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IDEAL PARK FORM GHART HART GHARTIDEAL GABRIEL IDEAL PARK WIS IS September 25 Twentyfourth Wentworth Day Ideal Park Racing Association Fall 1 Meeting VVeather Overate clear track heavy Presiding Judge Col Cool M Lewis Clark Starter Richard Dwyer O Q f A FIRST RACE 34 Mile Purse 300 3yearolds and upward Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St i StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 384X ETHELINDA ETHEL 103 4 4 2 lil lilt Caywood Cawed Oakley Ankle Stable 2 3 1 3848 LITTLE DORR ADORER ITT 109 11 U Hi 35 2u Clay J Bronock Brook 6 10 3 3791 BUCK KNIGHT 109 21 3 31 2 32 Morgan M Wynn 2 65 out 3762 BOB MILLICAN MILLIAMP 109 3 2 410 415 420 Bonner Boner T A Gay Co 872 2386 MARTHA R 103 5 5 i 53 5 5 Magnusson Manson Ruddy Bros Brows 15 20 8 3793 LON JONES 103 6 6 6 6 6 L Soden Sodden Foster Bros Brows 3 4 75 75Time Time 26 53 1 06 1 19 1 28 28Winner Winner Ch f 3 by Favor Helova Hello HelovaPost Elevators Post 1 minute Start fair Won in a gallop second and third driving hard Little Dorritt Diorite ran a good race but swerved when the pinch came Bob Millican Milliamp could only last a half Lon Jones was in his own way He performs inconsistently Buck Knight stopped under the weight He was thingScratched things played for a good thing Scratched Indra Indrawn 112 OQ T p SECOND RACE 58 Mile Purse 300 2yearolds Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St M StrFiu Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 99 IH 2 1 13 16 Dorsey Dose Terra Gotta Ota Stable 6485 3873 LONELY 99 32 31 23 22 2 Magnusson Manson S Reagan 462 3817 EASTER EVE 99 21 1 32 3 31 54 Clay J Brenock Redneck 2 95 45 3847 OMAH OMAHA WOOD 94 4 48 410 46 45 N Turner F T Wood 4 5 85 3817 HER EXCELLNCYIOI EXCELLENCY 8 5i56 62 53 Caywood Cawed Oakley Ankle Stable 672 3890CHANTRESS 99 7 8 78 5 610 J Weber Fargo Stable 10 20 8 83S17THERESA 3S17THERESA H 105 6 62 63 720 710 Gouin Gouging Eagle Stable 46 3483 BELLE OF NILES 103 5 7888 Upton Upon M Wynn 10 12 12Time Time 13 26 39J4 52 107 107Winner Winner Ch f by Terra Cotta Marie Foster FosterPost Foster Post 12 minutes Start staggling straggling Won easily second and third hard at it Easter Eve was much used at post acd aced did not run her race Omah Omaha Wood could not untrack untracked herself in the going Loulou Lolo R was the best and simply galloped all the way Theresa H had no chance after start and boy never urged her Her Excellency ran well from where she got off Lonely is an honest filly fillyScratched flycatcher Scratched Barnato Barbate 102 Siegfried Sigrid 97 Provident 101 3956 TH THIRD RACE 1 Mile Purse 30 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St StrFiu Strafing Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 3876 HOT STUFF 99 61 1 1 1 I1 i HTurner Turner SanJacinto Anacin Stbl Stable 6 10 4 3843 PLUTUS PUTS 107 2 615 2 26 23 26 Morgan W M Hodges 6 7 2 3813 MINERVA 99 5 51 43 31 311433 NTurner Turner Stringer Stewart 2 3 1 3764 LONDON SMOKE 107 1 4 5 4n 43 4 Fox C Dorsey Dose 20 30 10 3816 ANNALYLE ANNUALLY 94 4 3 8 fc20 51 51 Clay Oakley Ankle Stable 2 2 1 3894 MISS CLARK 109 8 8 61 1 8 78 63 Gouin Gouging Orwell Stable 12 15 6 3894 AUREOLA AREOLA 99 3 2 3 52 6 76 J Weber Fargo St ble able 3 2 1 333 KING BORS ORS 112 7 720 712 72 8 8 Ham B F Falk 15 20 8 8Time Time 27 53 1 09 1 22 1 52 52Winner Winner QueenPost Queenliest Ch f 3 by Casino King Queen Post 12 minutes Start fair Won with something loft next four driving hard Plutus Puts was shut off on first turn with clear sailing ho might have won Minerva was wretchedly ridden boy was wabbling warbling all over on the back stretch Aureola Areola cannot run a bit in the mud Annalyle Anally will hardly do Miss Clark was virtually left at the post postScratched PostScript Scratched Bimbo 107 3957 FOURTH F RACE 58 Mile Purse 310 3yearolds and upward Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St V4 StrFin Strafing Jockeys Op Cl PI 3497 THE DEUCE 109 2 INK 11 i ISK IS Morgan T D Carter 12 25 out 3874 AJAX 105 4 56 48 2 25 Caywood Cawed Harlem Stable 4 5 710 3875 SANTA CRUZ 102 3 21 22 32 38 Sullivan B F Falk 20 30 6 2270 GLENOID GENOCIDE 102 5 42 525 515 41 A Magnusson Manson E M Bergen 40 100 12 1933 HI HENRY I07m 3i3 = 45 550 Ham New City Stable 481 3497 MABEL ABEL T 102 6 6 6 6 6 W Taylor F T Wood 20 30 6 6Time Time 26 52 106 106Winner Winner B g 4 by Rotherhill Arterially Money Musk MuskPost Muskiest Post 3 minutes Start good Won kicked out second and third driving to the limit It was the hardest rac race The Deuce has had here Morgan trok took him wide in the stretch Ajax was bumped into shortly after start Santa Cruz ran a fair race but tired badly Hi Henry had an easy raco race Glenoid Genocide will do better next time timeScratched timescale Scratched Belchax Belch 99 Rosalind III 96 Dominico Dominic 105 Sister Florence 102 Ida M 109 Dorah Dora Wood 109 3958 FIFTH RACE 34 Mile Purse 300 All ages Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St M Str Star Strbin String bin Jockc Jock Jockeys Owners Op Cl PI 3845 FORUM 113 5 3K 1 iyt it 13 is INK W V Fo Forbes Harlem Stable 652 3767 CAUFIELD COALFIELD 110 2n 2i 21 22 25 Morga Morgan Foster Bros Brows 231 3742 ADMETUS AMENTS 100 6 6 33 5sK 5iK 3 Caywo Caw Caywood Cawed G W Poole 4 115 45 3892BOMBARDON 90 I 1 K 6 32 42 Clay T W Coulter 2 2 45 3889 LITTLE THORN 113 SNK SANK 5 51 6 54 Upton Upon M Wynn 30 40 15 3848CHALANGE 116 41 42 42 4 6 Irving S Skinner 12 15 6 Time 26 53 1 08 1 22 22Winner Winner Blk Balk c 3 by Fordham Ford Virginia A APost Post Post 1 minute Start good Won in a long hard drive of two third under pressure and com ¬ ing King strong Forum and Caufield Coalfield were both staggering at finish Caufield Coalfield should have won Bombardon had lots of speed but could not last in the going Admetus Adepts was slow to get agoing going