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ST LOUIS FORM CHART CHARTST CHARTS ST LOUIS MO August 3 SeventyFourth Seventy Day Fair Grounds Association Meeting Weather clear track fast Judges J Ai Murphy and Jos Jose J Burke Starter C C Chinn Chin OrT kK FIRST RACE 58 Mile 2yearolds Allowances Wt St k Vz StrFin Strafing Jockeys Cl PI 2365 LADY BRITANNIC 105 8 554 64 654 1 N NTurr Turret Turner G W Scott 10 4 2308 SILVER SET 105 7 7 53 41 2 Spencei Spencer Spence G W Curtis 20 8 2397 H S TOBACCO 108 4 354 1NK 3 3 Wilhite Iolite W H Leigh 20 8 2560 ATOKA TONKA 108 1 14 3 K 254 41 Hinkey Hinkle C B Campbell 40 40 12 2660 GLAD EYES 103 3 6 8 7 5 R Jones Leigh fc Co 40 50 20 2638 BILL DAWDY DOWDY 95 2 254 2i INK 6 E Jones John Huffman 8 65 out 2596 BOB CLANCY 95 6 626101SUGAR 41 41 8 7 Garner J T Stewart SonlO SolO 12 5 26101SUGAR FOOT 105 9 92GS9 8 7l2 9 8 Slaughter B Schreiber 3 115 710 2GS9 DAZIAMOOR 105 5 9 9 554 9 Morse Stubbs Stubs Bros Brows 50 40 12 Time 125437 103 Winner McNairyStart Blk Balk f by Britannic Lady McNairy Centaury Start good by machine Won ridden out next two driving Sugar Foot was b idly inter fored forced with all the way Britannic had clear sailing on the outside 1 Scratched Scorcher 95 27O6 SECOND RACE 1 Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St k Vt StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners OD 01 PI 2659 AL ORTH NORTH 91 1 23 2 1 vyi vi Slaughter Sr Paul Stable 5 7 2a 260 IMMILDA SIMILAR 89 4 31 32 2t 2 W J Thorntn Thorn W Mulkey Mule 662 6622687FORSEEN 2687FORSEEN 88 9 6 51545 3 K 3 Reidy Reid Green River Stbl Stable 483 2473 ROS3MORE 89 7 43 4i 4 42 43 C Combs M Cady Caddy 30 30 10 2637 LITTLE BILLY 99 2 554 7 7 63 51 Garner H T Batchelor Bachelor 354 4 85 2637 SIGNORA 87 5 9 9 8 7 62 Shannon John Huffman 7 12 5 2592 MRS BRAD3HAW 89 8 8 8 9 8 7 Wilhite Iolite Thos Ethos Stringer 462 2545 SEALEM SALEM 9t 6 7 6 6 5u 8 Irven Irvin Jos Jose Hill 50 100 40 2688 ALBERT S 93l2 3 IKK VIKKI IH 32 9 9 E Jones Ruby Stable 452 45216SS 16SS SAN BLAS LAS 99 10 10 10 10 10 10 E Cochran M J Larrisoy Loris 10 8 3 2657 EAU CLAIRE 101 Left at the post Warren E G Wachter Watcher 20 20 8 Time 25 49l2 1 16 1 42 42Winner Winner Ch g 7 by Okema Kea Juliet M MStart Start Start straggling by machine Won in a drive second same Immilda Similar ran wide on the stretch turn Albert S stopped to nothing His was a bad race raceScratched backscratcher Scratched La Belle Franco 89 Jennie Wrenn Wren 89 Fasig Fasting 88 VTOT TOT THIRD RACE 34 Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St k V4 M StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 2657NICHOLAS 94 6 7 63 3 l2 Slaughter Shamrock Stable 85 75 12 122G60DEVAULT 2G60DEVAULT 106 1 454 23 IH 21 J Shields A Shields 15 20 8 2614 MOLOCH 106 3 IH 1 254 33 Warner J C Tucker 15 30 10 102609GLUE 2609GLUE BOY 104 5 3 554 51 45 Hampton G W Scott 40 50 20 202613JAMELIA 2613JAMELIA MAY Iu5 4 2 SH 41 52 Garner W P Magrane Marianne 2 32 12 2687 NELLIE H III 99 2 554 7 7 6 Morse H L Etches 60 50 20 2691 ST AUGUSTINE 107 8 8 454 6 7 Hinkey Hinkle LaBonto Lambent Co 452 452STEL STEL TEL WILLIAMS 92 7 6888 Reidy Reid J W Schorr Scorer 20 30 10 10Time Time 24 49 114 Winner B c 3 by Alexander Aunt Betsey Betsy BetseyStart Betsy Start good by machine Won handily next two driving Amelia May stopped badly on the end Nicholas finished strong He was off badly too tooScratched Scratched Pearson 101 Son Hill 101 Bob Clampett Clamped 101 Highland 99 Fred Foster 97 Gold Brick 94 Petrarch Tetrarch 97 27O8 FOURTH RACE 7S Mile 3yearolds and upward Allowances Strrin String Jockeys Owners Op Cl Pi 2399 BING BIG BINGER BINGE 9 5 254 254 21 IH u Slaughter Jas Jabs Murphy 75 32 12 12Charter 2658 LINDA 97 3 5 5 31 23 Garner Charter Oak Stbl Stable 6 4l2 85 2690 MAY THOMPSON 100 4 454 3 t 354 4l2 354 Webster Lakeland Stable 42 6 2691NHUTRAL 94 2 11 11 115421 4 EJones Jones P Corrigan 10 12 5 2443 REDSKIN 112 1 31 4 4 5 5 L Soden Sodden T W Coulter 3 254 45 45Time Time 1254 37 1 03 1 28 28Winner Winner B c 3 by Duke of Montroso Montrose Nettie Nettle NettieStart Nattiest Start good by macliiue malicious Won easily second driving Redskin ran a poor race He seemed to have thoughtful m ments aments around the turn for the stretch Linda took a notion to race at the end and finished strong Scratched strongScratched Barbarossa Barbarisms PS Orr Rr Q FIFTH RACE 68 Mil 2yearolds Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St k 54 StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 2638 TAGO AGO 9s 8 ai 21 tf 1 Garner K A Meyers Meyer Co 4 45i 85 2611 IVORY 9S 2 68 52 254 Warren H E Rowell Roswell 10 15 6 2656 MATTIE BELLE 93 1 31 32 32 31 4 WrthingtnLew Worthington Marion 10 40 12 2660 ROSNY ROSY 95 5 15412 15441 J Thornt Thorn n S Harlan Hartland 12 10 4 2611 LETOILE LAETRILE 105 9 8 51 454 52 Collry Coolly J M Abbott 2611 UNCLE PAT 98 10 111196 Slaughter T J McHaie Chaise McHaieWinder Michigander 2656 HARRIE HARRIET KLOYD LLOYD 105 4 7777 Winder Pelican Stable StableWilhite Stable 2656 PRINCE LORMIS LORIS 98 3 454 6 8 8 Wilhite Iolite Mack Loudon London LoudonEJones Bludgeons 431 234 CHARLIE REIFF RIFF 98 9811 11 10 10 10 9 EJones Jones JWSchorr 85 75 12 2656 MOSTYN MOSTLY 100 6 254 454 6 10 Morse WAMcGuigau 20 15 6 2481 NANIK NAN NANIKL3 L3 SISTRlOS SISTRIOS Sister SPINSTERISH 12 12 12 11 11 RJones Jones T B Watts 10 10 4 26 6 ETACK TACK 9954 7 9 9 12 12 E Cochran J Cochran 30 30 10 304 MARIE T 105 13 13 13 13 13 Reidy Reid R J Lucas 50 50 20 20Time Time 1337 5054 103 Winner Ch c by Keene Marietta MariettaStart Marietta Start good by machine Won easily next two driving Rosny Rosy showed speed but stopped Marie T ran out all the way Tago Tango was well backed Scratched Ella O 95 2710 7 1 f SIXTH S1XT RACK 1 Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St k H StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl Pi 2692 ST PANCRAS PANCREAS 106 7 5 2 K 2 2 IK Penn D Hoover 10 10 2611 OUT A WAY 9o 2 12 13 13 2 22 E Jones W P Magrane Marianne 3 115 45 2637 LOYAL PRINCESS 86 3 454 53 52 35 31 Reidy Reid F T Bishop 883 2692 JACK BRADLEY 106544 6 6 6 4 42 Hinkey Hinkle Oregon Stable 20 40 15 2597 CHERRYSTONE 107 1 2 543 43 5 52 J Shields A Shields 20 25 10 2610 FAYETTE FAYE BELLE 97 5 4 3 6 6 Slaughter J E Rodogap Radiograph 1 65 out 2692 MERCURY 107 6 7 7 7 C Weatherford Waterford 40 50 20 20Cutaway Time 25 50 11654 143 Winner Ch h 7 by St Blaise Blains Patience Start straggling by machine Won driving second same Cutaway stopped in front Fay ette Pete Belie ran a bad race raceScratched backscratcher Scratched Bridgeton Bridgetown 93 JocoSot Jocosity 91 Sallie Woodford Woodward 97 i Our Maggie 99 Davezac Dave 106