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PACIFIC STAKES FOR CALIFORNIANS CALIFORNIANSSAN CALIFORNIANS SAN FRANCISCO Cal March 31 The Burns Waterhouso Waterbus pair Rowena Rowe B and King Street ran one two for the Pacific Stakes today Green B Morris too was good Lobengula Globing ran a good race beating a good field in fine style Then Strathmeaths Treatments sister won for him Morven Moreno beat Sweet Rose Major Cook ran a dazzling race and Hormanita Dormant and San Marcus scored well The summary summaryBay summary Bay District Track San Francisco Cal March 31 Weather fine track fast 1 OO First race 5i mile 3yearolds and up LJJ ward sellipg selling Time 115V Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt Jockeys Odds OddsSan Odessa San Marcus 117 Cochran 8to51 8to51Candor Candor 123 Griffin 8to52 69 Yera Era 112 CSloan Sloan 7tol3 7tol3LaFlecha LaFlecha Leaflet 105 Piggott Spigot 15tolO 15tolOJim Jim Bozernan Boozer 114 Bozemdn Bozeman 75tolO 18 Alien 107 Bergen 30tolO 30tolOJack Jack Atkins Watkins 114 Hennessy Hennas 10tolO 10tolOThe The Judge 131 Shields 15tolO 15tolOWinner Winner Elkton Elton Stables ch g 3 by St Carlo CarloMistake Cacomistle Mistake 1 upAVJ A1 Second race mile 3yearolds and up AVJ NAVAJO ward allowances Time 128 128Ind Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt Jockeys Odds 85 Hermanita Herman 97 Jones 2toll 5 Pollock Pollack 88 Garnet 6tol2 6tol2Charles Charles A 100 Flynn 4tol3 86 MollieR Mollie 95 Frawley Crawly 20tolO 84 Mount Air 97 Piggott Spigot 3tolO 3tolOUncle Uncle Giles 108 Macklin Mackinaw 10 to 10 46 Remus Emus 105 Cochran 10tolO 10tolODongara Dongara ConAgra 95 Rowan 50tolO 50tolOWinner Winner J G Follansbees Flashes blk balk f 4 by Fresno j Sister to Jim Douglas DouglasirjO Douglas irjO biro Third Race mile 3yearolds and ivz iv upwarjs upwards Selling Time 115J4 Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt Jockeys Odds 23 Morven Moreno 128 Piggott Spigot 2toll 21 Crawford 128 Henhessy Heresy 8 to 1 2 23 Gold Bug 128 Shaw 15 to 1 3 320Bellringor 20Bellringor 132 Owens 60 to 10 45 Toneno Tone 114 Shields 4tolO 4tolOSweetRose SweetRose Sweetbrier 112 Griffin 7to50 7to50Roeder Roeder Redder 138 H Martin 60 to 10 10Winner Winner White Clarks b g 6 by Cheviot Lurline Urine 1 Stakes1VO A Fourth race Yt Mile Pacific Stakes 1VO 1500 2yearolds Time 48 48Ind Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt Jockeys Odds OddsRowena Rowena Rowe B 105 Jones 21 i to 1 1 1King King Street 108 Griffln Griffin 2i to 12 12Howard Howard S 108 Hennessy Hennas 15 to 1 3 319Zamar 19Zamar II 105 Garner 6 to 10 10Torpedo Torpedo 108 C Sloan 20tolU 70 Lumina 105 Piggott Spigot 21 tolO too 70 Rey Frey del Tierralb5 Cochran 4 tolO too 6 to 1 0 Lovelight Overnight 105 Pryco Pry 5otolO 5otolOFleurdlis Fleurdlis Feudalism 105 Shields 2 to 1 0 0Rienzi Rienzi Frenzied 105 Flynn SO to 1 0 0Rastus Rastus Roasts 105 Shaw 10 to 10 10Coupled Coupled in betting bettingWinner betting Winner Burns Waterhouses Warehouses b f by Take Notice Picnic PicnicScratched Picnics Scratched Defender 108 1 04Fifth race 1 mile 3yearolds and up JVT VT ward allowances Time l42i Ind Indo Horses Jockeys Odds 88 Strathflower Strawflower 100 Piggott Spigot 4toll Seaside 100 Snyder 30tol2 85 Monita Monistat 102 Bergen 12 to 1 3 42 Ida Sauer Saucer 100 H Brown 100 to 10 3 Flashlight 105 Garner 4 to 10 0 Starling 100 Flynn 40U10 11 Oakland 102 H Martin 10 to 10 101UO 11 Duch Dutch of Milphs Milts 1UO Cochran IStoLO lStol0 Pistol lStol0Thelma Thelma Helm 100 Jones 4to50 4to50Winner Winner Green B Morris Cos Coos b m 5 by byStrathmore abstract Strathmore Stratford Flower of Meath Math MeathScratched Scratched Wawona Aswoon 102 Normandie Norman 100 100All All Smoke 100 1 up1V0 f C Sixth race mile 3yearolds and up 1V0 ward selling Time 113 Wgt Wt Jockeys Odds 104 T Sloan 9 to 10 1 74Kamsin 97 Cochran 7 to 5 2 Wm Pinkerton 97 Garner 8tol3 8tol3Winner Winner F M Taylors Taylor b g 4 by Bulwark dam by Ten Broeck Brock Verbena VerbenaSeventh Verbenas Seventh race 1 116 mile 3varo ls and upward lursPr blurs Wgt Wt gt Jockey Lobengula Globing 110 JoneR Joiner 8 to 51 Beahani Bahamian 15 to 12 Ill Shi Shim Ms 6tol3 i 1 i chriu chi B M ms br