Work-Outs From The East And West, Daily Racing Form, 1921-06-21

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WORKOUTS FROM THE EAST AND WEST 616 LATONIA LATONIALATONIA LATONIA Ky June 20 Sunday gallops over the local course included the following Weather cloudy track sloppy ThrooEighths Kile Kile613Blow 613Blow Bubbles 36 602Jack Wiggins 41 14Bill and Coo 37 612Marg Wlnsor38 Wlnsor38606Big 606Big Son 46 60tStarella 40 40606Cut 606Cut Up 36 illSun Time 40 40613Dr 613Dr Carmen 38 06Who Can Tell 41 41602Evcn 602Evcn Stories 38 613Zack Terrell 40 40614Hutchison 614Hutchison 41 41Half Half Kile 613 Accelerate 50 13Topmnst 521 521613Circus 613Circus 52 611 Wild Flower 50 50612Mile 612Mile Dazie 55 55FiveEighths FiveEighths Kile KilefllSBright fllSBright TrashlOOH 611P G King 109 612Cremona 106 611Red Leaf 106 612Few Acres 101 614T Cols Ladyl09 611Hermodon 105 105Three Three Quarters Kile Kile611Alula 611Alula 120 C12Donatello 120 120613Bread 613Bread Man 117 607Lothair 123 123613Blemished 613Blemished 119 613Runzaf 118 118606Dahabiah 606Dahabiah II 123 614Service Flag 121 121SevenEighths SevenEighths Kile Kile612A 612A N Akin 130 iOSMiib 134 134fillMinute fillMinute Man 131 131One One Kilo 513Bal Wheel 149 Miss Cell 148 01Captain Tom 153 60SOur Birthdayl55 612Harvcst Kingl52 600Owasso 154 154Kile Kile and an Eighth CISFallacy 203 203NEW NEW YORK N Y June 20 Sunday training gallops over the Long Island tracks included tlic following followingJAMAICA JAMAICA Weather clear track fast ThreeEighths Kile 587Claquer 39 612Irish Brigadier 36 613GIenbells 36 614Mawrcoron 36 Half Kile 613Black Knight 51 614Long Grass 613Dorcas 14Rib Grass 50 50OilSo 008Knot Grass OilSo It Goes 47 FiveEighths Kile 615Barriskane 103 614Pcess Pdora 103 103614Big 614Big Noise 103 614Plurality 107 107C140rleans C140rleans Girl 102 615Pietrus 103 103ThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Kile Kile613Brink 613Brink 117 614LivcIy 117 117G08Beckna G08Beckna 110 614Moody 115 115613Dixie 613Dixie Carroll 116 OilOrleans 118 118391E1 391E1 Primo 117 015Parader 11C 11C612Fading 612Fading Star 117 613Siren Maid 120 120fil4Greenland fil4Greenland 115 612Salutc 117 117il4Hidden il4Hidden Jcwell28 G09Sunnyland 116 USLeading Star 116 116One One Kile Kile614Gipsy 614Gipsy Lad 157 GllMambi 152 14Lady Gtrude 147 014Master Bill 143 143Irish Irish Brigadier and Mawrcoron went easily to ¬ gether Sunuylantl and Dixie Cairoll did their work well Moody seemed fit and good Master Bill worked fast Lady Gertrude galloped an easy mile So It Goes seems to improve improveBELMONT BELMONT PARK Weather clear track fast ThreeEighths Kile KileFriars Friars Rush 36 615St Patrick 38 38612Frizlet 612Frizlet 37 010Sea Mint 38 38609Hobey 609Hobey Baker 37 M9The Enquirer 39 Half Kile KileBeverly Beverly Belle 48 Rep 51 51605Overtake 605Overtake 50 610Sunflash 50 50614Purchase 614Purchase 49 614Strnight Shot 49 49FiveEighths FiveEighths Kile Kile393Bodansky 393Bodansky 107 614Qualjer 106 106610Donnacona 610Donnacona 102 611Summit 100 12John P Joncsl02 013Violinist 102 102014Our 014Our Dear 103 103ThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Kile KileGlOIdlc GlOIdlc Dell 117 614Victor S 123 123014Superwoman 014Superwoman 115 115One One Kile Kile610GIadiator 610GIadiator 145 614Sportiug Bld 143 Granny Lee 148 OilVice Regal 144 144iOOHold iOOHold Up 144 009Wrecker 143 143615Houyhnhnm 615Houyhnhnm 147 147Beverly Beverly Belle went well Violinist did his work well Donnacona has his speed John Paul Jones was not extended Supcrwoman went easily Idle Dell was under restraint Vice Regal worked with much in reserve Gladiator galloped an easy mile Sporting Blood and Wrecker went easily on even terms 617 LATONIA Ky June 20 Monday found the track heavy and the following are the workouts of this morning Weather clear track heavy ThreeEighths Mile 15Dark Horse 3i 612PlaudeIia 30 513Eyes of Youth 37 illP King 38 38502Frank 502Frank Boyil 38 CISStonewall 38 38Ii04Kield Ii04Kield Lark 38 Tulalip 37 37004Jazz 004Jazz 38 U3Toney Sue 37 37G12Natighty G12Natighty Nisba37 G14 White Star 36 36Half Half Mile Milefor for Brookholt 53 iOlKallipolis 5G 5GG08Bernice G08Bernice K 1 illRuby 51 51FiveEighths FiveEighths Mile GOSBen Valet 105 605Sir John Revell Revell013Paul 013Paul Weidel 108 CISTopmast 110 110Three Three Quarters Mile MileiMUAlcx iMUAlcx Jr 121 OKIHigh Cost 120 V Amaze 110 fillJudge Pryor 119 119612Au 612Au Revoir 121 GilLoveliness 121 One Mile Mile013Arravan 013Arravan 155 C13H E Colemanl49 Colemanl49C04Bygone C04Bygone Days 152 fil5Napon 154 154015Docod 015Docod lr 4 CISSandman II 154 154014Ginger 014Ginger 150 NEW YORK N Y June 20 Mondays training gallops included the following Weather clear track fast Three Eighths Mile 015Conine 37 G14Runstar 37 37G12Carmeneita G12Carmeneita 42 UlORiinintcl 37 37liirJasava liirJasava 37 Tikeh 38 38G14Pickwick G14Pickwick 37 610 Yankee Maid 42 42P P Qui Roule37 Roule37Half Half Kile KilefiloCalamity filoCalamity Jane 49 iliiKeziah 53 53USClarice USClarice C 50 GilLiquid Fire 54 54GIGGlenbells GIGGlenbells 51 GOOPhalaris 49 FiveEighths Mile MileG14Bombast G14Bombast 105 tlHSMawrinnm 101 101CISDoming CISDoming 1OI C03Nohant 101 101G14Fred G14Fred Kinneyl02 f il5Olynthus 108 108G07Grass G07Grass Tree 102 515Pavia 108 108G15Heatherton G15Heatherton 101 USSnob 107 107507June 507June Grass 101 607Swift Grass 102 102014Lucky 014Lucky Uuttonl02 Valentia 102 102614Mana 614Mana Grass 10316 10316ThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile MileG14Com G14Com Ehmnnl10 G13Killala 11G 11G110Claquer 110Claquer 110 014Lloyd Goorgel20 Goorgel20612Ceau 612Ceau Thierryl20 G14LEnjoleur 120 120614Gray 614Gray Gables 122 615Romany 119 T lr Rrigadk rivo i G14W Pennant 118 118014Jyntee 014Jyntee 115 115SevenEighths SevenEighths Mile 613Dark Hill 135 One Mile MileiirDorotliys iirDorotliys Petl47 illTen Buttons 145 J14M Antoincttel42 Antoincttel42Mile Mile and a Quarter 615ISlack Thong 215 215Calamity Calamity Jane lial all her speed June Grass worked impressively Lucky lintton was not ex ¬ tended Mawrcoron went well Valentia worked fast War Pennant is training well Jyntee was under restraint Marie Antoinette went well all the way Ten Buttons had an easy mile BELMONT PARK Weather clear track fast ThreeEighths Mile G14Aida McGee 37 G141ocose 39 39iiHIazes iiHIazes 38 illOceanna 37 37G07Execution G07Execution 37 15Silent King 37 14Ivanhoe 39 G14The Almoner 38 38Half Half Mile Mile612Audacions 612Audacions 50 USNancy Lee 51 51UBRanksia UBRanksia 48 il5Prudish 51 51iOGBoxwood iOGBoxwood 49 571Pretty Lady GOis GOisU5Rudana U5Rudana 49 U3Quecreek 48 48GloCimarron GloCimarron 48 015Routledgc 54 54U5Doniini U5Doniini iue 47 CISReprisal 51 51il5Exodns il5Exodns 49 i2Regal Lodge 51 51611Dunnoyne 611Dunnoyne 51 G14Sidius 50 50CISFancy CISFancy Man 48 CISSquaw Chief 51 51GlSFaiinits GlSFaiinits 50 501Sedge 49 49illFanfare illFanfare 49 15StromboIi 49 49CISFringe CISFringe 50 CISTom McTaggart49 McTaggart49Flying Flying Jib 49 USThunderclap 47 47ClSKrewer ClSKrewer 49 014Touch Me Not 49 49 614Vlsta 52 49 513 Valor 48 49 CISWilliam A 49 FiveEighths Mile MileGlOChcwink GlOChcwink 101 CISPaul Jones 101 101USModo USModo 103 C02Roulette 103 103May May Hamptonl02 X8Sherando 103 103MiNancy MiNancy Shanks 102 CISThistle Blooml02 CISPenitent 103 ilSWreckless 104 104Throe Throe Quarters Mile 615n McLaughlinl15 CISJules Verne 122 122CirDevastation CirDevastation 115 COCNeddam 122 122C12Galiot C12Galiot 117 C14Ravenwood 117 117ClOHalu ClOHalu 121 CIS Toil 120 120C12InvinciUe C12InvinciUe 117 117Seven Seven Eighths Mile 614Diomedes 131 131One One Mile MileCISCourtship CISCourtship 147 CISPilgrim 152 152illDue illDue dc Mornyl47 605Rcp 147 147CISDavid CISDavid Hartim 143 ClCSt Patrick l4i l4iCISFair CISFair Gain 147 C15Sportiboy 143 143612Gimme 612Gimme 145 G14Tidings 14C 14CGlCHold GlCHold Up 145 G14Topaz 146 613 John P Gierl43 Gierl43Mile Mile and an Eighth GlOSweepment 204 204Stromboii Stromboii and Tom McTaggart went easily to ¬ gether Krewcr has his speed Thunderclap and Dominique seem fresh and good Hanksiu acts and looks good Chewink worked well Billy McLuugh lin and Devastation went easily on even terms John P Grler had an easy mile

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Local Identifier: drf1921062101_10_1
Library of Congress Record: