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MORRIS PARK ENTRIES Probabilities Weather clear track fast fastFirst fascist First Race 78 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Handicap HandicapInd Handicapping Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt Wgt432Buckrene 432Buckrene 5 123 1145 Domingo 51 117 1171233Sir 1233Sir Dixon Jri117 1149 The Swain 4 113 1197 Prig 5 108 1195 Aurelian Aurelia 5 105 1195 Dtch Dutch Skater5100 1099 Bombazette4 95 Second Race 1 Mile 3yearolds Allowances AllowancesInd Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt 1192Shakespre 11118 1236 Formal 110 1193 Benamela Enamel 108 108Third Third Race 34 Mile Mile2year 2year olds The Eclipse Stakes StakesInd Stakes Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt WgtSalvado Salvado Salvador 118 Sish Swish Chieftain 118 118Dr Dr Sheppard 118 Cockernony Cocker 115 1194 Haphazard 113 1234Don cVOro coo 113 1194 Horoscope 113 908 Caldron 113 910 Challenger 113 1194 Domitor Dormitory 113 1047 Fortune 113 113Fourth Fourth Race 34 Mile 3yearolds and upward The Toboggan Slide SlideHandicap Sideband Handicap HandicapInd Handicapping Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt 1147 Beldemere Beldame 5 115 1004 Hastings 3 114 11951Hanwell 4 110 682Hawarden 4 110 F Thornton Horton 5 107 1230 Sherlock 3 102 1001 Oastleton Abstention 3 88 88Filth Filth Race 58 Mile Mile2yearolds 2yearolds Allowances AllowancesInd Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wet Ind Indo Horses W rt rtDr retro Dr McBride 112 Don Bias 112 112Scot Scot Chieftain 112 1196 Robt Robot Bonner Boner 106 1095 Lady Louise 106 1049 Simonian Simon 106 1095 Courtship II 106 106Sixth Sixth Race 1 14 Miles 3yearolds and upward Memorial Handicap In Horses Wet Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt 1238 Clifford 6 124 1238 Keenan 4 120 1147 Belmar Bellman 4 107 Seventh Race 58 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt 1094 Runaway 5 109 1001 Pay or Play 5 100 1233 Abuse 3 100 1233 Corn Cob 4 100 100Irksome Irksome 4 98 1233 Titmouse 3 97 1048 Gay Hpton Piton a 97 1233 Bsie Bessie Abbott 3 92 1192 Bing Being Green 4 92 1045 Surrogate 3 82 1233 Ly Greenay3 80