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LOUISVILLE FORM GHART HART GHARTLOUISVILLE LOUISVILLE KY May 19 Twelfth Day New Louisville Jockey Club Spring Meeting of Twelve Days Weather wet track muddy Presiding Judge L M OlarK LarK Starter J J Chinn Chin S F 1 FIRST RACE 34 Mile 3yearolds and upward Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St 54 StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 1009 STRATHREEL TRACHEAL 104 2 11 12 13 12 Thorpe Iroquois Stable 4 5 7 lOout logout 1010 PENURY 105 3 23 2 21 21 Bunn Bunny Ed Brown 3 4 out 881 THE DRAGON 100 1 3333 Scherrer Sherrie Jas Jabs E Pepper 2 11 5 out Time outTime outline 2554 50 116 Winner Ch f 4 by Strathmore Stratford Lady Reel ReelStart Redstart Start good with flag Won pulling up second driving Strathreel Tracheal liked the mud and just galloped in front Dragon is a disappointment Penury showed improvement Scratched Semper Simper Ego 105 Zanone Anyone 102 1O52 SEGO SECOND RACE 13 Mile 2yearolds Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St M 54 5 StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 802 R CARROTHERS CAROLERS 108 2 31 22 1 T Walker W M Wallace 6585 941 ORION 103 3 21 33 2 Scherrer Sherrie C R Jaynes Haynes 2 7 51 2 860 ZOLO ZOO 105 1 11 11 35 Thorpe Bashford Bradford Manor 3 354 1 1007RED 118 6 51 45 410 Perkins Scoggan Slogan Bros Brows 254 3 1 1011 LA DUCHESSE DUCHESS 100 4 4 554 51 J Gardner Hamilton Stable 15 20 6 981 LITTLE WITCH 105 5 666 Bunn Bunny P Wimmer Swimmer 30 40 12 981 SANNIE ANNIE 10154 7 7 7 7 A Isom Ism J E Pepper 12 15 6 Time 24 5054 Winner GarogaStart Arrogate 5054Winner B c by Potomac Garoga Grog Start straggling with flag Won driving hard second same Zolo Zoo took the track at flag fall and looked a winn inn r to last stride but Orion and Carrothers Carolers made a threecornered threescore fight of it Car rothers brothers getting the verdict by a short nose The others were never prominent Scratched Assassin 103 Myoria Myriad 100 1053 T THIRD RACE 1 Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St K Vi StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 982 LESTER 103 1 4io 45 21 22 In Thorpe J H McAvoy Cavy 8 5 6 5 out lOSODOORGA 107 3 154 11 H 12 25 Morrison Orison M M Young 6 6 2 914 MATE MATELE MATTEL 100 2 2 3 i 31 35 35 Scherrer Sherrie WJDonahue 331 LE BANJO 105 55 5 5 41 42 Bunn Bunny J R Payne Co 8 5 254 7 10 1031 BRENDOO BRANDO 100 4 33 21 41 5 5 A Isom Ism IsomTime Sometime J E Pepper 8 10 3 Time 26 53 12354147 Winner 12354147Winner B h 7 by Charaxus Caraculs Eola Ebola EolaPost Elapse Post 20 minutes Start good by machine Won driving second esaily easily Doorga Dora made a mighty effort but could not quite get up Lester well ridden finished game Delay at post caused BanjoScratched Backscratcher by loss of shoe by Le Banjo Scratched Sligo Lingo 100 FOURTH RACE 58 Mile 2yearolds Selling Burlington Stakes Value 2000 Ind Indo Horses Wt St J4 54 M StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 961ETHEL LEE 103 1 12 1 13 n Thorpe W H Laudeman Laundryman 8 5 6 f out 966 LADY LOORAM LORA 95 2 35 35 35 2 Scberrer Cobber H E Leigh 3 21A 1 828 CHAPPIE CHAPPED 88 4 5 5 5 31 Morrison Orison Hot Springs Stbl Stable 4 5 2 915 EUGENIA WICKS 103 3 22J422 22 43 Perkins J E Pepper 56 1007 REMP REP 96 6 41 45 45 5 T Walker W M Wallace 8 6 1 941BURLESQUE 108 5 6666 RWilliams Williams S K Hughes Co 462 462Time Time 25 50J4 103 Winner 103Winner B f by Whistle Jacket Marmora MarmoraStart Marmora Start poor by machine Won handily second easily Ethel Lee got best of start and led all the way but had little left at finish Wicks tired last furlong Lady Looram Loran ran a game race and finished strong Scratched Rosinante Obstinate 95 Boanerges Beaneries 96 Lord Zeni Zen 92 1 O FIFTH RACE KACE ACE 78 Mile 2yearolds Selling IncH Horses Wt St H 54 3A StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 1030 NANNIE NANNIES D 99 3 32 yz I2 12 11 J Gardner S S Brown 4 4 8 5 982 JAMES MONROE 1C8 2 4 55 31 21 Thorpe Waldeck Aleck Stable 75 7 5 1 2 983 HARDENBURG HARDEN 106 5 51 554 454 42 3 F Williams Iroquois Stable 8 10 4 1008 FRESCO 101 4 2 32 35421 4io Scherrer Sherrie Baker Gentry 331 979 CONSTANCE 105 1 IH 21 2N 554 51 Perkins Scoggan Slogan Bros Brows 662 939 CECIL 101 7 6 6 6 6 6 T Walker S K HughesCo Hughes 4 354 6 5 912 EASTWD EAST BELLE 99 6 7 7 7 7 7 Randall Jas Jabs Brengman Bergman 40 50 15 15Time Time 26 51 1 17J4 131 Winner B f 3 by Stuyvesant Stevenson Miss Marie MarieStart Marietta Start good by machine Von handily second driving Nannie Nannies D led from the half pole and won nicely Fresco made a bid but quit at the eighth pole Constance had enough after going threequarters treasurers Jas Jabs Monroe was held for stretch but couldnt couldn't respond to call Hardenburg Harden ran well in the mud Ho will do to watch