untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1915-01-16


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MOW READY FOR DISTRIBUTION The American Racing Manual for 1915 An Excellent and LowPriced Book of 416 Pages PagesIt It holds information for people interested in racing contained containedin in no other publication It is simply a mine of records AMONG ITS FEATURES ARE AREMethod Method KxamplcsRecord for Calculating PariMutuel Prices with Kxamplcs Record for VJ14 of Every Horse that Raced in North America During the Year YearRecord Record Prices in tho PariMntucls PariMntuclsEnglish English Racing Records to Date DateThree Three ExamplesRecords Handicap Systems with Examples Records of All Distances of the Tracks of the United States Canada and Mexico MexicoAmerican American Yearling Sales in 1114 1114American American Racing Records at All Distances DistancesCanadian Canadian Racing Records RecordsEnglish English Racing Records RecordsAustralian Australian Riicing Records The Great Money Winners of lie American tend Knglish Turf Tabulation TurfTabulation of Winning Two YearOlds of 1011 Arranged Under Their Respect ivo Sires OulcialH and Location of Racing Organizations of the United Slates Canada and Mexico MexicoList PricesTim List of Horses That Have Sold for Great Prices Tim 1870Remarkable Leading Winning TwoYearolds Since 1870 Remarkable Feats of Jockeyshlp Leading JockeyshlpLeading American Sire Since 1870 1870Twenty Twenty Leading Sires of 1914 1914Tahic Tahic DistancesThe of Comparative Speed of the Tracks at Various Distances The Scales of Weights of the Jockey Club Kentucky Stale Racing Com ¬ mission Western Jockey Club Pacific Jockey Club Canadian Racina Associations Jockey Club Juarez American Turf Association Mexican EnglandTables Jockey Club and of England Tables of Spend of All Tracks TracksThe The English Betting Rules RulesThe The First Second and Third Horses Jockeys Weights Values and Times of American Stakes StakesWinners Winners of AH Stakes of 1914 1914Racing Racing Statistics of 1914 1914Horses Horses Disqualified in 1014 1014Dead Dead Heats in 1914 1914Horses Horses Which Died in 1914 1914Horses Horses Bid Up in 1914 1914Winners Winners AustraliaRecords of Important Races of Kngland France and Australia Records of Miles Run in 131 or Better Etc etc PRTCFSI CENTSrJtlVli PAPER BOUND 50 CENTS rJtlVli j LEATHER BOUND 75 CENTS CENTSSingle Single copies must be sent as registered mail with an extra charge of ten cents for registration Not responsible for books sent as regular mall mallit it Witli this eminently handy book In his pocket any admirer of racing can readily answer almost any query that may como up concerning facts of racing in the past Its equal has never been printed and cousidrrlug the topics it covers it is an extremely lowpriced book Daily Racing Form Publishing Co 441 Plymouth Court Chicago Illinois

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1915011601/drf1915011601_6_3
Local Identifier: drf1915011601_6_3
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800