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DETROIT FORM GHART HART GHARTDETROIT GARTER DETROIT MICH MICAH August 11 Seventh Day Detroit Driving Club Summer Meeting Weather clear track very heavy Judges L P Tarleton Carleton and J H Rees Starter J F Caldwell O O 1 rT IiRST IRS RACE 34 Mile 3yearolds aud Maud upward Maidens Allowances Vz StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 1556 TOM QUIRK Illy Billy 4 3H 31 iVz iV 1 Congdoii Congo Arcade Stable 682 2207 FLORENCE S 100 3 32S59 Wz 682Wz 2 3 2 Scherrer Sherrie Jefferson Stable 431 2S59 SAM TATE 115 2 2STRATHROY 21 IH IH 3 Piggott Spigot EdCorrigan Hectoring 22 115 45 STRATHROY STRETCHER 107 5 51 Wz 41 41VJ Dyment Doyen John Dymeot Dyne 10 12 4 2271 E OF MONTROSE 102 1 1 51 5lj 5i Whitruore Whitehorse Hambolt Gambol Stable 10 12 4 2765 1U8H6RUTH DOWNING 1U8H6 6776 Tanner T M Mitchell RUTH V 105 8 8LANCSHEWITCHllO 7667 Paget Page V Seelbridge Spellbinder LANCSHEWITCHllO 7 8888 Sanger W Gooding Goading 1989 LADY LILAC 110 9 8999 Dupee Dupe Thos Ethos Lavelle Leveled Time 27 54l2 123 CreqlaStart Relater Winner Ch c 3 by FODSO FOLDS Creqla Celia Start good by machine Won driving second and third same Sam Tate wa speedy and ran a good race Florence S came very fast last furlong Tom Quirk proved the best and stood the drive gamely Lady Lilac had no speed 2918 VQ1 Q SECOND tco taco RACE 78 Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling Ji StrFin Strafing Jockey Owners 2854 NECEDAH NECKED 61 54 14 1 Sherrer Sherrie Royal Stable 2 75 12 2859 MARC HAW AY 31 Hughes2K 31 21 2i Morrison Orison M S Hughes 6 7 24 2830 COMR CORM FRANK 2K 2Yz 41 31 C Reiff Riff P J Gilman GilmanINK Gilman 7 10 4 2803 MRS MORGAN INK 4n 313 4i2 Poyion Poison Cleveland St Stable 6 10 2832 MERRY DUKE 42 6V4 51 52 T Murphy M Gibson 2Yz 2 2832 ATALANTA ATLANTA Whiimora Whim Humboldt Humbled Stable 20 20 2830 LA CREOLE Purgott Peugeot Ed Brown 2237 BALDUR BALDER Huston Houston J Wilson Time 27 53L2 1 21l5 1 3e4 Winner 3e4Winner Ch f 4 by Sir Dixon Retreat RetreatStart Retreats Start good by machine Won driving second and third same Necedah Necked was the best horsa hors She had to be pulled up at start and then ran around her field Marchaway Archway find Com Frank fought hard through the stretch Atalauta Catalpa seemed to sulk Baldur Balder was a bad last lastScratched Scratched Clissie Classier B 92 Hoodwink 107 Font dOr doer 93 2919 THIRD RACE 1 116 Miles 3yearolds au i upward Selling trKiu tri Juckoyf Jacky Owners Op Ci Pi 2529 URANIA URBANA 99 2 12 1 12 12 i T Murphy Kendall Stable 2 8 85 35 4PEPPER 104 5 3Yz I1 31 22 2 McHugh Chug L Ezell Bezel 3 331 3 2713 NIMROD IMO 95 4 41 21 2Yz 31 32 Huston Houston B McClelland Macmillan 3 8 2 ii JOE CLARK 105 3 21 3 42 41 4 Yz Scherrer Sherrie Ernospio Erosion Stable 8 10 4 lx2 REY FREY DEL MAR 108 6 5 5 5 H Shields Free Knight Stbl Stable 10 10 4 2 s4 a4 PARTNER 95 1 6 6 6 6 6 Dupee Dupe J S Wallace 20 30 10 10Time 55MWinner Time 26 53 1 20l2 1 46 1 55M Winner Ch f 4 by Hanover Wauda Wada WaudaStart Auditor Start good by machine Won pulled up second and third driving Urania Urbana was full of nin nine and merely galloped the whole route Pepper and Nimrod Imo fought hard last quarter Clark had enough atter Latter going a half halfScratched Scratched Service 110 Sunny 99 2920 FOURTH RACE I 3lG Miles 3 yearolds earls The Campau Campus Stakes Ind Indo Horses Wt St Yz StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl P L it LADY INEZ CINE 110 244 32 2V2 ll2 H Lewis M tf Dwyer 85 32 So Sou Soul u 5r KAMSIN AMUSING 114 4 1 1 IB 1 21 Me Hugh L Ezell Bezel 65 65 out out245S 245S SWIPES 93 3 3 21 21 31 3 C Reiff Riff C Boyle 10 12 2 i xl ARGENTINA 105 1 21A 3l2 4 4 4 Scherrer Sherrie Santa Anita Stbl Stable 3 3 12 12Time Time 27 54H 122 149 211 211Winner Winner LongitudeStart Longitudes Ch f 3 by Spendthrift or Albert Longitude Start good by machine Won easily Kamsin Amassing led into the stretch where Lady Inez Cine who was 1 Uaiid Aid took command and it was over Inez Cine finished strong Swipes ran a good race Kamsin Amassing ran into Argentina at start throwing her off her stride strideScratched strides Scratched Elusive 105 Nimrod Imo 122 Ramiro by Fonso Fonts 110 FIFTii Fifties K ACE 68 Mile 2yoarolds Allowances StrFin Strafing Jockey Owners tlCELOSO 112 1 li 12 1 12 H Shields Santa Anita t tLADY LADY LADY CALLAHAN 112 2 2 to 2V4 21 Hughes M S Hughes Hughes8UDOWA 15 5 8UDOWA 112 4 4 iYz Liz 3 32 Perkins B McClellau McClellauLADY 35 out LADY JULIET 106 5 f flA flab lA 5 5 4 Randall W J Smith Smithi Smith 22 35 i BROWN GIRL 106 3 3 3 4 52 Dupee Dupe Ed Brown BrownALICE Browne 12 4 ALICE C 106 6 6666 Scherrer Sherrie W Tarr Tarry TarrTime Airtime 5 85 Time 26 52fc 1 06 06Winner Winner B f by Emperor of Norfolk Paola Payola PaolaStart Polestar Start fair by machine Won pulling up second and third easily Celos Cellos and made a runaway race of it Lady Callahan held her own Adowa Dow ran as is short Scratched VVathen VAT 109 Charina Carina 106 O Q O O SIXTH RACE RACE7 78 Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling ud Horses Wt St Vz StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl Pi 2807RED TOP 113 4 33i 22 U Perkins R A Smith Smith2Yz 7 6 2 2807 MOB ALASKA 98 1 2Yz 1 ls22 Piggott Spigot Ed Corrigan 65 32 12 2807 LAURETTA LAURENT D 102 3 1 2K 31 32 Corder Order Ed Moore 3 4 75 2 34HELEN MAR 95 2 22731JENNIE 41 5i 4l2 42 C Reiff Riff E F McLean CLean McLeanGH Clang 2 3 1 2731JENNIE JUNE 111 5 5LITTLE GH 7 7 5i Sherlaud Shetland Liberty Stable 4 5 85 LITTLE DORETTE CORVETTE 91 7 72S34 76 aVz az 6 Hughes C Littlefleld Littered 10 12 5 2S34 CHICOT CHIC 101 6 C J Kelly 3 4 75 Time 26 53 1 20 1 34 Winner 34Winner B c 4 by Joe Daniels Daniel Altitude AltitudeStart Altitudes Start good by machine Won driving second and third same Mqbalaska led to last furlong where she tired Red Top came fast through the stretch and finished strong Lauretta Laurent D showed a lot of speed Helen Mar ran a poor race raceScratched backscratcher Scratched Alvarado Allargando 97