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BRIGHTON BBAGH BAG FORM GHART HART GHARTBRIGHTON HARBORING BRIGHTON BEACH N Y July 30 Eighth day Brighton Beach Racing Association Rummer Drummer Meetinsr Meetings Weather clear track fast 2631 FIRST Race 1 116 Miles 3yearolds and upward Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St M Vi 3 StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI f2233DEEKSLAYER 112 1 liMtl2 IW Doggett Doge Oweck Wreck Stable 13 14 out 2591 MANCHESTER 112 2 2 2 2 2 2 J Hill W M Wallace 2V2 4 out l49l2Winner Time 26fc 52 l17fc 142M l49l2 Winner B c 4 by Midlothian Militia Doe Start DoeStart Descartes good Won easily Deerslayer Deerstalker simply galloped all the way He outclassed Manchester who is real good himself right now nowScratched cowcatcher Scratched Illusion 114 Septour Emptor 99 O O O O SECOND RACE 58 Mile 2yearold maidens Allowances iud Horses Wt St M Vt StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 2391 THE MANXMAN MAMMA 118 4 1 4 li 12 13 HLewis Lewis OBrienMcKeevr2l2 2 45 2607 PASSOVER 118 3 74 2Vi 2 21 Simms Sims P J Dwyer 1 85 35 1863 ABSENTEE 118 5 5 31 31 3 Keefo Kefir W Hobart 8 15 6 640 YANKEE HEIRESS 115 1 41 5 51 41 J Hill J A Bennett 10 15 6 2550 SIMON1AN 115 7 7KEBO 6 M 4V 52 M Bergen A Glason Gaston 12 15 6 KEBO KEBOB 118 2 2WM 3l2 666 OLeary O'Leary Hazlewood Hazelwood Stable 3Y2 34 65 WM SIMPSON 118 6 2 2x 652x 7 7 7 Sheedy Seedy J E Madden 8 10 4 Time 12 2514 50 1 03 Winner Ch c by Tyrant Bianca Blanca BiancaStart Bandmaster Start good Won easily second all out The Manxman Mamma had the speed of the lot will do soon Watch him Passover was ridden hard all the way 2649 THIRD RACE 38 Mile 2yearolds Maidens Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt WtSt Watt St y ± Vz StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 2121 BANNOCK 118 2 2l2 31 14 15 Simms Sims LStuart Stuart 5 4 85 2586 TARANTO TORONTO 118 3 5yz 2 21 22 Griffin Blemton Benton Stable 2 2 45 2573 CONTRACTOR 118 5 41 4l2 3 3 Clayton B Pfeffarling Freefalling 3 4 85 2577 IRANIAN 118 4 6 6 4V4 42 McCafferty J J McCafferty 10 12 2553 NEWSGATHERER NEWSCASTER 115 7 3 51 52 51 Ballard J J McCafferty 10 12 2577 KING BON 115 6 U 1 6 6 Healy F L Parker 15 20 8 2492 CONSPIRATOR 115 1 7777 Hewitt Oneck Neck Stable 4 32 65 2512 TIMOUR TIMOR US 8 8Uoupled 8888 Doggett Doge JRFPKeene 30 30 10 Uoupled Coupled 10Uoupled in betting Time 26 52 1 03 Winner 03Winner Ch c by Turco Stucco Sister Louise LouiseStart Lousiest Start good Won handily second driving Tarauto Karafuto failed on the end Contractor is due soon Iranian ran a fair race 2633 FOURTH RACE 34 Mile 3yearolds Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St V StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 2493 SHERLOCK 104 3 liU lieu li 11 U TSloan Sloan Fleischman Freshman Son 75 1110 out 2551 TREMARGO TREMOR 102 4 21 21 21 21 2l2 Clayton Sensation Stable 462 2590 REFUGEE 103 2 41 42 4 4 35 J Hill Blemton Benton Stable 2 4 1 2587 PREMIER 107 1 51 52 52 53 41 Griffin J A McLaughlin 441 2578 BRISK 107 5 3 3 32 3 54 Doggett Doge G Anderson 8 10 4 2574 EMO1IONAL 109 6 6 6 6 6 6 Keefe Keene WCDaly Cuddly 15 20 8 Time 12H 25 37 50 102M 1 143i Winner Ch c by Eberlee Abele Edonia Edna EdoniaStart Hedonist Start good Won easily second driving Sherlock was full of running and made his own fast pace Premier was outrun all the way Tremargo Tremor ran a good race Refugee could not keep up upScratched unscratched Scratched Tom Cromwell 107 2634 FIFTH RACE 58 Mile 2yearolds The Whippet Stakes Ind Indo Horses Wt St StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 2573 MOHAWK PRINCE 9i 1 2466 SUISUN SUFIS 1U7 8 11A I2 11A 22 Simms Sims M F Dwyer 45 710 out 1863 ST BRTHLOMW BARTHOLOMEW 107 7 51 51 4 32 Griffin Blemton Benton Stbl Stable 3 5 85 2509 BREAK ODAY DAY 95 5 3 31A 3 41 Powers A J Joyner Joiner 7465 2143 DR JIM 100 2 6 41 M 52 T Sloan JRFPKeene 5 5 85 2586 THOMAS CAT 108 4 7766 Littlefield Littered B T Littlefield Littered 10 10 4 2025 DYE 95 6 8887 Keefe Keene R M MurrayCo Murray 15 20 8 2350 SLOW POKE 108 3 41 6 7 8 Doggett Doge J A McLaughlin 8 10 4 Time 121A 26 38 50 1 03 HaroldStart Harold Winnei Winnie 03Winnei Ch g by Onondaga Bonnie Harold Start fair First three driving Simms Sims threw the race away He thought to outride the rest and went to the whip only when too late The going suited the Prince Bartholomew closed a lot of ground in stretch The rain coming down made the track sloppy Scratched sloppyScratched Nina Louiso Louis 93 Sister Beatrice 95 Mahonoy Mahoney by Sensation 98 2635 SIXTH RACE 5 Mile 3yearolds and upward The Flight Handicap Iud Horses Wt St k Yz 3 StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl Pi 2511URISH REEL 110 1 12 12 13 12 Taral Aral J H McCormick rf5 710 out 2552 FERR1ER 116 3 2 3 2 22 Doggett Doge W Hobart 3 3H out 2146 HAN WELL 112 2 3 2Vi 3 3 Griffin M F Stephenson 3 3 out Time outTime outline 123 25 51V 103 Winner 103Winner Ch f 4 by Exile Round Dance Start DanceStart Ancestor good Won easily FerrLsr Ferris will do next time Hanwell Handel is hardly himself The Reel had speed in plenty plentyScratched Scratched Gotham Goth 124 Rofugee105 Cromwell104 Palmerstou Palmers 95 Tremargo Tremor 105 Abuse 103 2636 SEVENTH RACE 1 12 Miles 3yearolds and upward Heavy Weight Hdcp Dc nd Horses Vt St M 4 5 StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 2603 DEFENDER 110 2 3 3 3 IH 14 Garrigan Arian F O Burndgo Brando S5 910 out 2496M1RAGE out2496M1RAGE 135 1 24 24 24 2 W Garrison Harlem Stable 35 1 out 2306 ENO RENO liO Clio 3 11 12 li a 3 Hirsch B Cameron 10 10 out Time outTime outline 27 545 120J4 1454 2134 242 Winner 242Winner Ch c 3 by Rayon dOr doer Ella T TStart Start Start good Won driving second driving Defender found his distance He is an improving colt muchScratched and likely to go on Eno Reno had some early speed but not much Scratched Ajax 140 Dutch SKater 130