Detroit Form Chart., Daily Racing Form, 1896-08-21


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DETROIT FORM CHART CHARTDETROIT CHARTER DETROIT MICH MICAH August 20 Fifteenth Day Detroit Driving Club Summer Meeting WoathfT Oath clear track Rood JudVs Judas L P Tarletoo Starlet and J H Rees Starter J F Cnldwell Caldwell 3141 FIRSTKA1E FIRSTKA1EInd 34 Mile 3yearolds aiid aid upward Selling Ind Indo HVrsis Versos Wt St 4 StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners OD Cl PI 3031 VCKlEijD 97 5 l4ii 13 l Everett Foster Bros Brows 3 85 35 3073 BRENDOO BRANDO 108 2 21 31 34 24 Lecdrum Plectrum LGGibson 30 60 20 3002 OM IJQUET PIQUET 9 S 64 61 54 31 4 Peyton Python HumboldtStbl Unbolts 10 25 10 2811 VICE REGAL 100 1 6 44 Randall W J Smith 2163 OLD CENTER 98 3 Do pee W T WoodardJrlO Woodward 10 4 3073 CHAR WEBER 10 1 6 J Banks A C McCafferty 30 30 10 3002 LITTLE SADIE 93 4 4441 7 C Keiir Kefir Oakdale Loadable Stable 20 20 8 3043 MERMAID 98 7 8 8 8 T Murphy T H Ryan 331 3043 THE DUCHESS 95 9 10 999 Dyment Doyen J Dymeut Dyne 30 40 12 2731 HOWLING GRN RN 1084 11 9 10 10 10 Coady Cody H McCarren Macabre Jr 562 2731 ZEAL 95 10 11 II 11 11 Saoger Sager RDavis Davis 3 34 65 Time 25 50 1154 Mishapstart Mishaps Winripr Wintrier B g 3 by Buchanan Mishap start good by machine Won easily second and third driving Caufield Coalfield was much the best hi i iu t rouble trouble Vice Regal was badly ridden Old Centre Centrex quit badly last furlong Brendoo Brando a iiouest pious race Soritchod Orthodox Pete Kitchen 92 Commissioner Frank 95 My Hebe Hebrew 97 Font dOr doer 99 2yearolds Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St StrFin Strafing Jockeys Op Cl PI 3042 KROVVN GIRL 104 4 34 14 Morrison Orison W AMcGuigan Michigan 10 20 3042 KATIE w 104 i 11 1141 2 Sauge Sage H McCarren Macabre Jr 12 40 12 2973 KV A LINE 104 5 74 6 i 44 31 Dupee Dupe W Tarr Tarry 462 462Tliorpe 2948 CHARINA CARINA 104 6 Tliorpe Loire CBReid Cried 5 5 7 7Randall 3077 LADY JULIET 104 7 73U71ISC1KF Randall WJ Smith 20 20 8 8Coady 3U71ISC1KF PIN 112 2 Coady Cody Cambridge Stable 45 1 o oBunn bunny 3030 NNAP NAP SHOT liiO Clio 3 Bunn Bunny Westminster Stbl Stable 30 40 12 12Hughes 3042 LADY ALLAHAN CALLAHAN 109 9 Hughes MSHughes Shushes 452 452Mclntyro 2732 ZARUDA ARUBA 104 8 Mclntyro McIntyre Santa Anita Stbl Stable 15 15 6 Time 24 49V4 1083 Wintirr Wintrier Br i bv Bramble True as Steel SteelStart Steels Start good by machine Won easily second and third driviug driving Lady Callahan was virtually left HI did not run her race Snap Shot seemed short Willdo Wild soon Scarf Pin lacked speed Evaliue Devalue ran a good race aud Maud will bear watching Katie W tired at end 3143 THIRD RACE 1 Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling lud laud Hursfs Thurs Wt St V4 4 StrFiu Strafing tockeys jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 3075 SUr Slur KIT 1IE 104 4 1414 i1 H 14 Thorpe E Steeds 85 75 12 12Newmarket 3041ROSSMAR 105 I 2 21 22 21 23 Piggott Spigot Newmarket Newark Stable 24 3 4E 3031 NEC NC DAH DAHL 99 3 41 54 5iy33 31 C Reiff Riff Royal Stable 562 562J 2858 SUNNY 96 2 61 61 61 5442 Dupeo Dupe J Steppe 4 34 1 302tiTKEMOR 51 41 44 4 5 J Banks A C McCafferty 20 20 8 3C26 KAGN KANE 2R 91 6 7 77 6 6 Everett B J Johnson 8 10 3 3074 BEAU IDE IDES L 103 7 31 3i 8 7 7 Corder Order E H Hanna 15 20 8 8Time Time 25 50M 116142 116142V V inner B f 4 by Darobin Darwin Kathleen KathleenStart Kathleen Start good by machine Won handily sec9nd and third driving Sue Kittie Kitties in hand all tbp bp rou rout H Necodah Encroach camo cameo strong at end Sunny ridden all the way Beau Ideal was speedy earls and rU n quit to n thing 1 JLL JILL F FOU FU R TH RACE I 116 Miles 3yearolds Hotel Cadillac Handicap Ind Indo HiTrses Citruses Wt St k 4 StrFiu Strafing Jockeys Ownrrs Owners OP C P 3074 MOV MV LAN 108 2 3 3 3 3 13 Piggott Spigot Kd orri Hori an 3 34 ouf pouf 3029 LOKl Lola 114 3 23 3 IH yt Roiff Riff E F McLean CLean 24 24 out 3029K out3029K VMIRO VIRGO 118 1 11 I1 21 2 3 Thorpe AV H Laudeman Laundryman 35 710 out 14854Winner Hv outHv South Fou Foul so Time 244 50 1155 142 14854 Winner B c 3 by Bradford Els Ells Rosalind RosalindStart Rosalind Start good by machine Won handily other two driving Moylan Mayan was taken in hand at start Rami Ramie i o aud Maud Loki raced together to stretch turn where Moylan Mayan was given his head and the argu argue ment meant was over 3145 FIbTH Faith RACE 58 Mile 2yearolds StrMn Stern Jf ckoys cloys Owners Op Cl 3030 ARLINGTON 108 7 ii 21 14 Thme Thyme 1 hrpe harped VAMcGuigan 8 10 3030 KOBAIR LOBAR 112 2 2304JOHN 64 4 3H 2 Pi r ius Pius B McClelland Macmillan 24 4 304JOHN ARR RR 108 6 7 64 Si 3 H Mclarreu Clare Jr 5 12 12r 2805 HATS OFF 108 4 44 2 4 4 VT WV lHr1Tr r in 2626 KLY KY DE ANGELESlll 5 34 3n l 11 4 i 3030 PAUL GEIGGS GIGS 104 1 1C2732iNDIO 14 I1 G1 C2732iNDIO 112 3 3IJME IJME DIME HOUR 100 8 8STRAY 24 7 8 f I iichiini Michelin M til tail s STRAY STEP 100 9 9990 Time 24 51 51Winner Winner B c by Spendthrift Memorial StaTt Stat fair by machine Won driving second ui t i ill if Paul irrigKs airings got the best of start but couldnt couldn't nm f s i wonderfully improved Carr ran a good race Iucii Puccini v Scratched Prosecutor 104 3146 S1X1H RACE 34 Mile 3iearoJcU Ind Indo Horses Wt St H StrFin Strafing 1 3031 MO IS ALASKA 98 3 33U03 31 31 21 14 IJ IJtr Sitar tr MI 3U03 IRISH LADY 101 5 51 54 32 22 ThorM Thorn V U II i r n cuu cu 3039 A P A N G A COLT 105 4 41 44H 33 Mclntjr3 A i 3074 FRITZIfcT Fritz 10 2 21421 54 4i Cirdir Cider I1 Ii 3003 MOT1LLA 93 1 11411 1 52 CReiff Cardiff K 3078 HOODWINK 101 7 7 64 6 6 McHugh Chug 3003 MISS ROWETT ROWE 97 6 6 7 77 Everett Lii Ii i 2974 UN CAS CPAS 97 Le Left at post Dupee Dupe Jo ii iuitc Inuit o 1 1Time Time 24M 494 115 115Br Br f 3 by Apache Trixie Trioxide TrixieStart Trioxides Start bad by machine Won easily second aud Maud third same Mobalaska Modals had the speed f the partj part and finished with plenty to spare Irish Lady off badly came strong at finish Mo tilla till topped in the stretch Uucas Lucas is a bad actor ScratchedGleiigowrie Scratched 90 Richfield 95 Sky Blue 97 Ragner Ranger 97 Little Tom 99 Sautuer Saunter 99 Alamo 101

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Local Identifier: drf1896082101_3_1
Library of Congress Record: