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FORSYTH FORSYTHIA RACE TRACK FORSYTH FORSYTHIA INDIANA OPENING DAY APRIL isth Kist 1896 1896FIVE FIVE OR MORE RACES DAILY RAIN OR SHINE TRAINS DIRECT TO TRACK IN 35 MINUTES MINUTESWpeciul Interspecies Wpeciul Pencil Trains on P F W 0 RR Union depot at 1210 1225 1245 and 120 PM Regular Train at 2 PM Special Train L S M S RR Van Buren Burn St Stand and Paptfic Peptic Ave at 1285 PM Regular Train at 1205 PM Electric cars connect with Alley L at G4th St L S M S stops at 22d 39th and andEnglewood fandangle Englewood P F V 0 RR stops at Archer Ave list St and Englewood Trains leave for Chicago immediately after last race CLEM CLAM CREVELINQ REVELING Secretary ADMISSION 50 CTS CRTS LADIES 25 CTS CRTS HARLEM TURF EXCHANGE EXCHANGETWELFTH EXCHANGE UKUfcK K HEADQUARTERSK HEADQUARTERS FLANDERS COS OS TURFMANS TURBANS THE PONCE HEADQUARTERS DE LEON LEONBASE LEONA TWELFTH AND THOflAS Thomas STREETS STREETSReports Streets BASE BALL E RACE CARD Reports from flemphis fleapits Newport and other Tracks Buffet and Cafe 170 E MADISON STREET STREETBest Steepest 233 WABASH AVE Best and Most Complete Card Published PublishedAll Published Chicago fc Northern Pacific run through Excursion Trains to Harlem topping at Halsted Halted St R L BLAIR Prop and Blue Island Avenue Leaving Wisconsin Central Passenger Station Harrison St and Fifth All the results carefully arranged Ave at 1 05 pm and 2 00 pm Returning leaving Harlem at 4 00 pm and after last race Fare Round Trip 25 Cents Early Distribution Prompt Service LAKE STREET ELEVATED MADISON STREET CABLE 1896 State MILWAUKEE Park Jockey WISCONSIN WISCONSINnid Wisconsin Club LA BELLE STUD nid Enid = Summer Running fleeting fleetingOpening fleeting Opening June 27th Twenty = f ive dive or More Racing Days BRAMBLE Imp Bonnie Sire of Scotland Rambler Clifford Ivy Leaf and by Ben Imp Brush Australian AustralianSire Australians 300 Book Full The ftlilwaukee Derby For 3yearolds 1J4 The Merchants Handicap For 3yearolds miles Value to winner 2000 and upward Seven furlongs Value to winner winnerThe winner The SchlitzHot3lStakesFor2yearold fillies P0 r furlongs Value to winner 500 The Schlitz Brewing HandicapFor Handicap three olds and upward Seven furlongs Value to toThe toTe The Plankington Planking Hotel Handicap For 3year winner 500 500olds olds and upward 1 116 miles Value to winner The Hotel Combination Selling Stakes For The IllUsed Illumed Woodbine 1000 3yearolds and upward One mile Value to toThe toTe FORESTER jr jrG Jorge Book Pull Filled Owner ner near 1000 by The Independence Handicap For 3yearolds 4 o n nand and upward v 3yoaroldsv 1 mile Value to winner 1000 The Poster Hotel HandicapFor Handicap 3yoarolds and upward One mile and a sixteenth Value ValueThe Valuate The Best Brewing Co Handicap For 3year to winner 1000 1000olda Iroquois Brunette by Imp ImpBonnie Impolite olda old and upward Six furlongs Value to winner The Pabst Past Brewing Stakes For 2yearolds G W JOHNSON JOHNSONBURLINGTON Bonnie Scotland 500 Six furlongs Value to winner 1000 1000The 50 50Full Full The entrance and starting fees for each of the above named stakes will be divided 60 per cent to second and 40 per cent to third horse horseThe horseshoe The Club Offers No Guaranteed Stakes StakesThe Starkest BURLINGTON Powhattan Imp Invercauld Mineral The water flowing from the spring inside the grounds of the State Park Jockey Club is cele celled ¬ by St Blaise Blains 50 brated berated for its purity and jaded horses recuperate rapidly after taking of it for a few days The stabling is firstclass fistulas and the facilities for handling horses shipped by railroad are unsurpassed unsurpassedSTAKES unsurpassed Nougat Astree Street Dollar STAKES CLOSE FRI DAY fl AY r 1896 1896Office impAEROLITHE imperialist 50 by The above Stallions will make the season of 1896 at La Bejle Belle Stud 7 miles from Lexington Ky on the old Frankfort Pike Season foes due at time of service Return privileges allowed Office Pfister Fitter Hotel flilwaukee fellaheen Wis Wigs WisH if tne tine horse is alive and in my possession possessionThe possession The La Belle Stallions were all firstclass fistulas Race Horsos Horses and Slake Winners Their combined H M JOHNSON President SHERIDAN GL ARK Secretary winnings on the Turf amountingto amounting nearly 300000 Mares booked to my Stallions will be accom Tacoma ¬ modated mediated with a good boxstall bookstall and grain feed at 10 per month during breeding season seasonStallions seasons LEIGHS LEIGH PORTABLE STALLS Stallions Broodmares Yearlings Horses in Training Winners for sale at all times timesI times OWNERS AND I HAVE SOLD SUCH GRAND RACE HORSES AS ASCLIFFORD BACULIFORM TAIN AIN RS RSWhen CLIFFORD DUCAT LAZZARONE LAZAR LAZZARONECHANT When you ship your horses ask Express Company to stall your CHANT PESARRA PEAR HANDSPUN HANDS HANDSPUNURANIA car with Leighs Sleighs Patent Portable Stall adjustable to any car thus securing absolute safety to your URANIA URBANA BEN BRUSH horses while in transit without additional cost to the shipper as express companys company furnish them AND MANY OTHERS OTHERSThe Others free of cost to you They dont don't deface the car when adjusted The Public and Visitors to Kentucky are welcome to La Belle I and can be set up in thirty minutes for any number of horses to 24 in at any time SUNDAYS ESPECIALLY double door baggage car Express companies can procure stalls by applying H EUGENE to toH oH LEIGH LEIGHLEXINGTON H EUGENE LEIGH LEIGHLEXINGTON LEXINGTON KY ADJUST B HORSE STALLS FIT ANY CAR LEXINGTON KENTUCKY