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LAKESIDE FORM GHART HART GHARTLAKESIDE HARDTACKS LAKESIDE IND INDO July 15 Fourth Day Lakeside Jockey Club Summer Meeting of Fifteen Days Weather clear track fast Presiding Judge M Nathanson Nathan Starter Richard Dwyer V V ft FIRST RACE 34 Mile Purse 300 4yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt S StrFin Strafing Jockey Op Cl PI 2182 MAY FERN 91 I J2 15 14 is 18 oiay Clay okay Johu Joshua Brenock Redneck 45 710 out 2099 FREDDIE L T 102 6 63 62 31 2V4 Maguusson Magus Ruddy Bros Brows 5 4 1 323 SERVICE 108 4 4K 31 2 2S 3U2 H Shields Pinkorton Pinkerton Stable 4 5 85 1880 BRYAN 102 2 33 45 41 42 H Ward Geo Geol Wilde 15 30 10 2237 COLLECTOR 102 52 73 7205 510 WJones Jones Louisville Stable 15 30 10 2158 BOB LEE 1053 22 2U263 6 Macklin Mackinaw GARobertson Barberton 20 30 10 10S3 HANDS OFF KH 8 5115 7 720710 Bender Elkton Elton Stk St Farm 20 60 20 1694 MY HEBE HEBREW 95272 888 8888 MWilliamsL Williams S Williams 15 40 12 12the 570 BART 99 Left at the post Campbell McKenzie Stable 30 50 20 Time e 12Ji 2 23 35i2 482 1 15H Winner LuckPost Luckiest Ch m 5 by Tennyson Mattio Mattie Luck Post 3 minutes Start good for all but Bart Won eased up second and third driving hard Service was short but had some speed and ran a good honest race Freddie L T was slow to get in motion came very fast through stretch Bob Leo could only last a half My Hebe Hebrew bled Bryan is getting good Watch him VV T SECONI SECOM RACE 13 Mile Purse 300 2j oarolds aroids Allowances Ind Indo Horses W t St 4 V M StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 452208HOLY 1013JCYNTHIA H 97 1 22 22 INK DDavis Davis Elkton Elton Stk St Farm 4 2 45 2208HOLY TERROR 107 23 U 12 23 Caywood Cawed WEFSEvrht 6 10 4 1879 8832179SUTTON LADY JULIET 97 314 33 32 35 Randall Wm J Smith 883 2179SUTTON 45MISS 113 7i2 5V4 71 4K Dorsey Dose B J Johnson 1 2 45 MISS MIRIAM 97 52 45 41 5J Newcom Newcomer Locust Grove Stb Stab 20 60 20 2179 THOMAS PAINE 100 6i4 61 5 62 Clay W H Roller 10 20 8 1373 DEVOIR 97 81 82 83 72 Cleary Clearly Merry Glen Stbl Stable 15 20 8 1575 VISCOUNT 100 9 9 9 83 W Jones Avondale Stbl Stable 683 2208 TIDINESS 97 4V4 20Time 73 A 9 Everett Jefferson Stbl Stable 30 60 20 50Winner Time 1254 24i2 3512 50 Winner Ch f by Sir Dixon Faro Girl GirlPost Girl Post 4 minutes Start straggling Won in a long hard drive of two Holy Terror is a good youngster Was a trifle short Button was off badly and boy never made a move There may have been excuses for his race from weight and starting standpoint Cynthia H is very fast and has courage Viscount did not run his race raceScratched backscratcher Scratched Kate Sayre Ayres 97 Hessville Sessile 97 Terrific 97 Kate Fisher 97 2268 THIRD RACE34 Mile Purse 400 3yearolds Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt S V2 StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 2183 MILLIE M 90 I INK 2 K 21 I Clay W H Roller 2y2 6 2 2050 CAUFIELD COALFIELD 97 4 21 INK nj 2n Dorsey Dose Foster Bros Brows 2 Ml 1 out 2209 JUDGE BAKER 972 411 42 3 t SNK SANK W Jones Oakley Ankle Stable 462 462SNK 2209 BELVOUR BALFOUR 99H8 SNK SANK 7i4 7V24i4 Caywood Cawed Geo Geol Wilde 6 12 5 2071 FRITZIE FRITZES 105 3 32181DOCTOR 3 K 53 514 5J4 Warren C P Fink 8 12 5 2181DOCTOR G 105 6 73 82 512 61 Cleary Clearly Merry Glen Stbl Stable 6 10 4 231 MINNOW 97 5 62 63 32 7114 Newcom Newcomer Orwell Stable 30 100 30 2070 LALLA LOLA ROOKH ROOK 90 9 9 9 9 81 Colby Prospect Stable 60 60 20 2158 VIRG1E VIRG1EDIXON DIXON 95 7 V 51 33 4 41149 9 DDavis Davis Jefferson Stable 662 Time 1254 23 35y2 4S 1 MZ1A 1 115i2 15i2 Winner 15i2Winner B f by Fordham Ford Miss Forester ForesterPost Forester Post 3 minutes Start good Won in a long hard drive next four driving also Clay simply outrode outride Dorsey Dose Fritzies Fritzes was an easy race He had lots left at the finish Belvour Balfour ran an hon ¬ est race bestScratched Boy made too much use of Virgie Virile Dixou Dixon first half Doctor G did not do his best Scratched Warrick Arrack 97 Ardath Marathi 100 Serena 100 2269 F0 FOURTH RACE 1 Mile Purse 300 3yearolds and upwards Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St k V StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 212SMINEtvVA yo 6la 2 K ZH IKK VIKKI 2 IH Maguusson Magus StringerSte Stringers StringerStewart Stringers 4 32 1 1INK 1762 JOHN H1CKEY 110 3K liHiNK lighting 33 INK 2t Warren F M Bloom 562 2160 RAGNKR FRANKER 105 2 7114514 52 31 33 Dorsey Dose BJJohnson 2 95 35 2102 ALTO JUNE 105 8 8 7 71 8 4K Caywood Cawed H J Cassard Caesar 12 25 8 84V2 2130 ROSSMORE RUSHMORE 105 CadyK Caddy IH 3K 4K 6 4V2 51 WTaylor Taylor M Cady Caddy 15 25 8 2070 CONNEMARA COMMEMORATE K 7 72 OH 32 2 K 6 61 Furr Furor Al Shore 30 60 20 207i273 2131 PERT 97 512 4H 8 8 7i273 Clay G L Bell 883 2130 MISS CLARK 10 4 6i2 62 4n c 51 8 C Sloan Orwell Stable 5 4 32 210U AUDRAX AURA 100 Left at the post Campbell McMillan Macmillan Co 15 20 8 Time 1354 26 38 50 1 02k 1 15 1 129l2 29l2 1 43 43Winner Winner CigalePost Igloos Ch f 3 by Richmond La Cigale Cringle Post 8 minutes Start fair Won in a hard drive and all out second and third same Min orva ova was ou the end and would have been beaten in another jump Ragner Ranger was shut off early and ran a good race Connemara Cinema had early speed but tired Miss Clark ran a bad race Watch John Hickey ScratchedSullross Scratched 110 227OInd 227O FIFTH RACE 34 Mile Purse friOO Fri 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St l4 Vz StrFiu Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 2158 SIMMONS 105 3 3 22 IKK VIKKI 12 Cleary Clearly MerryGlenStable 2 115 45 2223 JENNIE JUNE 101 6 4i233 3 23 Sherland Shetland Liberty Stable 562 2160 RAHIER TRASHIER 102 2 12 12 J K 3n WJones Jones L M OHara O'Hara 331 2160 ETTARRE ETTA lOO1 f 2 51 4 4 1 ia W Taylor RJStewart 20 30 10 716 LITTLK LITTLE TOM 99 4 72 8 5Y3 53 Payton Patton L Lammertz Lamer Col5 15 6 2102 B RG1JAKD 99 1VZ 6 7i26i 61 Randall F Starkweather Starkest 8 12 5 52o97LOUDON 2o97LOUDON 99 3 8 61 71 72 Dorey Dory BJJohnson 5 10 4 2210 GLENO1D 99 IH 2 4iy8 8 Clay W H Snarley Snare 652 652Time Time 12V4 23 35 48H 115 115Winner Winner Ch g 6 by Sir Modred Molded Trade Dollar Post 2 minutes Hart goorl goral Won galloping second handily third and fourth driving hard Rapier was a trifle short and tired when the pinch came Ettarre Bettered ran a good race Glenoids Genocides race was a bad on ° Loudon London could not get out of his own way Watch Little Tom 2271 SIXTH KACE ACE l Mile Purse 300 3yearolds and upward Selling Wt St VA StrFin Strafing Jockeys Op Cl PI 21MJ ALL OVER 108 IH 3K ai 2H4U H Shields Pinkerton Stbl Stable 32 1 out 2183 TERRA ARCHER 97 7 12 12 IHK SIKH 28 Clay Ogden Stbl Stable 7 10 4 2178EFFIE T 103 2 21 21 21 32 3V Willis DWaldo Dado 30 30 10 2178 LONGDALE ELONGATE Iu7 4V 5H 4 4 42 Warren Crescent Stbl Stable 8 10 4 1249 DICK TENSION 107 5 92 95 910 8il255 W Taylor P D Crumes Crimes 30 50 20 2183 GUN WAD 107 6 4n 6Vz 61H5 61 WJones Jones C Dorsey Dose 3 4 85 1901 LAGNIAPPE 105 814 7K 71 5 n 6iys7sK Caywood Cawed G W Poole 10 12 5 1763 WArt REN REM POINT 100 3 61 51 72 7 83 MagnussonRuddy Manson Bros Brows 15 20 8 2207 E OF MONTRO3E 9710 8 8 8 91 93 Newcom Newcomer Humboldt Humbled Stbl Stable 15 30 10 2100 LA GASCON GASTON 105 9 10 10 10 10 10 D Davis Kentucky Stbl Stable 30 40 12 12Time Time 13 25J4 37 49 102 4 115 129 142 142Winner Winner B c 4 by Hanover Deceit DeceitPost Deceit Post 2 minutes Start good Won galloping second and third driving hard All Over was waspounds astounds pounds the best and would have been a hard one to beat a startling reversal of form Terra Archer had plenty of speed but was outclassed Gunwad Unwed was interfered with at every turn Effio Effort T ran a good race Scratched Dautes Dates 100