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NEWPORT FORM CHART CHARTNEWPORT NEWPORT KY August 18 Thirteenth Day Queen City Jockey Club Summer Meeting Weather clear track fast Presiding Judge George Morgan Starter J P Chinn Chin O3 O FIRST RACE 34 Mile 3yearolds and upward Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St M Vi StrFin Strafing Jockeys Ownors Owners Op Cl PI 30051SABEL 102 6 D 1 12 Hi Britton Briton IHeetwnnd Headwind Stable 483 483283WHYOTA 283WHYOTA 102 4 IH 2n 22 2 FRussell Russell Queen City Stable 1 35 o 2883 DOORGA DORA 102 3 2 SH 44 33 Mherrin Herring M M Young 4 5 7 72769SUS1E 2769SUS1E B 104 5 6 4 5 44 C Graham Newport Stable 3 3l2 1 2004 ENID 105 2 4 31 31 510 A Isom Ism J R Jewell Jewel 50 50 15 15MADSTONE MADSTONE MADISON 107 1 3H 6 6 6 McDonald Walnut Hill Stbl Stable 20 5 5 5Time Time 25 503i 1164 1164Winner Winner MayaStart Mayas Ch f 4 by Blue Eyes Maya Start good by machine Won pulled up next two driving Field well bunched first hall Madstone Jadestone almost carried Vhyota Hayloft and Doorga Dora over the fence after starting knocking them uut ut of the race and forcing Susie B to pull up upScratched unscratched Scratched Newcom Newcomer 103 Morte Mote Fonse Fosse 107 Uno Juno 104 Volley Fuse 104 Or Qr O 0 SECOND RACE 4 13 Furlongs 2yearolds Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op t 1 PI 2884 ARGONAUT 102 4 21 IH 1 Britton Briton Horse Haven Fm 3 2 45 2977 DOUBLE DUMMY 99 3 V2 22 21 J Perkins Bashford Bradford Manor 20 s 3013 GRAY ECLIPSE 101 8 34 31 3l2 MatthewsT Matthews King 8 15 155l2 284 RHEINSTROM RHINESTONE 102 5 5l2 iVz iV 4 Thompson Smith Ferguson 8 10 104l2 2977 JACK OF HEARTS 100 2 4l2 51 52 NMorris Morris S Lintou Into 50 io 2977 BARTON 102 7 766 JMatthewsT Matthews B Jonas 20 1 J 2977 THE PRIN PIN OPAL 100 10 997 Fowler B McClelland Macmillan 3 4 2980 TUNIC 100 6 678 Sherrin Sheri Ireland Bros Brows s 12 2977 GIOJA GIGO 100 1 10 10 9 F Russell Shamrock Stable 22 6 2977 977 LEGATEE 105 9 88 10 A Isom Ism Hutsell Outsell Bros Brows 6 12 5 5Time Time 24 50 5652 5652Winner Winner B c by Ben dOr doer Vesper VesperStart Vespers Start good by machine The first five were all driving hard Dummy showed a world of peed Gioja Goad was cut off early and had an easy race raceScratched backscratcher Scratched Regus Regis 100 3064 THIRD RACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards 3yearolds and upward Selling Strim Trim Jockeys Op Ol PI 3008L1TTLE WALTER 105 1 4 4 21 1 12 Briiton Briton KutledgeStevons 32 2 out 2978CEriL 98 3 12 12 IK i 2V4 Fowler S K Hughes 710 710 out 2978 PRYTANIA PYROMANIA 103 2 3H 3 32 33 310 J Perkins T H Stevens 8 out 2926 MISS EMMA 92 4 2 2 4 4 4 Shannon R K Bronaugh Baronage 10 20 out outTimn outthink Timn Tin 24 49 1 02 1 15V 1 285S 1 41 1 146l 46l Winner B g 5 by King Alfonso Lizzie Tizzies Billet BilletStart Billets Start good by flag Won easily next two driving Prytania Pyromania was shut off in stretch other ¬ wise would have been second Cecil tired at the end Miss Emma showed speed for six furlongs F FOURTH RACE 5 12 Furlongs 2yearolds Special 3O65 Ind Indo Horses Vt St 54 Vz StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op 01 PI 3006 GOOSE LIVER 110 1 30 315 2 Britton Briton J E Madden IH 21 JMathews Mathews Equitable Stable 5 3i out 2777TURT E DOVE 112 2 IH 2 35 SH Clenco Clench FJoues Joules 12 12 out 2925 HOLY NUMBER 115 4 4444 Ray T B Jones 5 6 out outTime outline Time 24 48 102 109 109Winner Winner Ch c by Favor Florence M MStart Start Start good by machine Won in a gallop second and third driving Holy Number slow at thd thud beginning closed ground last quarter Too much use made of El Toro and Turtle Dove first part partScratched Scratched Macy Marcy 115 xv O FIFTH RACE 78 Mile 3yearolds and upward Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt 3t Hs 1A StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl 3010 KING LOUIS 109 1 4 42 4VJ 32 12 Britton Briton E W Haggard 4 6 3051 COFFEE POT 100 3 34 2i 2V2 22 2n Sherrin Sheri Ireland Bros Brows 2 I 3055 BUFFET 31 12 1V 310 RJones Jones Kismet Stable 10 8 1406 ELSIE D II 101 765 42 J Jackson Lee Christy 15 20 3010 KARL O 109 2 IH J 3 4 5 F Russell F A Jo es 3 3 2894 ELKW ELK PUZZLER 105 8 9 9 52 51 6 A Isom Ism J F Price 3053 LAZZARRA LAZAR 104 6 7 6 67 7 C Graham Free Knight St 2584 GEN RIONTROSE RIOTERS 105 9 5 7 8 8 N Brewer W H Ohhnan Johnny 2894 KING ELKWOOD ELMWOOD 105 4 8 8 9 9 9 Fowler CT T Berry 3051 LADY MODRED MOLDED 100 Loft at the post Hurley Hurly C L Blackbui Blackbird BlackbuiTime Backbiting Time 24 50 1 03 1 164 1 130l 30l Winner Br g 4 by Rayon dOr doer Clemency ClemencyStart Clemency Start good by machine Won galloping second and third driving Buffet burst of speed in the stretch but weakened in the final drive driveScratched drives Scratched Kennie Jennie Thatcher Hatchery 100