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ST LOUIS ENTRIES Probabilities Weather threatening track heavy heavyFirst headfirst First Race 58 Mile Mile2yearolds 2yearolds Selling Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt Ind Indo Horses Wet 3061 Gold Top 104 2989 Ivory IU4 2960 Tom Smith 104 2749 Remember Me 101 2989 Ella O 101 2960 Sugar Foot 101 2990 Iron Packer 101 2990Oella 101 101Second Second Race 78 Ilie Billie 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt Ind Indo Hoies Holies Wgt Wt 2992 Glee Boy a 107 2903 Eau Claire 5 104 3060 Little Billy 4 104 3056 CMcDonald Macdonald 5104 2878 JocoSot Jocosity 5 94 2961 King Elm 4 97 2987 Billy Jordan a106 3056 M BradshwU Brads 92 2987 Marioni Marion 4 92 2961 LaB Francea Franca 92 2959 Jennie Wren 5 92 2991 Immilda Similar 6 102 2432 Favorine Favoring 4 102 Third Race 1 Mile and 70 Yards Yards3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Allowances End Wet2902Linda Horses Wgt Wt Ind Indo Horses Wet 2902Linda 6 99 P060 Prince 4 94 2902 Logan a 104 2935Gus Cook 3 91 3014 Fondest 3 86 86Fourth Fourth Race 1 Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt 3060 Springtime 5 103 3014 Sycamore 3 93 2962 Paskola Paso 3 88 2963Cherrstne 4J104 3018R Choice 3 98 1845 Jack Martinet 90 3014 Blue Light 3 90 2S79JJ Bradley 4 101 2838 Minerva 3 88 88Fifth Fifth Race 34 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling SellingInd Selling Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt Ind Indo Horses Wet 3017 Gath5 117 l2880H McVuch3112 3058 Revenue 6 109 2992 Fred Fostor3 105 3015 Rex Regent 4 99 2173 Baal Gad 4 1 97 3059 Swifty Swiftly 4 97 Mj Highland ah 97 2988 Keechlor Reecho 3 95 2992 Albert S 3 95 29SS 9529SS Siddubia Indubitable 3 90 2619 Rosalind I1K3 90 3014 RosedOr Crossed 3 90 90Sixth Sixth Race 5 12 Furlongs Furlongs2yearolds 2yearolds Allowances AllowancesInd Allowances Ind Indo Horses Vgt Vt Ind Indo Horses Wet 2989 Charlie Reiff Riff 95 2616 Partbemax Plateaux 105 2795 Belvadell Blade 105 3019 Gladys II 102 3019 Forsythe Forsythia 102 Koeiiieen 102 29t51 Russeila Russia 102 2808NnnieLsSisrl02 3019 Juauita Unaudited 102 2366BlitzensSisterllO