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TODAYS TODAY FUTURITY Ornament has won six races and some 9400 this season Yet he gets into the Futurity with 116 pounds on account of tlio Clio peculiar condi condo ¬ tions ions of the race His sire Order and his dam Victorine Victorian had not produced a winner up to January 1 1894 This gives Ornament a five pound allowance He misses all but one penalty The richest stake to his credit is the Double Event It was worth some 4750T The penalty point of the Futurity starts at 5000 The colt is charged with 5000 and gets 3 pounds for winning that race Seldom has a Futurity candidate with such a sharp first chance as Ornament got into the race with such an im ¬ post The field for todays today race with the weights and probable riders is as follows OWNERS HORSES JOCKEYSWGT JOCKEYS JOCKEYSWGTC JOCKEYS C T Patterson Ornament Garrison 116 116Marcus Marcus Daly Dally Ogden Griffin 115 115J J W Rogers Rodermond Prodder Doggett Doge 115 115Stockwell Stockwell Stock Stable Challenger Taral Aral 115 115Brookdale Brookdale Boodle Stable Bastian Bastion Clayton 115 115Marcus Marcus Daly Dally Scott Chieftain Simms Sims 113 113W W M Wallace Panmure Manure J Hill 10S 10SW W Showalter Howler Box TSloan Sloan 108 108J J R F PKeene Keene Rhodesia H miltn milt 112 112Blemton Blemton Benton Stable Octagon i Griffin 10 10J J J McCafrertyNewsgatherer Ballard 103 Doubtful Griffin probably rides Ogden OgdenThe Ogden The odds as posted last night in local resorts and quoted from New York were Horses Odds Horses Odds OddsOrnament Ornament 85 j Rhodesia 31 31Ogden Ogden 81 Scottish Chieftain 151 151Rodermond Rodermond Prodder 81 Panmure Manure 20 1 1Challenger Challenger 41 Box 61 61Bastion Bastion 81 Newsgathprer 2i 1 1Octagon Octagon 201