Sixth Race [6th Aqueduct, Daily Racing Form, 1915-07-08

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SIXTH RACE— M ■ ie. 2-yon r-aUbj. Selling. 88351 112 5 l». DUNE SITE, b. f, 2 It! Bv Singleton— Sand Dune R. F. Carman. 21476 Vqueduct I -•.! 1 109 ". Ill1 I1 .1 ButweU « «ab ariatbe, Lynn. 111 £1408 Aqueduct • l:0l»fslow 31 110 1 3 3 ] 2 ■ .1 ButweU,, • Plumose. Atnka. IJIim Kenna •1966 Jamaica I 107 4 1 2 1 J I t Hue lis * P.I: PrnT "lUplilli 1 nr .1 FlauDlJi latnaica 5-8 1 »:"V:iuW .5 HiJ ti 3 3 3- li1 C llueslis U L Ruiuauu. Prohibition, 11. Chair HJisiiuuniied for foul. : | TRIB0L0. b. c. 2 110 By Puryear D.— Priceless Jewel L. J. Carey. 21210 Aqueduct 5-S l:01Vfcfa t :i ." 1ns S 2 4 4i :. M Buxton :» riumore, umli iiorse, ai.i...: 21191 Jamaica 51 f 1*8 fast 10 192 2 4 ;", 5 31 .1 MeTagrt "t Fernrock, Ieniinist. Ting-a Ling 29993 Jamaica 5-8 1 :o i" i ill 1 5 4 3j :■ M Buxton 7 Fernrock, Sprint, Prohibition 1 Relmont 5-8 st l*l%good 20 106 1 .". 1 2Al1 C Turner 8 High Horse, SteUarina, Nolli 20333 Pimlico S-8 l:92%good 11-5 119 1 I I 6 S* .1 Metcalf 8 Mustard. lolite. Nolli 2024S Pmlico 4lf SSftfast 23-5 11". 5 4 4 2! I | J Metcalf 8 Tralee, Besslien. Eddie T. 29202 Pimlico 41 i 56%good 13 110 1 f. 4 4 4-, A Scbugr ti Vir.ina M., Casco, Sim Cod CALESWINTHE, b. f, 2 97 Bv Hastings— Gwendolyn G. Alexandra. 21476 Vqueduct a H l:rV!..| 12 98 S 3 4 31 2" 1. Allen 8 Dane Site. Lynn, .Nolli 21239 Jamaica 5-S l:01%fast 31 103 4 3 3 2- 2- h Allen B Dr. Greaer, Gold. Gate, Tatian.i 20993 Jamaica 5-8 l:02%slow i 1"! 2 4 4 5*| t. Ainu r D.Siixht. E.Baamann. Prnfaibitlon t •8977 Jamaica 5-8 l:01%fast 7 99 3 lo 10 8l 77; !• Lowder 14 A taka, Besslien, Little AIU , 20832 Belmont 41 f st 53%fast « Pi : 4 i ::- 3- P l.owder K Bine Bock, D.Dnlly. GoldenGate | 29783 Belmont 3 is st l:tu fast 40 l:i2 3 5 0 5 4»| J Allen ." SteUarina, Tralee. Prohibition SUN COD, ch. c, 2 114 By Aeronaut— Sunrise E. B. Cassatt. 21344 Aqueduct 5-8 1:04 hvy 4 5 112 J. 3 4 U 1- T Davies K NolU. Maifou, Startling 20955 Jamaica t iT-.tast 1 K 1 S •". 4s V K CampbU r. Kegina, Fernrock, Success 29536 Belmont 5-8 st l:0"2Vfefaat -» 1n7 7 j 5 4l 2:l E CainpbeU 1 Pleiene. Fernrock, Broomrale 20106 l..]inont 41 f at 51 mu l 20 MB 1 3 31.1. 3l .1 p Etyaa 7 Fernrock, Broosavale, Blue Rork 29368 Belmont 41 f st 53Kfast 8 19S 6 7 7 7*i J P Ryan 8 Grasp, White Hackle, Btoobit»I« 29277 Pimlico 4- f 57 slow 13 110 2 7 7 R 4-jT Davies ■ Kinu Neptune. Hum 20218 Pimlico 4v f 66VsCast 12 11". 2 I 7 •"."" " ; 1 P Ryan 7 ei.i.i-t. Dm. Head, K.Neptune 20202 Pimlico 4i £ 5«%;roud IS 110 5 3 3 31 lT Daviea i Virginia M., Casco. Tribolo LYNN. br. g, 2 107 Bv Frontenac — Huron Fairy E. B. Parsons. ::!:■: Aqueduct 5-8 l:95%slop 15 HS S 8 51! 31 J Hanover S Dune Site. Galeswinthe. Nolli 211SJ .lamina 5-8 l:"i--,iast 20 105 1 5 .. B» 4" .1 Hanover !i EdnaKenna. Plnmoac, I.ittli-.Mt.i 29979 Latonia 5 s 1 :"2-.-low I:: 10 mo 5 7 I V i-J Hanover 7 Nellie Welles, Dolina, Paymaster 20899 Latonia 5-8 l;i..J,inuil 33-5 107 2 I 4 4 :|.l Hanover 7 Baby al. Yermak. A. Ml ini 20742 Douglas 6-8 1 top-fast 97 -10 107 7 5 5 4: ::,.! Hanover S Amulet. Ralph S.. Disturber 20 Douglas 5 s 1 :ii2-v-trind Mi 1M 5 5 5 3* l1 V Koblaaoa Q Paymaster, Illuminator. F. Kelly 20435 Douglas 41 f E6%hvy 35 1939 s r,t 4 1: Pool B B.Beanty, Iniportnt, .r 99344 Churchill 5-S l:01%fast 31 MS 8 : U V 8»1 WW T* lor 131 Lusai, Father Kelly, Atmt Sal EDITH BAUMANN. ch. f, 2 107 By Prinze of Melbourne— Rose Prim M. J. Leonard. 21476 Aqueduct 5-8 lrOSVfcslop s tis 7 7 7, 41 .",",. I McKver s Dune sit". Galeswinthe, Lynn I 8 Vqueduct 5 s l:oi-,slow 12 16E 2 5 4 E S ■, .1 MeTagrt !l Plumose. Dnne Site, Ataka 2117 Jamaica 5-8 lHl%fast 8 llo 4 222 3*1 R Troxfer ti Lilllo Dipiier, favour. Sprint 20993 Jamaica 5 S I:o2:.-iow i: 199 E 1 1 l» 21 c Fbtber i; DuiwSigbt. Prohibition, H.C1 in- 20952 Jamaica 5-8 l:09%fast 30 MB i C fi I r.:s Fbthcr 1; PrineeofComo, Dmroscb, Kilmer 20877 Jamaica f. S l:op:.iast on P.s 2 5 4 4- 4" C I"hllier S Friar Rock. Grasp, Wall 1 SOME ELdeGce 1-2 47i5fast 50 MO I 5 3 3- 4- 1 Steward 7 George Smith. Servia. Anita PUSSY WILLOW, b. g, 2 102 By Migraine — Lady Schorr Qunicy Stable. 39997 Jamaica 6-8 l:o2f low 10 112 5 7 7 7 7" C Bga— ■ 7 Miss Puzzle. Feminist, Rae B.

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Local Identifier: drf1915070801_6_3
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