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LAKESIDE FORM GHART HART GHARTLAKESIDE HARDTACKS LAKESIDE IND INDO July 11 First Day Lakeside Jockey Club Summer Meeting of Fifteen Days Weather clear track fast Presiding Judge MNathanson Nathan Starter Richard Dwyer O rrO rr in RST ST RACE 34 Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling JL 6 O t 4 StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op 1 Pi 2097 EKME EKE T 9i 5 21422 IK li Willis D Waldo Weald 15 30 KI 1901 PEEP ODAY DAY II 95 1 11 1 2 24 D Davis Jfferfn Jefferson Stbl Stable 3 3 1 2097 OVATION 101 94 102 gy2 514 3 H Ward Geo Geol Wilde 10 10 4 2045 REPEATER 106 4K 54 84 94 42 Clay John renock redneck 4 4 fi 05 2097 FRANKIE D 101 84 84102 74 51 F Penny M L Conroy Cory 30 20 1903 VICTORIA 96 124 3 K 34 34 61 Newman Humboldt Humbled Stbl Stable 8 10 4 2099 LONGDALE ELONGATE 108 14 134124124 71 L Soden Sodden Crescent Stbl Stable 10 10 4 2045 DESIGNER 11113 64 71 48 t 814 Warren B McCain Moccasin 8 10 4 2126 SANTA CRUZ 1C6 64 7K 5 94 94 Sullivan Ben Falk 6 12 5 2068 SPINOLA ESPANOLA 90 104 94 44 44101 Guitores Guitars Charles Bros Brows 20 40 12 2045 GRACIE C 96 2 44 62 61 11 MagnussonDouglas Pk Stbl Stable 8 10 4 1931 COLLECTOR 101 74 14 14 14 12 W Taylor Louisville Stbl Stable 15 30 It 2126 BALDUR BALDER 96 3 114H4H413 Caywood Cawed G W Poole 15 12 r 2068 JULIE 90 11 12 13 13 14 Dorsey Dose S Howard 15 30 10 Time 10Time 12 24 37 40 1 02i 1 154 MoonlightPost Moonlight Winner 154Winner B f 4 by Sayre Ayres Moonlight Post 2 minutes Start good Won driving hard next four the same Ovation was poorly ridden Ran an excellent race Finished very strong Peep oDay today and Effie Defied T were staggering at the finish Repeater was interfered with on back stretch Was full of running on the end Victoria showed some speed S TQ SECONL SECONDLY KAGE AGE 5s Mile 2yearolds Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St M 4 StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op 1 PI 2127SU1TON 103 2 24 1BK 1J 1 Dorsoy Doors BJJohnson 12 12 out 2012MARIE out2012MARIE C 100 44 32 4432 214 Everett H McCoulsky McCauley 582 20I4JELIZABETH B 96 6 41 52 24 32 D Davis Elkton Elton Stock Frm Farm 341 2069 GOLDEN TIDE 96 54 5 3144442 Donaldson Donald Sterling Stable 40 60 15 20691 MISS AMES 96 1 U 2453 55 Magnusson Manson Chas Couglo Colugo 15 20 B 2127 THOS ETHOS PAINE 106 34 6666 Clay W H Roller 20 20 5 Time 12 244 36K 49 1 01 Winner rightPost rightmost 01Winner Ch c by Red Iron Lilly VV right Post 6 minute Start good Won handily second and third driving hard MariC MarC ran an honest anhonest canoeist race Elizabeth B was nervous at the post and much used there She did not seem to have tohave Mohave her sped and tired when the pinch came Miss Ames was always well up but was out ¬ classed when the real racing began Sutton is the best youngster that has performed locally this season seasonScratched seasons Scratched Viscount 99 O I Q V THIRD RACE 78 Mile 3yoarolds and upward Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St M 4 StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 2129REDSKIN 114 IH 32 316 210 28 y2 L Soden Sodden T W Coulter 35 13 out 20181CAESARIAN out20181CAESARIAN 112 34 1NK I3 1J 1 215 Dorsoy Doors Cougle Coulee Gum 2 24 out SECOND outSECOND outscored ATTEMPT 107 4M 45 41041042033 Macklin Mackinaw D Lamasney Lamasery 30 60 8 1538 ATELIKR ATELIER 114 2422 2 31535 410 Feeney Fence New City Stable 100 100 25 2050 20SOUVENIR MISS FRANCES 98 6 6 6 6 6 5S W Jones Oakley Ankle Stable 100 100 20 SOUVENIR 109 SK 5140 5 52 6 Warreu Ware J Delong Belong 100 60 15 Time 15Time 12 244 36M 49 102 11454 126 Winner 126Winner GirofloPost Virologist Ch h 6 by Runnjmede Unnamed or Pontico Pontiac Giroflo Gigolo Post 3 minutes Start good Won with something left second and third driving hard Red ¬ skin was mean at the post and tried to bite the assistant starter He was a good horse and could have run faster Dorsey Dose was of little use to Caesarian when riding was needed Atelier arid Sec ond bond Attempt both ran good races f J Q l FOURTH RACE 1 Mile and 20 Yards 3yearolds and upward Handicap Ind Indo Horses Wt St M 4 StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 2100 DOCTOR G 94 2 IK 3 12 II IM deary dearly Alerry Gallery Glen Stbl Stable 20 20 3 21001ST LEE 98 44 5 i 5 24 22 D Davis Pinkerton Stbl Stable 32 I out 2015 752099M1SS SUNNY 94 3 41 5 41 314314 Dors Doors y J Steppe 8 7 75 2099M1SS YOUNG 104 14 22 2 31 42 410 Clay W H Roller 65 85 out Everett J F Davis 10 8 85 Time 1 134 26 38 50 1 034 1 116 = 16 1 128M 28M 1 1404 = 404 1 141 41 Winner 41Winner Ch c 3 by Sobranje Shoran Lucy H HPost Post Post 30 seconds Start good Won staggering second driving hard third with some to spare St Lee was the best horse and would have won in another stride He was badly messed about on far turn and stood the drive gamely on the end Miss Young was tiptoed first three quarters She does not like a distance any too well wellScratched Scratched Redskin 124 O QO elFTH Delft RACK 5 ia Furlongs 3ye rolds olds and iipward impaired Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St 4 1 StrFin Strafing Jockeys Op Cl PI 2099 JUDGE BAKER 98 44 843 3 114 W Jones Oakley Ankle Stable 20 40 12 2013 MAY FERN 99 Is 21 24 I1 24 Caywood Cawed JohnBrenock 6 4 65 2049P1NCHBACK 652049P1NCHBACK 92 5 5 41 4 31 Newcom Newcomer has Couglo Colugo 8 10 4 353COSSACK 101 3 31 54 5 42 Warren J Delong Belong 6 7 24 24207JOE 207JOE MANCINI ANACIN 95 2 4 6 64 5 MagnussonRuddy Manson Bros Brows 452 2070 WALKOVER 101 6n INK iyt it 2 61 Dorsoy Doors B J Johnson 452 2099 GLENOID GENOCIDE 101 64 8i 8i 74 HothersallW Others H Snarley Snare 15 20 8 2129LILUNE 90 74 7i 7 71 8 Clay W H Roller 3 3 1 1668 MARY L 1034 9 10 9 9 fl Fox C Dorsey Dose 30 40 12 1538 PANOUT PEANUT 762CHALANGE 944 10 9 10 10 10 D Davis Onyx Stable 762 CHALANGE HAULAGE 10812 12 11 11 11 Ham S Skinuer Skinner 10 20 8 TAGLIONA ANGELINA 90 11 11 12 12 12 F Penny Ogden Staole Stole 50 100 30 Time 6 174 30 42 54 1 0754 Winner B c 3 by Harry OFallon Fallen Elzarra Eliza ElzarraPost Post 3 minutes Start fair Won with something to spare second and third driving hard Walkover hardWalkover headwall looked to be going easily at the heafi hafiz of stretch but when the pinch came ho faltered Pinchback Pinchbeck heartScratched hearts ran an honest race May Fern has no heart Scratched Woodlight Footlight 99 O O SIXTH RACE 34 Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St J4 4 StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 2049 MILLIE M 93 2 I 24 1SK 14 Clay W H Roller 2 85 35 2128 SERENA 95 3 2 31 24 22 Dorsey Dose B J Johnson 115 24 45 2070 TERRA ARCHER 97 64 31 1 31 34 F Pency Peony Ogdon Ogden Stable 30 15 6 2097 GUN WAD 1C3 44 8 8 64 44 Fox C Dorsey Dose 6 5 2 2072 LA CREOLE 104 7 64 5 51 M Newcom Newcomer Ed Brown 20 12 5 2102 WELLS STREET 104 4 54 I1 7 62 Magnusson Manson Ruddy Bros Brows 15 20 8 i02 MINIVER MINNIE 104 8 44 41444 71 L Sodeu Sodden C P Fink 10 20 8 2018 BEN HUR HR 108 IH 74 6 8 8 Ham T Monaghan Jonathan 12 15 6 2128 ETHELLEAH ETHEL 99 Left at the post Warren F M Bloom 30 15 6 Time 12 24 36 494 1 15 Winner 15Winner B f 3 by Fordham Ford Miss Forester ForesterPost Forester Post 1 minute Start good Won in a long hard drive of two Serena was badly riddsn rids She seemed to have a good chance to win at the head of the stretch but boy lot go of her hoad hoard when it came to a drive and she swerved badly Terra Archers race was a good one Gunwad Unwed finished strong strongScratched Scratched Barguard Argued 103 Lalla Lola Rookh Rook 90 Highland Fling 9i Dixie Lee 96 Canowood Canoodle 101