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T Ffc Ff r 17 1 1 A I Fto To A 7 FORSYTIi Forsythia RACE TRACK FORSYTH FORSYTHIA INDIANA OPENING DAY APRIL isth Kist 1896 1896FIVE FIVE OR MORE RACES DAILY RAIN OR SHINE TRAINS DIRECT TO TRACK IN 35 MINUTES Special Trains on P F W CJ RR Union depot at 1210 1235 1255 and 120 PM Regular Train at 2 PM Special Train L S M S RR Van Buren Burn St and Pacific Ave at 1250 and 1 20PM Regular Trains atS05 and 1205 PM Electric cars connect with Alley L at 64th St L S M S stops at 22d 3 th nnd nd Englewoocl Englewood P P AY 0 RR stops ut Archer Ave list SL and Englewood Trains leave for Chicago immediatelyafter immediately last race CLEM CLAM CREVELINQ REVELING Secretary ADMISSION 50 CTS CRTS LADIES 25 CTS CRTS