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ST LOUIS ENTRIES ENTRIESProbabilities Probabilities Weather clear track fast First Race 12 Mile MileMaiden Milkmaid Maiden 2year olds Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt WgtH Goth H Shoe Tobacco 108 Typhoon 108 580 Prince Lermiss108 441 Lincoln II 108 108Senator Senator PenroselOS Entresols Omah Omaha Wood 105 105SaUie SaUie Saucier Hagen fillylOo filly Galante Gallanted 105 105Sieglinde Sieglinde Sideline 105 95 Kruna Kunai 105 105Groganette Groganette Groaner 105 Lady Brittanio105 580 Mattie Belle 105 178 Mabel Abel Oliver 105 105Forsyth Forsyth Forsythia 105 773 Dont Don't Skip Me 105 105Katie Katie by the DrlOS Drops DrlOSSecona Secona Secom Race 1 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upwards Selling SellingInd Selling Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt WgtChiswell Chiswell Chisel 6 108 577 Sandoval Anodal 4 107 107Braw Braw Scott a 105 Immilda Similar 6 103 338 Jane 4 102 462 El Capitan Capita 4 99 161 Jack Bradley U 99 609 La Fiesta 3 99 99Third Third Race 34 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling SellingInd Selling Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt Ind Indo Horses Wet 442 Damocles 3 92 464 Albert S 3 95 753 B ofOkGve3 96 606 Aureola Areola 3 99 99Nellie Nellie H III 4 102 219 Press Hose 113 102 755 Mopsy Mops 5 104 Capt Caput Pickell Pickerel 4 107 579 Mercury 16 107 Ly Kavanh4 107 375 Hibernia Qn5107 Qn5107Fourth Fourth Race 1 Mile The Inaugural Handicap Value 2500 25003yearolds 3yearolds and upward End Horses Wgt Wt Ind Indo Horses Wet Wet588Buck 588Buck Massie Massive 4121 354Magnet 4 113 113tLaureato tLaureato laureate 4 Ill fHenry Henry Young 6109 271 Urania Urbana 4 108 271 Linda 6 106 461 Assignee 5 104 727Lady Inez Cine 3 104 325 Sir Play 3 98 Don Carillo Carillon 3 96 628 Forget 3 95 Schiller Chiller 3 92 92Schrieber Schrieber Schreiber entry fPastime Pastime Stable entry entryFifth interfaith Fifth Race 5 12 Furlongs 3yearolds Allowances AllowancesInd Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt 314 Nicholas 114 195Sallie Clicquotll2 Maid of Honor 112 Romance 97 238 Tradition 725 Tarrier Starrier 97 442 Sycamore Pinkie Potter 97 Battledore Irish Chief II 92 Inkosikos Incisions 92 92Fredonia Fredonia Freedom 92 Earl Bug 92 92Ursula Ursula 92 Geneva C 92 92Regeholt Regeholt Freehold 89 143 Alcibiades Actinides 89 89Altadena Altadena Althaea 87 Siddubia Indubitable 87 87Mannettia Mannettia Magnetic 87 87Sixth Sixth Race 34 Mile SellingInd Selling 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo WgtSt Gets Horses Wgt Wt Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt St Pancras Pancreas a 109 314 Sant Saint Ilario Hilarious 4 107 579 Neutral 4 107 407 High Test 5 106 165 Victoress Victories 3 102 Belle Star 4 102 464 Fasig Fasting 3 101 Thoresia Theresa 3 96 590 Little Oliff Cliff 3 92 723 Nellie Smith 3 90