untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1921-07-12


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ALL MISS0UR1ANS DOUBTERS SKEPTICS- LOSERS ! ! ! Write Today for Complete Prospectus of bbb WONDERFULLY NOT A SS THE MIRACLE SYSTEM "E vr J M W a 111 WONDERFUL INVESTMENT MHWHBBi FULLY COPYRIGHTED AND PROTECTED Ummmmmmmmummm Our CRYSTALLIZED RACING MANUAL, containing 28 pages of valuable turf data, vitally important racing pointers, testimonials, sworn results and statistics, the 21 FAMOUS "WALTER" SUCCESS MAXIMS, and a review of the best known "Systems" published, will be. sent you absolutely without charge or obligation. Postals are ignored. VOU CAIV MAKE EVERY DAY A WINNING DAY with the same assurance as you would negotiate a certified check! The System is not a list of horsea to follow, no "double up," or first, second or third choice BUBBLE. Hundreds of prosperous, satisfied clients, located from coast to coast, have testified to the unvarying consistency of this Percentage Win ner Supreme, We ever stand prepared to submit a collection of these flattering endorsements in original form, with the envelope attached showing postmark and canceled stamp. This indisputable evidence is a hundred fold more convincing than our full-page ad. We are waiting for you to check us- up. If you appreciate the true meaning of the word N-O-W, you will soon spell it the other way around, W-O-Nl Liberal terms, contingent upon resultant earnings. If the System does not win consistently and fulfill every claim, you owe us nothing; JVVa M. P. WALTER and CO., ESCND CANADA THE TIFFANY OF SYSTEM CONCERNS AUSTRALIA S. E. ARTHUR, Public Relations Mgr. PRIVATE LOCK BOX 40F TOWSON, DID, Chief Observer 35 CENTS PER COPY For Sale at All News-stands Everywhere TODAYS FREE CODE: Fort Erie: 11-12-20 GETAWAY FREE CODE: Pastoral Swain . ..20- Won Did you get that one! Also ONLY OCCASIONAL WON last week that the Chief advised TODAY A BIG .00 OCCASIONAL One that comes STRAIGHT FROM THE SHOULDER, given to the Chief in NO UNCERTAIN LANGUAGE, and he was told to GO THE LIMIT on this bird today. Here is your chance, REAL INFORMATION for only TWO DOLLARS for this special. Just go to your newsdealer and ask for CHIEF OBSERVERS .00 OCCASIONAL ALSO THE WINDSOR SPECIAL LONG SHOT should win in a common gallop For this special go to your newsdealer and ask for the CHIEF OBSERVERS DAILY TRACK LETTER Only 50 cents, or mailed 2 weeks , Address CHIEF OBSERVERS PUBLISHING COMPANY, 25 West 42nd Street :: New York City PRINCIPAL AGENTS: LOUISVILLE, Ky. -Eiler and Goodman, 227 4th Ave. COVINGTON, Ky. Rob Gordon Pharmacy, S. W. Cor. 4th and Scott. LEXINGTON, Ky. Joe Bishow, Main and Limestone Sts. And All Other Intermediate Cities. BEST PAI 2.40- WON WAS SATURDAYS "BEST BET" Hero are a few more that were given out at Latonia on our "Best Bets": KIMPAL0NG ..4.20- WON DARJEELING .4.50- WON DARK HORSE. 7.70- WON JIM DAISY.... 2.00- WON MISS JEMIMA. 0.10- WON JIM DAISY .80- WON BIT OF WHITE. .80- WON SANTA CLARA...60- WON Dream of Allah .-..90- WON Above winners, 4 seconds, 3 thirds and 3 losers out of the last 20 starters. NOTICE On account of so many of our customers not caring for the full card daily we will give only our "BEST BET" and "LONG SHOT" each day, as that is what they prefer during the balance of the sununor racing season. Wo do business on our merits, not on daily hot air. GET THE OLD RELIABLE "O. K." 60c DAILY AT ALL NEWS-STANDS. Mailed direct, 1 week, .00; 2 weeks, ,00 National 0. K. Publishing Co. ROOM 411 BALTIMORE BLDO. OHIOAdO. ILL. ADVERTISE IN RACING FORM H. E. DUGAN Burns Hotel, Cadillac Square Detroit, Mich, Yesterday No Information Sent Out. Saturdays One Horse SIR HUGH .10- WON Fridays One Horse BERNICE K 3rd Thursdays Or.o Horse Secret Greetings ..80- Won Wednesdays One Horse D0C0D Lost Tuesday Nothing Sent Out. Mondays One Horse Saddle and Boots. .1 0- Won Saturdays One Horse BUDDIE KEAN 2nd Fridays One Horse SIR HUGH .2nd Thursdays One Horse CLINT0NVILLE ..90- WON Wednesdays One Horse RING ROSE ...6.10- WON Tuesdays One Horse SURMOUNT... 8.40- WON 0.00 Flat Bet Straight Won 22.00 The above is my rutin; complete rrcoril of every horso sent out. Postively the only horses sent out. TODAY AT WINDSOR ONE HORSE ONLY TERMS My connections have everything ready for n very successful meeting here, and I advise everyone to set in and follow me through, as lliey have some long shots ready. SPECIAL TERMS FOR MEETING SEVEN DAYS 5 MY GUARANTEE Any horse I send out must win at 3 to 1 or better, or you get the next ono free. FREECUTTER ...90- WON and a loser were last SATURDAYS XX SPECIALS. Dont Miss Next Saturdays TWO LIVE ONES AT WINDSOR. ONLY .00. BEST PAL....2.40- WON and a third were SATURDAYS TWO DAILIES. TRY OUR TWO HORSE DAILY WIRE Wo will have one at New York and one at Canada, TERMS .00 FOR SIX DAYS. TODAYS FREE SPECIAL: June-Peach-56-12-18-46. THE STANDARD TURF GUIDE. Room 403, 22 West Quincy Street, Chicago, Illinoil. WINDSOR AND KENIL WORTH RACES J. J. SCH REINER AMERICAS PREMIER CLOCKER 30 Years Experience as Trainer-Clocker YOU CAN EMPLOY ME TO WORK FOR YOU 5 FOR 10 DAYS. RUSH ORDER. I wire one or two horses daily at 11 a. m. Telegraph remittance or remit by express order in letter. HOTEL MADISON DETROIT, MICH. SUNNYSIDE HOTEL Magnolia Springs Baldwin County - - Alabama In the heart of the Ponce de Leon oountry, be-tweun Mobile Bay and the Oulf ul Murico, Open nil the year round. Fine flulilug. Tim .Spring furnish a certain cure for kidney dlseasa. RATES: $ PER WEEK,

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1921071201/drf1921071201_8_1
Local Identifier: drf1921071201_8_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800