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FORSYTH FORSYTHIA RACE TRACK FORSYTH FORSYTHIA INDIANA INDIANABEGINS INDIANA BEGINS JUNE 6th AND CLOSES JUNE 23d 23dFIVE FIVE OR MORE RACES DAILY RAIN OR SHINE BEGINNING AT 215 P M SPECIAL TRAINS DIRECT TO TRACK IN 35 MINUTES MINUTESPittsburgh Pittsburgh Fort Wayne Special Trains leave Union Depot stopping at Archer Ave 41st St and Englewood at 12 10 12 25 12 55 1 20 and 1 35 pm Regular Train at 7 30 am and 2 pm First train returns at 4 50 50Illinois Illinois Central Express Trains leave Randolph Street Depot stopping at VanBuren Anuran 12th 22d 39th and 63d Sts SATs at 1230 1 10 and 1 30 pm Electric Cars connect with Alley L at 64th St and vrith writhe Illinois Central at 92d St Round trip on all trains 25 cts Acts W C CREVELING REVELING secretary ADMISSION so CENTS LADIES 25 CENTS CONCERT BY BANKS CREQIERS CREAKIER ORCHESTRA25 PIECES THE CREVELINQ REVELING DWYER STARTER A COMMONSENSIBLE RACING APPLIANCE APPLIANCESimple Appliances Simple Effective and Certain No Posts flarch larch 26 to June No Complicated Machinery and no Failure All Charts from i iITS ITS THOROUGHLY TESTED AND PROVEN THE BEST ITS INDEX A MODEL Rights for the use of the starter can be secured from fromW from The Index gives the number of all races pedi peed ¬ Will be ready for delivery about June 15 ages grees agrees and owners and is printed in eyeable seeable fashion Thirty blank pages for future form formBound fogbound W C CREVELINC REVELING CREVELINCRoom Bound in Flexible Leather Covers Room i Lakeside Bid Chicago III 300 Pages Handsome Handy Durable 1896 The Highest Class Book of Form Ever Offered U HI ft W T I a 1 B H S s T JL I Y I J TT mJr mr I I PRICE 600 C 0 D DThe The The first edition of leathercovered leatherworker form was exhausted in three days Onethird Foetid of the second Imp Bonnie Scotland Ivy Leaf by Imp Australian AustralianSire Australians edition is already reserved Orders will be supplied in their order of receipt and notice given Sire of Rambler Clifford and Ben Brush to subscribers who cannot be supplied 300 Book Full 126 Fifth Avenue Chicago 111 KINGSTON KINGSTONil Spendthrift Imp Kapanga Katanga il Jll Jill VJlAX Jolla A VX1 T 150 Book Full Imp The IllUsedWoodbine 100 Book Full Filled by Owner Q W JOHNSON oquois quoins Brunette by Imp From and after Monday June 15 15Daily Bonnie Scotland Fuli Fulfil 50 Daily Racing Forms Selections Selectionswill Selections Powhattan Imp Invercauld Mineral by St Blaise Blains 50 will be sent by wire night message to subscribers at Nougat Astree Street by Dollar 400 PER WEEK The above Stallions will make the season of 1S96 at La Belle Stud 7 miles from Lexington ry on tho thou old Frankfort Pike Season fees due at time of service Return privileges allowed PAYABLE IN ADVANCE ii e iiorse fiords is alivo alive and in my possession possessionThe possession The La Belle Stallions wore all firstclass fistulas Race Horses and Stake Winners Their combined winnings on tho thou Turf amounting to nearly 300000 Mares booked to my Stallions will be accon raccoon loovlated Loveland with a good boxstall bookstall and grain feed at 10 per month during breeding season seasonStallions seasons LEIGHS LEIGH PORTABLE STALLS Stallions Broodmares Yearlings Horses in Training Winners for sale at all times timesI times OWNERS AND I HAVE SOLD SUCH GRAND RACE HORSES AS ASCLIFFORD BACULIFORM TRAIN tiRS stirs CLIFFORD DUCAT LAZZARONE LAZAR LAZZARONECHANT When you ship your horsoa hors ask Express Company to stall your car with Leighs Sleighs Patent Portable CHANT PE5ARRA HANDSPUN HANDS HANDSPUNURANIA Stall adjustable to any car thus securing absolute safety to your URANIA URBANA BEN BRUSH horses while in transit without additional cost to the shipper as express companys company furnish them AND MANY OTHERS OTHERSThe Others free of cost to you They dont don't loface cloacae the car when adjusted The Public and Visitors to Kentucky are welcome to La Belle I in and can be set up thirty minutee minute for any number of horses to 24 is at any time SUNDAYS ESPECIALLY double door baggage car Express companies can procure stalls by applying to toH oH H EUGENE LEIGH LEIGHLEXINGTON H EUGENE LEIGH LEIGHLEXINGTON LEXINGTON KT OJUSTIBLE JUSTINE HORS STALLS FIT ANY CAR LEXINGTON KENTUCKY