Sheffield Form Chart., Daily Racing Form, 1896-05-05


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SHEFFIELD FORM GHART HART GHARTSHEFFIELD SHEFFIELD IND INDO May 4 Second Day Spring Meeting of Fifteen Days Weather clear track good Presiding Judge M Nathauson Atchison Starter Richard Dwyor Dwyer All starts by machine rj 1 FIRST RACE 514 Furlongs 3yearsold and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt St J4 2 Str Star Fin Jockeys Open Close Place 634 REVEILLE 93 2 3 K 41 312 15 Everett 632 DAVE SLOAN 105 SSK SASK 21 VzWz lii ii 23 Morgan 687 AUNT SALLIE 91 H 42 52 SNK SANK 313 Hathersall Heathers 30 30INK 632 GINKA GINA 103 6nK INK 2 414 41 Field 10 632 MARGUERITE R 98 454 7126 6HS 51A Warron Warren 3V 445 GALLOPADE GALLOPED 52 H 22 61 D Davis 6 66sK 707 COLOGNE 6sK 6K 7 71 NK Cleary Clearly 4 6S4 MAUD WATSON 98 10 82 8 8 84 Sullivan 12 707 STELLA LOGAN 86 52 10 10 9 95 F Penny 30 40 ESTHER W 105 112 9 9 10 10 C Hueston Houston 10 20 8 Time 12 25M 3B1A 52 112 112Winner Winner SonoraPost Sonora R Fitzgeralds Fitzgerald ch f 3 by Bob Miles Sonora Post 8 minutes Start fair Won easily after an early drive second handily Dave Sloan ran good race was shortstopped shortstop on end and boy pulled him up Gallopade Galloped was miserably rid ¬ den all her speed used on upper turn Ginka Gina showed speed ran a good race and fought with all contenders all the way Marguerite R under drive always and used with no sort of judgment Aunt Sallie ran a good race She was cut down in it itScratched distracted Scratched Grey Gray Dog 95 742SE SECOND RACE 34 Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt St J4 5 Str Star Fin Jockpys Jockeys Open Close Place 614 BOB WAGNER 106 514 INK 23 iu2 12 Everett 3 4 75 610 GLENOID GENOCIDE GLENOIDOUTGO 106 31A 2 INK 22 21A L Soden Sodden 10 30 10 OUTGO 109 INK 62 3 3V4 33 Roy 20 30 684 POTSDAM POTS 107 4NK 71 71 71 4NK Freeman 656 SANTA CRUZ 104 712 31 W SNK SANK 5114 Caywood Cawed 656 GASCON GASTON 109 6t 5 K 5yz 414 51 Irving 711 WARREN LELAND 106 81A Irving81A 6K 62 72 Warren 719 FRANKIE D 104 9 9 82 81 82 Morgan 724 LONG TEN 106 10 10 10 9 95 Rebo Reebok Rebo41S 100 200 633 SAMSON 104 2K 41S 9 10 1010 D Davis 25 40 721 SEWANEE SEABEE 109 11 11 11 11 11 C Hueston Houston 20 150 50 Time 50Time 13i2 25J4 38M 51 1 05 1 17 17Winner Winner JaquolinPost Jacqueline Winder Stables b g 5 by Wagner Jaquolin Jacqueline Post 3 minutes Start perfect Won easily second and third driving Samson showed early speed was cut off on far turn Gascon Gaston was under a drive most of way Potsdam Potts ran a good race Frdnkie Frankie D in pocket the entire route did not run her race Outgo will do next time He has all his speed Threatened Wagner to sixteenth pole Then he hung Was once in front of Glenoid Genocide Santa Cruz slow to begin ran well wellScratched Scratched Kitch Itch 106 Buttons 106 O THIRD RACE 5 13 Furlongs 3yearolds and upward Selling Inii Iii Horses Wgt Wt St Vi Str Star tr Fin Jockeys Open Close Plate VIRGIE VIRILE DIXON 95 J3 J3K K 2US22 22 12 Hathersall Heathers 721 SUGAR 93 2ij 15 13 13 13 93 23 3 Everett Everetti Everett 634 SAMMIE YOUNG 32 42 61 i Caywood Cawed CaywoodSNK 684 BEN HUR HR 4NK 62 5 SNK SANK K 4 4n Warren 653 JULIE 61 71 4 42 51 D Davis Davis7j 689 DEPOSIT 90 NK 7j 62 T Burns 565 VIGARS CIGARS 100 812 7 Dorsey Dose 685 LORETTA K 86 9 72 SNK SANK 312 8 Colby INTEGRITY II 95 10 10 10 10 9 Magnusson Manson 19 J BISHOP 108 6NK 8 SVz 9 10 H Penny 10 707 LILLIAN SEIBEL SEINE 95 11 11 11 11 11 Cleary Clearly 8 10 4 Time 122 25 36l2 1 09 Winner Jefferson Stables ch f 3 by Sir Dixon Virgie Virile D DPost Post Post 4 minutes Start perfect Won handily second driving and swerving Ben Hur Hour badly ridden finished strong Sammie Young cut off on stretch turn also ran a good race Hathersall Heathers rode a good race on Dixon and he and the filly just smothered Sugar and Everett when ready Scratched readyScratched Old Man 98 744 FOURTH RACE 78Mile 3yearolds and upward Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt St M Vi Str Star Fin Jockeys Open Close Place 707 LAURA GOTTA GLOTTAL 99 52 510 550 31 22 12 Dorsey Dose 2VZ 3 1 6 7 CAUFIELD COALFIELD 104 41 31zlH 13 13 22 Everett 7 58 5 3 5 710 BLACKING BRUSH 105 22 INK 32 2n 33 3 Warren 331 710 BILLY KINNEY 101 INK 45 4iz 4V4 45 43 D Davis 15 10 3 689 WARREN POINT 104 32 22 2 K 510 520 50 Magnusson Manson 672 FANNIE G 101 6 6 6 6 6 6 Sullivan 20 30 10 Time 13 25 38 4 512 104 l3Jiz Hankins Hawkins l3JizHankins Johnsons Johnson ch f 3 by Terra Cot ta Laura Agnes AgnesPost Agnes Post 1 minute Start poor All first three driving hard Dorsey Dose rode a perfect race on Laura Cotta after setting off slowly She swerved slightly from the whip about sixteenth polo but responded gamely to strong hand riding Caufield Coalfield tired badly he swerved too Blacking Brush should have been second he swerved clear across the track in the closing drive driveScratched drives Scratched Lillian E 101 745 FIFTH RAGE 78 Mile 3yearolds and upward Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt St J4 1A Str Star Fin Jockeys Open Close Place 686 GOMOR GOMORRA 106 22 W 32 33 2K 11 Sullivan 685 AUNT LIDA IDA 101 61A 312 21 12 2K Sherland Shetland 614HAZEL HATCH 35 Warren 662 724 MRS MORGAN 104 516 7 51 61 62 42 Stoval Steal 12 40 15 689 EXCUSE 92 7 5 43 4iy2 4 53 Everett 8 5 6 5 3 5 5613SPENDOLINE 613SPENDOLINE 114 4 K 6 7 7 7 6 H Penny 12 50 20 20710ASHLAND 710ASHLAND 105 l2 IU INK 2 32 7 Morgan 8 12 5 5By By Springbok Time 132 26 38 51 1 04 1 30 30Winner Winner F C Hammonds Hammond ch g 6 by Farandole Farad Rosa RosaPost Rosa Post 4 minutes Start poor Won handily after an early drive second and third driving hard Aunt Lida Linda got bad ride She was short Will do next time out Boy could not hold Excuses head up Ashland pulled up in stretch Mrs Morgan shut off at threeeighths pole poleScratched polecat Scratched Evanatus Vanuatu 106 SIXTH RACE 34 Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Str Star Fin Jockeys Open Close Place 284 LISMORE ISOPRENE li is 11 12 Caywood Cawed 657 FUSILIER 22 22 212 2io L Soden Sodden 653 DESIGNER 52 f 42 31 C Hueston Houston HuestonSNK Houston 721 DENVER DENVERDAGO DENVER SNK SANK 314 SNK SANK 43 Morgan DAGO AGO 4 42 62 51 Feeney Fence 462 HERCULESTIMOTHY HERCULES HERCULES 6 71 52 6Y2 Morse TIMOTHY TIMOTHYBOB TIMOTHY 15BOB 109 8 9 61 2 83 72 Carver 40 40 15 BOB HOLMAN OILMAN 106 9 73 81 71 8 Warren 20 100 30 589 10AMBROSE LITTLE TOM TOMAMBROSE 109 3 82 920 93 9 Roy 15 30 10 AMBROSE 109 10 10 10 10 10 TCasey Casey 40 300 100 Time 100Time 13J4 25 372 50 1 15M Winner D Godfreys Geoffrey ch g 6 by Lisbon Emoti Demotic EmotiPost Emotions Post 2 minutes Start good Won driving second and third same Boy took Fusilier wide in stretch and rode weak finish Lismoro Limo got running start Denver tired in stretch Dago Dagon ran a good race Got an easy ride rideScratched Scratched Willie L 109 Sullross Soulless 112

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Local Identifier: drf1896050501_1_2
Library of Congress Record: