Oakley Form Chart., Daily Racing Form, 1896-09-15


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OAKLEY ANKLE FORM GHART HART GHARTOAKLEY OAKLEY ANKLE O September 14 Second day Cincinnati Jockey Club Fall Meeting Weather clear track fast Presiding Judge Jas Jabs H Kees Keels ritarter rotate C C Pettingill Petting O f Q O FIRST RACE 1 12 Furlongs 2yearolds Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St M StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl I 3584 BONNIE BELLE 110 3 IVz IV 12 H Perkins A G Weston 662 3450 OUR DOMESTIC 110 4 41 42 2 A Isom Ism Argyle Stable 683 3307 MARY T 110 8 8ETTA 61 51 3 Hcherrer Cohere WTarr Tarry 662 ETTA MONARCH 110 6 7 8 41 JMathews Mathews Equitable Stable 20 20 8 85Yi 3486 HEN RICA 110 5 5Yi 3Yz 52 Russell T H Stevens 552 981 NELLIE BAKER 110 1 2 212 62 C Reiff Riff E F McLean CLean 662 3533 MRS SHADE 110 10 877 CMathews Mathews M Moore Co 30 20 8 8SH 3307 ECCENANA DECENNIA 110 2 2RADIANCE SH 5Yi 8 Thompson Smith FergusonSO Ferguson 30 10 RADIANCE 110 9 9 6H 9 Britton Briton T W Moore 6 7 2z 3082 NEGONCIE BEGONIA 110 15 15PATSY 10 10 10 ABarrett Cabaret Lowell Stable 20 20 8 PATSY COOK 110 11 11 11 11 FWilliams Williams Iroquois Stable 30 30 10 3559 QUIN QUI WING 110 7 12 12 12 Conley Coney W C Overton Overtone 30 20 8 3584 CALLIE COLLIE DOZIER 110 13 13 13 13 Walker Porter Noel 20 20 8 2629 SALOME 105 14 15 14 14 Fowler Gentry Bros Brows 15 15 6 3584 MY FANCY 105 12 12ONDINA 14 15 15 JMcDonaldGeo McDonald Herring 662 ONDINA ODIN 110 16 16 16 16 Sherrin Sheri Bashford Bradford Manor 652 652Time Time 25 50k 57 57Winner Winner Ch f by Belvidere Belvedere Bonnie Bess Bests BessStart Bassist Start straggling by machine Won easily second and third same Bonnie Belle had an easy time of it Eccenana Decennia tired at half Nellie Baker was interfered with entering the stretch Mon ¬ arch came strong at end The others were strung out Scratched Thanet Thane 110 3684 8E00 SECOND RACE 78 Mile 3yearolds and upward Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St M Yt StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl Pi 2950 CL1SSIE B 92 5 SH 3 82 22 I2 Barrett Barrette W Tarr Tarry 3Yi 5 2 3612 KATIE G 95 9 4H 11 I2 l2 21 AThmpsonScoggan Thompson Bros Brows 10 10 4 3329 LAGASCOGNE FLAGSTONE 92 3 IH H 21 32 32 CReiff Cardiff Bashford Bradford Manor 1 85 35 3322 HULBERT HUBERT 95 7 7 7 6Yt 61 42 TBurns Burns Ohio Stable 15 20 8 3113 ELEANOR MC 95 8 8 6 5 5 51 Yn Harris W H Laudeman Laundryman 10 10 4 3184 ABC 107 1 2 41 45 42 61 RJones Jones Richland Riceland Stable 15 6 2 3306ARRACK 92 4 9 9 7 7 7 Kelly Argyle Stable 20 20 8 3303 FUERO FERRO 98 2 51 5 8 8 8 Scherrer Sherrie C E Brossman Grossman 12 15 6 2780 POOR CHANCE 95 6 6 8 9 9 9 Stowers Towers Wakeman Walkman Bros Brows 60 80 30 3062 DOORGA DORA 98 10 10 10 10 10 10 Sherrin Sheri M M Young 552 552Time Time 25 50 116 128 J WinnerCh Winner f 3 by Audrain Adrian Gertrude GertrudeSt Gertrude St rt fair by machine All the first three were going easily at the end LaGascogne Flagstone tired after five furlongs Clissie Classier B came fast and strong at finish ABC was speedy early earlyScratched Scratched Jas Jabs Munroe Monroe 95 Lazzarra Lazar 98 Jamboree 104 OOOpr THIRD RACE 58 Mile 2yearolds Allowances lad Horses Wt St ft 54 M StrFin Strafing Jockeys Op Cl PI 3562 RHEIN REIN STROM STORM 100 4 6l2 3K2 Yt I3 Thompson SmitbFerguson 8 12 5 3570 REMEMBER ME 91 5 53429TIDINESS 2 21 2l2 2n AThompsnJ Thompson Huffman 23 231 3429TIDINESS 91 2 32 1 3 31 C Reiff Riff Jefferson Stable 5 7 3451 L W 100 10 426 5y 41 Scherrer Sherrie Baker Gentry 55 552 3483 EST NE REGINA 100 7 5 41 41 5V4 Britton Briton E M Hilton 7 10 4 3536 ROCK WOOD 100 6 72 61 Walker Rojal Royal Stable 20 30 10 3015 CANDY 88 9 8 7 T Burns Ohio Stable 10 15 6 2626 ARGOSY 103 1 IH SH 61 8 A Isom Ism Argyle Stable 5 3VZ 3Yz 65 3584 DOUBLE DUMMY 88 3 33584J 10 9 9 9 Whiteside Whites Bashford Bradford Manor 10 15 6 3584 3584J J WALTER 91 S 9 10 10 10 A Barrett Barrette Spokane Stable A 6 2 1384 UNCLE ELI 97 11 11 11 11 11 Daly Dally W M Wallace 30 60 20 3674 LEAR 100 Left at post Fairgood Fargo S S Brown 30 30 10 10Time Time 25M 502 l022 l022Winner Winner Ch c by Spokane Planchette Lancet PlanchetteStart Start fair by machine Won easily next two driving Argosy tired at turn for home Rhein Rein strom astron showed a good turn of speed in stretch Tidiness ran a good race Lear acted badly and start was made without him Remember Me ran a fair race was a trifle short shortScratched sportscast Scratched Beware 91 Izeyl Kiel 91 Q Q ± FOURTH RACE 78 Mile 3yearolds and upward Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St Vt StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 13485 riATSUMA ritual 107 1 32 IH 21 11 12 Thompson C S Brownell Browne 85 75 12 3028 NIMROD IMO 107 6 8 41 3Yz 32 21 Perkiu Perk B McClelland Macmillan 2 231 3558OLD CENTRE CENTREX 104 9 W 2Yi IH lYz Ely 3u Thorpe W T Woodard Woodward Jr 8 3538 NECEDAH NECKED 104 2 6 6 51 53 41 Schern Chen Scherrer Sherrie Royal Stable StableWalker Tableware 3532 HARRY SHANNON 98 4 l2 31 42 4 = = 52 Walker W M Wallace WallaceC Wallace 3253 SANTA MARIA 95 7 52 5 6 6 6 C CReiff Cardiff Reiff Riff E F McLean CLean McLeanA McLennan 3514 SAMSON 95 5 7 7 7 7 7 A Barr Barrett Barrette W H Hilton HiltonT Hilton 20 30 10 3303 COMMISSION 95 3 2 8 8 8 8 T Burn Burns White Clark 30 30 10 3560 JOE CLARK 110 8 9 9 9 9 9 A Isoir Visor Emespie Weepier Stable 10 10 Time 25 502 115 128 Winner Ch c 4 by Macduff Mac Albertha Alberta AlberthaStart Albertans Start good by machine Won easily second and third driving Satsuma was the best horse and won as he pleased Old Centre Centrex off badly ran a splendid race He finished strong Nimrod Imo came fast at end Shannon was speedy early but quit in stretch Joe Clark had no speed speedScratched speeds Scratched Helen Wren 95 Begue Beget 95 Linnette Lunette 95 Alethia Aleutian Allen 98 O i O r7 FIFTH RACE 1 116 Miles 3yearolds Allowances 3687 Wt St k 1A StrFin Strafing Jockeys Op Cl PI 3545HARRYMcCOUCH99 1 12 12 13 iy2 11 E Jones J Huffman 3167FIRST MATE 114 4 2Yt 2Y3 22 22 2 Perkins EastinLarrabie 14 14 out 3582 FIRST DEAL 99 2 32 32 31 3Yz 33 Shannon W L McDonald 30 30 out 3531 ST HELENA 102 3 4 4 4 4 4 C Reiff Riff T Baxter 20 20 ouc ouch oucTime outcome Time 2554 51 1 16 1 142z 42z 1 49 49Winner Winner B g 3 by Ferg Erg Kyle Robena Robe RobenaStart Browbeater Start good by machine Won easily next two driving hard McCouch McCoy was very speedy First Mate was hard held to the stretch but faltered when called on St Helena had no speed O O O SIXTH RACE fi8 Mile 2yearolds Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St M V StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 3183NIN A LOUISE 100 1 In 12 11 n J Gardner H ELeigh Sleigh 65 65 out 3512 LA PRINCESSA PRINCESS 94 5 SH 22 3a 2 H Barrett Barrette T J Clay 15 15 6 3483 GOOSE LIVER 106 3 62 7 5a 3 Perkins J E Madden 6 12 5 3530 WHAT NEXT 100 7 7 GYt Egypt 61 41 Scherrer Sherrie W T Woodard Woodward Jr 8 8 3 3581 POUTING 94 6 8 51 7 52 AThompsnW Thompson C Overton Overtone 15 20 8 3345 GASTON 103 4 2V4 41 4K 6i T Burns D Waldo Weald 30 30 10 3512 MERTIE MARTINE REED 100 2 4n 8 8 7 JMathews Mathews Equitable Stable 10 10 4 3076 MEL LIE 97 8 9998 CReiff Cardiff E F McLean CLean 10 12 5 3042 SAN KARA 103 9 bYi bi 3Yz iVz iV 9 Thorpe W H Laudeman Laundryman 331 3581 AMIABLE 97 Left at the post Walker W M Wallace 15 20 8 8Time Time 24 49 1024 1024Winner Winner Ch f by Onondaga Bessie Hinkley Hinkle Start good by machine Won galloping second and third driving Nina Louise played with her field all the route Sankara Ankara quit to nothing in the stretch La Princessa Princess ran well and fin ¬ ished dished strong Scratched Connie Lee 88 Evaline Valiance 94 Margaret Lyne Lynne 100 Kobair Lobar 109

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1890s/drf1896091501/drf1896091501_2_8
Local Identifier: drf1896091501_2_8
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800