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ST LOUIS FORM CHART CHARTST CHARTS ST LOUIS MO August 24 Nintysecond Nanosecond Day Fair Grounds Association Meeting Weather clear track good Judges J A Murphy and Jos Jose J Burke Starter C C Chinn Chin Of pT FIRST RACE 1 Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St J4 Vi 5 StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 3153 JOE HART 88 6 41 21 ISK IS iy2 IH Slaughter W Mulkoy Milky 2 75 12 3152 SIDDUBIA 6 7 5 5 6V2 7 2iy2 Wilhite Iolite C C OFall Fall OFall306SC 562 306SC McDONALD 101 3 31 4 34 21 3 Garner D A Honig Hong 3 3l2 65 3152 CHISWELL CHISEL 109 4 8 8 8 5 4 L So Soden Sodden Palmetto Stable 462 462Frost 3152 IRISH CHIEF II 84 1 H 3 4n 41 51 Frost D Hoover 50 60 20 20Neal 3100 THEODORE H 104 5 7 7 7 61 6iy26 6 Neal R RJStewart J Stewart 10 8 3 3Penn 2710 MERCURY 107 2 2 IH 21 31 7 Penn C Weatherford Waterford 662 662Dean 3128 BETTIE BETTIES HILL 79 8 62 6 52 8 8 Dean Dean29S8CONTI L T Caton Cato Co 12 15 6 629S8CONTI 6Roidv 29S8CONTI 86 9 99 9 9 9 Roidv Aroid I Wolf 12 15 6 6Time Time 25 51 1 17 144 144Winner Winner Br g 3by Dochart Dogcart Rosalie RosalieStart Rosalie Start good by machine Won ridden out second driving The judges didnt didn't like Chiswells Chisels race and they had good reason for their dislike Siddubia Indubitable finished very strong From where ha got away Conti Contain had no chance chanceScratched chances Scratched Favorine Favoring 100 J A Gray 92 Carver 93 O O 1 r SECOND RA RACE 58 Mile 2yearolds Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt Y 5K StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 3157 CHENILLE 101 11 12 12 12 L Soden Sodden T W Coulter CoulterbYt Coulter 85 910 out outH South 29S9 IVORY 100 bYt byte 4H 21 21 E Jones H E Roweil Rowel 3 5 85 85A 3158 RUSSELL A 101 6 6 63 32 Warren A AHDHMc HD HMorris Morris 2 3 45 3124 SAN BENITA BENITO 94 41 ZYt Yet 3K 41 Wilhite Iolite B V Martin MartinzYi Martinez 20 30 10 10T 3057 MAGGIE F 91 zYi Uzi 2K 4K 52 F Dolan T J McHale Chalet McHale3H 40 50 20 2709TAGO 108 3H 5K2 5K 6 Garner E A Myers Mayer Co 662 2837 AUGUSTINA AUGUSTINE 101 7777 777 Martin J H Davis Co 40 60 20 3154 VENUS BISHOP 101 8 8 8 H Thomas E D Brown 60 80 30 2990 POLISH 91 Left at the 3 post Combs FosterKavangh Foster 60 80 30 30Time Time 13 37 103 103Winner Winner Ch f by Bramble Miss Olive OliveStart Olives Start good by machine Won easily second driving Chenille got away from her company 01 rly rely and the field could never get to or near her herSdratched headache Sdratched Scratched Etack Tack 91 Brother Fred 91 Al Lone 91 Jim Boland Borland 96 O f rj THIRD RACE34 Mile All ages Selling SellingTnJ Ellington TnJ NJ Horses Wt St K StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI iGATH Garth 114 3 11 I 11 lii2 Garner G C Bennett 95 85 12 12U U 0ACE 103 4 3 3 31 23 Slaughter Jas Jabs Murphy 2 4 165 1 1xiNICHOLAS xiNICHOLAS cinchonas 98 2 25 2 2 320 Combs Shamrock Stable 2 1710 12 llPALOMACITA 100 1 4444 EJones Jones BurnsWaterhose 6 10 24 24Time Time 24 49 1 15 15Winner Winner B g 4 by Donald A Mollie Merrill MerrillStart Merrill Start good by machine Wo easily second in a mild drive Gath Garth just galloped all the way Nicholas was never able to get near him Ace finished strong strongScratched Scratched Queen Safie Safe 75 Fred Foster 99 Aquinas 85 Earl Bug 99 George F Smith 106 King Michael 103 Q O 1 Q FOU FU FOURTH RACE 78 Mile All ages Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St M V4 StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op 3069LINDA 107 1 2l 4i 32 23 H Garner Charter Oak Stbl Stable 85 3125 H McCOUCH McCoy 102 2 1 IVi IV IH 23 E Jones John Huffman 4 3156 LADY BRITANNIC 85 4 5 21 22 31 H3 Dean G W Scott 100 20 8 369 LOGAN 102 5 31 3 K 43 4 4 Slaughter Alex Shields 75 85 12 2902 HONOR 100 6 46 51 51 5 5H Warren AHDHMorris Admirers 6 8 22 1363 DR HUGER 102 3 6 6 6 6 6 E Cochran Palmetto Stable 15 15Time 20 6 Time 13 37 102 129 129Winner Winner Ch m 6 by Linden Adele AdeleStart Adele Start good by machine Won easily second handily Lady Britannic ran a Logans Slogans was an awful one Honor had little or no speed speedScratched speeds Scratched Gladys II 75 FI FIFTH RACE 1 Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling 3219 Ind Indo Horses Wt St y 1A StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 3098rrOPMAST 98 2 2 K 2 i 2 23 ivi ii Garner G W Curtis 1 1310 12 12W 3099 FORSEEN FOREMEN W P Magrane Marianne 8 12 5 5G 3097 SAMMIE YOUNG 93 5 3 4 4 3 3 EJones Jones G L Boll 4 4 75 75Buckland 3152BRAHMA 106 3 51 5V2 51 52 41 Rowe Buckland Auckland Stable 12 15 5 5T 3128 FASIG FASTING 88 4 1A 33 3iK242 52 Wiihite Wichita T Kiley Kelley 8 7 2l2 2i2 2l2P 3157 PETRARCH TETRARCH 101 6 6 6 6 6 6 L Soden Sodden P Corrigan 3 3l2 1 1Time Time 25 502 117 1431 1431Winner Winner Ch g 3 by Topgallant Essy Essay EssyStart Essayist Start good by machine Won easily second all out Topmast was runup roundup 305 over his en ¬ tered termed price 400 and bought in Ho was under the whip at one time but came strong in the stretch stretchScratched stretches Scratched Gustavo Gust Cook 91 Squire G 98 Jack Martin 88 SIXTH RACE 58 Mile 2yearolds Selling 322O Ind Indo Horses Wt St StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 22 lo Warren J L Lucas li 2 Penn GWScott 683 3096 SUGAR FOOT 107 4 IH I K 33 314 Slaughter B Schreiber 85 2 45 3016 MARIE C 101 5 5 5 52 43 L Soden Sodden H McCoulsky McCauley 683 3096 DN CLARENCIO CLARENCE 106 6 66 4H 51 E Jones Brns Barns Wtorhse Worse 2 85 12 2451 AGENT 104 2 41 4i24V2 6 Corner JTStewartSon 10 12 5 3016 WILD WEST 103 7 7777 Morgan J Huffman 30 40 15 15Time Time I24 36k 102 Winner B f by Buckmaster Bushmaster Nettie Nettle Hamilton HamiltonStart Hamilton Start good by machine Won in a gallop second driven hy band Don Clarencio Clarence was never ablu abu to get up Hamilton galloped over her company in the stretch stretchScratched stretches Scratched Groganette Groaner 101 Oella Ella 101 Pop Dixon 94 Oman Wood lOi loci Harrie Harriet Fi j 1 1 Scorcher Ill