Forsyth Form Chart., Daily Racing Form, 1896-04-19


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FORSYTH FORSYTHIA FORM GHART HART GHARTFORSYTH HARTFORD FORSYTH FORSYTHIA IND INDO April 18 Fourth day Spring Meeting of fifteen days Weather clear track good Presiding Judge M Nathanson Nathan Starter Richard Dwyer I FIRST RACE 5 12 Furlongs 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt St H 2 Str Star Fin Jockeys O Open Close Place 0281WEOLA 105 1j VA 41 2 2 1 Warren 3 3VanDusen 352 306 LOLL1E EASTIN EASTON 105 31A 21 12 11A 23 VanDusen Bandsmen 4 4Irving 7 22 ROSYLYN ROSALYN 111 6 7 2H 3j 33 Irving 6 6Field 10 4 282 WILLIE SHANNON 100 4 32 52 51 42 Field 15 15Garner 30 10 CHARM CHARMSAMMIE CHARMS 109 8 ll23 42 5 51C6 Garner 1 1O 7 10 out SAMMIE YOUNG 1C6 7 6686 O Johnson 20 20Dean 50 15 STELLA LOGAN Dean 20 20Magnusson 20 50 15 JOE MANCINI ANACIN Magnusson Manson 5 5TBurns JULIE TBurns Burns 30 Time 24 49 l022 1 09 09Winner Winner John Brenocks Rednecks ch m 4 by Wawecus Watercourse Cretonia Creston CretoniaPost Creston Post 20 minutes Start fair Won in hard drive second easily Charm was not up to a race tired after going first quarter Roslyn Rosalyn ran well Scratched May Ashley 100 O SECOND RACE 4 13 Furlongs 2yearoids Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt St V4 2 Str Star Fin Jockeys Open Close Place BELLE OF NILES 99 5 21 21 21 Warren 10 15 5 5281HESSVILLE 281HESSVILLE 99 7 4n 4j 31 Magnusson Manson 383 329 LILLIAN WILKES 101 1 51 3 41 P Clay 3 3 1 149 CLEMATIS 99 4n 6 56 520 T Burns 4 15 5 5BOARDER BOARDER 102 2K 76 61A Soden Sodden 10 15 5 304 DEVOIR 1052 6 3 7 7 French 4 10 4 304 CALL A LILLY 94 8 888 Field 10 40 12 12Time Time 24M 36li 49 56 Winner D A Honigs Honing b g by St Carlo Royal Bess Bests BessPost Bedpost Post 10 minutes Start gopd god Won easily second same It was easy for Zamar Zamia Belle of Niles ran a good race Hesseville Essentially came fast last quarter 353 THIRD RACE 34 Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt St Y4 Vt Str Star Fin Jockeys Open Close Place 306 COSSACK 11 IK Warren 1 9 10 out 306 FUSILIER 31A 31 2 A 22 22VA Soden Sodden Soden4i 583 285 DISTURBANCE VA 51A 4i 31 31U VanDusen Bandsmen VanDusenyA Bandsmen 4 5 65 306 WARREN LELAND U IH yA 41 Garner 462 285 MR DUNLAP DUNLOP 8 8 51 51 McGlone McConnell 282 PASKOLA PASO 99 31 21 41 6 6 Hyle Kyle 30 40 12 282 MADONNA 95 8 6 6 7 7 T Burns 20 50 15 303 HINDA HIND 106 7 7788 Field 10 15 6 6Time Time 25 51 1 03 117 117Winner Winner J Delongs Belongs b g 6 by Muscovy Muscovite Interest InterestPost Interest Post 10 minutes Start fair Won driving second easily Cossack waited until the stretch turn and lasted long enough to win by a nose Fusilier came fast and should have won Leland tired at half halfScratched Scratched Spendoline Semolina 114 Samson 108 354 FOURTH RACE 34 Mile Handicap Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt Sb Vi Str Star Fin Jockeys Open Close Place 283 MAGNET 119 IH 11 13 12 12 Garner Garner3i22i arner Warner 3 5 2 5 out 331 HI HENRY 108 22 3i22i 22 2 McGlone McConnell McGlone2H 331 LILLIAN E 87 41 2H 32 32 33 P Clay 305 HELEN WREN 90 31 42 46 41 4io TBurns Burns 38 CAMPANIA CAMPANULA 100 6 6 51 52 L Smith 20 100 163 NELLIE H 96 52 52 6 6 Warren 8 12 Time 24 Vi 49 1 02 1 14 Winner MagneticPost Magnetic D A Honigs Honing ch c 4by St Blaise Blains Magnetic Post 5 minutes Start good Won very easily second same It was no race at all Scratched Onalaska Koalas 89 FIFTH RACE 1 18 Miles Selling 4 hurdles Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt St 2 Str Star Fin Open Close Place SAN GABRIEL GABRIELLORD GABRIELLA 139 23 21 12 1 lio Clio 16 M Coughlin Coughing 2 2McDaniels LORD LONSDALE CLOSABLE 132 41 42 31 42 3 22 McDaniels Macanese 3 3C 153 BALDUR BALDER 118 51 7 22 3 21A 32 C Johnson 4 4McCarthy 330 CUNARDER UNORDERED 139 32 31 8 51 51 41 McCarthy 4 4G 307 HAY RACK RACKLAURA TRACKLAYER 130 7 51 41 7 7 52 G Murphy 10 10Edwards LAURA B 129 1 11 7 23 43 620 Edwards 10 10Hogan 307 MORSETAMBIO MORSE 126 6 6 6 8 8 7 Hogan 4 4J 15 6 6TAMBIO TAMBIO AMBO TAMBIOI TAMBOUR 439 9 8 51 6 6 8 J Level 6 6Whitlock 10 4 4I I H GOODNIGHT 132 8 9 9 9 9 9 Whitlock Hillock 6 25 10 20iy2Winner Time 10Time 20iy2 Winner M Coughlins Coughing br h a by Rutherford Santa Anita Post 15 minutes Start fair Won easily second same San Gabriel took lead after first firstjump frustum jump and won as he pleased Cunarder Unordered balked at second jump Laura B was interfered with at atsecond abscond second jump Baldur Balder ran well after the first hurdle Scratched Fakir 129 Pat Malloy Mallory Jr 126 O pT O SIXTH RACE I Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt St VA 1A Str Star Fin Jockeys Open Close Place 305RED SKIN 105 1 II 11 11 11 U Soden Sodden 3 5 1 2 out 305 JOHN HICKEY 99 3l 31 2 26 23 2 Garner 5 5 7 5 5307SULLROSS 307SULLROSS 107 6 51 6 310 36 3 VanDusen Bandsmen 3 4 3 5 307 LITTLE MATT 103 51A 8 5V2 41 4J4 41 Powell 8 10 4 284 POTSDAM POTS 1032 767 52 51 51 OReilly Gorily 50 50 15 307 PAT MALLOY ALLOY JR 96 9 9 S 8 6 6 T Burns 15 30 lu lu2851SEMELE 2851SEMELE 99 Wz ilA Gila 41 6 7 7 Hyle Kyle 15 21 283 ROYAL PRINCE 109 2l2 2Y2 3 7 8 8 J Fox 100 1UO 4u 135 PLAY OR PAY 99 8 7 9 9 9 9 J Healy 50 50 15 15Time Time 25 52 liie lie 1424 Winner 1424Winner T W Coulters ch h 6 by Runnymede Runny or Pontiac Girofle Girdle GirofleStart Start good Won easily second same Red Skin won all the way Little Matt was interfered with soon after start

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Local Identifier: drf1896041901_1_3
Library of Congress Record: