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Terre Haute and Indianapolis The official programme programmed for the meeting of the Terre Haute Fair Association has just been issued There are six days racing commencing on May 18 and finishing on May 23 with five races each day This is the first running meet ¬ ing King ever given at Terre Haute on a track which has long been celebrated for its grand trotting gatherings The officials are well known and highly respected citizens of Terro Terror Haute and the presence of B O Rankin of New Orleans as presiding judge ensures honest sport M J Farley Fairly of Chicago will be starter and use the CrevelingDwyer Reveling machine There will be a handicap each day the principal one being the Terre Haute Handicap Wednesday 1 miles worth 500 500Indianapolis Indianapolis follows Terre Haute with six days commencing May 25 W H Duncan 126 South Sixth Street Terre Haute and T S Groves Grand Hotel Indianapolis are the re ¬ spective specie secretaries from whom all information can be obtained