Morris Park Form Chart., Daily Racing Form, 1896-05-22


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MORRIS PARK FORM GHART HART GHARTWESTCHESTER WESTCHESTER ESTHETE N Y May 21 Fifth day Westchester Esthete Association Spring Meeting Weather coudy cloudy track good early slow later Presiding Judge Col Cool R W Simmons Starter Thomas Flynn t fCk Ck t FIRST RACE 6 12 Fnrlongs Furlongs 3yearolds and upward Allowances AllowancesIncL Allowances IncL Inc Horses Wt St 54 yz StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 104SHANWELL 115 3 11 INK INK INK Griffin MFStephenson 254 32 4 5 lOout944RUNAWAY DOMINGO 108 4 4 2NK 22 2 Deggett Leggett Floischman Logician Son 1 7 lOout logout 944RUNAWAY 114 1 2 K 32 32 3 T Sloan C W Parker 8 5 32 1 878 FACTOTUM 111 2 33 4 4 4 Keefe Keene W C Daly Dally 5 6 8 5 Time 26 5254 1 1654 1 23 Winner Br c 4 by Hanover Attraction AttractionStart Attractions Start good Won cleverly Track too hard for Domingo He was a trifle lame Hauwell Hague ran a good game race raceScratched backscratcher Scratched The Swan 117 Premier 114 Harpischord Harpsichord 106 Corn Cob 107 SECOND RACE 13 Mile 2yearold fillies Maidens 1095 Ind Indo Horses Wt St StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI RHODESIA 102 4 6 22 12 Doggett Doge J R F PKeone Peon 254 9 910 LADY LOUISE 102 9 9ATHY 8 354 23 W Jones FleischmannCo Freshman 6 15 15INK ATHY THY 102 3 3NAUGHTY INK I K 33 T Sloan J McDonald 8 10 4 NAUGHTY GIRL 102 12 51 41 41 A Clayton W C Hayes 15 20 8 910 TAKANASSEE TALLAHASSEE 102 10 10EMESKAY 6 5 52 Sheedy Seedy Kensico Keens Stable 30 30 10 EMESKAY WEEKDAY 103 8 454 7 6 Ballard J Knox 662 948 SUSPICION 102 11 31 6 7 Littlefield Littered C Littlefield Littered Jr 4 4 8 5 639 EUPHEM1A L 102 7 7BREAK 798 Hewitt M F Stephenson 30 30 BREAK ODAY DAY 102 2 2YELDIZ 9 10 9 J Hill A J Joyner Joiner 5 5 YELDIZ ELIZA 102 14 14COURTSHIP 14 12 10 Keefe Keene C H Smith 15 20 COURTSHIP II 102 6 11 11 11 Griffin Maplehurst Maple Stbl Stable 8 8 797 OLIVIA L 102 1 1PLEUREUSE 254 8 12 Hamilton W Lakeland 20 20 PLEUREUSE PLEURAE 102 13 13 13 13 Couroy Cory Bound Brook S 30 30 910 FAIR REBEL 102 5 10 14 14 Garrigan Arian J Beelo Belo 30 30 Time 422414 362 49 Winner B f by Wisdom Faustine Faustian FaustineStart Fustiest Start fair Won driving Lady Louise ran best race Jones was outridden outride in a flash finish by Doggett Doge Naughty Girl showed speed Scratched Aunt Sally 105 Clyinena Cline 102 1096 THIRD RACE 1 Mile 3yearolds and upward Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt fat M StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI HY OF NAVARRE NAVARRO 126 2 21 23 28 15413 Griffin Blemton Benton Stable out out out 1045 MINGO MING II 101 1 U 12 INK 22 220 Lamley Langley H P Whitney 11 1011lOout 1046 VENTANNA VENETIAN 98 3 3 LittlofieldTime 3 3 3 3 Waller Wailer C Littlofield Little 7 107 lOout logout Time 27 53 1 194 144 144Winner Winner B h 5 by Knight of Ellerslie Wellesley Moss Rose Start good Won very easily Scratched Lake Shore 126 One I Love 101 FOURTH RACE 1 Mile 3yearolds Bay Chester Stakes Ind Indo Horses StrFin Strafing Jockeys Op Cl PI 911JSHAKESPEAREII 119 1 154 I1 I1 I2 I3 Taral Aral Fleischman Freshman Son 1 2 9 lOout logout 1050 VOLLEY 109 4 41 41 454 31 23 Keefo Kefir W WCDaly Cuddly C Daly Dally 5 568 5 1006 CAR1B 109 3 31 32 21 254 310 Lamloy Lamely Goughacros Guacharos 5Goughacros Sta Stan 4 6 8 5 874HONOLULU 109 2 2 21 32 42 42 Doggett Doge J C Platt 1050 IZMIR RIMIER IZMIRAddod 112 5 5 5 5 5 5 Shoedy Shoed A Clason Carson ClasonAddod Carbonados Addod Added starter Time 2754 5554 1 2154 1 45 35 35Winner Winner Gh c by Plenipo Pension Avondale Start good Won easily Volley ran an improved race Carib Crib stopped FIFTH RACE 1 Mile 3yearold fillies Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St 54 54 M StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI ONE I LOVE 118 3 254 2Vi li li 12 A Clayton Brookdale Boodle Stable 1 2 710out BRILLIANCY 710outBRILLIANCY 97 4 4 4 22 2i22i Gifford Preakness Realness Stbl Stable 10 30 6 1006 INTERMISSION 108 2 3 32 31 3i 3i2 Littlefield Littered AHDHMorris Admirers 22 3 d 5 UOODJUNO 104 1 INK 451Time iy2 4 4 4 Lamley Langley JRFPKeono 451 Time 272 562 1 23K 1 47 Winner AppleStart Appestat B f by Minting The Apple Start good Won very easily Brilliancy ran a good race Juno has speed but no love for a distance Intermissions race was less than good 1O99 SIXTH RACE 1 31 G Miles 3yearolds and upward Soiling Ind Indo Horses Wt St 54 StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O Op Cl PI 1006DEERSLAYER 110 4 3i 33 3 154 11 Doggett Doge W Rollins Collins 3 5 3 5 out 945 CHARADE 108 1 21 21 23 3 23 Ballard Belwood Elmwood Stable 4 811MARSHALL 106 3 4 4 4 4 3 Hamilton W Stears Stearns 254 3 1 2 1002 BOMBAZETTE BOMBAST 90 2 INK INK INK 22 4 Waller Wailer C Littlefleld Littered Jr 8 7 2 Time 54 120 14654 2032 2032Winner Winner B c 4 by Midlothian Militia Doe DoeStart Descartes Start good Won easily Charade ran a good race Marshall ran a cheap race Bombazette Bombast stopped nothingScratched nothings to nothing Scratched Ray S 108 Gold Crest 87 Paladin 110

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Local Identifier: drf1896052201_3_2
Library of Congress Record: