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1896 FUTURITY CHANCES One can hardly select a surpassing racing figure like Potomac His Highness Morello Marcello or Domino for the Futurity of 1896 The race is just two months away What noble conditions it has They will always bo a monument to their framor framer the dead J G K Lawrence per ¬ haps the most intelligent figure American racing has seen The stake has steadily forced the best into the sports literature and performance In eight years too its net value to winners hasbeen Hansen 416600 averaging 52075 No better condition than the 4000 2500 and 1000 to the breeders of the first three in the Futurity was ever in ¬ jected jetted into a stake book item The best built stake offering are those which spur the most competitors to hard trying The Futurity map is a model in this lino limo and worth quoting Here it is isThe lithe The Futurity to be run Saturday August 15 1896 A sweepstakes for twoyearolds toeholds foals of 1894 by subscription of 20 each or only 10 if the money bo sent with entry for mares covered in 1893 and of 50 each for the produce of such mares unless struck out by July 15 1895 or 100 unless struck out by July 15 1896 All starters to pay 250 additional all of which shall go to the second and tnird tired horses as further provided The Coney Island Jockey Club to add 17500 the second to receive 2000 of the added money and twothirds toothier of the starting money the third ilOOO of the added money and oneehird Nereid of the starting money The breeders of the winner of the second horse and of the third horse namely the owners of the mare at the time of foaling to receive 4COO 2500 and 1000 of the added money respectively whether they be the own ¬ ers of the horse when the race takes place or not Winners of 5000 3 Ibs Dibs of two races of 5000 or of one of 10000 7 Ibs Dibs of four of 5000 or two of 10000 or of one of 20000 12 Ibs Dibs extra The produce of mares or stallions which have not produced a winner prior to Jan ¬ uary unary 1st 1891 allowed 3 Ibs Dibs of both 5 Ibs Dibs the produce to be entitled to such allowance at time of starting whether claimed or not in the entry of the mare Maidens allowed 10 Ibs Dibs which allowance shall not be cumulative Mares may be entered by persons not their owner the owner having the prior right If a rnare rare entered in this stake drops Lor Lora foal be ¬ fore the first of January or if she has a dead or more than one foal or is barren the entry of such mare is void and the subscription if paid will be returned By filing prior to July 15 1895 with the Coney Island Jockey Club an accept ¬ ed transfer of the produce with its engagement for the Futurity Stakes the original subscriber will be released from any liability as to the en ¬ gagement argument of the produce Should a subscriber or transferee die before the race the entiy entity shall not bo void provided it be assumed by the then owner of the horse notice in writing to that effect accompanied by the payment of all ac ¬ crued crud liabilities for such horse in the stake being given within three months after such demise In such case the entry shall bo inde index ¬ pendent of all other racing obligations or entries of the original subscriber or transferee Futur Future ¬ ity city course about threequarters treasurers of a mile mileThe millet The Coney Island officials estimate that the 1896 Futurity will bo worth 60000 or 65000 in all and therefore some 45000 or 50000 to the winner winnerThe winner The Stake closed January 2 1894 with 920 nominations of which 169 are void 212 declared at 10 each 77 at 20 each 42 at 60 each and 6 at 70 each Ieaving414 nominations still eligible eligibleOf eligible Of the 414 eligiblos eligible more than half have not yet been uncovered There should still be some good youngsters among the nominations made by August Belmont Thompson Bros Brows Marcus Daly Dally David Gideon The Keones Kennels J B Haggin Haggling and Lucky Baldwin The latter has in six Rey Frey del Augoles Angles El Delecado Delectation Umberto Umber Teodo Theodora lin Olin Veloz Vela and Altiro Attire Only the first has per ¬ formed So far his form has not been that of tho thou champion of 1896 the Futurity winner is generally tho thou best of his year yearSome fearsome Some twentyfive twenty of tho thou eligibles eligible call for con ¬ sideration ideation on what they have done and tho thou report of quality not yet fully shown shownIt shown It is best to divide this lot into two divisions using the geographical terms of Eastern and Western as applied to ownership for grouping purposes purposesHero purposes Hero are the two bands Eastern EasternDon Eastern Don do Oro Oreo GeorgoKessler GeorgoKesslerGolden Golden Dream Rhodesia RhodesiaSt Rhodesia St Bartholomew Hiddenito Hidden HiddenitoSalvado Salvado Salvador Dr McBride McBrideWestern McBride Western WesternOrnament Westerner Ornament San Mateo MateoMoncioith Moncioith Monocot Dolce DolceScottish Adolescent Scottish MeadowthorpoEidolon Chieftain Meadowthorpo Meadow Eidolon Eidola Loyaletta Loyalty LoyalettaRosinanto Rosinanto Resonant Roy Carruthers Corrupters CarruthersParthemax Parthemax Parthenon Kings Counsel CounselLady Counsel Lady Louiso Louis Eugenia Wicks WicksCharina Charina Carina Orestes Foresters OrestesIn Foresters In tho thou western list above are some youngsters with which the general public is not well ac ¬ quainted aquatinted Parthomax Parathion was a good colt in Cali Ali ¬ fornia Formica Orestes Foresters W OB Macdonoughs Macedon Or ¬ monde Kissing Crust colt only has rumor and blood for his character San Mateo was also a good colt Hes Hess in Walter Hobarts Hobart lot Dolce is of high stable report and Crescendos sister sisterTwo sister Two sharpe present figures are not in the Fu ¬ turity touristy They are Arbucklo Carbuncle and Algol McCaf Mecca forty has but one chance tho thou Enquirer Bonnie Meado Mead colt He hasnt hasn't started startedThere started There is a band of youngsters of high repute that must bi included in Futurity notions Dave Gideons Gideon Iroquois Carlotta colt Eakins Akin is thought to bo good enough to win and will bo pointed for the race The Erio Rio Stable Beards have an idea that Nicholas II tho thou high priced sou soul of St Blaiso Blains and Thora Thor has a royal chance Tho Theo Keeues Keeners incline towards Tennys Tennyson brother St Cloud and John Madden has some hope about Schultz his brother to Charade CharadeThe Charade The next thirty daj dj s will furnish a more defin define ¬ ite bite line on Futurity chances At present George Kossler Kessler seems to be the bbst bbs of tho thou ones we know by their racing