Daily Racing Form Experts Selections, Daily Racing Form, 1943-05-15

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Daily Racing Form Experts Selections SelectionsFIGURES FIGURES IN CONSENSUS SHOW COMPARATIVE RATINGS ALLOWING FIVE POINTS FOR FIKST SEVEN POINTS IF BEST CHANCE TWO 1 SEC ° NDf ONE FOR TIIKU BhSl CHANCE IN CAPITAL LETTERS Trackman P G McCann SPORTSMANS PARK Selections Made for Fast Track RACE PROB POS1 TRACKMAN HANDICAP DICK WELLES ANALrST PHAR LAP CONSENSUS 245 PM NaniLeonai Batter Batter Batter Batter Batter Batter 25 Huri Horn Har j Huri Horn Hari NaniLeonai BatterHuri Huri Horn Hari HariSharpshell NaniLeonai NaniLaonai NaniLeonai 12 Gayle F NaniLeonai Gayle F Sharpshell Gayle F Gayle F Huri Hom JHari 5 5PODS 315 PM PODS Rival Madam High Pops Rival Shirley G Paul Lee Shirley G PODS Rival 14 Madam Hieh Rose Bane Shirley G Rose Bane PODS Rival PODS Rival Shirley G 14 Shirley G Beziaue Rose Bane Madam Hieh Shirley G Madam High Madam High 9 345 PM THREE BANGS Toujour TouJour Toujour Three Banes Three Bangs Three Banes 23 23Toujour Sam Houston Three Banes Three Banes Three Banes Toujour Toujour Toujour 19 Toms Ladd Ferdinand Toms Ladd Anooheles Red Tet Anopheles JToms Ladd 2 415 PM Aljack AljackButtermilk Aljack AljackYankee Maurice K Aljack Canfield Aljack Aljack 24 24Canfield Buttermilk ButtermilkCanfield Yankee Notions Aljack ChiYankee Chi Aljack CanfieldAljack Darby Dallas Canfield 6 Canfield Guest Star Busy Josie Yankee Notions Busy AljackBusy Josie JosieBeamy Maurice K 5 445 PM Moselem Wicked Wicked Vicked Beamy Moselem Wicked 19 19Moselem Wicked K Rounder Beamy Beamy BeamyPoet Poet Laureate LaureateK Wicked Moselem 11 Poet Laureate Ppet Laureate K Rounder Moselem K Rounders PoetLaureate Beamy 9 51 5 PM Marion Collins Valdina Groom VALDINA GROOM VALDINA GROOM VALDINA GROOM VALDINA GROOM VALDINA GROM 35 Valdina Groom Cherry Trifle Marion Collins Latent Esoino Gold Latent Marion Collins 9 Happy Pilot Esoino Gold Latent Marion Collins The Finest Marion Collins CollinsMight JLatentJS 545 P M New Glory COMMENCEMENT Tartarus Commencement Jack Vennie Might Step Commencement 13 13Might Evil Spirit Mieht Step Mieht Steo SteoIdaStrene Jack Vennie Mieht SteD IdaStreng Might Step 11 Commencement IdaStrene Jack Vennie Chattnan Evil Spirit NewjGlory jJackjyennie 8 8Peacharino 61 5 PM Peacharino Escolar Peacharino PeacharinoSoanish EscolarBlossom Escolar Spanish Belle Blossom Queen Peacharino 13 Portsmouth BellePeacharino Soanish Belle Snanish Belle Blossom Oueen Portsmouth Peacharino Blossom QueemlO Blossom Queen Peacharino Blossom Oueen Portsmouth Blossom Queen Portsmouth Escolar ID Trackman D S Fair CHURCHILL DOWNS Selections Made for Slow Track RACE PROB POST TRACKMAN HANDICAP DICK WELLES ANALYST PHAR LAP CONSENSUS 200 P M Rockwick Little Red Fox FoxSome Little Red Fox Little Red Fox Little Red Fox Little Red Fox FoxAckwell Little Red Fox 20 Some Ad Some Ad AdRockwick Ackwell Somek SomekAd Ad Ackwell Ackwell Some Ad 7 Little Red Fox FoxLady RockwickPimlico Rockwick OldSmokey Ackwell Meetsum AckwellSomeAd SomeAd 230 P M Lady Romery Pimlico Polly PollyZorro Pimlico Polly Lady Romery Cideam Pimlico Polly PollyCideam Pimlico Pdlly 19 Pimlico Polly ZorroLady Zorro Cideam Pimlico Polly Lady Romery Cideam Lady Romery 13 Mothers Girl Lady Romery Zorro Mothers Girl Zorro JZbrra Gideam 9 Zacapet ZacaDet Zacapet ZACAPET ZACAPET Zacapet Zacaoet 34 300 P M ZacapetOHurry ZACAPETS Bolo Fancy SS Grier OHurry S S Grier SS Grier ZacapetOHurry OHurry SS Grier 8 y yJDHurry Transfran O Hurry Sj5j3rierVacuum OHurrySj5j3rier Sj5j3rier OHurry r rVacuum Bolo Fancy SS OHurrySS Grier JDHurry Gr 330PM Swiv SwivVacuum Swiv SwivVacuum Vacuum Cleaner Vacuum Cleaner CleanerSwiv Vacuum Cleaner Swiv Swiv CD Vacuum Cleaner CleanerNostradamus Vacuum Cleaner CleanerNostradamus Swiv SwivMiss Swiv Swiv SwivVacuum Vacuum Cleaner Vacuum Cleaner 21 21Nostradamus5 Nostradamus NostradamusCall Nostradamus Miss Advice Nostradamus SwivNostradamus Nostradamus Nqstradamus Nostradamus5 V 400 P M Call to Colors ColorsFisherville Hard Lu Call to Colors HardLu HardLuSone Hard Lu Hard Lu LuCall Hard Lu 21 i Fisherville FishervilleHard Call to Colors Song Spinner Sone Spinner SpinnerFisherville Fisherville Call to Colors Call to Colors 15 Hard Lu Fisherville Fisheryille Fisherville Call to Colors JPisherville Fisherville 8 430 P M BEST SELLER SELLERShot BEST SELLER BESTSELLER BESTSELLERShot Bgst Seller SellerShot Best Seller BEST SELLER SELLERShot BEST SELLER 38 Shot Put PutOnemore Shot Put Shot Put Shot Put Shot Put Shot Put Shot Put 12 Onemore Onemore pnemore Kniehtfqrs Onemqre Knightfors jOnempre4 500 P M Colors TJD Aircraft Colors Up UpMagnetism Tippity Tippity Late Dawn DawnPajas Colors UP 12 12Tippity Pajas PajasAircraft Colors Up UpJPajas Magnetism Magnetism Magnetism Pajas Tippity 12 Aircraft JPajas jTippity jTippityWinning Aircraft Pajas MagnetismPajas Tippity Aircraf t 7 530 PM Winning Chance Old Main Road Winning Chance ChanceShirley Old MainRoad Winning Chance Winning Chance ChanceShirley Winning Chance 21 21Old Catalonia Hot Iron Shirley R RRed Catalonia Old Main Road Shirley R ROld Old Main Read 14 14Shirley Old Main Road Winning Chance Red Native Red Native Shirley R Old Main Road Shirley R 5 Trackman C J Connors BELMONT P ARK Selections Made for Good Track RACE PROB POST TRACKMAN HANDICAP DICK WELLES CONSfcNSUi 1230 PM Good Show Bull Weed Bull Weed Bull Weed WeedHerald Bull Weed WeedRestriction Bull Weed Bull Weed 27 Bull Weed Herald Toolmaker Herald Restriction Herald Herald 6 War Dressing Gold Bart Restriction HeraldRestriction Restriction RestrictionPersepolis Persepolis HeraldRestriction Restriction Good Show 5 1255 PM Equator Son Islam Farsight Equator Farsight PersepolisFarsight Yes or No Farsier1 11 Bloodhound Volitant Yes or No Manamaid Amble Tint Son Islam Equator 10 Farsight Orange Leaves Son Islam Son Islam Volitant Ben Shaba Son Islam 9 120 PM AdLib Frederic n nBoojum Simoon Boojum n Frederic n Frederic n Frederic n 18 Stiegein Boojum n nNaruna Boojum EL ELFrederic Frederic n nSimoon Ossabaw Simoon Boojum n 9 9Simoon Lechlade NarunaFARMERETTE Naruna Frederic J ± Simoon Compass Rose RoseFarmerette SimoonJtfaruna Jtfaruna Simoon G Farmerette FARMERETTE TERSE Terse Farmerette Farmerette Farmerette 23 145 PM FARMERETTETerse TERSEFarmerette TerseFarmerette Too Timely Terse Farmerette FarmeretteAnthemion Farmerette Dear Judy Terse Terse 16 Witchwater JDear Judy Anthemion Too Timely Navigating Dear Judy Dear Judy 5 21 0PM SHUTOUT Flaught FlaughtWith The Rhymer ShutOutWith ShutOut Shut Out With Regards Shut Out 22 22With With Regards With Regards Shut Out With Regards With Regards RegardsParasang1 Shut Out OutFlaught With Regards 14 Parasang Shut Out With Regards RegardsShut JDit Parasang1 Flaught Flaught 6 235 PM Devil Diver Devil Diver DiverShut Shut Out Devil Diver DiverShut Shut Out Devil Diver Devil Diver 20 20Shut Riverland Shut Out OutRiverland Riverland Shut Out OutRiverland Riverland Shut Out OutRiverland Shut put Ifi JVIarketWise Riverland Market Wise Riverland Market Wise Riverland JRiverland 9 300 PM Coat of Arms Pops Pick PickDon Copperman POPS PICK PICKCopperman DON BINGO Pops Pick Pops Pick 20 20Don Sir Alfred Don Bingo Don Bingo BingoPops Copperman PODS Pick Copperman Don Bingo 14 Don Bingo Equinox Pops PJck Don CoppermanDon Bingo Belle cTAmour Don Bingo BingoWATCH jCopperman 9 325 PM Crystal Watch Over OverSting Watch Over Watch Over OverCortege Watch Over WATCH OVER WATCH OVER 28 28StinePal Sting Pal Sting Pal PalSissie SissieSmitlv Cortege Crystal Sting Pal StinePal 7 7Crystal Watch Over Sissie Smith Cortege Sting CortegeSting Pal Cortege Kitche Manitou Crystal 6 Trackman R N Charlton SUFFOLK DOWNS Selections Made for Fast Track RACE PROB POST TRACKMAN HANDICAP DICK WELLES ANALYST CONSENSUS Broiler Esta Conrad Mann White Hot HotEsta Broiler Conrad Mann Conrad Mann 13 130 PM Nilon Mightily Lady Orchid OrchidWhite Esta Conrad Mann Esta Broiler 10 White Hot Conrad Mann White Hot EstaMiehtilv Miehtilv White Hot Lady Orchid Esta 9 Big Chance Big Chance BRAVE SIR Big Chance ChanceBlensien Frontier Jane Big Chance Big Chance 22 200 PM Frontier Jane Frontier Jane Town Hall Blensien Big Chance River Shannon Brave Sir 11 River Shannon Brave Sir Morstep Bvaye Sir Brave Sir Brave Sir Frontier Jane 9 Mr MacGurrin Mr MacGurrin Merry Glow Calvert Optimism Merry Glow Mr MacGurrin 18 CalvertMr OptimismMr 230 PM Merry Glow Merry jGlow Mr MacfGurrirt Mr MacGurrin MacGurrinMiss Mr MacGurrin MacGurrinMiss Mr MacGurrin Merry Glow 14 14Missjjroslin Miss Gosline Miss Gosling Miss Gosline Miss Gosline GoslineSir Miss Gosling GoslingSIR Miss Gosling Missjjroslin 6 Sir Drake DrakeElray Sir Drake Elray Sir Drake DrakeElray SIR DRAKE DRAKEElray Sir Drake Sir Drake 29 300 P M Elray ElrayRockwall Elray Sir Drake Elray Elray ElrayIn Elray ElrayIn Elray 15 15Jn Rockwall In Vogue In Voeiie In Vogue In Vogue In Vogue Jn Vogue 5 FALSE FACE RUSH ACT Rush Act False Rush Rush Act Face Act Rush Act 21 1 330 PM Arrow Rock False Face False Face False Face Rush Act False Face False Facs 20 Leeation Valdina Pledge Valdina Pledee Leeation Legation Valdina Pledge Legation 3 Star Copy Star Copy Star CODV Star Cooy Star Cooy Star Copy CopyKinefisher Star Cooy 30 400 P M Firebroom Spiral Pass Spiral Pass Spiral Pass Soiral Pass Kinefisher KinefisherFirebroom Spiral Pass 9 Spiral Pass Devalue Incoming Kinefisher Firebroom Firebroom 3 Valdina Alpha Valdina Aloha Valdina Aloha Valdina Aloha Valdina AlDha VALDINA ALPHA VALDINA ALPHA 32 430 PM Pony Ballet Fair Call Pony Ballet Cape Cod Caoe Cod Caoe Cod Caoe Cod 6 Sollure Sollure Fair Call Sollure Sollure Pony Ballet Pony Ballet 5 Grebe Good Neighbor Michiean Sun GREBE Grebe Grebe Grebe 23 500 PM Dizzy B Dizzy B Dizzy B GREBEGood Good Neighbor Dizzy B GrebeGood Good Neiehbor NeiehborDizzy Dizzy B 10 Abyssinia Michigan Sun Grebe Dizzy B Good Neighbor Dizzy B Good Neighbor 10

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1940s/drf1943051501/drf1943051501_5_1
Local Identifier: drf1943051501_5_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800