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OAKLEY ANKLE FORM GHART HART GHARTOAKLEY OAKLEY ANKLE Ohio May 26 Fifth Day Cincinnati Jockey Club Summer Meeting of Thirty Days Weather cloudy track slow Presiding Judge Capt Caput Jas Jabs H Reos Roes Starter Col Cool J J Chinn Chin 1198 FIRST RACE 58 Mile 2yearolds Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St M 2 StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 1054ETHEL LEE 107 3 U 11 12 in Thorpe W H Laudeman Laundryman 12 13 out 1112 RED 100 2 41 3K 32 2 F Williams Scoggan Slogan Bros Brows 4 565 1151 VISCOUNT 106 5 2 2 21 35 Perkins B McClelland Macmillan 5 10 4 41124MAZEPPA 1124MAZEPPA 97 1 3 45 4 48 Bunn Bunny H P Headley Headily 562 1112 RISQUE 100 6 7755 Gregory Iroquois Stable 50 50 15 585 TRAVELER 107 4 5 5 6 6 J Johnson Briar Hill Stable 60 60 20 20FOSTER FOSTER 97 7 6677 Dunn JWilliams Williams 60 60 20 20Time Time 25 50 103 Winner B f by Whistle Jacket Marmora MarmoraStart Marmora Start good by machine Won easily second handily Lee had an easy thipg thigh Others were satisfied with their positions Scratched T W W 100 SECOND RACE 34 Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 1115 JOE CLARK 83 2 SH SNK SANK 51 is Dupee Dupe Ernespio Ernest St St6a Stable 2 3 1 1152 HULBERT HUBERT 94 8 6a 7 62 22 Higgins Ohio Stable 1152 RICHFIELD 95 5 42 45 11 3 c Roiff Riff J Havens HavensWz Havens DAISY BOLANDER BLANDER 95 1 3 Wz 33 21 42 Dunn W E Cana Canal Canady Candy 8 20 8 736 WHILEAWAY HIDEAWAY 81 4 21 INK SNK SANK 5 Reidy Reid opringhurs opringhurst springhouse porringers Sta Stan 30 30 10 1123 JUDGE BAKER 98 3 1 2 41 6 FWilliams Williams Oakley Ankle Stable 8 10 4 604 RUPEE 95 6 7677 Hueston Houston J W Thompson 30 30 10 607 KING CHARLIE 100 7 8888 Gleason Lesson M McGuire 7 10 4 4the 1170 ANNIE M 99 L Left at the post Scberrer Cobber H C Cook 65 75 12 12Time Time 24 49 Ji 1172 1172Winner Winner br c 3 by Bulwark Lilly B BStart Start Start fair by machine Won ridden out second driving Hulbert Hubert came from roar and ran a good race Richfield tired last furloug furlough Bolander Blander gave it up in stretch Judge Baker showed speed for half the route Whileway While will do soon O T THIRD RACE 78 Mile 3yearolds Maidens Wt St 4 Vz 3A StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 110 5 2 22 li2 12 Thorpe W T Woodard Woodward Jr 3 3 1 107 9 51 12 21 21 Simms Sims J H McAvoy Cavy 3 3Va 65 112 3 3 4K 41 32 R Williamslroquois Williams Stable 562 107 7 61 5K 31 4K H Willims Williams Smith Ferguson 8 10 4 110 13 10 9 63 5K C Graham Willims Williams Winsct Wainscot 30 30 10 1 8 9 62 Snedecker Seeker Avondalo Avondale Stable 15 15 6 411 8 7 Scherrer Sherrie Baker Gentry 10 10 4 1115 VERMT AVERT BRDFD BARFED 107 8 8658 Gleasoa Gleams J Williams 40 50 20 1152 MESH 110 10 9V 7 7 9 H Hicks W S Stacey 50 40 15 1170 KEN NIETHACHR 105 4 4YORKTOWN 12 3Kio 10 Randall Spokane Stable 50 60 20 YORKTOWN 111 15 13 3 13 11 11 Van Ku Kuren Karen Springhurst Springhouse Stbl Stable 20 20 8 667 DOUBLE QUICK 112 2 2HARTFORD 12 2 12 12 12 Dunn WhiteWilkorsn Whitewall 10 8 3 HARTFORD BOY 114 1 1CONSTANCE 4 10 14 13 Morgan CONSTANCE 105 6 7 14 13 14 F Willi Willie ms Scoggan Slogan Bros Brows 10 15 6 323 HARRY KING 107 10711 11 11NOEL 15 15 15 15 Corner T L Rcss Recess 20 20 8 NOEL 110 16 16MISS 16 16 16 16 C Reiff Riff E F McLean CLean 30 40 12 MISS DIXON 105 17 17 17 17 17 N Morris F Tarr Tarry 20 15 6 Time 254 50J 117 131 Winner B c 3 by Leonatus Lents Falaise Malaise FalaiseStart Aliases Start good by machine Won easily second and third driving Crusader ran good race He closed a lot of ground but couldnot couldn't get up Will do soon Leonaise Leonie came fast last eighth Thatcher Hatchery made a bid but couldnt couldn't get up Scratched Huffman 110 1201 FOURTH F0t RACE 13 Mile 2yearolds Sapphire Stakes Ind Indo Horses Wt St 4 StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 963CLEOPHUS 120 1 li H 12 Sitnms Sins M F Dwyer 14 14 out 1169 AMIABLE 21 21 21 RWilliamsW Williams M Wallace 15 20 1122IMP 31 3 31 Perkins W A Harness 3 4 1151 SCARF PIN 41 43 43 FWilliams Williams Scoggan Slogan Bros Brows 30 40 ANGELUS 555 Thorpe Iroquois Stable 20 30 Time 124 24 50 Winner B f by Wagner Liunie Linier LiunieStart Flintiest Start good by flag Second and third easily Cleophus Cloths just had an exercise gallop Scratched Lady Estelle Stele 103 Lady Rover 115 Belle Bramble 110 12O2 FIFTH RACE 1 Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St 4 yz H StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 1156 ANNA LYLE 86 1 12 12 15 15 is Hueston Houston J E Madden 4 5 75 1055 JAS AS MUNROE MONROE 95 6 41 4 31 32 21 Scherrer Sherrie Waldeck Aleck Stable 782 940 PAUL PRY 113 3 51 51 52 4 3 Thorpe Easlin Easing Larrabie Laramie 1 45 out 1156 ELSIE D 86 2 2 2 2 21 45 Dupeo Dupe HorseHavenFarm Horseshoe 88 455 JUDGE DENNY DENY 95 5 31 31 4 c 5 510 Bunn Bunny McNughtnMuir 5 6 914 PRESIDIO 91 4 6 6 6 6 6 C ReifE RifE E F McLean CLean 883 883Time Time 26 51 1174 144 Winner CupStart UpStart B f 3 by Stratbmore Stratford King Cup Start good by machine Won galloping second easily Elsie D gave up last sixteenth Mun Nun roe came strong at finish Denny Deny showed some speed Presidio couldnt couldn't raise a gallop 1203 SIXTH RACE 34 Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling J StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 1156HARRY SHANNN 80 2 2 li 15 12 Dupee Dupe W M Wallace 3 5 2 939 SIR DILKE DIKE 96 4 4983JOHN 51 f NK 2NK 25 Scherrer Sherrie R K Lewis 3 85 35 983JOHN HAVLIN HAVING 106 5 6 6 4l2 3 Perkins J K Redmon Redman 6 4 95 979 MOTILLA AMONTILLADO 90 1 3 22 31 43 C Roiff Riff E F McLean CLean 3 34H 3 1 415 DERFARGILLA DEFIBRILLATE 107 7 71166TRILBY 4H 42 51 51 Snedecker Seeker McNghtnMuir 2 2ISK 4 85 1166TRILBY 98 3 3ALETHIA ISK IS 3 6 6 FWilliams Williams Scoggan Slogan Bros Brows 12 15 6 ALETHIA ALEUTIAN ALLEN 104 8 7777 Doitz Dot A ADuffy Duffy Duffy 60 60pulled 320 HAN BAN 104 6 6By pulled up Gleason Lesson Ireland Pros 60 60By 154Winner By Springbok Time 12 25 49 1 154 Winner Br g 3 by Harry OFallon Fallen Peony Start good by machine Won easily second same Sir Dilko Dillon was interfered with when Han Ban pulled up Shannon was never pressed Motilla Amontillado ran well will do soon Alethia Aleutian Allen ran short shortScratched sportscast Scratched Whvota Whoa 95