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BROOKLYN ENTtUES Entities ENTtUESProbabilities Probabilities Weather clear track fasi Farsi fasiFirst falsifiers First Race 5 12 Furlongs FurlongsAll Furlongs HandicapInd Handicapping All Ages High Weight Handicap Ind Indo Horses Vgt Vt Ind Indo Horses Wet Wet3268Harrincrton5135 3268Harrincrton5135 3551 Brandywine4128 2277 Halton5 124 2955 Lithos Litho 2 115 3i33 1153i33 Medica3 115 3594 TheMnxmn2115 TheMnxmn21153547Hasseopia 3547Hasseopia 2 114 3519 Mistral 5 Ill 3547 Dolando Orlando 2 106 3552 Tragedian 2 104 2043 Estaca Staccato 2 104 104decoiicl decoiicl echoic Race 1 Mile Mile3yearold AllowancesInd Allowances 3yearold Maidens Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt Master WgtMaster Wattmeter James 1 10 3519 Izmir Rimier 107 3M9 1073M9 Rockledge Rocked 107 2957 Scoggan Slogan 107 29fr3 10729fr3 Fornseed Formed 107 29i7 Nick Johnson 107 3233 Golf 107 3519 Dr Grimes 107 3268 Beaumont 107 3107 Brilliancy 107 Prosper 107Prosper Jr 110 3438 Beilooort 110 110Third Third Race 58 Mile Mile2vearolds 2vearolds Allowances Algeria Stakes StakesInd Stakes Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt Ind Indo Horses Wirt Wit 3552 Ludwigshafenl Ludwig 18 3549The Friar 118 3439 Princess Fiavia107 3518 Salmak Alma 110 3468 Leouore Leonora 115 Fourth Eace Peace 34 Mile MileThe Millet The Greenfield Stakes Stakes3yearolds 3yearolds Selling SellingInd Selling Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt Wgt3438RoundsmanllO 3438RoundsmanllO 3517 Hazlet Haslet 110 3551Tom 1103551Tom Cromwolll07 2575 Juno 97 3596 Zanone Anyone 97 3105 Tremargo Tremor 100 2035 KOndo Hondo 100 100Fifth Fifth Race 1 116 Miles 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wgrt Girt ud Horses Wgt Wt 3517 Sue Kittio Kitties 4 107 3517 Long Beacha Beach 107 3521 Sir Francis 4 107 3106Buckwa 5 107 3405Captive 1073405Captive 3 105 2798Septour 3 105 3548 Ingomar Kingdom 6 98 3438 Muskalonge Muskellunge 3 95 Sixth Race 5 12 Furlones Furlongs Furlones2yearolds 2yearolds Handicap HandicapCnd Handicap Cnd Nd Horses Wgt Wt Ind Indo Horses Horses3552Ludwigshafen 3552Ludwigshafen 118 3466 Nana H 3552 Regulator3l75Abseutee Sutsun Sputum 110 3085 Regulator 3l75Abseutee 108 3232 Set Fast 1736 Salvado Salvador 105 3302 Collateral 3516 Florian Florin 92