Oakley Form Chart., Daily Racing Form, 1896-06-18


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OAKLEY ANKLE FORM GHART HART GHARTOAKLEY OAKLEY ANKLE O June 17 Twentyfourth Wentworth Day Cincinnati Jockey Club Summer Meeting of Thirty Days Weather clear track fast Presiding Judge Jas Jabs H Rees Starter C H Pettingill Petting 1649 FIRST RACE 5 12 Furlongs 2yearolds Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St V StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 1601 FESSY ESSAY F 103 1 12 H 11 11 Dunn Equitable Sta Stan Stable 7 7 254 254Talbot 1356 ELGITHA EOLITH 103 4 41M9 254 254 21 2 Scherrer Sherrie Talbot Bros Brows 2 115 45 45A 1M9 FRANCES FESLER FESTER 103 2 31 32 33 35 C Reiff Riff A ASJohnson Arsons S Johnson 10 8 3 3Ohio 1487 CANDY 106 8 65 4 411 4n 4n Perkins Ohio Stable 78 3 1251 SPRINGDAY SPRINGDALE 103 10 10 10 6 51 D Dunn J Walker 50 60 20 20JARTO JARTO ART 103 12 11 8 8 6 Gregory Iroquois Stable 50 60 20 1625 GERTRUDE W 105 6 7777 Blevins Levin Oriole Stable 50 50 15 15VOLUCIA VOLUCIA VOLCANO 103 9 9998 C Mathews Goodwill Stable 15 15 6 1402 KATHIE MAY 103 3 4 6 10 9 C Flynn A Bronaugh Baronage 50 50 15 1509 BEUZETTA 103 5 52 52 52 10 Sherrin Sheri S M Sexton 562 1601 M ATA ALTA WAN A 103 7 9 11 11 11 A Isom Ism A C Harriman 60 60 20 20SUSIE SUSIE DUFFY 103 11 12 12 12 12 N Morris S Linton Clinton 60 60 20 756 CONNIE LEE 106 13 13 13 13 13 Bunn Bunny J H Terrett Terre 652 1218 FRANKFORT GIRL103 Left at post Corner Briar Hill Stable 50 50 15 15Time Time 12 2454 49i 56 Winner Blk Balk f by Masetto Mastoid Peggy Woods WoodsPost Woodsiest Post 20 minutes Start poor by machine Won ridden out second and third driving Con ¬ nie nice Lee was virtually left at post itessy witlessly F took the track and was never headed Beuzetta Bequest ran well to stretch where boy pulled up First three made the race The others all strung out always Scratched Salome 103 165O SECOND RACE 78 Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling Wt St VA 1A StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 1540 KATIE G 102 1 U 11 11 U 1 F Williams Scoggan Slogan Bros Brows 1421 LUCY LEE 104 5 41 354 31 23 23 Thorpe C B Reid 5 7 254 1540 BLACK SILK 107 7 5 5 51 31 354 Perkins H B Durham 85 1 out 1606 ANNIE M 102 6 2 2a 2 4V 41 Gleason Lesson H C Cook 2 254 45 1574 LITTLE WALTER 106 8 8 8 7 554 52 Snedeker Seeker P H McNamara Manama 4 12 5 1156 MATE 107 3 6 6 6 6 6 Scherrer Sherrie W J Donahue Danaher 562 1626 GEO GE W BAILEY 107 2 354 4 4 7 7 Vankuren Anuran Chas Hughes 15 15 6 1490 M V J 102 4 7 7 8 8 8 A Isom Ism J R Jewell Jewel 50 60 20 20Time 28MWinner Time 25 49K 1 15 1 28M Winner B f 4 by Buchanan Bonnie Girl GirlPost Girl Post 15 minutes Start good by machine Won driving second and third as hard pressed Lucy Lee ran the best race Annie M showed speed to stretch as usual Little Walter ran out at start Bailey is very sore I O K l T THIRD RACE 554 Furlongs 2yearolds Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St V StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI U404GEORGE ROSE 108 2 5i 2H 12 11 Tborpe Thorpe E F Elkin Welkin 2 2 out 1539 OAK LEAF 97 5 41 1 23 21 Dupee Dupe P P Johnston 20 50 6 1541 BELLE BRAMBLE 105 1 1lllOSUISUN 31 42 354 32 Perkins W H Simmons 20 40 5 52H lllOSUISUN 115 4 2H 31 44 45 Simms Sims M F Dwyer 35 12 out outIH loutish 1603 UNCLE SIMON 100 3 3ROCKWALL IH 5l2 51 51 Sherrin Sheri S M Sexton 100 100 10 ROCKWALL ROCKWELL 108 6 6 6666 6 6 6 C Reiff Riff H T Griffin 100 100 10 10Time Time 12 24 48 101 J 108 Winner B c by George Kinney Hindoo Indoor Rose RoseStart Rosetta Start good by machine Won easily second and third same Oak Leaf showed wonderful speed He practically cut Suisun Sufis off turning into stretcn stretch Bramble finished strong Rose is a rare good colt He had plenty left and just towroped towrope Suisun Sufis Scratched Mertie Martine Reed 105 Scarf Pin 105 1 C ± K O FOURTH RACE 78 Mile 3yearolds and upward Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St 54 Strain Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 1466 PAUL PRY 113 2 IH IH 11 iiz ii Scherrer Sherrie EastiuLarrabio Testicular 85 85 35 1542 CARRIE LYLE 104 6 53 51 54454 2 2 Thorpe WdfordBuckner 3 1574 RASPER GRASPER 107 5 6 6 6 51 33 Perkins FPerkins Perkins 10 30 10 1574 REY FREY DEL MAR 109 7 7 7 7 65 4 VanKuren Anuran CTPattersonCo Tapsters 56 1627 YELLOW ROSE 106 3 3 454 5l2 454 5 Ray A Duffy 6 5 5FIRST FIRST WARD 109 4 11 2 2 Z 6 HWilliams Williams Alpine Stable 3 254 45 1229 TWINKLE 104 1 454 3 3 7 7 Blevins Levin SmithFerguson Smithereens 15 20 8 8Time 12754Winner Time 2154 50 115 12754 Winner Ch c 4 by Sir Modred Molded Gycsy Gypsy GycsyStart Start good by machine Won cleverly second and third driving Pry was the best horse Twinkle quit at the half Rasper Grasper was speedy last quarter Mar off badly ran well First Ward showed speed first half and then tired tiredScratched Scratched St Pat 106 1653 FIFTH RACE 4 12 Furlongs 2yearolds Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt S StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners 0 Op Cl PI 12461ELLA T 103 2 32 32 IH c Reiff Riff H T Griffin 7 1251 LADY ROVER 103 1 11 11 21 Scherrer Sherrie Highland Stable 5 1169 ALICE C 103 3 3TRIMUDA 22 254 3H Thorpe W Tarr Tarry 3 2 4 4McClellandWker6 TRIMUDA TRINIDAD 106 4 43 454 41 Perkins McClellandWker6 6 2 1420 PRINCESS TECK TACK 109 7 7RACHAEL 7 6 51 Ray Scotch Plaid Stbl Stable 662 RACHAEL 106 6 554 51 6 Simms Sims Ed Corrigan 10 15 6 6JTBaxter 697 FULL HAND 103 5 677 Bunn Bunny JTBaxter 8 10 4 1339 ECCENANA DECENNIA 103 8 8 8 Blevins Levin Smith Ferguson 60 60 20 BLACK HEART 103 Left at the po t FWilliams Williams Clay Woodford Woodward 30 30 10 ORAL 103 Left at the post Dupee Dupe Gentry Bros Brows 20 30 10 1122 HIGH SOCIETY 103 Left at the post Gleason Lesson Horse Haven Fm 50 60 20 20Time Time 12 24J4 49J455 49J455Winner Winner B f by Aretino Retina Hattie D DStart Start Start very poor by machine Won driving hard second and third same High Society jumped fence and race was started without her There was hardly any change in position from start jumpScratched unscratched to finish Ella T got her head in front last jump Scratched Lady Juliet 103 Miss McLaughlin 103 Minnie Murphy 106 1654 SIXTH RACEl RACE Mile 3year olds Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St fc Vi 4 StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners 1605 HELEN MAR 05 2 11 11 1V2 154 1s C Reiff Riff E F McLean CLean 32 85 35 1605 GOOD ADVICE 97 2 4n 454 41 31 22 Scherrer Sherrie Baker Gentry 4 354 65 1576OLD CENTER 107 3 32 2 21 2 31 Simms Sims W rWoodard Woodward Jr 3 4 1602 ST HELENA 106 4 5 5 5 5 42 Ray Thos Ethos Baxter 20 20 1571 DAISY BOLANDER BLANDER 105 1 2n 31 31 4545 Perkins G P Porter 3 4 65 65Time Time 243 50 11554 142 142Winner Winner B f 4 by Hanover Medje Meade MedjeStfirt Stfirt Stir good by machine Won in hard drive second and third all out Helen Mar hadnt hadn't an ounce left at the finish Good Advice showed a good turn of speed last quarter will make a good race horse Old Center tired badly last furlong Bolander Blander gave it up in the stretch stretchScratched stretches Scratched Hardonburg Harrisburg 91 Irish Lady 105 x

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1890s/drf1896061801/drf1896061801_3_1
Local Identifier: drf1896061801_3_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800