Sixth Race [6th Latonia, Daily Racing Form, 1915-06-24

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SIXTH RACE 34 Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling 15120 111 5 110 IMPERATOR ch f 4 By Peter Quince Sparkle Cloher Keene 21093 Latonia 34 114 good 3 2J 3 = i J Kederls 10 It Goose W Witch McAdoo 18919 Juarez 5J t lCrast 7 7197S1 75 112 4 4aS in 1 J McCabe S K Worth Koutcnny IlMmnster 197S1 Juarez aS 5S = sfast 3 105 3 2 1 ° H lIolTiiuui 5 Grapeshot Koiuhnaster J Blair 19709 Juarez 5 t l06fast S S3 100 6 6aj 3J 1 T Henry S Seneca linlgic Mater 19492 Juarez a aj f l052ifast C G5 107 7 75i I1 1U W W Tlor 7 Muiignueso Osaple Orimar Lnl 19044 Juarez 5J f 1OG fast 6 65 109 4 11 3n T Rice 7 Uulsec Rubicon II Theoilorita IS992 Juarez 5S l00fast 3 109 7 71CCC9 2 2 T Rice 12 Seneca lieruiudinn Wild Bear 1CCC9 Anacda 34 lilS fast 8 115 5 5DROLL G1 6 ° JC Peak 7 Barsac New Iljivcn Bermiidlan BermiidlanBy DROLL ch f 4 100 By Dick Welles Fleuron J H Woodford 20711 Douglas 34 l12fast Tl IOC G l Woodfordl I1 P KiOgb 10 Jabrio IxjnKfcllow Birka Birka1J 20153 Lexgton 34 114 fust 720 110 Z 1J 1J C Van Dn 5 Acis Wild Bear L Mexican 20114 Lexfcton 31 l13fast S320 110 9 9200CI 31 I2 C Van Dn 1 Gabrio Oakland Acis 200CI Lexgton 34115 slow 1910 110 C C1S3S4 21 2J C Van Tinl2 Billy Joe Salon Bob R 1S3S4 Latonla 34 113 fast 115 101 7 71S2S5 6 C C VanDunlO Oakland T M Green Lnrla 1S2S5 Latonia 34 lllfast IS 1035 10351S15S 711 s1 C VanDunK Williite Bob Ilcnsley Lnckrose 1S15S Latonla 34 112 fast G 109 1 23 24 G VanDunlS if Declare Charineuse JLonlsj JLonlsjBy USEEIT b m 8 103 By Bonnie Joo Effie K A W Hoots 2077C Douglas 31 112 fast C 102 2 41 0s M Garner 11 BfcSaddle MCassidy DCrmnn DCrmnn2i IWlfi Douglas 34 112 fast S5 102 1 2i 2 = Jl Garner 5 Clwrtior Sosiiis Xliss Tliorpi 2C2VO Churchill i 5 9l4 f l0 slow 3C5 14 9 4 tiJ 1 Gentry 14 Hawthorn Charttar BnsyKdlth 20G9C Lexgton l4 i3fast 4 no i 21 4U L Gentry 11 Clowfr TNoniuui lsiiiuli lsiiiuliin in inI1 10075 Lcxgton 34 113 fast 2J 105J 1 1Ci I1 U L Gentry 10 Chart iur ConTower KdDelling 20019 Lexgton E Ci f 109 hvy 14 119 2 4 4Ji L Gentry 4 Ilaxvthoru Hoyal II II Barbee 1934S NOrlns 31 l12fast 2 ill 1 IS 22 W OUrien 4 Yenshee Uos Goose L Moouet 19220 XOrlns 34 l12fast 2 no 1 21 3ZS U Goose 7 LadyMoonet Resign JWrifilil 1 155 NOrlns 31 112 fast 5 IOS 1 14 1J J OlJrien 3 L Moonet Richwood BCandle 19131 NOrlns NOrlnsAMAZON 34 l13fast 7G IOC 1 li 1 II Bresch C Richwood Importation DrLark DrLarkBy AMAZON blk f 3 93 By Yankee Bold Girl W H Baker KIWA Lnlonia 34 l14hvy 3120 WO 4 2i 2 M Giriior 8 Grosvciior CnrrioOrino WBear Mte Latonia 34 113 fast 325 SS 1 31 33 K Lainiille i Mars Cnssldv Slex Dr CiiriniMi U7 3 Douglas 31 111 good 210 101 1 1 1 U Goose 11 Maznilc Ilackthorn B Kdlth M57 Douglas 34 llGmud 2920 111 3 31 SCJ H fM se 7 Mex arrln Ornu rennyrock 20431 Douglas 31 l17hvy 35 107 3 1i I5 U Goose 10 Mallard Alledo Conininnrctta 2 C5 Churchill 31 l15mud 4910 I9 3 2 15 J McTagrtl4 ConUcllvury COnnc rnreville 2C2S4 Churchill 34 113 fast 315 99 7 7CJ 05 51 W Lilley 12 l i oslt Acis Cash on Delivery 20110 Lexgton CJ f l07fast 325 MJ 1 2 1 J McTagtl2 GiltKdge Busy Edith MIxwry 18347 Latonia 34 113 fast 12 KU 1 7l 7s A Neylon 1 Sunset Christie For Fair 18281 Latonia E 51 f 1 07 fast S710 100 9 9B I0l FairI0l 9 F Murphy 1 CVmverse Tokay Aunt losle 18130 Latonia I B f lOGfast 7 101 4 42 431 If Murnhv 7 IMIigrco Cnsnbu Ormulu OrmuluBy KORFHAGE ch c 4 108 10820S73 By Ccsarion Busy Lass W Bruce 20S73 Latonia 34 I2 fast 17 103 4 41 3S J Brown ToryMaid DLarrick Bktliorn 20773 Douglas 1 11C I5 fast 22G IOC 1 120G1 i I1 C Dishinon r Iiiiirfssioii Benlah S Old Ben 20G1 4 Douglas Im70y 14 ifaat 17 107 5 505S5 2i 33J C DlshmonlO Bryiiliniih Tavolara Manipseh 05S5 Douglas 34 7hvy 115 102 2 2fi4C5 2J Sk B Ottr I Dr Carmen IS Flower BKdith fi4C5 Douglas 34 14 mud 3 107 t 3S BKdith3S 32 C Dishmon II Birlxf Bob Hcnsloy Halina 20374 Churoliill 31 13good 7 110 5 52032i fi1 5iC Dishmonll The Norman Izetliey Billy Joe 2032i chuichiu 34 iiafast s nr s sEDDIE S1 Sls C DishmonlO Chart lor Deposit Tho Norman NormanBy EDDIE DELLING cli e 3 02 By Peter ttiiinco Tchoupetoulas J W Schorr 21119 Latoula 34 l14fast 32 1Q7 4 42007f li Ti4J J Kederis 11 Nobleman Casaba KlnsCmckott 2007f Lexgton 34 113 fast 5 102J 4 r1 43 tT Kederis HVHsoelt Cliartier Conning Tower 10174 Aqueduct 5S l00fast 3J 112 8 S3 8r J McOalie 1 Lampoon fliarterMald Sarsemit 15094 Aqueduct CS 100 fast 10 117 2 Ci 9 iJ MoCabe l S Shell DKagle Tllasqiieradcr 14217 Douglas 4J f4 fast 95 112 2 2COLLE 11 IJ A Neylon 12 Solly Shoddy Telan COLLE ch f 4 102 102J09Ji By Marta Santa Veracious W Gerst J09Ji Iutonia 31 lllhvy 43G ms 1 120J3 3 ri JK KobiiisnlO LadyPanchita KTea Fellowmnn 20J3 I itotiia 31 111 fast 145 105 2 22077L 4 434 F Robinsiili Bell 15oy Itio Brazos Malheur 2077L Douglas 34 l12fast 17 101 r 2 3s F Robinsn Maxnik High Private Gabrio 20052 Douglas 34 l12fast 11 9 0 4i Gabrio4i 3 = F llobiiisonl Casey Jones Kdith W Acis 20555 Douglas 34110 mud 33510 C 5 5SF RoblnsonlC Chilton King Snreget Ratlna 203C5 Churchill 31 l15mud 32 lOlilO Si RatlnaSi S14iP Robinsnl4 Amazon ConDellvery CarOrme 20345 Churchill 34 114 fast 1C Iff 1 1DR 4U CarOrme4U 4ei j Hobinsnll ConDelivery 0IIagan RoyTea RoyTeaBy DR CARMEN ch c 3 107 107JOJSP By Boanerges Lady Knighthood L Phelps JOJSP Latonla 31 113 good 5S luo 4 42Vl2r G 715 A Mott 7 BaiulStars Birnsly IPwthorn 2Vl2r Latonia 34 113 fast 27 9S 2 220S73 4 4J M Garner Mars Cassidy Mex Amazon 20S73 Latonia 34 l12fast 2310 Il G 2 71 r t V Meehan ToryMaid DLnrrick Korfhago 20770 Douglas 34112 fast 40 105 fi fitTOSTi 5 = 33J A Mott 11 BandSaddle MCssidy Lerator tTOSTi Douglas 34 l17hyy 2 103 3 12 ink K Pool 4 Br Flower ICorfhage B Edith 20532 Douglas 31 l14iriud 3110 103 1 15 2i K Pool 7 Bob Hensley BnsyKdith Maznik 31 l15hvy IS 1J I2 K Pool S BillyJon ConDelivery BDIppcr BDIppcrBy SWEETHEART SUE 1 f 3 By Peter Quirco Peninah W S Threlkeld 20H9S Latonia 34 l13fast 10 100 4 LongfoJIowS 5 n ft E Martin 11 Royal Ten hiklaucl LongfoJIow 20SGS Latonia 34 l12fast 13 00 2 S 3 K Martin 7 M Declare Gabrio FAWeiglu 20771 Douglas 34 l12fast 37 99 1 41 V ° 1K Martin l Maznilc Hisrli Private Colhi 2070 Douglas 34 114 good CG 100 4 55 GejIJ Martin Jt Amazon Maznik Blackthorn 20270 Churchill JiJ f l00slov fJd 100 5 14 14 W Lilley 14 Hawthorn Cliartier BnsyKdith 1S2S1 Latonia 5J f 107 fast fUl 109 12 12 11yJT Rice II Converse Tokay Aunt JoHle 17C03 Douglas 34 l12fast G7 115 7 7 7 K Pool 7 M Fielder Liberator ToryMaid 17471 Douglas Cl f 107 fast 40 I6ii li liSKILES 7 91 U Goose II Liberator Vogiie Aunt Josle JosleBy SKILES KNOB ch r 3 108 By Hurst Park Felicity Murrat W Feuclfter 21093 Latonia 34 114 good 395 ltS 2 2OS71 3V 93 D Stirling 10 K Goose W Witch Imperatpr OS71 l alonia 34 l12flast IV 109 2 22ii77fi 4 C7J 1 Gentry i B and Stars Converse llnBryn 2ii77fi Douglas 31112 fast 40 IOC 4 7 113 GtMitry 11 PSiidle MCassidy DCrmen 20713 Douglas 34 l12fast IS 112 2 y ri Ij Gentry 7 B Stars MFielder Onversc 2030 Churchill SI f lOCfast 24G 149 3 91 I3 = J Iiutw Il 14 BandStars It Gous Huntress 20252 Churchill 31 Iiiffast 3 IOS 2 1s 1 J Uutwell 1 White Crown Manners Field 14019 Lexgton 12 4v good5710 112 2 Ci ll = JL Derondell Lind nthal B Agent Netherbon

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Local Identifier: drf1915062401_5_1
Library of Congress Record: