untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1921-01-02


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PERCENTAGE WINNER r 1 i T" T ? M T | A g | 1 7* f M 1 j TL ft WONDERFULLY SIMPLE SUPREME I rilj lVlllxV- ljlZi OlDl ILlVl PII.I.V COIIRIGHTKI AMI PBOTBCTBD N IRICIN VI.-srCCKSSFIL- POWKRFIK METHOD OF IlltF INVKSTMKXT GOTEBXBD BY THK LAWS il I NDISPI TAH1.K ATEBAOBB AND IIIHHKS AND KVOKVKD OM.V AFTBB YKRS OF CONCENTRATED STUDY ON THE SI K.IKCT. IT IS AS I NVAltYINC IN ITS OPERATION AS THE LAW OF GRAVITATION. IT AVERTS 1IIK INEVITABLE KIN OK v NIMKKR OF CONSECUTIVE I.osl.KS. AND HAS BEEN DKCKAKKI INVCLNEBABLE BY ALL WHO HAVE BEEN ITS OPERATION. I I POSITIVELY ELIMINATES THE CHANCE ELEMENT I NO NO HANDICAPPING AND DISPR0VES BEYOND ALL DOUBT THE FALLACY THAT IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO OPERATE PROFITABLY ON "TIPS" ISSUED _____ -BBBBBB1 bbbbbbbbbbbJ RACING. WE STAND PREPARED TO CONCLUSIVELY PROVE THIS TO ALL WHO SAY "IT CANNOT BE DONE. SBBBnaBaBaaaannB-BOBaBaBaBBBBBi This safe. sane, seientirie and COPYRIGHTED METHOD of profitably coin- Whether a novice or veteran, a latfe or small operator. DONT MAKK AN- liatin*: all vacaries and rietssitnie* of the track ran he operated with either a "iTISPflSSIBl OTHBB PI. AY WITHOUT IT. Place your investments 011 a systematic business larsv or small capital in either mutuels. handbooks, poolrooms ,r at the track 1 1 li POSsSIBLt F TriKunui TOKXIOW basis. Yon can operate with as much confidence as yon woulil negotiate a certi- Maaj horse osmers, trainers, smart "insiilers" operate the System ilail A LITTLE AAORC THAN EITHER tied chock, for this Master Method has stood the test of time and practicability under our coiilid eutial terms of agreement I with an almost unbelievable decree THE BOOKS OR THE TALEAIT-" ami loin: since passed all experimental stasea. DtsastlSSM results are uiiavoida- of success. It is betas played today in many of the leading cities of the Inited --■ -- ble if you coiitiinie "jraenalac" and InvestiSS hajihazardly. If you are a "loser States. Cuba. Canada. Mexico. Argentina and Australia. -Inllli-sX we ian POBITIVBLT place you in a position to recover your losses within a Yol" PAY NO ATTENTION TO CLOCKING, JOCKFYS. WEIGHTS, DIS- //£and "4_V resisaahly short period. TANCE and all otl.er lack hopelesaljl ronfnsiag factors. /yjSSfk. _?5_ "" ,1" "vt " ;" * •» "n t li we publish a statement of results sworn to before 1 • 1 . 1 y can lie confined to INK KEST I.KT daily, or you can invest in practi- //-SSk . Jk9£* Notary, which since its inauguration has never shown other than profitable re- callv ever race oil the card. It works equally successful at all tracks. I he Sv~ //■fc/ W%T ■ -_i -nits The correctness nf these results y,,u can readily check and verify, tern selects the "MONEY HOKSKS" in a moments time from tin entries. rhese I bbb_£/ ///J |-_2 ! V" ASK IF IllK MYRACI.K SYSTKM MKASCRKS IT To ill I; 1 I.AIMS ,I.;ilv "System or Mouej Horses" are invariably supported us with substantial aagk -g== "»15/i ullv ls IT MARKETED: investments. Seventy -live per cent of them are consistent animals that are on WSfewlSkT// Write for particulars TODAY on this logical and very intprestinc question, edge and "business bent." t.MVft T/vMrtfjr Iestimoiiials, valuable FREE turf data, containing vitally important racing . Till SYSTEMS PROTF.CTIVE METHOD OF OPERATION. IF YOFR 305_l /inW»V "pointers." SWORN RES1KTS AND STATISTICS, and a review ,1 tli, best INVESTMENT HORSE FINISHES SECOND. AND ON MANY OCCASIONS .________K« MB_-_____, known "systems published will be sent you. POSTALS ARK IGNORED. THIRD. Yol INVARIABLY WIN. YOIR "PLACE" AND "SHOW" MONEY THFMIPAflR /MPIIMtlMWxX , NOTK.„11" **/" ,l* Mirarie System is moderate. To responsible Individ- ,-,;,„r,:NT,.Y proves 2. ., , or eve,, M ,„ i. • THEMlR pm 1-- aiSlvJandWcSffi YorowEVsmliN M* sP, Y?ALT£y andfCO" " C S. E. ARTHUR, District Manager _ 3 A ; V. N t Y F PeaiauiJ Ivama, ilar .1111 . 1x1111:1 SAIjBS I. S. A.. ITS POSSKSMOAS. CUBA. CANADA. BfBXICO, AMI ttMB DIVIBIOFJ PRIVATE! LOCK HOY 40D Al.l. IOHKKiN tOIATIt IKS ucuTtniii TOWSOY --________. l It Y I. A M PJPJBJBB«B_Bb-Bb_Bb-B»«_Bb-B1Bb ,000 ,000 Certified guarunleed information starts Ml like the "Oth century limited and continues that way. Caaraateed winners or money refanded for straight or system players. • -YESTERDAYS HORSE WON AGAIN: LORD ALLEN 2-1. "It was the first time that he ran. This makes twelve out if fourteen winner*. I have one horse Slated each day for January third. Januaiy fourth and January fifth. Each has been specially Pcpal-cd and will positively win. barring accident. "This is the best pa 1 1 of all: The information will positively rsase frSSS the same source as all past winner-." W.tHMl certificate of Beassil executed by one of New Yorks hading National Hanks is yours, if n,y information is other than genuine stable information. The 82,888 is yours if I refuse to nliiid any BBhseripties if anyone ever loses See terms. The 82.880 is yours if the Turner mi.uanteed ceitilied system, which is a distinct proposition, ever loses out. My certified information consists ol absolutely the very best stable information, further cirlified to by my BCoficieal watch Workers sad still further certified to by the acknowledged ablest l.ainlii apiier in Anu-iica. Tin- ability, integrity and financial standing hack of the man who sends out turf information is the big factor. Terms: 828 .for six wires, sont you two or three times a week, wired early in the day. You must be net winner on the six straight flat plays or money 1 cfiind.il. I guarantee you mils; war; it is worth many times its tOSt. Remit by telegraphic money order. My information is filed with New York Daily Racing Form and Daily Morning Telegraph. References: Names of higblv phased patrons throughout America given ,.ii on ropiest. It is verv much Is roar Interest Is call personally, no matter If von live 111 Mexico or the Pacific Coast. Free -Send for descriptive literature on certified information ; names of highly pleased patrons- why in I -ell my infi.iin.it ion if it is very good. Facsimile reproduction of my guaranteed L.ihM bank certificate of deposit which I forfeit if Turners Certified Ss| ei loses out. Yon cannot lose I repeat, yen cannot lose. My patrons emphat ically state that mi information has l.oducei! results beyond their wildest imagiiiat ions. Sou will be eipially as eathnsiaatic. I am going to gin wm an open secret: In last six weeks I have never had a loser; ask any or all of my patrons foi verification. Signed BILL TURNER sliti: :i:u;, 17 vi:st 1 oin y-si; on stukkt, ai:v yohk THE Monthly form Book containing charts of all races run on recognized tracks in North America during the month of DECEMBER will be on sale Monday noon, January 3. PRICE .00 Single copies by mail will POSITIVELY only be sent as registered mail, with an extra charge of ten cents for registration. Not responsible for books sent as regular mail. Daily Racing Form Publishing Go. 441 Plymouth Court :: Chicago, III. 157-159 East 32nd Street, New York, N. Y. 74 Exchange Street Buffalo, N. Y. M1TBSCRIHK for DAILY RACING FORM J. F. BALDWIN 1303 Lexington Avenue, New York "Lucky" Baldwin is the only man in New York that deals exclusively on Tijuana races. Whenever the stsssriag Brigade ST the sharp shooting delegation THAT ARE NOW basking in the sunshine of Coronado Beach make a play do you think they place their currency in the mutuel box ? If any SHREWD owner or trainer wants a good price does it look reasonable to think he will give up 10O per cent in the mutuel play at Tijuana in advance for the privilege of shortening his odds? I ask you. do you think so ? NEW YORK IS THE BETTING MECCA. And when you join hands with "Lucky" Baldwin you are doing business with an intelligent horseman that has never registered a loss for any individual that has followed him. Next Thursday, January 6. a real old-time coup is to be brought off. It is being managed by a shrewd and most successful hcrseman — the money is right here in New Ycrk now — and I am in a position to tell REAL men about it. Confidence faithfully observed and absolutely expected. Terms: Pay me by wire, after you collect yours, •the • winnings of a 0 straight play. Positively no wires to anyone that does not send correct business or home address. Wire if you want all our Tijuana specials. SUBSCRIBE FOR DAILY RACING FORM. TEEMS: 10 Cents Per Copy. 13.00 Per Month. 830.00 Per Annum. As plain enveloped letter; first-class mall. Single oopiei by mail 12 cents each. DAILY RACTNO FORM PUBLTRHTK0 no 441 PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO. ILL. 157-159 EAST 32nd STREET. NEW YORK, N. Y. 74 EXCHANGE STREET BUFFALO, N. Y.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1921010201/drf1921010201_8_4
Local Identifier: drf1921010201_8_4
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800