Second Race [Second Fair Grounds, Daily Racing Form, 1921-01-14

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: ; 5 5 bv t ™ all 111 1 ■ h 1 , = r. B~ — " S Mr. , the ie d d is- 7. SECOND RACE— 3-4 Mile. 3-year-olds. Maidens. Allowances. Feb. 9, 1918—1:11 1-5—6—116. MABEL JOSEPHINE, b. f. 3 M 111 By Martinet— Anna L. Daley, by Lissak. Trainer. W. Alford. Owner, W. Alford. C2230 F.Gnda 5 t l:ll%hvy 12 HI 8 7 7 ie 4,:: A Collins- 10 Voormir. Sea Cove. WirelCSa 51945 Jefson S-4 1 :lS*Dhvy 12 99 4 0 4 4- 4" X Everett 8 Toss Up, Secretary. Piinlico 51777 Jefson 1 1:43 good 12 S9 9 13 13 10 95 9 " S Mitchell 13 Ionia. Salute. Old McKenna 5173S Jefson 3-4 l:18%hvy r 109 5 5 5 4" 33i W Heinch 7 Montillo, Secretary, Puzale 51646 Jefson 5-1 t 15 106U1 10 10 10- 101S H Moore 12 The Moor, Big Son Repent SEA BOARD, b. g. 3 M 113 By Deutschland— Polistena, by Polymelu*. Trainer, R. Stickney. Owner, W. S. Stickney. 52133 -Jer son 5-8 M 115 ! 1 ! 4 4»1 . 1 Rodsexl2 PhUaader, Secretary. Cthaaaa 52067 Jefson 5M 1 :1 i -In y I W7 t 8 8 SJ 6s J Roberts 10 Tony Sutton. Secretary, Repent 519S5 Jefson 5-8 I :o:; -hvy 10 115 7 E 4 4- 3" A Richcrk 12 AeanMaid. Secretary, TySutton ElOUJerson 5 -S 1:04 .slow 10 107 I 3 4 44" J Roberts 8 Reluctant. T. Sutton, Calithump 49817 Dev-re Si f 1 :07 fast 77 112 8 8 9 10 ll" E Danny 11 A.T.IIert, LochLeven, CelticLasa VULCANIZE, b. c. 3 M 113 By Vulcain— Her Majesty, by His Highness. Trainer, S. A. Clopton. Owner. D. Gideon. 52341 F.Gnds :. f l :" 15 113 1 7 8 13 18** F CltilettlM Raacoeaa, Bay Lillr. Bala s20H Jefson 5i f 1 :09r5slow : 113 1 I 4 4 4- F Cltiletli U Rosecliff. PliiPderer, Calithmp 48738 Empire 5-8148 fast 20 114 I 9 11 11 ll-» M Buxton 13 LeonardoIL. Guvnor. G.Average WIRELESS, ch. c. 3 M 113 By Uncle— Round the World, by Lackford. Trainer, W. H. Fizer. Owner. Farnum and Fizer. 52230 F.Gnda 55 f l:ll%hvy 12 IM i 8 ■■ 1 ■ - D Hopkins 10 Voarmir. Bea Core, M. Josephine 52005 Jefson 5-8 l.-02%good 33 115 I 1 3 3- 4"i IJ Hopkins 7 Ace. Philanderer. John Arbor 51803 Jefson 5-8 l:01%faat 18 115 2 8 4 41 a".1, D Hopkins II Tiantiila. Ace. Tony Sutton 51826 Jefson 3-4 1:18 iuu«l 20 10911 3 5 8 S18 P Hopkins 8 WhiteStar. BnacaBack, Iarader 51051 Jets. ,n 3-4 l:14%faat io 108 4 4 6 I» r D Hopkins 8 Iarader, Lady Stella. Rolo JOHN ARBOR, ch. g. 3 Ml 113 By Bowman— Ponte Ross, by Bridge of Canny. Trainer, J. Tigue. Owner. F. St. John. 52005 Jefson 5-8 LU-good 12 115 6 5 4 4- »ll L Mink 7 Ace, Philanderer, Wireless 51409 Church i 3 -M .11 .-.last 19f M5 14 15 15 1 3 H» A Collins IS Plun-t. RrownCheek, MissFtaine C18K Church! 7-8 1:27 .-fast 24 118 S 9 10 10 lllR!-"" D Connelly 14 Corilla. Eleanor S., Cut Up 50889 Kwrth 3-4 l:14%fnat 26 108 S 7 8 8 7" H Myers . 8 Petrarch. MabelJosephine, Capon 50712 Kwrth H148%taat 125 10G 10 10 10 10- 1110 A Pickens 11 Gallipot. Locli Leveu, Romper JOE WHIPPLE, ch. c. 3 M 116 By Uncle— Grace Dixon, by Sir Dixon. Trainer. R. G. Denny. Owner. R. G. Denny. "2374 F.Gnds 3-4 l:18%faat 85 M0 3 N I 5] l*J I Pool 13 SeaCourt. Sil. Springs. Reluctant 51888 Jefson 5-8 l:03%hay -0 115 10 9 7 71 V* G Stone 12 AeanMaid. rlecnatary, SeaBoard 51915 Jefson -4 l:18%hvy 6 los 1 t v | |ts Nolan 8 To-, Dp, Secretary. Pimllco 51888 Church 1 7-8 l:27" 7f 1M 12 10 12 11 12* 12** T Murray 14 Corilla. Eleanor S., Cut Up 51237 Lalonisi 3-4 l:l£%alow Hf 112 3 9 10 SJ S-T Murray 12 Acclaim, Undine. Oraleggo 5117J Lutonia 3-1 l:160tnud N 112 11 11 11 884J S- E Martin IS Has, Philanderer, Slipalong OBSTINATE, cli. f, 3 M 108 By The Manager— Wilful, by The Scribe. Trainer, W. J. Burke. Owner. Maryland Stable. BS F.Gnds 5-4 1:15 -fast I M«l 7 T : H* ** W Heinch IS Kiobe, Hepever, Mountain Den 52067 Jefson Bl f i:pv,,hvy 41 M I ! :: " and W HelnchlO Tony Batten, Secretary. Repent 52026 Jefson 51 f l:09andfast .TO 104 0 E 4 6 1 •*! H Moore 11 Plantnon. L. Wynne. MaryFonsd "1945 Jef son 3-4 l:lS=-.hvv 20 100J 3 2 fi 6 61" H Moore S Toss l , Secretary. Pimlico 51343 PImlico BJf l:07%fast 52 101 7 7 1" 10= V* Q Babin 12 Sobade. MyFndPat. JamalcaB. 51179 Laurel 3-4 l:lC--,fast 32 IN 6 2 2 2»* 41 A Allen 7 G.Agrimte, Salesman. Zealoui PLATO, ch. c, 3 M , 116 By Uncle— Dike, by Sir Dixon. Trainer. F. Dunne. Owner, P. Dunne. EMS F.Onda ImMy 1:4J fant M N IS 11 13 8 8= 9" S Mitchell 1 1 Salute. Wild Plewer, Lor How 52221 P.Gnda 3-4 1:15 H M4 12 11 I B*| S*i J J Mn ylM Niobe, Hoporer, Mountain Dew 53087 Jefaon 61 ■ f 1:10 .-.rivy M Ml I I 7 7 i 71" J J MneylO Tony gotten. Secretary, Repent 51945 Jefson 3-4 l:lW-.hvy 12 IM 7 7 7 71 3° J J Mney 8 Tom Dp, Secretary. Pimlico 11821 Jefson 3-4 1:20 mud 10 Mi fi fi fi 61 4— J Mooney I Tom Ranch, Pimlieo. BepaBi EMM Latonia l l:41%faat .51 Ml M 8 I 10 10 9" L Corny l » BlUpBartaa, Mr.X, LouWidrlg GALIOT, b. f, 3 M 111 By Bryn Mawr— Elizabeth B., by Pirate of Pencanoe Trainer. J. n. McDonald. Owner. J. H. McDonald. E2US JeTaon 3-4 1:15 Oat M 111 7 7 I 7 7-J .1 Roberts ID The Moor, Sea Court. S.Springs .".2070 Jefson 1-4 l:l«*-.hvy 12 Ml « 4 fi 6 •*• W Obert I Tan Son. l»i tr.u li. Indiue 61339 Pimlieo 1 l:4l.-fast 10 Ml 4 10 10 10 |*| f» L Morris 10 Thimble. Tus. Maiden. HdGuest El 329 Pimlico 3-4 1:11 fast H M 4 6 6 31 V L Ensor 10 Misslvritc, Vie. CrimsonRnmltler 51273 Pimlico 8-4 l:18%faat 11-M Mtf I 3 3 22 V L Ensor 7 Sohrisade., M.Baruei DAMORIS. b. f. 3 M 111 By Sain— Altuda, by Alvescot. Trainer. R. Williams. Owner, G. J. Long. 522M P.Gnda 5] hlHthvy 25 ill :i 1" I l« i - W Wright lo Voormlr. Boa Core, Wireless SAN GRECftUE, ch. c. 3 M 113 By San Vega— La Grecque, by Flatlands. Trainer. L. Abel. Owner, L. Abel. ! I JeTaon SI f t:08%alow M U2 7 s s 8 n-;- !• Wllaon • ttaatcliff, Phflderer, CaUtkatp 2MB JeTaon 5-8 l:82%good :,o ii:. 4 4 I :."• V T Wllaon 7 Aee, Phttanderer, Joan Arbor EMM JeTaon B-8 100 115 11 11 11 11 |1»« T Wilson 11 Trantuia. Aee, Tony Sutton ..1306 Pimlieo 2-4 1:14 fist 136 115 0 G fi fi €-" X Collins S Dr.f hnrlesWells. Rep, Tnintula BM71 Devra 5-s 91 112 12 12 12 12 12** M Collins 12 Tubby A.. Nonskid, H.o.t.Nortb LADY FRAPPE. ch. f. 3 M 108 By Sir Martin— Gelee, by Isinglass. Trainer, A. L. Denny. Owner, G. C. Denny. SUM Empire 5 J f 1 :0ft hvy 25 112 2 IPS* fi"1 C RoLson ft Lady Stella. Bavanna. Gwcudola 51107 Empire 6| f l:07*-,fast li 102 4 fit! P r»« J Mooney % ComeUaC., M.Gnnr. Jamaicai:. 51021 Empire Bl t 1 :09hyy 12 11118 8 9 8 8* C RobsonlO Sogurola. Draftsman, Ravanna 50718 .lama ica El t IM fast 20 113 7 7 8 H .".♦ C Rummer 8 Tout Or. JepillwU, Lady Stella E0449 Aqduct 5-8 M%faat 15 113 10 10 10 10" C KummerlO Vibrate. Perpb xity. Lady Stella 49542 Sartoga 5-8 1:00 fast 12 98 9 9 9 9 928 E Kummer 9 Wanatab. Dora, Galiot MAGIC CASTLE, b. g, 3 M 113 By Magic II.— Carisbrooke Castle, by Kings Mes- 1 Trainer, D. R. McDaniel. Owner, J. B. McDaniel. senger. 62230 P.Gnda 5] f Ulllfchvy 12 III I I 1 41 tt"; H Kins 10 Voormir, Sea Core, Wlretoai .".2093 Jefson 5, f 1 :09-.-.slow M U3 i 7 fi fii 6 j Peters t Roaeeiif f , Pbild iter, CaUtkmp 5M85 JeTaon 5-8 148%hvy M 110 I 1 fi fi1 FI J Peters 12 AeanMald, Secretary, BeaBoara FMMJoTaon 5-8 1: M slow 25 107 7 7 7 7" 7 » J Peters S Heluctant. T. Sutton. Calithump MARGUERITE WOOD. ch. f. 3M 108 By Waldo— Calisse, by Abe Frank. Trainer. F. Tarney. Owner. J. M. Wise. 52374 P.Gnda 1-4 100 M 4 7 13 13 IS P AndaonU PeoCOnrt, Bll.8prinmi, .1. Whipple 51702 Jef son 3-4 1:U mud M 107 9 S 10 M 10" 11 King 10 1 .-i iim-U. Tmh Him Ii. Pimlico .1557 Jefson B-8 l:0i%hvy TO M 6 6 fi 6 6« S McClraw li Kolo. Dan W., Mary Head 47120 Pimlieo 41 f M fast 117 110 S 6 7 6J. ■»• J Zoeller ! Thorny Way. iiees Nest. Ir..Iig 45492 P.Gnds 3-8 3fi fast 20 114 9 8J 8«J J Howard 10 SkyKlue. J.Ooiman, RubyMiekow 45412 F.Gnds 3-8 36 slow 15 107 6 5 58 J Howard 7 Joe Tag. Kunmie, Repeat ANNES PET. ch. f. 3 M 108 By Great Britain— Idle Box. by Box. Trainer. J. M. Brown. Owner, L. J. Brown. E132S Cborchl 3 M:i4-,fast 7f i»7 14 11 14 14 li=,: ; Stack IS CraneMrd, Ionia, Ueaaor S. 5128] Chun hi 3-4 1 :15--V.mud33-10f 112 14 13 1 12- 12- J Roh-rts 14 Loiii-eWynne. Uold. Quince. Ionia 50752 Chajrrin Ab5-8 1 :0:;ir,slop » 109 Z K Smith 3 Basy Bird, Dorothy. Clyco .".0745 Chagrin Ab5-8 lMVfcfnat fi 102 V E Smith ." t;et Km, l!n-y Mrd, Dorothy BMS iJufrin Ah S-8 1:03. 17 104 524 A Finley i M. Holland. J.i; Im:m, RuxyBd ZAINER, b. g. 3 M 113 By Jack Atkin— Lois Cavanagh, by Hastings. xrainer, C. w. Chappell. Owner, J. A. Brau-e. 52133 Jefson 5-8 1 :o_-,f ,st M 115 I ■ 10 i n in" - Lancet 12 PhUaader, Secretary, Cthnata 51592 Jef feraon 5-8 l:o44:.hy M IM 7 7 7 7 fi8 S McGmw 7 Pantocfae, The Moor, ■eeretarj E1S84 JeTaon B-8 15 112 G 6 5 5 B« T Murray ! Imiia. Tom Itoaeh. Se.retary

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Local Identifier: drf1921011401_3_4
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