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NOTES OF THE TURF Bill McGuigan Michigan has sold Chappie Happier his Order Hoyden colt to Eugene Leigh The colt cost Mc ¬ Guigan Guiana 25 has earned 2200 or so and was sold for 600 600The The latest ghost story from a racing angle and Indiana runs this way via Valparaiso Friday afternoon two parties representing parties from Chicago St Louis and Cincinnati vere verge looking for a tract of land to open a race track in opposition to Roby Robby They took a 30day option on an 80acre tract halfmile half east of this city but would not give names of parties intorested interested in the new associations associationsWilliam associations William Thompson the Australian book ¬ maker in England won 45000 against the prop ¬ osition position of naming the winners of the Lincoln ¬ shire Grand National City and Suburban and Jubilee Stakes Every one of the 18000 who ac ¬ cepted creped the odds fell down on the Grand Na tional tonal after 50 per cent had struck the Lincoln ¬ shire right Thompson laid 2000 to 1 against the four and stood to lose only some 18000000 then thenCol thence Col Cool Milton Young of McGrathiana Maceration has sold to Phil Dwyer for 8500 six thoroughbred year ¬ lings They are all colts and by Hanover The deal was made through M F Dwyer who vis Avis ¬ ited cited McGrathiana Maceration recently The lot consists of bay colt by Hanover Lizzie Tizzies D bay colt by Han ¬ over Maria D chestnut colt by Hanover Con ¬ stantinople Stanton brown colt by Hanover Pomona bay colt by Hanover Kempie Empire chestnut colt by Hanover Keepsake