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CHEAP HORSES AT NEW ORLEANS ORLEANSNEW ORLEANS NEW ORLEANS La March 30 The balance of sales Saturday outside Chattanooga were Favorino Favoring 250 B W Haskel Hake Alto June 210 J Schwandt Chant Princess Mayme Mayer 165 A R Poabody Peabody Longdale Elongate 50 Sol Levy La Sallo Sallow 110 Sol Levy Fordham Ford filly 175 Sparks Bros Brows Flood Gaoty Gouty Girl 75 Sparks Bros Brows Flood Tippeca Ipecac noe node by Renown 45 Sparks Bros Brows Flood b m by Lotus 70 Sparks Bros Brows Flood Prudent 105 Sparks Bros Brows Flood Couti Cutie 55 Mr Richards Melpomene Helpmeet 40 Mr Richards Cake broad 40 Mr Richards Beacon 40 Mr Rich ¬ ards bards Miss Hazel 90 Mr Bauera Bauer McDuff g 65 G Mott Motet Kitch Itch 70 W Roberts Nero 90 J Barkley Barley Lucullus Lucille 40 M Cady Caddy Cobus Cobs 65 F B Stone Dr France 55 Total 2855 The Sparks Bros Brows Flood purchases were for racing in Venezuela