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LATONIA ANTONIA ENTRIES ENTRIESProbabilities Probabilities Weather cloudy track good goodFirst goofiest First Race 1 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling SellingInd Selling Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt 2400 Koko Kwok 6 107 2452 K Charlie 5 107 2074 Crumbaugh Rumbaing 4 107 2358 GeuMntrse3105 2152 The Merchnt3105 2260 Lismore Limo 6 104 2427 Arrack 3 102 2454 Hot Stuff 3 100 2427 MissS Miss 3 100 2358 MGraham Graham 3 100 100Second Second Race 58 vlile lisle vlile2yearolds 2yearolds Allowances AllowancesTnd Allowances Tnd Tend Horses Wgt Wt Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt 2292 Conui3 Lee 112 2489 CarrioF Carrizo 112 2294 Minnie Murphyll2 2259jlmp 112 2426 Carlotta C 112 2294 Adalid Adelaide 109 2426 Black Bess Bests 109 2294 Princess Teck Tack 106 1653 Black Heart 103 421 Lot Fly 103 2426 Thanet Thane 103 2292 Queen of Liars103 1356 MissMLaghlinl03 2426 Mollie 103 2456 Velma Vela 103 2402 Salsetta Shasta 103 2218 Oversight 103 1996 Honey 100 2336 OrphaD Morphed 100 2426 Angelus 100 2402 Rachel 100 2402 Australia 100 2136 Matawana Matawan 100 2402 Peg the Shrew 100 2456 Clodomira Caledonia 100 100Third Third Race 34 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt 2435 Pat 5 108 2255 P Imnerial Inertial 5 106 2401 Jurist 4 102 2485 Enid 5 99 2338 Twinkle 5 99 2490 Strathreel Tracheal 4 99 2400 Doorga Dora 4 97 2425 Tutuila Attila 4 97 Fourth Race 1 Mile and 50 Yards Yards3voarolds 3voarolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt 2323 Jamboree 15 105 2403 Allegra Allegro 3 104 2427 Annie M 4 99 2401 Cuidado Ciao 3 88 2452Gretchen S 3 96 2425 Kowalsky Koalas 3 95 2359Anna Garth 3 88 88Fifth Fifth Ract Bract 58 Mile Mile2yearolds 2yearolds Selling SellingInd Selling Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt 2404 Argonaut 110 1674 Tunic 110 110Marius 110Marius Marius Maoris 110 Silverito Silver 110 2453 San Juan 110 1888 Holy Number 110 110The The Cockney 110 2290 Will Wallace 110 1554 Choatham Chatham 107 2489 The Planet 105 2104 Covington Coving KylQ5 2052 King Morgan 105 2453 Grey Gray Eclipse 105 2404 Wiuthorpe Withered 105 2104 Thr Thor e Bars 105 2453 Billy Arnold 105 2162 J Walter 105 2453 Julius Marks 105 2339 Jasper 1U5 21ij8 Elkiu Eli 105 2453 What or Lou 105 2104 Chas Christy 102 2339 Blackstone 102 102Sixth Sixth Race 1 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Soiling SoilingInd Soiling Ind Indo Horses Wet Ind Indo Horses W rt 2486 Hotspur Hotspurs a 112 2291 Le Banjo 4 112 112246Reimy4 246Reimy4 112 2323 Chicot Chic 4 112 11224B7 24B7 Elizbort Elizabeth 4 112 2165 Ondaguo Bondage 4 109 2487 Seabrooke Sherbrooke 3 105 2132 Leaflet 4 102 2214 Crusader 3 102 2338 Cecil 3 1QO 2454 Argentina II 3100 j i