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NEW ORLEANS GOING BETTER ♦ 1 Track Much Faster and Path Racing Done Away With. i i Mercury the Victor in the Main ■ Race — Wynnewood Takes Another Purse. 1 _/ |; OIJLLANS. L.1 Fol-ri..i.; •. limn Wl d HC V in-. rMM this iflffMN .is :i retail of the decidedly seller track roaditioa s. It also Marked, for the * fiist tiate in over two weeks. ■■ Bbeeare af path raciag. la* going being aaiferm .-ill over and tlie s bnrse* having the same oppottnnity over say part l of the course. Tlie raring strip, lawtltr, »va- • iill far from it lies, bat. mule- raatiam is labor by Hie track Carre, should be in Its Bert eaaditina tomorrow Bigger field- were eoateataats in the varioas dashes us ■ recall af the improved going j Bad tie raciag was wheteeeaae, Burked bj Bereral ! etaae finishes thai created the imaal high Bitch ef i laterest. The tinge af winter in the air lid noi aerioasly affect the attendance, which Baaiherai in egcese .".uoo. a The thrce-qaarters handicap for ■ parse af 81.388 brought sat ■ i-ld f six fairly gaed eaes anil resulted iii victory far Bercary, the slight fararlte. with Tableau dHotinenr and Tan Son fightiag it out hard far secaad place. Laaetta was :1 wetl-aseaat mm here and she aright have ffarared daagjereaaly in the resalt with i good rider, hat I. UcDeraiotl was aaeajaal ta tendering her any asaistam •-. Be-tapis ra aaatfeer that was regarded highly in the rare, hut be !•• id-d. While at tile Beet, not to pa and was left. The essaristeat Wynne wood. had already placed five viet. ties re his credit aver bbbm f the hart that he has raced here, added aaatber bracket this afternoon and he won the mile and seventy yards purse rue in eaaj style. Be was tie leader throughout and never left the result in doubt. Translate, which was conceded the heal chance ta beat him had hard wort in outstaying Baignenr for arnaad pla e. The long overdue The Baleakiaaec fiaally grada- ! a ted fraai tic aiatdea ranks when be beat elerea other tare-year elda in the three-eightha dash that apeaed the racing. Harwell had the aaaaal on bha and rade him in rigaroea fashion. Laara Gaffaey. under stream ridiag. Maaaged to laud second place ream Patrahaaa. Bias Claire, rarryiag the Carl Wcldeanaaa s ik~. was the favored one and Might have beea daaji leas hal lor taterfereace she unf fered from that eaaaed Uaraei ta take her up at a critical tiiie. Sandy H faraisbed an apaet in tlie aecaad race. ajfaich he area Iroai Phllaaderer. the favorite, with ActreaK in third place. The trio w en the mo-: i,i- Miaeat eoateaaern from the itart, with the winner araviag the gaaaesl at tie- end. FLY BALLS COSTLY VICTORY l-h Mall had ta be MBCh tl» bent I" a"ia the third race, for he area aara] -low!.- aad, after rtosiag .-big cap. had to rtaad a bard dive trmm near the cud to aatflaiah Black Betty and laaephiae vViedel .1. i:. Bkiaker. repreaentcd by Hilladale, elaiaiad ; |J Iti II a I a OSt of B3..VW. The Wit again proved a diaappoiatMeat. He was favorite in the iih race, but Barrj Bhaaaoa had n.. dlfficaltj in -tayiir-- in He- bad the start and beating Hello I.irdner am! Day Lilly to the finish. Tin- iosing race pradai d I lie besl fiip-h af the afternoon ••.|l BraOM readier ridden by the iaea perieaced Martx iust getting heme a hart neck in 1 advance of Laaj Lou. ridden by Garaer. and favorite. The wiiine; be e araa rla Med by I. Caaaiffe at a 1 o.i af p] iiiiii. Word lias beea received lore af the aertaaj ill-Bea« at i i !■- beaae la Brlstow. Okla., ef Haatforl Jones, aaraer of one of the largeet racing eatah-li-hmeits of the preeeat day. it is saiii thai be is uffering fraai luieumonia and fear- are eater-tafacd ahaal his rerarery. tkae die iahaj af h;s stable, in charge af trainer Kay Bpcace, was -hipped I to I iuisville. Ky.. from the Tair Graaada only-la -t week. The Lair Onmid- -tewards decided this after aaaa that it weald be for the best iatererte of raciag if lit and loiinnand were eaapted in the ,. •ragerlag taaaarraw, and laaaed haetractlaaa to program them as an entry. They arc scheduled to stan in the Bnany South Handicap. Apprentice riders were :n their eteaaaat today, as they waa the final five races on the program. A. Wilson araa aatrMe a pair af winner- in I"ly Ball sad w.Mineuor.d. while H. Thomas iaptlcated t.i-perrornianee in thr- next two races on Mercury and l-arr.T Shannon. K. Mart-., a lad of little experieace. tound up tlie days feaUvt*BM by pibtinK Isioom " Peddler to v icinr . _ leckej Lawnare Irke is awaiting word as to whether In- is .aiit.-,] ;.i ril - in several stake- in Caba for one of the big stables there and. if lie ° is eagaged, he will leave for Havana next week. railing to go there, hi- plans to depart for Hot Springs. Ark., far a few weeks rest. Trainer William Barley will not ship any of the K. It. Bradley horses now under his care back to - Kentucky if he can find buyers for them. He has s only four left and all will be Mapaaad of at the earliest opportunity.