birka 12990 Juarez 51 f l:05fast 21 10S 7 7 7 6 32 L Gentry 7 C.McDougall, B.Luniax. Ed Luce 12944 Juarez 51 f l:0GV5fast 4 10S 1 4 4 lt 1 L Gentry S Dnrin. O.d Gotch. Dusky Dave 12910 Juarez 3-1 1:13 fast 15 105 4 4 1 12 11 F Moore 9 Gen. Warren, Stevta, A.Keudav 12S71 Juarez 3-4 l:14ifast 12 103 7 7 3 3J 54 F Moore 11 Birka. Gen. Warren. Old Gotch" 12742 Juarez 3-4 l:12fast G ICS 8 10 9 7s 7! P Moore 10 Aug. lleiuze. Dr. Bailey, Dro l 1271S Juarez 51 f 1:00 fast 5 100 S 10 9 9 781 F Moore 12 Birka, Transact. Alabama Bam 12634 Juarez 51 f l:06fast 10 106 10 S 8 S1 88 F Moore 13 Ilinata. Little Bit, AdaKenneda v 12610 Juarez 51 f l:07fast 2 112 8 G 5 4" 41 F Moore S Durin. Baltimore. Malay 1229S Laurel 5-S l:04hvy 10 110 6 6 4 50 4 Troxler 0 Bulgar, Roger Gordon. FlatbiKh 12264 Laurel 51 f l:09landmud 100 104 7 7 G 615 6l3JJ Callahan 7 Rrave Cunarder, Galaxy, Gall p 12210 Laurel 51 f 1:11 hvy 5 110 3 5 5 4 J 3i Troxler 7 Recessn, H.Rrother, Rgmarslial 12185 Laurel 51 f l:09slow 5 10S 9 9 7 G1 G Burgame 12 PerthRock, H. Brother, Harebell 12131 Laurel 3-4 1:15 fast 8 109 G 4 3 31 41 Troxler 11 Woodrow. Recession. Water Lad 12030 Laurel 51 f l:0Sfast 15 105 10 9 7 6s 5" Sclmtger 11 Lady Grant. Redpath. Ortyx FIFTH RACE 5-8 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. Or.lOO .".S 9 1 S. THISTLE BELLE, br. m, 8 113 By Knight of tho Thistle Belturbot W. J. Dunn. 13214 Juarez 3-1 l:ll5fast S 110 S 2 2 21 2 C Gross 14 Jewel of Asia. EyeWbite. Fly!;,; 13177 Juarez 51 f 1:06 fast S 107 5 3 4 52 CJJ Groth S Herpes. Orimar Lad. Genniiell 13121 Juarez 51 f 1:00 fast 5 105 6 1 1 44 35 .1 Grotli 14 Miss Sly, GraysFavorite. Colinet 129S0 Juarez 51 f 1:05 fast 6 103 7 3 3 G 7"1C VanDun 7 Gemmell. Edm. Adams. Herpes 12S90 Juarez 51 f 1:06 fast 21 105 G 2 2 23 G C VanDun S R. of Jeddah. Rrightstone M.SIy 1279S Juarez 51 f 1:13 hvy 4 10S 3 11 11 31 C VanDun C. Frazzle. Ur.Emma. R. of Jeddah 12770 Juarez 51 f 1:09 mud 1-2 112 1 11 23 25 E Taplin 0 Orimar Lad. Bash.Bettie. Koroni 12729 Juarez 51 f 1 :05?fast 1 109 2 1 1 11 l1 E Taplin 7 Gemmell. Dynamo. Orimar Lad 12103 Helena 51 f l:07Vfefast 109 2" W Fischer 4 Oxer. Chas. Goetz. Swarfs Hill 1207G Helena 7-S 1:29 fair 113 44J W Fischer 4 Transparent. NewIIaven. Sw.IIiil 12059 Helena 5-S l:O0fast 109 l2 W Fischer 4 NewIIaven. Hardy. LaCazadora 11492 DeerLodge 5-S 1:02 fast 3 111 21 W Fischer 5 C.Goetz. NewIIaven, Duncraggan 11419 DeerLodge 51 f l:09fast 6-5 106 11 W Fischer 5 Pajaroita, Anne McGce. Buss 11131 DeerLodgo 3-4 l:lGfast 9-5 105 361 W Fischer 4 NewIIaven. Sw.IIiil. Duncraggan 10992 DeerL dge 51 f l:09fast 2 107 1 W Fischer 5 New Haven, Buss. Swarfs Hill 106S5 Anaconda 3-4 l:15Vsfast 2 114 ll W Fischer Rue. Prince Conrad. Great Friar BUCK THOMAS, ch. g. 8 115 By Peter McCue Nona P. J. N. Reynolds. 13152 Juarez 51 f l:06fast 25 113 3 1 1 31 f32 J Howard S Par.Girl, LaEstrella. G. Favorite 130S6 Juarez 5-S 59fast 15 IIS 2 4 4 4l 5s L Gentry 13 O.Lad. G.sFavorite. Rrightstone 12995 Juarez 5-S 59 fast C IIS 4 11 331 6" It Mentry 7 Herpes. Gimli. Birka 12S53 Juarez 5-S 1:03 slow 2 120 5 3 3 o2 52 J Howard S Briglitstone, King Elk Par. Girl 12S37 Juarez 5-S l-.Olandslow 21 106 2 1 1 ll 11 J Howard 0 Iuquieta. Labold. Sir Alvescot 12S23 Juarez 5-S 1:07 hvy 13-5 106 4 1 1 l3 2-l A Neylon " Janus. Iuquieta, Herpes 127S7 Juarez 5-S l:05hvy 5 115 2 11 lot 321 F Teahan S The Fad. V. Forty, Un.Jim.Gray 12764 Juarez 5-S 5S?jfast 21 115 3 1 1 121 23 L Gentry 10 Doc Allen, CalCurn. Dusky Dave 12692 Juarez 5-S 59 fast 5 115 5 1 1 11 53 Kirschm S Miss Sly. Gimli. Parnell Girl 12590 Juarez 5-8 l:00fast 5 112 2 11 1" 4 Moleswh 14 Velie Forty, Par. Girl. Gemmell 12151 Victoria A1.5-S 1:00 mud 23-10 109 3 1 1 1 ll Pickens S MissSly. Calcium. J. Henderson 12140 Victoria Ab5-S l:0Omud 4-5 112 4 11 1 2fl OBrien 0 Arany. Marsand. .Mazurka 11922 Victoria 5-8 l:01fast 13-20 112 4 1 1 1 3s A Martin 7 Right Little. Zulu. Miss Sly 11912 Victoria 5-S l:01fast 29-5 110 3 2 2 21 24 A Martin 5 Dotty. P. of Lismore. Lit. Jake 11705 Victoria 41 f 55y5fast 9-10 119 5T1 D Boland f! Dotty. P. of Lismore. Lit. Jake 11311 Vancouver 41 f 56hvy 33-10 115 4 1 1 l5i 43 Groth Lackrose. Roseitaire. Manganese 1101 Vancouver i-2 47fast 7-10 119 3 F Jackson 0 Lrose, P.ofLmore. D.J. 15. Berry I0SG3 Vancouver 1-2 47 fast 11-5 119 2 1 l3 l2 Rrooks 4 Kootenay. Dotty. Little Jake 10S01 Vancouver 5-S 1:00 fast 10 115 2 11 l2 21 Jackson 5 P.ofLismore. Dotty. Chas. Goetz 10335 Vancouver 41 f 534fast 43-5 119 2 3 1 1J 22 Jackson Roseitaire. P.ofLismore. Dotty 10210 Vancouver 5-8 1 :00fast 1 112 3 1113 1 Moleswh 7 Velie Forty. Sallle ODay. M.SIy CAL CURN, ch, c, 4 110 By Stem Winder Queencup Trowbridge and Officer. 12704 Juarez 5-S 5Sfast 12 10S 1 2 2 33 332 A Claver 10 Doe Allen. BuckTliomas. D.Dave 1-13 Victoria Al5-S l:01mud 4-G 110 l4 OBrien 0 WiltrudeS.. Bredwell, IIugbGray 12167 Victoria 3-4 l:20mud 27-3 115 3 2 2 2nk 2b OBrien 5 Azurea. Far Cathay. C. Lindsley 11S02 Victoria 5-S l:024fast 13-20 109 lh OBrien 0 C. Trance. M. Kennedy. R.Little 11176 Vancouver 5-S l:00fast 12 115 S 8 7 51 5 OBrien ! Palatable. Lady Pender, Mollor 10976 Vancouver 7-8 l:01fast 14 115 1 2 1 l2 11 OBrien 7 Hand. Ted, Moller, L. Pender 10913 Vancouver 5-S 1:02 fast S-5 10S 6 4 4 lh 2 Cavangh 10 Kittis Bum. Barium. Satchelette 10SG7 Vancouver 5-S l:01fast 7 105 2 1 2 11 2 Burgame S Elsewhere. BummerllL. K.Bum IDA LAVINIA, blk. f. 3 100 By Cesarion Dixarina F. D. Weir. 13015 Juarez 51 f 1 :06 fast 10 100 2 3 4 41 552 J McDond S Fool oFortune. Claribel, Ed Luce 12S53 Juarez 0-8 1:03 slow 3 103 G 5 5 4h 45 J McCabe S Briglitstone. King Elk. Par. Girl 12S0S Juarez 51 f 1:15 hvy 1 109 4 II 31 52 J McCabe 0 Little Bit Auntie Curl, Harwood 127S9 Juarez 5-S 1:05 hvy 7 102 2 1113 Is J McCabe J Art Rick, Charley Brown, Ortyx 12764 Juarez 5-S 5Sfast 7 97 4 G 73 S32W W TlorlO DocAllen. BuckTliomas. CalCurn 12C90 Juarez 5-8 GSfast 6 95 1 5 7 7 7 J McDond 7 S.Alvescot. R. of Jeddah. Herpes 1265S Juarez 5J f 1:08 fast 5 103 5 3 3 5nk 6,s J McDond 7 G.Love. A.Kenneday. Tlieodorita 12259 Latonia 5r. f 1:11 mud 11 103 4 3 2 33 41 Gross 5 Bolala. B. Williams. Tavolara 12235 Latonia 51 f l:10hvy 19-5 105 5 2 2 21 32 J McCabe S Birdie Williams. Minda. Tomboy 11744 Douglas 3-4 l:14,is!ow 7 107 4 2 2 4h 6Ti J McCabe 12 Anytime. Cbarmeuse. Wermelon 11651 Douglas 5-S l:O0fast 2 105 2 2 2 21 3i J McCabe 11 Gipsy Love. Anytime. MartyLou 1139S Lexington 51 f 1:09slow 3 103 1 11 ll ll J McCabe 10 Gipsy Love, S.Tone. Dr.Kendall 10756 Saratoga 51 f l:093slow 5 101 2 1112 7C2 J McCabe 12 Prest. Lynn, Mordeca!. Cannock ED LUCE, b. c, 3 105 By Guiding Star Belle Strome Peck and McGrathV 13146 Juarez 3-1 l:13fast 4 100 11 4 4 71 ti3 C Jones 12 Masalo. General Warren. Gomul 13109 Juarez 51 f l:05fast 6 107 2 7 7 41 341 S Smith S Barbara Lane. Birka. BigLumax 13045 Juarez 51 f 1:06 fast 4 105 3 2 2 3!1 33 J Howard S Fool o Fortune, Claribel. Birka 12990 Juarez 51 f l:05fast 6 105 3 2 2 2b 42 J Howard 7 C.McDgal. B.Luniax. F.oForfo 1291G Juarez 3-4 l:125fast 12 97 3 3 5 43 GTJ B Marco 9 Sosius, Gypsy Love. Tlieodorita 12SS6 Juarez 51 f l:06fast S 10S C 4 3 21 2 R Guy 10 Tlieodorita. Dusky Dave. Ceos 12S35 Juarez 51 f l:10slow 10 114 3 3 4 34 53 C Gross .Sosius. May L.. Paw 12797 Juarez 3-4 1:20 hvy 12 111 4 4 4 33 331 R Guy 8 MiItonRoblee. Sosins. B.nensley 12744 Juarez 51 f 1:06 fast 100 103 5 5 G G 63 R Guy 7 Bing. Manganese. Edith W. 12617 Juarez 51 f l:05fast 30 105 4 4 5 6 684 M Mthews 0 Blarney. Redpath. Paw 12073 Helena 5-S l:024falr HO IJ W Fischer 0 M. Roblee. RoundUp. Prin.Janlce 12065 Helena 5-8 1:03 slow 101 Ink Mempa 5 Round Up. Mil. Roblee. ArtRick 11511 DeerLodge 41 f 566fast 2 110 23 Donovan 4 Hard Ball. Rertha V.. Frances G. 11475 DeerLodge 41 f 57t;fast 5 105 1 Donovan 4 D. Carroll, BerthaV., Yip-IIy-Ya BINOCULAR, b. g. 7 115 By Filigrano Osee P. Collis. 12S63 Juarez 3-4 1:15 good 1 111 2 4 4 32 3 A Neylon 9 Ramsy, Ilex, Rioja PGSG Juarez 3-4 l:12andtast 12 112 2 4 4 G3 Sl H Woods 12 TheMonk, EyoWhlte. An. Interest lf.W Juarez 51 f l:07fast 5 112 3 4 4 321 2h H Woods 10 Moller, Lofty Heywood. Q. Trip 12639 Juarez 51 f l:06Vsfast 12 108 14 11 8 73 9,S5H Woods 14 U.Jim.Gray. MissSly. EyeWhlte 12197 Victoria 3-4 1:19 mud 10 113 3 2 1 ll ll Taylor ;" Fitzgerald. Mandadero. Mammy 12143 Victoria 61 f l:25mud 11 112 1 2 2 4 32 43 W Taylor S B. Stone. L. Creed. K. Radford 12002 Vibtoria 3-4 t:15fast 12 114 4 2 4 5 341 Pauley 7 Sarrnnor, Rnmsy. Arany , 1197G Victoria 7-8 l:29fast 21-5 107 5 3 2 2 2s 323 Pickens 0 Stoneman. Shawnee. Quick m Trip 11910 Victoria 3-4 1:16 fast 2 107 4 2 2 2s In Taylor 7 Commendation. Palaver. Oblivion USS1 Victoria 3-4 l:15fast 9 114 6 2 2 21 2s Taylor S K. Radford. Efficiency. Lil. Ray DUSKY DAVE, ch. c, 3 100 By Bonnie Joe Independent E. D. Kaufman. 130U7 Juarez Gl f 1:06 fast Z 113 1 3 lt 32 G AY Carll 15 llyki, Rcind I o, Dalston 1S044 Juarez 5i f l:00fast 2 100 4 5 4 1S 2 J McDondll George. Silver Tone, Auntie Curl 1914 Juarez 5 f l:06fast 1S-5 103 3 2 1 4i 4i J Metcalf S Fool o Fortune. Diirin. Old Gotch 12SS6 Juarez t l:0Gfast 10S 3 2 2 li 34J C KirschmlO Tueodorita. Kd Luce, Ceos 12704 Juarez 5-8 G8fast 10 102 7 7 C 5" 41 J McBride 10 DocAUen. BuckThomas. CalCurn 12021 Victoria Ab5S 5Sfast 11-5 115 3 4 3 S-i 33 Cavangh 5 BigLumax, MuyBuena, Conjnry ll!lt Victoria o-S l:01fast 19-10 111 1 2 2 2i 2i McBride 5 Big Luinax. Kimifax. Ilester 11S45 Victoria 5-8 l:02fast 1 110 4 1112 li McBride 4 MuyBuena, Hester, Cust.House 115Si Arancouver 1-2 4SVgood 3J 115 l6 Cavangh 0 La Estrella. Conjnry. Kimifax 115IIS Arancouver 4 55good 13 110 4 4 3 41 75i CavanRh 9 FredaJohnson. Hester. Brigbouse 11147 Vancouver 4i f 57M;hvy S 110 4 C C G Gsi Cavangh S Felina. George. Brighouse 11K9 Vancouver 4J f 51Vfast 5 112 6 6 Pulled up. McBride 0 Transact. Custom House. George 10M3 Vancouver 1-2 4Sfast 4 109 4 2 2"" 3i McBride 7 MuyBuena, LaEstrella. Cal.Jack 10355 Arancouver 5-S l:01fast 19-10 112 2 11 in 451 J .Murphy 5 Transact, Old Gotch, Leford LADY TEND I, b. m. 6 113 By Sir Hercules Tendi P. Lisso. 5373 Anaconda 5 f 1:091 fast S 104 5 2 3 5 5i Cavangh 5 Chanticlor, La Cazadora. X. Nick 5327 Anaconda 3-4 1:17 good 6 109 3 1 2 4l 6s J Hanover S Orba Smile, The Monk, Tremargo 4932 Butte 5 f 1:09J slop S 109 5 2 4 G3 G11 D Bolar.d 7 NapaNick, OrimarLad, F.Fashion 4905 Butte 3-4 1:17 slop 12 110 1 11 l2l 1J D Boland S Billv Myer, Passenger, Engraver 4S30 Butte 3-4 1:144 fast 4 109 1 111 2J I Boland 7 P.G.Hogan, Mad. Musgrave, Cool 4777 Butte 5J f 1:0S fast 1S-5 112 5 11 2i 4i A Xelson S La Cazadora. Ori.Lad. Passenger 47C5 Butte 6?. f 1:07 fast 3 114 2 1112 l2 Forsythe S Passenger, Cool, Mad. Musgrave 43G5 Butte 5-S 593 fast 2J 10S 5 3 2 35 22 D Boland 9 LaCazadora, Chas.Goetz, Hawley 4472 Butte 5i f 1:0S fast 41 112 1 2 1 l2 l2 D Boland 7 O.Smile, Passenger, La Cazadora 4377 Butte F C 1:12 hvy 30 117 2 2 3 2i 55 Frasch S F.Fashion. M.Musgve. LaCastara 4320 Butte 5-S 1:001 fast S-5 110 G 4 3 23 .2 Frasch 10 La Cazadora. Miss Sly, Doerfoot 4257 Butte F C 1:112 slow 1 110 1 1 1 1 31 Frasch 7 T.Monk, Portarlington, M. Emily 400S Salt Lake 3-4 1:12? fast 4 107 3 2 1 1" Gi J McBride 7 Tremargo, Chilla, Xo Quarter PALATABLE, ch. c, 4 115 By Chop Suey Omah AVood T. A. Davies. i:;i.".2 Juarez C?. f l:O0fast 9 112 3 4 G Z3 tiJ C Riddle S Par.Girl, LaEstrella, G. Favorite 13137 Juarez 3-4 l:llfast 15 112 3 2 3 4k 75 C Riddle S Butter Ball, Janus, An. Interest 12992 Juarez 3-4 l:12fast 5 112 3 2 2 4"t 5 C Riddle S Goldfinn, Hazel C. Jessup Burn 1937 Juarez 3-4 l:12fast 4 110 2 1 1 22 3i C Riddle S Acumen, Stanley S., Eye AVhite 12914 Juarez 3-4 1:13 fast 5 10S 5 2 1 l2 11 C Riddle 7 AVcyanoke, Janus, Fort Sumter 129M Juarez 3-4 l:13fast 9-5 113 11 10 S G:i 54 C Riddle 12 TrojanBelle, M.Chavis, Sen.James 12719 Juarez 3-4 l:12Vandfast 7 10S 4 1 3 3 22 C Riddle 10 R.ofJeddah, A.Interest. E.White 12C92 Juarez 5-S 59 fast 3 113 4 3 4 k 42i Riddle S Miss Sly. Gimli. Parnell Girl 126G2 Juarez 51. f 1:0G fast 8 110 2 3 2 22 23 Groth 10 Orimar Lad, A.Interest. Par.Girl 12023 Victoria 3-4 l:15fast 5J 113 4 3 3 221 2 Pickens Sid.Peters, Kid-Nelson, Marsand 11974 Victoria 3-4 l:15fast 5 114 3 2 3 31 23 Pickens C Kid Xelson, Marsand, Ancestors IIS75 AMctoria 3-4 l:15ysfast 17-5 109 1 1 2 21 3J Pickens 5 J. of Asia. Ancestors, The Monk 11793 Arlctoria 5-S l:02fast 1 109 11 Pickens S RightLittle. MissSly. Chi.Trance 11702 Victoria 5-S 1:02 fast 2 109 1-1 Pickens S Safranor, Masalo, Miss Sly 115S3 Arancouver 5?. f 1:08 good 2 115 " ll Corey 7 Ancestors. F. Cathay, L. Pender 11170 Vancouver 5-S l:O0?sfast 20-10 115 G 3 2 2 1? Corey 9 Lady Pender. Moller. Camia PARCEL POST, ch. f. 3 100 By Dick Welles Moselle E. L. Fitzgerald. 12301 Latonia 5?. f l:ll,shvv G 105 2 2 2 S8 :, E Martin ." B. Williams, Tavolara. Malay l?34!t Dorval 5-8 1:03 slow 5 3 05 3 1 1 ll I1 Gould 7 Colors. The Idol. Behest 11223 BlueBon. 51 f l:07fast 10 1071 2 2 2 7 G15lSkirvin S Stevesta, Itequiram. Cannock 10771 Oonnght 51 f l:09;Slow 5 103 5 2 3 4h 53J Kederis 7 Zodiac, L. Travers, Nan. Orme 9S99 KingEd. Ab5-S 1:01 slow 1 311 5 Jensen S L. Rebel. M. Sister. T. Hancock 974f, KingEd. 4 f l:00hvv 3-2 11Y 31 Jensen t Stevesta, Booth, Spitfire 9GSS KingEd. Ab5-S l:01fast. 7-10 110 11 Jensen S Stevesta, T. Hancock, Kettdrum S"M Delorimier 1-2 49 fast 1-2 120 S-l Jensen S Stevesta, T. Hancocii. Colonel C. 9130 KingEd. Al5-S oSfast 3-2 32fi l4 E Grillin 9 Tempest. Montreal. M.s Sister OOf.l KingEd. 41 f 5Shvy 3-2 113 l3 Vaudusen 9 Stevesta, Traiiseina. Colonel C. J. B. MAYLOAV, ch. g. 3 102 By Sir AVilfred Hattic Aralkcr Hickcy and Clohcr. 1 U1 Juarez 3-11:11 fast 5 10O 1 1 1 1.. .. J Dreyer S X yimrter. Ethelda. Silvei Tone 13111 Juarez 3-1 1:14 fast 7 100 3 1 1 l- VI J Dreyer 1:5 Venetian. Angie I., ilolberg liW, Juarez f.?. f 1 :07fast 25 307 3 1 2 5i 7-JII AVoods 3:5 Hnnvood, Old Gotch. Durin 12S99 Juarez 5-S 1:00 fast 10 10S 5 9 G G 713 E Tapliu 12 L.Will. AuntElsie. CliristmsisEve 12502 Jamcsn 5-S l:022sfast 20 109 5 5 5 4U 51 Buxton B5 M.s Choice. Castara. J. J. Lillis 1247:: Pimlico 5 f 1:0S fast fid 109 4 3 3 41 SlXatlian V.. llaPenny. Canto. Balfrou 12103 Pimlico 51 f l:0Sfast fid 109 13 13 14 132 10ls Buxton 15 Clestonian. Thornhill. P.Chillon 12J55 Laurel 5 f 1:05 fast 20 107 6 4 5 41 G"! Buxton 11 Suwannee. Harebell, High Priest 1230S Laurel -S l:07hvy 9 10S 1 3 2 4"t Buxton 7 11. Brother. Harebell, The Goat 12210 Laurel 5i f 1:11 hvy S 107 4 1 1 52 GiBuxton 7 Recession. ILBrother. F.oFtune MIHNIE BRIGHT, ch. m. 8 108 By Balgowan Malaise J. AV. Flynn. 12192 Victoria Al5-S 1:02 mud 6-5 112 5 5 3 31 33i OBrien 7 Ben Greenleaf. M. Pride, I. Diaz 321C5 Aictoria Ab3-S l:03mud 3 112 9 S 4 5ll 3: C Jones 9 L.of t.Fest. LaPetite. M.L;ike 12US Aictoria 3-4 1:19 mud 19 114 4 2 5 G G.C Jones S Lm.lsle. Lambertha. X.Muehacho 911S Connaught 3-1 l:15fast SO 101 3 3 3 52 G Dreyer S M. Marion. Shawnee. JIarie T. !;0S:! Connght 51 f l:0Sfast 40 102 10 7 S 9 7l Dreyer 11 Marsand. T.TIiompson. T.Snyers WSS Connaught 3-1 l:10fast 3 103 2 1 2 41 97J Nathan 10 Jomiuil. F. Godmother, Planter S9C0 Cnnaught 51 f l:091f.fast 30 10111 11 10 11 9-- Dennler ." Kosemary, TomSnyers. P.Ik. River 8773 Blue Bon. 7-8 3:2Sfast 50 303 3 5 fi G2 7,Urc.ver l:: Flex. Emily Lee. 11. IL Gr:iy S501 Toronto 3-1 1:16 slow fid 112 12 11 10 10l 9i I Spencer 3:5 Miss Jonah. Mawr Lad. Jomjuil NIFTY, b. g, 4 112 Bv Edinborough La Salinas R. 0. Egan. 1"C1 Juarez 3-4 l:12ijfast 20 107 11 9 11 10 S:5 .1 Robliins li: Wheeler. Kali-Inla. Ilasifii 129S0 Juarez 01 t l:u5 fast 12 303 6 5 0 7 .. J Itohliins 7 Gcumell. Edm. Adams, lli-rpes 12911 Juarez 3-4 l:12",fast 5 105 3 1 1 3?. 23 J Robbins 7 Ask Ma, Ladv Killie, Zenotek 12SSS Juarez 51 f 1:06 fast 3 95 S 5 4 4-1 61 A Neylon 9 Edmond Adams. Lit.P.irdie, Zulu 12725 Juarez 51 f l:03?:,fast 0 105 S 9 9 9 9,:,J Robbins 9 OnuondeCunniugham. Cool. Nila 12C47 Juarez 51 f l:0Gy5fast 16-5 106 9 4 6 Gl 41 J Robbins 9 Dynamo. CordieF.. Bnron deKalh 11315 GreatKalls 3-4 l:14Vandfast 8 305 3i Ormes r. P.ar.sac, Simpsilla. Jack Paine 1116G GreatFalls 5-S l:00fast 1-2 106 I5 Ormes fi Susan 1. Aspera. Lyte Knight 11106 GreatFalls 5-8 1:02 fast 6-5 107 32 Ormes 5 LaCazadora, Angelus. U. Sweet 30!S3 GreatFalls 5-S l:0lfast 2-5 104 2 Ormes S LaCazadora, Tillinghast. S.Blue 10GS6 Anaconda 51 f l:0Sfast 25 101 . 433 dnnes .". M.Uichds. Pajaroita. T.AVfarth 1052S Anaconda 5-S 1:02 fast 1 103 l2 C II Miller 7 F.G.Hogan. Danlierry. GolfBall PID HART, b. h. 7 118 By L. B. "Davis Hazard AV. A. Livingston. 3 !2 10 Juarez 51 f 1:07 fast 4 311 2 1 2 2 41 AV Kelsay 14 Moralight, Stare. Senator .J;imes 13100 Juarez 51 1 1 -.onfast 200 111 6 9 9 9 9-IW Kelsay t E.Adams. XapaNi. k, A. Interest 13010 Juarez 51 f 1:01 fast 300 112 7 5 S 10 30" AV Kelsay 30 Il.Street. Shar.Knight. Or.Smile 3727 Tulsa Ab5-S 59g fast 3-2 317 5rl Donovan 7 Hat. Garrett. Carondolet. Cordova 356S Tulsa Ab5-S 592 fast 21 117 lh Donovan S Cardolet. M.Kennedy, Arrsliaft 3436 Olcla,City 3-4 l:18g fast 23 US 531 D Moore 9 Anl Interest, Oblivion. Regards 3127 Okla.Citv 3-1 1:21? slow 64 10S 44i D Moore S Iit a-pat. Oeh.Court, Carondolet 3412 Okla.CIty 3-4 1:21 hvy 27 306 4s D Moore 0 Stoneman, Pit a-pat, L.Knight 3331 Ok.City l-2m20y 53g slow 71 119 31 Warren S Useeit, Hattie Garrett, Marsand 3001 Ok.City Ab5-8 1:011 good 26 116 781 D Moore 9 Imprint, Fore. Mammy 2925 Ok.City Ab5-8 1:02 fast 61 112 1 Irvin 8 Arroushnft, Medio, Bonnie Havs 95229 Juarez 7-S 1:28 fast 10 310 4 2 2 2 Ss T T Burns i Orbed Lad, H. Itelief. Halloween 95157 Juarez 51 f 1:102 slow S 331 6 2 2 21 21 Reynolds 10 El Molino. G. Shand. The Robin SIXTH RACE 1 1-8 Miles. 4-ycar-olds and upward. Selling. :!9.V.t 1 :r.t -. ." 1 1.1. i SIR JOHN. ch. h, 8 113 By Sir Dixon Onwentsia Mrs. AV. Hawkc. 3:921 Juarez 1 14 2:0tl fast 3 102 III 4 t 21 It Keeney 4 Oonlie F.. Sugar Lump. Kels.-tia 32S79 Juarez 3 3-S 3:51 fast S 303 1 6 6 4 32 3SJ R Feeney C. Cordie F.. SugarLump. .T.Laxson 32S43 Juarez 1 1-4 2:1714hvy 3 105 3 3 3 S 410 31 C Gross Nannie MeDee. Defv. Kilke 12763 Juarez 1 3-S 1:53 fast 4 105 7 7 6 5 6 G!2 H AAoods 7 Melts. NannieMcDee. SugarLump 12723 Juarez 1 1-S 3:53fast 7 111 7 5 5 4 4 43J J Loftus 7 Superstition. S. Lump, O. Queen 32621 Juarez 1 1-S l:53fast 5 10S 9 9 9 S 63 443 Taplin 9 N:m.Mel ee. J. Laxson. O.Queeu 12077 Helena 11-16 1:50 fair 100 l3 M Althews 4 Sam Connor, Lew Hill. Cu Bou 1113S GreatFalls 1 l:42fast 7-10 109 1-S Woods 5 Rose Sweet, Ben Incas, Hue 11373 Gt Falls 1 1-16 l:4Sy5fast 12 111 521lPauley 5 Orperth. Jack Paine, AAaldo 3124S Gt Falls 1 1-16 l:4U?ifast S-5 106 22 Ormes r. Evelina. Wassail. McAlan 30090 Anaconda 1 1:43 Tast 9-5 309 2i E Cotton S Regards. Wassail, Queen Lead PHJLLISTINA, ch. m. 8 103 By Joe Terry La Amiga J. Green. 13232 Juarez 1 3 :39fast 9 105 10I0I0 !t 5- 3J A Claver HI .Marsh. Tfluliiiian. Anion. Ii:i! !ia 13211 Juarez ll:40fast 4 10O 5 S 6 3 3 3J A Claver 9 StarBerta, K.Oneil. H. Hawkins 33174 Juarez 3 l:39fast S 105 3 7 S 7 6 5 F Benton 9 llannis. Stevesta. Va-Hy-Yip 33123 Juarez 1 l:3Sfast 3 105 3 9 9 9 6 2 A Claver 12 Rey, Freewill, Moonlight 330S5 Juarez 3 1-16 1:47 fast 6 101 2 11 10 10 5"t 6S3 A Claver 1-4 Defy. J.Woods, BhtcI;-EvedSusau 12993 Juarez 1 1-16 1:46 fast 5 106 1 5 8 8 S S J Groth 9 Polls, Topland, Bahonia 12123 Aictoria Gl f l:24slop 3 10S 441 OBrien 5 Safranor. G. Fallen. Mandadero 12022 Aictoria 1 1-16 1:19 fast 39-5 102 2 4 5 5 4t 3l Claver 7 Cool, Swede Sam. Sea Cliff 31975 Victoria 7-S 1:29 fast 22-5 102 2 6 6 5 52 43J Stevens 5 Swede Sam. J. of Asia. G. Fallen 11SS2 Arictoria 7-S 1:29 fast 3 107 1 4 5 5 41 751 Cavangh 7 Mary Emily, Sea Cliff. Bale! iff 3179S Aictoria 1 1:43 fast 4-5 108 3J Claver 5 Kelsetta. Gaty Pallen. J. Laxsou 11701 Victoria 61 f l:23fast 12-5 106 32 Claver S M. Emily. G. Pallen. Marsand 31174 Vancouver 1 l:39fast 31 104 3 4 4 4 3i In Claver 7 G. Fallen. B. Mate. M. Kmilv 30954 A"couver 1 1-1 2:06fast 5 302 2 1 1 I ln l1 Claver 4 Xicias. Tahoe. Melts 30916 Arancouver 1 l:394fast G 301 4 4 3 5 51 521 Benton 5 OeeanQueen. F.Fashion. F. Star 10S06 A"couver 1 1-36 l:51hvy 41 301 2 1 1 1 l2 l3 Benton 5 Oeean Queen. Hadad, P.alcliff BALCLIFF, b, g. 0 110 By Balgowan Maicliff C. Hawk, 32232 Juarez 3 3 :39fast S 112 5 4 6 1 3 Ill Hill Id .M.ir.Tilghman. Anion. Phillistii.a 3 322G Juarez 1 l:402-,fast 31 105 4 4 1 3 52 3J A Claver 11 Garter, The .Monk. Hannis 13174 Juarez 1 l:39fast 112 S 6 5 6 521 Gsl I Hill 9 Hannis, Stevesta, Va-Hy-Yip 130S5 Juarez 1 1-16 1:47 fast 10 332 33 7 7 33 33 13" P Hill 14 Uer.v, J.Woods, Black-EyedSusan 3305S Juarez 1 l:40fast 12 30S 5 4 G 8 S S19 P Hill : OeeanQueen, II. Hawkins, Janus 32756 Juarez 1 1:39 fast 32 105 1 7 5 4 61 6S1 P Hill S O.Queen. B.ofB.Mawr, L.Mmont 32C63 Juarez 11:39 fast 15 10G 3 2 3 4 5s 57J Hill 7 L. Marehmont. Acumen. Cu Bon 125S9 Juarez 1 l:39fast 6 112 5 13 13 13 13 1018iHill 34 Melts. X. McDee. L. Marehmont 12022 Victoria 1 1-16 1:49 fast 14 111 3 6 4 4 5" 64 Cavangh 7 Cool, Swede Sum. Phillistina 1192S Aictoria lm70y 1:47 fast S-5 10S 2 2 2 2 3!J 321 Claver 5 Cool, John Louis. Gerds 31913 Aictoria 1 1-S 1:56 fast 4 308 5 5 4 2 l1 3 Cavangh 9 Aolnday Jr., G. Pallen. J. Louis I1SS2 Aictoria 7-S 1:29 fast 12 309 G 6 4 3 31 33 Taylor 7 MaryEmily. SeaCliff. FirstStar 30937 Arcouver lm70yl:437;fast 11-10 309 1 3 3 3 221 221 Benton .r Otilo. Jack Laxson. Farraud 10SS6 Aancouver 3 1:40 fast 12 103 1 3 4 3 21 321 Cavangh S P.Industry. M.Emily. J.Ixmis 10S06 A"couver 1 1-16 l:51hvy 9-5 92 5 5 4 4 410 4H Mott f Phillistina, Ocean Queen. Hadad 10553 Aancouver 1 l:40Vsfast 43-5 102 3 3 3 3 32 31 Benton 5 Ocean Queen. Cu Bon. JohnLouis LORD ELAM. b. g. 7 110 By Lord Esterling Kate Elam W. B. Carson. 13"33 Juarez 1 11 2:07,5fast 12 103 2 3 2 2 I1?. 5-lC Gross ." 15. -Eyed Susan. Vmlie F.. Tailor; 13226 Juarez 1 1 :40fast 5 105 S 10 10 7 421 61 C Gross 11 Garter, The Monk, Baleliff 13iSS Juarez 1 1-16 l:47Stfast 4 112 1 8 6 5 42 31 C Gross 9 Blue-Beard. Kelsetta. ILIIawkins 13167 Juarez 1 l:3Sfefast 8 10S 3 10 S 3 2" 2J C Gross 10 Pontefract, T.Chapman. OldGoteh 33122 Juarez 3 3:39 fast 10 132 34 33 S 4 2 22 C Gross 14 Blue-Beard, S.Feinn. Madeline!!. 130S5 Juarez 1 1-16 1:47 fast 20 10S 5 13 12 9 9 9I31C Gross 14 Defy. .T.Woods, Blaek-EyedSusan 13017 Juarez 1 1:40 fast 10 10S 2 4 4 5 S 83 C Gross S S. Florence, J. Lackson, Q. Trip 13020 Juarez 1 l:3SVandfast 8 112 2 9 7 5 GDt 710 R Hoffmanll Ft.Smter. Mndsidero. Winid D. 12917 Juarez 1 1:38 fast 7 103 8 6 3 6 G1 6!,1 R Hoffman S Mary Emily. Cool. Freewill 32S91 Juarez 1 1-16 l:46fast 3 10S 1 2 3 3 31 fi2lR Hoffman 7 Clinton. Polls, Defy 12S67 Juarez 1 1-16 l:48good 8 105 6 3 4 3 3" 421 C Gross S C.W.Kennon. Kelsetta, M. Emily FALCADA, cb, g, 9 105 By AVoolsthorpe Falcrna P. J. Miles. niK. Juarez 31 f 1:06 fast 300 305 11 11 11 30 10 li J Metcalf 11 An. Interest, llos-mavy. L. Birdie 13121 Juarez 51 f 3:00 fast 50 108 11 14 13 12 12I31W OBrienlt Miss Sly. G.s Favorite. T. I telle 32S25 Juarez 1 1-16 2:00hvy 8 104 3 4 5 3 32 5i C Dishmon 7 Downland. Defv Ursula Eimi.a 12726 Juarez 11-16 1:17 fast 3-2 103 3 5 4 6 6 OUC Dishmon 5 Kelsetta. LordElam. JackLaxson 325S9 Juarez 3 l:39fast 21 304 12 8 11 10 9 73 Dishmon 14 Melts. Xan. MeDee, L.Marchniont 12121 Iitonia 1 1-16 l:48fast 79-10 10S 8 8 6 5 4 6 Dishmon 11 Phil Mohr. Dr. W. Briggs. Polls 32127 Churchill 1 3-S l:53V4fast 13-10 112 9 8 6 6 61 712 Kederis ! Chartier. Amon. Polls 12010 Churchill 3m70y3:44fast 29-10 112 5 6 6 4 42 32i Kederis 12 Rash. Ocean Queen, Brave 11751 H.deGce lm70yl:44 fast 12 105 1 S 7 8 61 6. Teahan 9 Ivabel. Bonnie Eloise. Little Ed 11G95 H.deGce lm70yl:45 fast 4 302 8 9 7 7 S3 71 J Callahan 9 H. Kose. R. Meteor, I. Lestrade 1359S H.deGce 1 1-16 l:4S?good 10 103 4 4 4 2 22 21 J Callahan Blackford, Tay Pay. C. Elliott 31561 H deGce 3rn70y3:45fast 6 305 10 7 5 5 53 5"1 Teahan 12 Mol. S., C.Ashmeade, M. Ann K. 11341 HdeGce lm70yl:45y5fast 15 305 6 6 6 6 6 G2llTeahan f. Grasmere. Mollie S.. C.Ashmeade 31M9 H deGce 3m70y3:4625ifast 31 105 3 4 4 4 3 24 Teahan 5 Working Lad. Stition. II. Rose 1114 H deGce lm70yl:45fast 15 109 1 6 6 5 41! 489 Teahan 5 D.Macdd. W.I.ad. B.Aandervr 10741 Min.Spgs 1 l:39fast 3 109 3 0 5 5 5 5J J Hanover " Floral Park. Ymir. Stick Pin TOPLAND b s 7 105 By Orlando Topsy Over AVhite and Vititoe. 33199 lu-irez 1 1:39 fast 25 12 30 4 5 7 61 S,5JG McMtinl4 AVcyanoke. Ethehla. Sh. Knight ISPS Juarez 1 l:3Sfast 41 112 1 4 3 4 11 1121R Carter 12 Rey. Phillistina, Freewill l-93 Juarez 1 3-36 1:46 fast 20 30S 5 2 2 2 2J 2 E Taplin 9 Polls, Balronin, Jack Laxson 32CS4 Juarez 1 1-1G l:4Gfast 10 105 4 7 7 7 7 712 Dishmon 7 Curlicue. L..Marchmt, Troj.Belle lu Juarez 3 3-3G l:4Sfast 50 106 2 7 7 G 61 49J Dishmon S AViseMason. Kelsetta. I r.Emma 37636 Juarez 1 1-16 l:462ifast 30 105 6 6 7 9 75 SlDishmon 9 Orb. Lad. Urs. Emma. Fan. Hall 1"451 Latonia 3-4 115 mud 74 105 7 7 7 72 83,lFrench S J. B. Robinson. Amoret. Kiva 32153 Oiurchill 3-4 l:l5mud SO 112 7 8 8 S2 72" French 9 Jimmie Gill. Curlicue Rooster 11521 Lexincton 3-4 1-I4fast 133 109 8 8 S S S24 J Henry 9 Silk Day. Rosemary, Detour "2750 lltonfan Ml:KffltoSt 185 112 10 10 10 10 10 Goose 10 Sureget. Sea Cliff. All Red 97972 Windsor 1 1-4 2:07 fast 6 101 5 H S fi fil Sweeney 8 Startler. My Gal. Third Rail. 97851 Hamilton 1 1:301 fast 6 305 2 5 5 5 7 6 J Wilson 11 Mar. Doyle. J.H.Reed. June W. 07770 Ham ton 1 1-16 1:50 hvy 4 109 5 4 4 4 5 54lGordon Beaucoiip Bounder. F. Johnson. 97732 Hamilton 1 1-8 1:53 fast 6 105 4 4 2 1 3 31 3 Wilson 8 Michael Angelo Bounder. Cheot 97529 FortErie 1 3-16 l;5Sg fast 7-5 108 1 3 4 3 3 32 J Wilson 5 Thirdliail rnKnd nom.AVi.UK 97461 FortErie 1 1-8 1:521 fast 9-5 106 3 3 2 1 l1 1 J Wilson 5 Cheek. Third Rail, Rang. MIAMI, b. g, 8 110 By Count Schomborg Rochelle II. R. O. Egan. 3"-32 Juarez 1 3-39-rast 10 113 4 5 5 4 S !SU Loftus 10 Mar.Tilghman, Anion, Phillistii.i 33199 Juarez 1 l:39"fast 5 112 4 9 9 8 71 52iAV Mclnrel4 Weyanoke Ltl.elda Sh. Knight 12917 Juarez 1 1:38 fast 5 97 2 8 8 8 7 71B Marco 8 Mary Emily. Cool, Freewill 32SG7 Juarez 1 1-16 l:48good 3 100 8 6 6 7 63 C10 B Marco 8 C.W .Keiinon, Kelsetta. M.Lraily 12S3G Juarez 5-S l:04?sslow 3 103 1 6 6 43 4C3 A Neylon . Swede Sam. S.I einn, Sen. James 11119 GreatFalls 1 l:42fast 13-10 112 32i Cobum ; Waldo. Orperth. Mad. Musgrave 11026 GreatFalls 3 4 1:14 fast 8-5 108 4"! Ormes 5 Barsac. Orperth. Anldo 10030 Butte 1 lMHfeslow G 106 3 M Jlthews 7 A aldo. Cu Bon. Hanuis 9990 Butte 1 1-4 2:10hvy 21 115 441 K MoEwen 4 N M:Dcr. O. Mct.ee. S Lump 1U0 Butte 1 1-8 l:54fast 8-5 115 33 C Peak i Orperth. Sugar Lump, OraMcGee 1737 Butte 1 l:39rast 12 110 5 E McEwen S Sir Fretful. Cantem. .Tack Paine qfl8 Butte 1 1-4 2:08Vsfast 4-5 111 l2 C Peak 7 Footloose, Flying. Jim Caffemta 9499 Butte 1 l:4Ifast 1 110 Is C Peak 7 Emily Lee, Lehigh, Sugar Lump JIM CAFFERATA, blk. g, 7 110 By Bannockbum Schwalbo Fuller and Sherwood. 3U9 Juarez 11:39 fast 60 112 14 34 11 32 31 .21W OBrienM Wevanoke. Lthelda. Sh. Knight 130S5 Juarez 1 1-1G 1:47 fast 40 10S S S 11 11 12 11IC1F Moore 14 Defv. J.Woods. Black-EvedSusau 13019 Juarez 1 l:39fast 6 112 3 9 10 11 11 Sa3 C VanDunLS S.Sliapiro, GoldDust. Flor.Birch 12S51 Juarez 1 l:43M;Slow 10 107 10 12 11 3 S O"! E Haynes 12 Huskv Lad. Cordie F.. JoeAYoods 12S13 Juarez 1 l:493Jhvy 10 105 7 6 S S S S21 C VanDun S C.W.Knou. T.Cpman. J.Waltn 127S5 Juarez 1 1-16 2:00hvy 6 10S 1 1 1 1 22 33 C VanDun 8 Judge Walton. Downland. Clinton 126S4 Juarez 1 1-16 l:16fast 12 30S 3 6 6 5 54 58i R Hoffman 7 Curlicue, L.Marchmt, Troj.Belle 12636 Juarez 1 1-16 l:46fast 100 10S 7 2 2 2 32 6,8JGroth 9 Orb. Lad. Urs. Emma, Fan. Hall SINN FEINN. b. b, 6 116 By Filigrane Miss McMeekin E. J. Ramsey. 13226 Juarez 1 3:10rast 20 10S 9 S S 9 6 74 H Cavanhll Garter. The .Monk. BalelilT 13122 Juarez 1 1:39 fast 7 113 1 9 5 5 3 3s H Cavanhl4 Blue Beard. L.EIam, .MadelineB. 32S52 Juarez 7-S l:295s!ow 6 111 11 10 9 9 11 H1H Cavanhll E. AVhite. S.Florence. P.Industrv 12830 Juarez 5-S l:04slow 4 111 G 5 4 33 24 II Cavanh fi SwedeSam. SonatorJanies, Miami 12S09 Juarez 3-1 1:21 hvy 4 111 1 3 2 23 323 H Cavanh 8 D. Rock. Zinkand. Calethumpiau 12796 Juarez 3-4-l:21hvy 6 115 3 3 5 42 23 H Cavanhl2 Garter, Swiftsure, FrankWooden 11378 Vancouver 61 f l:24mud 4 115 6 5 5 G 6s 6,2lPickens 9 Safranor, Golden Agnes. Barium 11305 Arancouver 3-4 l:17hvy 7 115 7 8 3 35 33J Pickens S K.Nelson. Tellurium, Blacksheep 10S1G ATancouver 1 l:42fast 14 117 3 8 5 6 71 78 Pickens 9 Southern Gold. Elgin. M. McKee 10792 Arcouver 3m70yl:41fast 14 112 2 6 6 6 621 551 Pickens 8 Abound. Hannis. Oblivion 10331 Arancouver 7-S 1:28 fast 10 112 5 3 2 1 l1! 2 Pickens 7 Zulu. Kelsetta, Tallow Dip FLORENCE BIRCH, b. m, 9 103 By Dr. Walmslcy Nena George S. A. Beckham. 1322S Juarez 1 1:11 fast 7 105 7 6 10 8 621 0i It Feeney 12 John Louis. Shawnee. Frieze 13211 Juarez 1 l:40bfast 25 303 1 2 S S S SlwiP Ford 9 S. Berta, R. Oneil. Phillistina 331SS Juarez 1 1-16 3:47fast 30 305 7 5 7 6 61 S J Collins 9 Blue-Beard. Kelsetta. L. Elam 13115 Juarez 1 l:394fast 20 105 5 6 6 6 5J 5C1 F Benton 9 Tr.Belle. ILIIawkins, StarBerta 130S5 Juarez 1 1-16 1:47 fast 12 104 4 9 S 6 61 5s! R Feeney 14 Defy. .I.Woods. Blaek-EvedSusan 13019 Juarez 1 l:39fast 6 3 05 9 5 5 4 421 33i R Feeney i:: Sad. Shapiro, Gold Dust. AVieket I2S9S Juarez 3-4 1:14 fast 10 303 7 10 lo 10 9 J Collins 14 Fire. F. Wooden, Nino Muchaeho 12410 Dallas 3-4 1:16 fast 314 7 3 5 5h 51 E Smith 10 F. Wooden. C. Dance. Flv. Pearl 12373 Dallas 1 1:47 slow 101 6 7 7 7 S S2 Collins 9 R. McGill, A. McGee. P. Creek 122SG Dallas 1 1:573 mud 104 5 G 7 7 7 7" Collins 7 B.Uncas. J.AValton, Inexhstible 11960 Ok.City Ab5-S 59good 30 111 53 Dawson 12 G.s Favorite. AV.Irish. M-ODav 13932 Okla.City 01 f 1:26 good 114 3i Feeney 8 M.Tilghman. E.Tanguay. F.Pearl GOLD DUST, b. g, 8 105 By Goldcrcst Lulu M. Keith and Spence. 1?122 Juarez 11:39 Tast 20 107 S X 9 10 911117 J Dominkl4 Blue-Beard. LordElam. S.Feinn 13095 Juarez 1 1:39 fast 12 100 2 3 5 5 61 711 J DominklO Joe AVoods, Old Gotch, Frieze 13019 Juarez 1 l:39fast G 107 5 4 4 5 3-1 221 J Dominkl.! S. Shapiro, Flor. Birch, AVieket 12S32 Juarez 5-S 1:06 hvy 30 108 6 5 0 6s G9i AV AV Tlor 7 Brightstonc, Amity. Spirella 12S21 Juarez 3-4 3:21hvy 40 110 4 4 5 4n SUAV AV Tlor 5 Ave, Rioja, Frank Wooden 12790 Juarez 3-4 l:214ihvy 25 112 6 9 10 10 1016 AV AV Tlor32 Garter, Sinn Feiun. Swiftsure 12772 Juarez 3-4 3:17mud 12 330 6 8 8 S S201W AY Tlor S Frazzle. Robert. Garden of Allah S7SG Pip.Rock 1 1-2 2:41fast 12 152 5 Pulled up. Lt Hoyt 10 Absconder. Eadbald. Willing 97931 Mkgee 3-4m50yl:22slow 3 108 1and F Cole 9 M. Dixon. Gr. Twist. St. Dunstan 97903 Muskogee 1 l:57hvy 3-5 105 1 F Jenkins 5 H.of Shere. Chwdine. B.Thistle

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1914012801/drf1914012801_4_1
Local Identifier: drf1914012801_4_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800