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THE HARNESS RACES OPEN OPENThe Goethe The opening day of the Northwestern Breed ¬ ers meeting at Washington Park drew a small crowd to see a rather slow but interesting horse show mixed up so badly with the racing program that it was 4 30 before the horses were called out for the 240 class tho thou first event on the card The day was cool with too much wind for more than fair time and a good track Hon Jnu Janus L Mitchell of Milwaukee president of the association together with Jas Jabs Culbort Colbert son and W F Taylor of Ottawa 111 were in the stand the latter as starter starterThe starter The two runs were both good and ex tremely trammel fast from a time standpoint John Splan Plan landed the 240 class with his roan sensation New burger shaving his record from 21954 iu cleaucut cleanouts style Walter S was a much more than fair second Prince Murat Maura did not finish in the tiis this t i eat being stopped by a collision on the upper turn but was not allowed to start again It was the winner s fifth winning race in thr0 weeks weeksIu Weeks Iu the Hopeful Stake Gus Macey Mace had it all to himself with the roan filly Marguerite she pull ¬ ing King down the money in straight heats The feature of this race was the fact of its being the fastest threeyearold win of the season The summaries 240 class trotting purse 1000 Newberger Newburg rn g by Jay Bird Emma EmmaN Emma N by Kentucky Prince Splan Plan Ill IllWalter Billable Walter S b g by Fred S Wilkes dam damby dab by Almont Valmont Lyn 5 2 2 2Stanley Stanley byBlockwood B b h by Andy C dam by Blockwood Blackwood Jr Shuler Huller 233 233Royaua Royaua Roy byGibraltar b m by Director Roxana Roan by Gibraltar Wert Wet 345 345Gold Gold Pebble b g by Gold Leaf Fior Fiord ¬ ina Gina B by Atlantic Starr Star 456 456Prince Prince Murat Maura blk balk h by OnwardSiren Onwards OnwardSirenby Onwards by Dictation VanSant Kansan 764 764Netalina Netalina Etalon b m by Robert McGregor Microgram Nettie Nettle Horr Herr by Mamb Mamba Patcheu Patch PatcheuCqleman Cqleman Coleman 6 dis dais disArchie diarchies Archie Gamaleon Galleon b c by Gamaleon Galleon GamaleonSwansborough Swansborough Scarborough Dis Dais DisTime Sistine Time 2212 218J 21654 Hopeful stake 3yearolds 230 class trot ¬ ting purse 1000 Marguerite MaggieF Maggie rn f by Jay Bird Maggie F by Mury Murky Macey Mace Ill IllHesperus Millhouse Hesperus b c by Simmons Miss Per ¬ kins kilns Jamieson Jamison 223 223Aggie Aggie Medium b f by Pitot Pinto Medium Mediumdam Medium dam by Anthony Wayne Bellaud Ballad 372 King Red b c by Red Wilkos Wilkes Splan Plan 834 Eva WrightWoodcock Wright Wright b m by Clegg Leggy Wright Woodcock 4 5 5 5Bil Bil Bill Esprit b c bv Bow Bolls dam by McCurdysHambletoniau Thayer 548 548Curta Curta Curt b c by High wood Wiley Wily 6 10 B BWoban Bonbon Woban Woman g g by Prince Karl Swans borough 767 767Ambit Ambit ch f by Ambassador Maloney 999 999Marguerite Marguerite A ch f by Axtoll Atoll Young 11 11 10 10Bob Bob tllins tallish ch c by Elsmore Elmo Fuller 10 8 ds dsTime destine Time 2 218l2 18l2 21854 2204