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LATONIA ANTONIA FORM GHART HART GHARTCOVINGTON COVINGTON COVING KY July 25 TwentySeventh Twenty Day Latonia Antonia Jockey Club Summer Meeting Weather cloudy track slow Presiding Judge J J Carter Starter J P Ohiuu Oahu OKQO OK FIRST RACE 1 Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St 4 i StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op 31 PI 2024 MISS MAXIM 90 4 lio Clio lio Clio 115 no is Huston Houston G B Morris Co A 7 24 2455 MARTIN 100 5 3 34 31 24 21 Dupee Dupe Scott Williams 2 95 35 2403 WHITESIDE WHITES 110 6 51 52 51 51 33 F Russell J E Thornton Horton 30 60 20 2422 CAPT APT DRANE DANE 112 3 22 21 22 32 4 A Isom Ism C E Patterson 8 10 4 2455 PRESIDIO 100 7 8 6 6 41 51 C Reiff Riff E F McLean CLean 331 2412 HARTFORD BOY 113 8 42 42 4 610 520 Fowler M C Moore 10 15 6 2323 SAY ON 115 1 6 7 7 7 7 J MDonaldA McDonald Duffy 7 10 4 2452 RUPEE 105 9 7 8 8 8 8 J Jones J W Thompson 50 60 20 2452 MARION STAR 117 2 9 9 9 9 9 O Lewis Bausinger Basing Bros Brows 60 60 20 Time 20Time 26 52 1 202 1 47J1 Winner 47J1Winner B f 3 by Maxim Ventura VenturaStart Ventura Start good by machine Won pulled up second and third easily Miss Maxim rushed to front early and was under a strong pull entire route Whiteside Whites came strong at finish Capt Caput Drane Dane tired last furlong Marion Star had no speed 2533 SECOND RACE 1 116 Miles 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St 4 StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI H424HOWARD MANN 93 1 21 U li 12 12 Duoee Doe Wainscott Wainscot Co 9101 out 2363AIMEE out2363AIMEE 91 3 4 4 3 2 21 C Reiff Riff Goodwill Stable 2 24 35 2486 FRONTMAN FONTANA 95 2 31 21 24 35 32 Huston Houston Windom Window Stable 10 10 2 2455 SIR VASSAR 97 4 I 3 4 4 4 Fowler H T Griffin 5 6 85 Time 85Time 26 51 1 1S4 1 15 1 512 Winner B e 3 by Duke of Montrose Sea Mew MewStart Mesa Start good by machine Won easily second and third same Sir Vassar quit badly after go ¬ ing King a half Frontman Fontana ran well to stretch Howard Mann had it all his own way Scratched wayScratched Captive 107 Aimee Goodwin Godwin 93 2534 T THIRD RACE 34 Mile 3yearolds Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St M 4 StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 2455 JOE CLARK 98 6 24 14 1 14 Scherrer Sherrie Ernespie Heresies Stable 4 32 65 2425LETCHER 652425LETCHER 98 4 544443 21 Fowler Million Davis 5 10 4 2255 BENAMELA ENAMEL 108 5 4V4 2 2 3 Martin P Dunne 2 95 35 2487 BLOOMER 97 3 33 51 51 410 Dupeo Dupe McDonaldWitte McDonald 2 24 1 2517 ANNA GRATH GARTH 93 1 12 31 3 52 B Blevins Levin GravesLancastrl2 15 6 2485 DR KELLOGG 99 2 6666 Sherrin Sheri J E Maddox 50 60 20 20Time Time 26 5141174 5141174Winner Winner B c by Pirate of Penzance Penance Lilly B BStart Start stretchBenamela stretchable Start good by machine Won easily second and third driving Bloomer tired badly in stretch Benamela Enamel got third place in a hard drive Letcher Fletcher came very strong last sixteenth Clark had all the partyScratched foot of all the party Scratched Sallie Clicquot Aliquot 103 Dorothy 93 2535 FOURTH RACE 1 18 Miles 3yearolds Latonia Antonia Prize Ind Indo Horses Wt St 4 4 5 StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 2490NIMROD 100 1 2i 2 33 24 li Fowler B McClelland Macmillan 3 34 1 2361 LOKI 118 2 li 14 1 IH 2 C Reiff Riff E F McLean CLean 2 24 35 2361 BEN HOLLADAY HOLLAND 114 4 4 4 4 4 32 Martin EastinLarrabie 85 85 12 245lfLUFRA 90 3 34 32 21 31 4 Dupee Dupe Talbot Bros Brows 6465 tBy Toby 6465tBy Silvermine Silvering Time 28 534 120VS 146 159 159Winner Winner Ch c by Springbok Edith EdithStart Edith Start good by machine Won easily second and third driving Lufra Laura tired badly in stretch Ben Holladay Holland ran a very bad race Loki was tiring at finish Nimrod Imo is improving and ran a good thoughScratched thoughts race He doesnt doesn't care for weight though Scratched Ramiro 124 2536 FIFTH RACE 5 13 Furlongs 2yearolds Selling StrFin Strafing Jockeys Op Cl PI 2402TRUELIGHT 112 2 24 21 22 H Perkins S S Brown 2 24 45 2423 LADY KEITH 100 6 54 43 32 25 Huston Houston Briar Hill Stbl Stable 2 24 45 2515 45LORILEE IMP 115 3 1 14 I 3 Sherrin Sheri D R Harness 2 115 45 LORILEE LORIKEET 100 4 34 34 410 412 Scherrer Sherrie B Fotsch Foots 15 8 3 2402 SPRINGDAY SPRINGDALE 100 5 6 5 5 52 Conley Coney J Walker 30 30 10 2426 BLACK BESS BESTS 112 1 44 6 6 6 A Isom Ism C H Brickey Rickety 30 30 10 Time 10Time 25514 111 111Winner Winner SunlightStart Sunlight Br f by Troubadour Sunlight Start good Wou Would easily second same third driving Imp quit badly in the stretch Lady Keith came strong at finish Lorilee Lorikeet showed speed to stretch turn Black Bess Bests quit badly 2537s SIXTH RACE 34 Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 72 3 A IN Morrison Orison Horse Haven Fni Fn 5 ON 42 12 21 C Reiff Riff 2289 CHAGRIN 97 5 41 1 21 3s Fowler C B Reid 20 15 6 2401 SAM TATE 106 4 6 51 44 43 Piggott Spigot Ed Corrigan 552 2516 TWINKLE 103 3 31 3 52 52 Blovins Bovines SmithFerguson Smithereens 231 2400 LIBERATI LIBERATING 90 10 11 11 11 6 D Dunn Million Davis 30 30 10 2455 LANDSEER LANDER 90 8 8877 Dupee Dupe WTWoodardJr 10 12 5 2519 ELIZBERT ELIZABETH 102 6 7988 VWilson Wilson Windom Window Stable 552 2401 BUFFET 101 9 10 10 9 9 Imes Dimes Kismet Stable 60 80 30 2214 CRUSADER 98 1 1 24 6210 Sherrin Sheri J H McAvoy Cavy 12 10 4 2358 NOEL 97 2 2 61 10 11 Huston Houston Fleetwood Stbl Stable 30 30 10 10Time 11SV4Winner Time 26V2 52 11SV4 Winner Ch f 3 by Hanover Ada Adam D DStart Start Start good by machine Wen driving second and third same Elsie D off badly ran a splendid race and finished strong Crusader tired badly at the half Noel is of no account Bpy By on Richfield lost his head or he would have won Chagrin tired badly in the stretch