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SHEFFIELD RACE TRACK TRACKSHEFFIELD SHEFFIELD INDIANA INDIANABEGINS INDIANA BEGINS MAY 2nd AND CLOSES flAY 19th 19thFIVE FIVE OR MORE RACES DAILY RAIN OR SHINE BEGINING BEGRIMING AT 215 P M SPECIAL TRAINS DIRECT TO TRACK IN 35 MINUTES Pittsburgh Fort Wayne Railroad leaves Union Depot stopping at Archer Ave 41st St and Bnglewood Englewood at 1210 1235 1255 and 120 pm Regular train at 2 pm Lake Shore regular trains leave Van Buren Burn St Depot at 805 am and 1205 pm Returning at 430 Round trip 25 cts Acts Electric Cars connect with Alley L at 64th St and with Illinois Central at 92nd St W C CREVELING REVELING ADMISSION 50 CENTS LADIES 25 CENTS CONCERT BY BANKS CREGIERS CAREGIVERS ORCHESTRA = = 25 PIECES Indiana Derby = 2000 = To be run Saturday May 9th ORDER Brooklyn and Suburban SuburbanHANDICAPS Suburban Terre Haute Fair Assn Ass K FLANDERS COS OS COSBASE CROSSBARS HANDICAPS HANDICAPSFair Handicaps BASE BALL RACE CARD Fair Prices Prompt Settlements Combina Combine ¬ tions ions on the double event For price list and 170 E MADISON STREET STREETBest Steepest full particulars address addressROBERT addresser Indianapolis Driving Park ParkSPRING Prospering Best and Most Complete Card Published PublishedAll Published ROBERT HAYFIELD HAYFIELDAuthorized Authorized Racing Accountant All the results carefully arranged 56 Crescent Insurance BIdg BIg Early Distribution Prompt Service NEW BIdgNEW Bridge ORLEANS LA SPRING RUNNING MEETINGS 1896 TERRE HAUTE MAY 18 = 23 INDIANAPOLIS HAY 25 = 30 URPI UPI I E JP E 1 1 Liberal Purses Responsible Management Six Days at Each Place Plenty of Stable Room Purses 6000 for Each fleeting Imp Bonnie Scotland Ivy Leaf by Imp Australian AustralianSire Australians W H Duncan Secy Sec Terre Haute Ind Indo BRAMBLE Sire of Rambler Clifford and Ben Brush 300 Book Full Goodwins Godwin Annual AnnualOfficial Annual THE SPIRIT OF THE TIMES KINGSTON Spendthrift Imp Kapanga Katanga 150 Book Full Official Turf Guide AND ANDNEW ANDREW For 1895 NEW YORK SPORTSMAN SPORTSMANCONSOLIDATED Imp The IllUsed Illumed Woodbine 100 Book Full Filled by Owner The Biggest Thing on Record for CONSOLIDATED CONSOLIDATEDThe Consolidated Racegoers Racehorse RacegoersIt Racehorse I Tl Hf 1J CLflS Calls IT The Recognized Turf Authority Authorityof Authority QA7 IroquoisBrunette Iroquois by Imp It is in the Leading Chicago Book ¬ 8 VY e Qj I ll lAZVl lazuli j Bonnie Scotland 50 of America AmericaAlways Americana stores Fuller than ever of Information Always up to Date in Every EveryDepartment Powhattan Invercauld Mineral Imp Department DepartmentSO DepartmentS by St Blaise Blains 50 IN TWO VOLUMES VOLUMESCloth Volumes SO GTS GETS PER COPY COPYALL COPAL Nougat Astree Street by Dollar Cloth 400 ALL NEWS DEALERS 50 Half leather 600 1 1 ADDRESS The above Stallions will make the season of 1896 at La Belle Stud 1 miles from Lexington Half calf 800 800Publication 400 per year SPIRT SPIRIT of the TIMFS IMF Ay on the old Frankfort Pike Season fees due at time of service Eeturn Return privileges allowed Publication Office 1440 Broadway cor coir 40th St 200 6 mos n Frankfort St if the horse is alive and in my possession possessionThe possession New York 100 3 Box938 NEW YORK The La Belle Stallions were all firstclass fistulas Race Horses and Stake Winners Their combined vinnings innings on the Turf amounting to nearly 3000CO Mares booked tomy Tommy Stallions will be accom Tacoma aodated adapted with a good boxstall bookstall and grain feed at 10 per month during breeding season seasonStallions seasons LEIGHS LEIGH PORTABLE STALLS Stallions Broodmares Yearlings Horses in Training Winners for sale at all times timesI times OWNERS AND I HAVE SOLD SUCH GRAND RACE HORSES AS ASCLIFFORD BACULIFORM TRAIN JRS JARS CLIFFORD DUCAT LAZZARONE LAZAR LAZZARONECHANT When you ship your horses ask Express Company to stall your car with Leighs Sleighs Patent Portable CHANT PESARRA PEAR HANDSPUN HANDS HANDSPUNURANIA Stall adjustable to any car thus securing absolute safety to your BEN URANIA URBANA BRU5 horses while in transit without additional cost to the shipper as express companys company furnish them AND MANY OTHERS OTHERSThe Others free of cost to you They dont don't deface and can the be set car up in when thirty adjusted minutes The Public and Visitors to Kentucky are welcome to La Belle I for any number of horses to 24 in at any time SUNDAYS ESPECIALLY double door baggage car Express companies can procure stalls by applying to toH oH H EUGENE LEIGH LEIGHLEXINGTON H EUGENE LEIGH LEIGHLEXINGTON LEXINGTON KY 51DJUSTIBLE NORSE STALLS FIT ANY CAR LEXINGTON KENTUCKY