Four More Platers At Montreal Farm.: New Arrivals Foaled by Well-bred Mares--Mares and Sires Trace Back to Derby Winners., Daily Racing Form, 1917-04-14


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FOUR MORE PLATERS AT MONTREAL FARM. New Arrivals Foiled by Well-bred Mares — Marc:; and Sires Trace Back to Derby Winners. Mon ileal. Que., April IS. Another batch of Kings Plate eligibles have been reported as foiled at the farms in the vicinity of Montreal. The recent arrivals aamher four in all and are foaled by well-bred man- to wcil-knowa bones. At the farm of John Lnddihy, on the Lies" road, a colt is reported foaled from Marehaway by Peep oDav. This foal is by the English-bred horse Mammoat now standing in the stud at ! . Raymonds farm. Malamont is liie sire of several colts foaled thi-season. An.-ther i- foaled by Mabel Ilite. owned by IM. Kennedy. This foal i by Donate, the horse pur chased and brought ta Montreal by the well known breeder and owner Sam No-bitt. .Mabel Hite had only a short career in racing on the flat, after Which She Was developed as a steeplechaser with some -nice--. She is by Bannockburu. one of tie-heat banes ever raced on the American track-. The mare Bryawood. by Bryn MaWT, has dropped a foil at the Digits farm on the Liese road. This mare was not raced to any extent and retired to the stud early. She i- the property of J. K. L. Ross and was bred back to Malamont. The fourth is by Bwana Tumbo foaled by the mare Lady Ariossa. owned by Mr. .ludah. P.waiia Tumbo i- well-known to Montreal turf followers, having raced at Bine Bonnets and Oorval. under the colors of the well-known ewnet Charle- S. Campbell. This horse was at one time trained by Captain 1resgrave. Lady Ariosa wa- bred back to Oiseatl. which horse had a unique career as a racer. All of the four foals reported are colts and will ha eligible to start in the Provincial Nursery two years hence and in the Kings Plate the following season. Not only the mare, but the sires of these babies can trace their breeding back to Derby winners.

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Local Identifier: drf1917041401_2_5
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