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ST LOUIS FORM CHART CHARTST CHARTS ST LOUIS MO September 19 One Hundred and Fifteenth day Fair Grounds Association Meeting Weather clear track heavy Judges J A Murphy and Jos Jose J Burke Starter C C Chinn Chin 3806 FIRST RACE G 13 Furlongs 3yearolds and upward Selling Wt St M V StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 3667 TOM DONOHUE 107 5 2 25 22 13 Mayborry Bayberry A F Dayton 3Vi 3V2 65 3396 BUSTUP DUSTUP 104 3 38 330 38 28 Slaughter Brazos Brazes River Stbl Stable 4 4i2 95 K 3724 PAY AN 98 10 liijlN 7nr 31 Hicks C A Dukes DukesIrven Dukes 15 12 5 3187 CORRESPOND 98 4 8 TA IH 45 Irven Irvin L Billon Billion BillonWilhite Blowflies 15 12 5 2935 LITTLE KNIGHT 98 6 52 51 65 51 Wilhite Iolite J W Greshaw Gresham GreshawMilburn Gresham 4 2V4 1 3131 BIG FELLOW 98 2 6 62 5 K 6 Milburn Melbourne HughesDean Hughes J Hughes 30 30 10 3777 JOHN B EWING 98 1 42 42 4n 7 Dean L T Caton Cato CatonHernager 452 3500 ADVANCE 104 8 72 8 8 S Homage Hernager Herbage H L Haskell Hake HaskellHinkey 15 12 5 2719 KEERO KERI 104 7 9999 Hinkey Hinkle Oregon Stable 20 30 10 3698 HENRY HARRIS 98 9 10 10 10 10 T Leigh E Larkin 8 10 4 3723 HAYDEN 10411 11 11 11 H Williams MSargent Magenta 20 2U 8 Time 74 32 58s 127 127Winner Winner Ch h 8 by Luke Blackburn Anne Augusta AugustaStart Augusta Start fair by machine Won in a gallop second easily Bustup Dustup was shut off on stable turn Scratched turnScratched turncoat Fawn Knight 104 Free Silver 98 38O7 SECOND RACE 78 Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St M Vi StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 3728 JACK MARTIN 93 4 4Kz 3 22 22 IB Slaughter WH McLemore Clamored 3 185 65 3774 HUSH 99 2 2n 2 I K 11 2io Wilhite Iolite A W Kerwan Koran S5 75 12 3697 SAMMIE YOUNG 97 6 5 6 41 48 31 V Dolan 3749 OUR MAGGIE 99 3 3j 42 6 55 41 Garner D A Honig Hong 12 15 fi 3573 FAVORINE FAVORING y9 1 6 52 3 31 52 Reidy Reid H L Haskell Hake 552 3696 TRADESMAN 114 7 7 7 7 7 6 Porter J H Laughman Vaughan 60 SO 30 3489 DEW DROP 93 5 1 In 52 6 7 EJones Jones M P Mattingly Matting 85 2 45 Time 45Time 13 39 1 06 1 331i 331iWinner Winner Br g 3 by George Kinney Princess PrincessStart Princesses Start good by machine Won driving second the same Jack Martin crowded Hush at the end Sammie Young finished strong Dew Drop had some speed but not much Our Maggie ran a fair race 38O8 T THIRD RACE 1 Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling s Wt St Vi StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 3748 H H GARDNER 94 1 ll2 12 13 13 14 Garner D A Honig Hong 1 910 out 2447 COCHINA COCHIN 85 4 22 22 28 28 230 Slaughter H L Haskell Hake 3 44 75 3805 BRACKING RACKING BRUSH 92 5 6 5u 5 52 32 Wilhite Iolite Eureka Stable 4 185 1 3749 EAU CLAIRE 99 7 7 4 3K 32 43 McHugh Chug E G Wachter Watcher 8 10 4 3728 TIM IRVEN IRVIN 94 6 51 6 6 6 52 Dean L T Caton Cato Co 10 12 5 3095 JOHN RUDDEN RIDDEN 92 3 32 3 4 45 6 OBrien O'Brien Alex Shields 3568 OAK FOREST 95 2 Wi 7 7 7 7 Lewis G W Gardner 30 20 8 Time 26M52 120 148 148Winner Winner B f 3 by Fordham Ford Virgie Virile Wright WrightStart Wrights Start poor by machine Won in a gallop second easily It was a tough band Gardner out ¬ classed the lot Cochina Cochin ran a good race and as much outclassed the rest restScratched reassurance Scratched John Hickey 102 Mermaid 94 Lady Rose 104 OOO FOURTH RACE I Mile and 7 O Yards 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St M y 5 StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 89 1 11 11 H2 1 H Wilhite Iolite J E Rod gap 2 3 out 3699MADELINE 99 2 2tf 21 22 26 215 E Jones M P Mattingly Matting 6 95 out out3776KAMSIN 3776KAMSIN 104 3 3 3 3 3 3 McHugh Chug L Ezell Bezel 75 1310 out Time outTime outline VA 302 57 1 23 1 50 50Winner Winner B c 3 by Deceiver Billetta Billet BillettaStart Billet Start good by machine Won cleverly second easily Kamsin Amassing was never in the hunt Mad ¬ eline feline tired at the end Garland Bar simply galloped all the way wayScratched Scratched Bing Being Binger Bringer 92 Fred Barr 98 38 Q Q 1O 1 i FIFTH RACK 34 Mile All ages Handicap Ind Indo Horses Wt St M Vi StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 3776 HARRY DUKE 114 2 U 12 13 13 T Murphy J H Payne 3 115 65 374 ROBERT LATTA PLATA 100 1 3 t 4 4 2i Slaughter M Mack 4 4 1 3776 MAY THOMPSON 115 4 4 3s 3il23 Webster Lakeland Stable 3 3 45 3543 BUCKVIDERE DUCKIER 104 3 21 2 2 4 EJones Jones Charter Oak Stbl Stable 75 2 35 35Time Time 25 51 l17i2 l17i2Winner Winner B g 4 by Duke of Montrose Memorial MemorialStart Memorials Start fair by machine Won easily next two handily May Thompson didnt didn't like the going and floundered in it Buckvidero Duckier stopped badly badlyScratched backscratcher Scratched Johnny McHale Chalet 121 Algol 110 Hester 106 SIXTH RACE 5 12 Furlongs 2yearolds Handicap 3811 Ind Indo Horses Wt St k Vi StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 3602 ALGOL 115 1 32 3 32 1 E Jones Weatherford Waterford 85 85 35 3700 FERVOR 104 4 630 4 44 2 McHugh Chug Springfield Stable 6 10 4 3700 ALVIN W 90 6 21 1 H 315 L Smith AWWallace 33 3V4 75 3599 BISHOP REED 102 2 51 62061548 T Murphy J E Rodegap Bodega 4 4 85 3746 OELLA ELLA 80 3 11A 22 2 5 Dean L T Caton Cato Co 10 12 5 3670 QUEEN SAFIE SAFE 98 7 7776 Slaughter J D Lucas 6 7 2V4 2V43744MISS 3744MISS VERNE 94 5 43 51 53 7 Garner Short Bros Brows 10 10 4 4Time Time 18 44 110 110Winner EqualityStart Equality Winner Ch c by Top Gallant Equality Start good by machine Won cleverly second all out Alvin W quit to nothing and Oella Ella earlier and to less lessScratched Scratched Buckvidere Duckier 110