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WHEN OTHERSFAIL OTHERS CONSULT CONSULTso CONSULTs so well and favorably known as CHICAGOS CHICAGO LEADING MOST SUCCESSFUL SUCCESSFULSPECIALIST SUCCESSFUL SPECIALIST SPECIALISTfor Specialist for his many wonderful cures in all allNervous allegros Nervous Chronic Private No cases uudertakeu undertake unless cure can be guarantee In strict confidence and receive rc opinion upon your case and valu value able book of information iVee dive K Iff Ziff T tA STHT STHTK SETH i5lfp la 1C rdlii radii P5llir JUvlkCj mPITPV pip I vllIU valium vllIUMILWAUKEE Ilin Ilion MILWAUKEE WISCO ISO SENT SENTfiid Sanctified fiid fid = Sumrner Sumner Running fleeting OPENING JUNE 27th 25 OR MORE DAYS RACING STAKES TO BE RUN RUNDerby Prudery Derby Independence Combination Hotel HotelPlankinton Plankinton Lamination Pfister Fitter flerchants leprechauns flerchantsSTAKES leprechauns STAKES CLOSE FRIDAY HAY i 1896 Office Pfister Fitter Hotel flilwaukee fellaheen Wis Wigs H M JOHNSON JOHNSONPresident President SHERIDAN GLARK LARK GLARKSecretary Secretary